Are we getting engaged? Girlfriend tag (Stevie and Josie)

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hi guys i'm stevie today we're gonna do the girlfriend tag i'm so excited anyway this is josie and she's my girlfriend today's video is sponsored by one of our favorite sex toy brands womanizer are you flushing what if i proposed in this video oh my god i would literally kill you one time i was bitching about all the things i hated about england and you told me to go back to america hi there i'm interrupting your regular broadcasting what do people say on tv it's been so long since i've watched it this is interrupting that lovey-dovey-ness to tell you about the sponsor of today's video womanizer i'd like to take a minute to point out that i'm posting this video on world earth day why is it called world earth day instead of earth day did they change the name did i miss the memo psa and i wanted to do that because earth is so important and we should treat her well we need to let her know how important she is to us and make her feel good it's almost like the earth is our vagina and humanity is womanizer's premium eco and literally on the box it says loving our planet can be orgasmic that sounded natural right it felt natural almost as natural as the premium eco the first environmentally friendly biodegradable and recyclable sex toy it's made from eco-friendly bio-lean apparently it's biodegradable which is great because unlike some lesbians i am totally okay with things that are bi biolene is a material for womanizer based on biomaterials a bio-based and biodegradable alternative to plastic bye bye bye am i right also womanizer was the first brand to use gentle airwaves to stimulate the [ __ ] with their pleasure air technology so plastic waste is a problem and people are looking for ways to cut down i'm really excited about this because i've never heard of a biodegradable sex toy before like obviously like vintage dildos are made of wood and [ __ ] but like other than that a biodegradable modern sex toy wow i'm sorry i'm obsessed with this packaging how good say hello to the new sustainable you surround your clitoris with the stimulation head your journey begins enjoy guilt-free orgasms wow not guaranteed if you're catholic you're in for a ride oh my god and there's no plastic in the packaging of course you can't put plastic in the packaging but imagine imagine when i opened the box it was just full of plastic the light bulb was just switched on do you ever see a breeze blow through curtains and think wow i wish that was my vagina if so that's very specific but good for you finally the curtains can match the drapes with womanizers revolutionary pleasure air technology that uses gentle airwaves to stimulate the clitoris contactlessly good luck having a wet ass [ __ ] if all of earth's natural waterways dry up luckily a womanizer raised money through indiegogo and donated all the proceeds to one tree planted the premium eco can be fully taken apart into smaller pieces for easy disposal which i've been told is a great trait in sex toys but not in people i mean i guess unless you're murdering them my favorite part is that the batteries are exchangeable and replaceable exactly like your toddler's goldfish no this is totally the same one sweetheart go with your pudding and stop asking questions unlike goldfish though these batteries can be charged up to 300 times the premium eco has 12 individually adjustable intensity levels from a leisurely walk to your clitoris just entered warp speed it feels like you had a surround sound system installed into your vulva it's also splash proof so just like me after i eat my pudding too aggressively it can be wiped off with a damp cloth listen are you flirting with me i have a girlfriend anyway speaking of my girlfriend let's get back to the girlfriend tag so take care of the earth with the premium eco by womanizer because if everyone on the planet is dead you're probably gonna feel weird about masturbating okay what's the first question what did you first notice about each other well we did do a video called how we met you can watch all of that i don't really remember i think the thing i noticed about you was that i really need friends in london yes friends and i thought you could be like a really cool friend i am a good friend to you i i noticed um how you walked do i yeah yeah maybe i'm just like i hate walking when can i sit yeah so you're literally just storming through i wonder if you're constantly out of focus if i do this this is a new camera i have had the same t3i maybe eight or nine years that i've been making videos and this is the first time i'm upgrading my camera i really hope you guys can see my mustache yeah let me know what you think about this camera in the comments if i absolutely hate it then maybe i'll go back to the old one talk about return on investment am i right where was your first date we always disagree about this or just can't remember but i think our first date was oh yeah the serial killer cafe serial killer cafe in london and camden that is definitely a late stages of capitalism place for sure because they just serve you cereal and milk we didn't even get any cereal bobby with that right though yeah we were you were too nervous probably right yeah you were also meeting your sister's first girlfriend yeah there's a little hot meal at once yeah and it was halloween so they were like dead bodies hanging from the ceiling and you were wearing wait we got to save that for another video that's how we met part two because yes yes adorable and you still have them don't you i do who said i love you first i did yes you did oh my god wait maybe we can put the video in this video on valentine's day we were on a train to blackpool for the first time before we knew anything about well before a covet hit and um i wrote it in a card and i filmed her reaction and she started crying on a train which i later learned is literally the most embarrassing thing in the world to a british person crying on a train we both did a crossout i know i love that i love you do you love me i love you are you gonna cry also i wanted to say it because we exchanged we both wrote our valentine's cards whilst