Try Guys vs Scrabble World Champion • 4 vs. 1

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- [Zach] What does it take to be a Scrabble champion? - Rattline, R-A-T-T-L-I-N-E. - Rattline? - Rattline is a word? - [Zach] There are 150 million Scrabble boards in the world, but only 14 grand masters recognized by NSPA games. (crowd cheering) Austin Shin is currently ranked top 30 in the world, and today, the four of us are gonna take him down. Do you think you can beat all four of us playing as a team? - Hmm, yes. (Zach laughing) - What if you're blindfolded? - Sure, I could do that. I have a BINGO. - What? - How does that even work? - [Ash] You have multiple BINGOs in your head? - I do multiple BINGOs, yeah. - Can we play someone's grandmother or something, like? Guys, he is blindfolded. (upbeat music) - [Zach] Can four normal ding-dongs take down someone who has trained their entire life in the game of Scrabble? What even makes you a Scrabble champion? Ooh, you play a lot? Look, I have a Words with Friends streak too. - Hey there, I'm Austin Shin, I'm a Scrabble champion. I have won the North American Scrabble Championship twice. I've won the UK National Scrabble Championship once. I won the European Championships. I am currently the top 30 in the world of Scrabble and I'm gonna beat the Try Guys today. So when I was eight, I played in the first tournament and I was against adults who played for decades. - Oh, they hated you. - You don't wanna be losing to an eight-year-old, right? - No! From what I know about competitive board game people, they're like, scary. They take what they do very seriously, which is hard for me to relate to 'cause I take what I do very unseriously. - [Austin] Scrabble is a word game played on a 15x15 board. It has different premium squares, double letter square, triple letter square, double word square, and the triple word square in the corners. And the objective is to score as many points as possible with the letters that you're given. And you can only play vertically or horizontally through a word or touching something that's on the board already. - Are we supposed to be confident that we're gonna win? - I am. - I think we're gonna win. - Oh, okay, yeah, we'll win. - No, Jon, I think we're gonna win. - Yes. - I wouldn't say that I'm known as like the Try Guy that wins things. So I assembled the tip top team to help me take you down. We have Jonny Cakes. Jonny has told me that he is very competitive, he makes cakes, I don't know how that will help us today. - I like Scrabble, I actually made a Scrabble cake once for Whoopi Goldberg. It was bad actually, sorry, sorry, Whoop. - We have Ash Perez, one of my best friends and he is an incredible writer. I'm hoping he brings some of that tippidy-tappidy to the team today. - I'm very competitive and so, I, like most things in my life, I played them with my dad one or two times and by the time we both flipped the board over, my mom kind of just stopped us from playing games. - And rounding it out is Kwesi James, who to his admission, is not very good at spelling. - If anyone has dyslexia out there, they know if you're at like a house party and someone is like, hey, let's bring out like Scrabble, like whoa, this night sucks! - How can we beat you today? - You can't, it's simple as that. - Full stop. - Yeah, you guys have no chance today. - Wow, that's fun that you feel that way. (suspenseful music) - All right, Austin, four brains, only one of yours. (Ash laughing) How do we play? - First of all, what we do is pick out one tile from the bag and the closest one to A goes first. - One, two, three. (all groaning) Are you fucking kidding me? - Come on! You know what that feels like in that bag. - Closest to A, okay, yeah. - So round one, we're gonna play just a regular game. 25 minutes per side for the whole game. So an additional thing also (laughs) is that I'm gonna give you guys a 200 point head start. - 200 points? - Wait, are you sure you wanna do that? (Ash laughing) - That seems like a lot of points. - It is a lot of points, so there's no excuses why you can't win this game. And my wife, Lindsay, will keep score. - Unfair, my wife's not offside. (all laughing) - Normally you have seven tiles and you can make a BINGO. - [Ash] No, he's doing a- - Overlain, that's good. - Which is to use all seven tiles at once, which gives you an extra 50 points. - Is that a BINGO? - That's 50 point bonus. - Yup, I used all my tiles. - You bitch! - [Austin] (laughing) 63. - All right, all right. Is there a timer aspect like chess, where we get to hit something? - Yes, so there is a chess clock essentially. And basically, what you have to do is play your word on the board and then you say the score and then you hit the clock once your move ends. - Oh, we have to say the score? - [Austin] Yes. - Normally a computer does that for me. - Score? (Austin