we both sat there then we exchanged them and read them at the same time yeah and i wanted to put in there that i loved you but i was too anxious or nervous or embarrassed or whatever so i didn't do it and then you did it and i was like i should have done it that's cute i wanted to save it for a time because josie's extremely sentimental she has like these boxes that she keeps like trash in that reminds her of certain things it's really adorable come on it's like crumpled up pieces of paper and gum wrappers and a lot of it yeah i kept like notes that like i'm not talking it's a tour of me in school and i'd keep rubbers i mean erasers um i never get to eat imagine if she has a giant box of condoms sweet memories used um i'm not trying to say it in a negative way i won't say trash again yeah thank you she keeps just like bits of things in a bunch of boxes from her whole life anyway she's really sentimental about specific objects that remind her of things so i wanted to wait for there to be a time where she could keep a physical thing about the first time i told her i love her and probably every you know every holiday season you know what i thought you were going to say what about it being sentimental the fact it was justin bieber's album release day i thought that's what you're gonna say yeah on the valentine's card we both crossed out without each other knowing uh cross out valentine's day and put justin bieber album release day yeah she's a justin bieber stan what is a typical date night like for you well um most of our relationship has been in covet self-isolation so a lot of the things we've done have been things we can do in our own house right yeah even though we did so many things together before covet somehow from from october to when did we go into lockdown like early march yeah we squeezed it all in there yeah our date nights usually one of us plans something in secret and then says we've got a date night on this day and then the other person doesn't know anything about it until the day that's usually what happens like an online class or making a pub in your living room or cooking something she decorated the living room like it was a pub it was really cute i never went to take it down to be honest i know we should put it back up sometime yeah we'll be able to go to the pub soon oh what are we gonna do when when quarantine is over and when it's safer are we gonna stop doing date night indoors i don't know i feel like we're gonna want to go places yeah for a little bit at least for a little bit choose one word to describe each other do you have your word in your head yeah yeah you go first one two three go enthusiastic oh yeah that's a that's a very classic american trait isn't it i would say for you popular you have so many [ __ ] friends it doesn't feel like it that's going no you haven't been able to see them yeah i don't know i think there's a lot that comes with not like you know the popular girl in school or anything but you know people that can keep up so many friendships so many close friendships and then so many acquaintanceships and the fact that you're just extremely likable huh that's cool like no one doesn't like you there's no personality type that i feel like would be like me and josie don't vibe i don't think i've got any enemies okay fair enough yeah were you friends before you became lovers uh yeah yeah for like a year we developed a friendship which then grew and we became lovers lovership either of you dated a girl before never have you ever been mistaken for sisters i mean you'd be surprised how little you have to look alike to be mistaken for sisters especially if one day we get married and have the same last name you know are you flushing what if what if i proposed in this video oh my god i would literally kill you we always joke about how so so when josie answers the phone or the door her voice goes even higher and more mousy than it already is and so she kind of sounds like a child um and so we always joke about how people must think that we're mother and child yeah like do your voice when you answer the um it's hard i need to like be in like the yeah pretend like you're answering the doorbell okay make the doorbell noise they're gonna be like that's how a doorbell we have a werewolf doorbell we just put it on for halloween and then never changed it because we like to survive isn't it okay hello yeah you can just leave around the back you literally sound nine years old i think i sound quite deep what that sounded quite deep too oh my god i can't wait to show you the tape roll the tape do you get more support or hate from others towards your relationship do people like us together yeah i guess yes i mean i hope so yeah uh definitely a lot of friends and family yeah everyone except two comments on our last video do you do any pda these are all to do going outside aren't they i mean i do i don't know about pda i mean this is technically pda isn't it i suppose yeah and you don't like it you're a little bit camera shy i'm a little bit camera shy yeah i'm people shy yeah yeah love pda but i don't i don't go oh we're in public let's display affection you know yeah do you have any pets yes we have a wiggle gumbo don't wake him up why he's very very cute when he's sweepy hello this is gumbo he's a tiny rag doll we don't know why he's so small the vet thinks that he had an illness as a kitten or something i mean he still has an illness but you know what we're looking after him okay what do you and your girlfriend fight about the most we don't really fight that much we kind of we bicker sometimes but we all bakers yeah like if there's one big fight that we have like we'll we're upset about each other for doing something then we'll have one conversation and then neither of us will ever do it again yes you know that's true yeah but what do we think about the most one time i was bitching about all the things i hated about england and you told me to go back to america and i was furious i mean like i shouldn't have said it so savagely but like at the end of the day that is the solution you know to like hating a country that you're living in it's like well you don't have to live here how about how you get changed in front of the windows when the curtains are open yeah i'm not very modest and josie is very easily embarrassed so she doesn't like it when i take my clothes off with the windows open i'm all about safety and it feels unsafe what's one thing your girlfriend does that you don't like scream oh yeah i just scream a lot scream a lot it's not screaming at you oh no i'm just loud like it's just like i'll be in a different room and i'll just hear like screaming something like if i like something i scream and i'm like oh god there's an emergency and i run into the room and then you just sat there like look at this cute bunny rabbit meanwhile this [ __ ] cuts off the whole [ __ ] tip of her finger and doesn't say anything i had no idea gushing with blood she's just like guy i was going guys hello what's one thing you do that i don't like i like everything come off it come on the way you say herbs well that's just not me and any time i say mirror you go ear yeah mirror i don't know i can only think about things that are just like oh this is a weird quirk about you not like this is a something i really don't like you're not very good at teamwork well like you're really independent you prefer to like start and finish things on your own yeah people love bishop things such a capricorn you do well at becoming a team with me but i sometimes have to remind you that we're on the same team we can do it together and it's fine okay yeah but also like that's not something i dislike about you it means you can get can start to finish done way easier i can't do a goddamn thing for myself i'm like ew where are the friends i can't talk to anybody while i do this i'd rather never do it what is your girlfriend's favorite musical artist so let's get into like quiz time oh well you know mine charlie xcx there's only one band that you've ever said that you like like love but like you never listen to them really yeah they're called like rice or something like that rice or cream keep guessing rice cream um pudding pudding oh they call it my favorite band is pudding you also know i like glass animals we went to a glass animal show yeah yeah yeah you do like both animals that's the last concert we'll be able to go to for years tell me the band no please oh god that's all i can think about rice biscuit it's like one word it's like one syllable yeah milk every guess is better than the last um out of time wrong answer next okay who's the better cook you obviously yourself go on cook you answer you're such a good cook and i couldn't cook without you because you wash all the dishes i'm also a sous chef who's a better singer you no you what you're the better you've never heard me sing no you no you who's the better dancer me what's your girlfriend cycle yeah green blue brown nailed it i watched if i didn't know that oh well who's your girlfriend's number one celebrity crush i mean that's the same as favorite yeah charlie xcx yeah um i don't know who i don't even know my own liz bentley liz liv liz i don't even have like oh you know my favorite question liz i was like who the [ __ ] that yeah you do think she's hot liv bentley oh without a shadow of a doubt i forgot his name his name yeah um oh [ __ ] why is my brother working are you talking about russell brand no the other one jack black yeah i really like jack black he is your main crush i cannot have a male celebrity crush i'm a lesbian you can oh my he's trying 21 you can do what you want i know but is that really my biggest celebrity crush yes jack black yes what the [ __ ] whenever he's on on the screen you're literally beaming i know i think he's so charming and wonderful i think anyway what are your pet names for each other your pet names are stevie with the bee and stevie you're stewie when i i'm really upset do we i'm like stevie and then if i need attention but i'm not upset you're stevie she hears one of those two words the ears prick up and you go what oh i also call you stefan yeah but when i'm in trouble yeah and then sometimes it goes from stefan to stefanie and then from stefani to gwen uh yeah i think i call you joe sometimes anytime i call you joe you go i hate it cause it's what your mom calls well no like some people do call me joe but it sounds normal coming out of their mouth is it because i'm american i think so i don't know what it is but like you gotta get used to it i'm not joking you darling it's not happening i call you honey bunny a lot that's what's happening honey bunny yeah you do do that you call me darling a lot darling daryl i say babe which i hate yeah baby just like what we do and we want each other's attention though it's like babe will you get me a coke but like have you ever seen a couple have a fight in public all they do is call each other babe and that's what it reminds me of babe don't start with me right now we're picking these curtains sorry the scenario in my head was a couple fighting at ikea do you have a couple name like brangelina when was this written 2002. we do have a couple names do we because someone made a fan page which was shipping stosie or something like that but i wanted our shipping name to be jovi jovi because i said oh wouldn't joby be a really nice name for our kids and then you went we can't do that and i was like why not this is too similar to josie and she was like you were like no because our ship name is literally jovi josie and stevie imagine having a child and naming them half of each other's first names sounds iconic jovi's a really cute name someone name your child jovi do you have a child named jovi already let me know in the comments below anyway thank you guys so much for watching thanks so much to womanizer for sponsoring and thanks so much to my patrons for continuing to support me in making videos like this you're the best you're killing it if you would like to become a part of my patreon family click the link in the description and i would love to have you is that where the description is yes you nailed it right down there thanks guys see you next time bye you
Channel: stevie boebi
Views: 120,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o6T9wJDq0Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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