laughing) - Wame? - [Jonny] Wame. - That's wame. (laughing) Dame, dame? Like many a person, my relationship to Scrabble is, starts and ends with Words with Friends 2. - Wade is a word, if O-E is a word and- - What's, are we playing international? Or are we playing? - It's up to you, you could tell me if you want to. - Let's use this word. - I probably won't tell you. - I get a high off of a triple word score. Two plus two is four, five plus- - [Zach] Nine. - Nine times three, 27. - And plus this letter. - Oh! - Two, three. - Yep, so that's 30 points. - 30 points! - [Austin] Yep. - 28 and then OE points! - OE is a word, yeah, OE is a word. The shorter words, so two letter words. There's about a hundred of them in the dictionary. - [Ash] Whoa! - [Austin] 32. - [Ash] With two letters! - Are actually the most useful because then you can actually put your word like underneath another word or above it to connect onto the board. - [Kwesi] What the fuck was that? - So I made one word, two words, three words, four words. - That's a challenge. - Sorry, this is probably a silly question. You have all those words memorized. - Yes, and I have learned all the words up until nine letters as well. - [Kwesi] He's so fast. - No way, bro, okay, wait, we need to beat, how many points? - 23. - Do you play more defense or offense in your own game? - I play more offense. I'm actually seen as more of one of the most aggressive players around. - Oh, shocking. - Can we play someone's grandmother or something, like? Oh, but we don't get points for that. - Don't tell him - Oh, sorry. - Oh, I love the blanks, these are the best. Because you can make it anything you want. - Fits is pretty fucking good. - That's a good idea, Zach. - But it does block him. - Plus, we get burps. - That's a good point. - So again, defense or offensive? - [Zach] I think we- - We get all of burps? - Yeah, we get burps. Hey, can we get a little score check? - A 110 points and 284 points. - Whoa, wait, is that with our advantage? - [Lindsay] Of course! - Oh, so we only scored 84. - A win is a win. - This video is brought to you by Rocket Money. This is the Rocket Money Advertisement Game Show, Zach. Okay, for all the marbles, how many unwanted subscriptions do you have? (buzzer buzzes) - Two? - Let's check the board. - [Keith] Oh, Looks like you have 12 subscriptions total. You knew about two of them. That equates to about $75 a month, Zach - You're telling me that I'm spending $900 a year on subscriptions that I just forgot about? - [Keith] You can use Rocket Money to cancel unwanted subscriptions. They'll safely and securely identify recurring charges and cancel unwanted subscriptions for you. You can even cancel them from within the app with just a couple of taps. The average user of Rocket Money saves about $740 a year. If you're a little above average in your case- - That is so much money, I- - And Zach, if you wanted to save more and spend less, how many users of Rocket Money would you be joining? - How can I even run a company if I can't run my life? - 5 million members! 5 million people already using Rocket Money. That's a lot of people. - So I just need to go to Rocket, or follow the link in the description and I can get started for free? - That's right, Zach. That's the first question you've gotten right all day. Thanks to Rocket Money for sponsoring this video and now back to Scrabble. - I like words, I've got quite a large lexicon. That's a fancy way of saying word library in your head. (playful music) - Should we just see what happens if it's not a word and then we've learned something? - Ja and af. - And Ja. - 20, 21, 22. - I don't think, A-F is a, I'm not sure if AF is a word, but Ja is a- - Okay, I'm gonna challenge that move. (group gasping) - [Ash] Oh no, it's not a- - How dare you? - If we play a word that's not a word and you contest us, what happens? - So in North America, if you challenge incorrectly, you just lose your turn and your opponent goes again. - Then when do we dual each other? - I'm gonna challenge both words, J-A and A-F. - What? - Really? Because, pretty sure you haven't been on the internet. I had a show called "Single AF." - [Ash] Words with Friends! (all groaning) - So what happens now? - A-F is not word. - So you gotta take your letters off the board and it's my turn. - So you telling me, that we just lost a turn? - [Austin] Yeah, you got zero, my turn. - That seems bad. - It is bad. - It's bad AF. (all laughing) - [Austin] It is, yeah. - Are you guys sweating? - Canonically. (all laughing) - Can we trade pieces or is that just something my mom does? Oh, dammit, I'm such the youngest child. Like I'd be sad I was losing, she'd be like, "Jonny, why don't you take my," I add like 20 pieces at a time. - Oh, cute. - Okay, Kwesi. (all laughing) - [Lindsay] You have eight tiles. - Oh, you guys- - What? Oh, we have too many tiles. - [Kwesi] Too many tiles. - [Jonny] Okay, pick one. - We have to stop it like that. - That's on me, I accidentally drew an extra tile. I did not realize that, my bad. - So, you have to put all your tiles face down and I get to pick, turn over three tiles and I throw one back in the bag of my choice. - (snorts) Fucking done. (all laughing) Honestly, can we do that every turn? (all laughing) Oh, boy. - [Ash] Yeah, yeah, see? We know you have a Z. Okay, I'll keep you with two Os. - [Jonny] Yeah, damn, I knew it! The rest of yours are yours. - [Ash] Oh, this is okay. (upbeat music) - [Kwesi] Whoa, no! - So that's a BINGO. - [Ash] BINGO? - BINGO? - [Austin] Yep, I used all seven tiles, so. - Ah, what! - [Zach] Whoa no, what's he doing? Oh no, what's he doing? - [Ash] No! - Adenines? - Adenines for 68 points. - I'm really trying to find where I fit in and I'm sure there's gonna be a moment where I can definitely help. I don't know quite right now. Either that's if we're losing, flipping the table or ringing the fire alarm. Any way I can help my team, this dyslexic kid is gonna help. Can I play the hat? - No. - Hater, hater? - You gonna save that, you gonna save that too? - Oh, we can play, yeah. - [Jonny] Hater. - Yeah, I think that as a personal statement towards him, we should play hater. - Yeah. (laughing) He, yeah. - Okay, I'm gonna play in my last two tiles to end the game. So I'm gonna play- - [Zach] No! - [Kwesi] You better not play, oh my God! - He's playing, he played hater! (all shouting) - You played hater? - You used it against us? - I'm gonna flip the table! - Flip the board! - I'm gonna flip the freaking board! - No, we didn't play hater. - How dare you? - That is the biggest hater move I saw today. - This is despicable. - How dare you? - You need to go to jail, sir. - So what letters do you have left? - We have cut. - That's five points on your rack. Gets doubled, gets added to my score, that's just the rules. - Double? - Final score is Austin with 537 points and the Try Guys with 427 points. - Great, okay, I'm ready. - Yeah, you ready. - Hater on three, 1, 2, 3, - [All] Hater! - Fuck you. - That's you! (dramatic music) - Oh, you thought we was playing? You thought we was playing? - Ready for round two. - Well, I'd say that now we're warmed up. Round two is the blitz round. A normal game of Scrabble, you have 25 minutes to play. Austin is gonna do it in three. - I was gonna make it three minutes on my side. But after that first round, gotta make it two minutes on my side. (Zach laughing) - So you're gonna need faster reactions. - Yes, I'm gonna play much faster. - You're gonna need to be on like your- You're gonna need to be on like, what's the expression? - Your A Game? - You're gonna need to be on your A game. You're gonna be ready to make a move. - A plus. - Is A Game a word? - A Game is not a word. - You're our guest here today. We didn't offer you anything to drink. Yes, we're playing Scrabble, but I'm playing it like it's chess, right? Like, I'm gonna be like 10 moves ahead. I'm gonna be like batting my eyes at the expert, like trying to distract them, you know what I mean? Like I'm gonna play dirty today. Would you like maybe a Modelo or a Sam Adams? I think this will help with your like reflexes. Go. - Okay, no whammies, no whammies, no whammies. Hag, pegging, we love that. - Vegan. - Good? - Yeah. - 'Cause we don't want to give this man much time. - And then we hit- - Wait, wait, wait. - We gotta finish first. Are we done? - You gotta, Kwesi. - [Kwesi] (laughing) Yeah, I was like what? - [Zach] Four. - [Kwesi] Thanks Jonny. - 5, 6, 7, 8. I wasn't good at math growing up, (playful music) which is why I like Scrabble. 'Cause it's all about the letters. - [Lindsay] And they actually got 16 points, yeah? - Yeah, 16. - Oh, we did? - Were you always like a wordy kind of person? Like did you do spelling bees? Like are you a really good speller? - Okay, and he just did ulu. - Oh my god, go, go, shit, my bad! Shit, gotta pay attention. - Scrabble is mainly a math game, actually. - So 18 plus eight is 20... - 26. - Four, 26. - 18 plus eight is 26. - 26, yep. - Ah, shit! - Spelling and math? - [Zach] Stop it! - [Austin] 18 points. - Wait, it's mainly a math game? - Yeah, basically, yeah. Everything has a score, everything has a value and whoever gets the most points at the end wins. - Oh my God, no! Shut the fuck up. Rokiest? - Rokiest? - Rokiest? - Like, how did he know we were gonna do that? - Okay, I agree, hold on, no more fast playing. - And there's actually no extra points or anything like that for knowing what the meanings are. I just know that they're words and I just know you can play them. - [Ash] Oh my god, we're getting murdered, you guys. I think- - [Jon] I do think we need- - Playing fast is not a- - [Austin] 17. - But serious question, so like someone with dyslexia, that's me, any advantages there? - Maybe not, but I will say there have actually been two world champions that are from Thailand and they don't speak English very well. So they actually just remember the words just as like strings of letters basically. - Wow. - I'm stressed, so I wanna smoke a... - [Zach] We have jointed. - But we wanna play the whole - Wait, we almost had a BINGO. - Yeah a BINGO. - But we don't got it. Adjoin... - There's the hallowed letters, the J and the Z. Or the zed, if you're anywhere else. Q, which you think you need a U for, but the hollowed word of scrabble is qi, Q-I. - The thing about Scrabble, is sometimes you just get a bad draw and then you're stuck in like, I have O-U-O-U-E-E-T. The hell am I gonna do with that? (all exclaiming) - [Ash] How? (everyone exclaiming continues) - [Jonny] It's everyone's like sex noise. - [Zach] What? - Like, what? - 49. - Oog and za and wuz. - [Ash] What? - [Lindsay] Oh, 49? - Oh my God. I just want you to know that if you tried to play this shit at my house, no. - Sun planet. - Sun place, unplaced, unplaced, try unplaced. - It would be unplace. Is ut a word? - Unplace. - Fucking go for it. - Are we? - Is unplace a word? - One- - Yo, what the fuck, yes! - 2, 3, 4, 30 points. - No, 20. - [Zach] What? - Double the word. - Oh shit, 20 points plus two, 22 plus 50. - Take that! - 57, that's still not that much, but suck it. (Try team cheering) - Suck it! - Oh, I'm sorry, I unplaced my belief... - That's a fucking BINGO! - That I'm bad at this game. - We unplaced you as a champ- - I got another BINGO. - Fuck, another BINGO? - 78. - Okay, hold on. - That was in real time that you just did? - 5, 6, 7. - In the- (Austin laughing) - [Jonny] Okay, how about ex? - All right, it's time play dirty. - X maconica. - Mama, that took us 10 minutes! What was your word? - Unplatle, L? - Turns out if we give him 10 minutes, he also will figure out a BINGO. Like, how would we have to play to get to your level? - Brat? Brat! - That rat. - B-R-A-T. - [Kwesi] Brat, okay. Let's do it. - I don't even know if that's possible in this case. - [Jonny] I don't like this, I don't like this. - [Zach] What are you doing? - [Austin] Seven. - [Ash] No, this is way worse. - [Austin] Scarier, 80 for scarier. - 80? - All tiles gone? - [Austin] I've got three in here, I've got three. - This game was fast. - Okay, but I just do want you to know. - [Ash] That we can spell girthy. - We can say av girth. You've got an av girth. What I will say, is what I like to do is play dirty Scrabble. So like, you know, you write like vagina down and then you write like eat me on the A of vagina. You know what I mean? Eat me vagina, you get it. Comedy gold. - Why are you laughing at my gash? - No, no, no, I liked your gash. - Nine minutes to play one word. - Is it 'cause like in British slang that gash means vagina? - It does. - Oh yeah. - How many points are we down? - It is 472 points for the Try Guys and 561 for Austin. (dramatic music) - Gash is 36 points. - 36? Take that. (dramatic music) - [Kwesi] If you would've played L, I would've flipped this board. - Eight points, I'm finished. (Jonny applauding) - Final score? - (laughs) 583 to 508. So you guys did score 308 points, which is more than you scored last time. - Hey! - It's 'cause of me. - We're getting better. - How much time did you do? - I only used a minute and 34 seconds. - Fuck! - Yeah, next game, we're gonna make sure that I'm blindfolded. I might even give you a 300 point head start this time. - I'll take it, honestly, at this point. - Yeah, I'll take that. - How many minutes do you have though? - I'm gonna have 25 minutes this time, gonna be regular. - So he's gonna play us blindfolded, what does that even mean? Like J4, is that, like he's gonna memorize the board? No one does that. It's not a thing. So you're gonna play blindfolded? - I'll try to. (laughing) - How? - So, I'm gonna have to have help from my wife who's going to be telling me what tiles I have and telling me what moves that you make. And I'm just gonna have to remember every single move that's been played. - So you're gonna fully embarrass us then? - That's the intention today, yes. (dramatic music) - Okay, so you get to go first this time, right? How does the timer, I haven't done the timer. - [Zach] We hit it when it's- - When he pulls it out. - Okay, let's go. (tiles jangling) - Okay, play nine. K on the double letter square. - How's he already going? - [Jonny] What just happened? - That's 34 points. - Knive. - We're very limited by this as our only that. - [Kwesi] Get rid of it. - No, we need. (chuckles) - Try, that's very on brand. - [Ash] Oh, look, oh my God, hey, hi friend. - [Zach] Pity, which is 3, 4, 5, 9, no, no. Triple letter 12, no, fuck, I'm so bad at math. 12, 15, 16, 17. - [Kwesi] Hmm, you got him thinking, huh? - Okay, I have a BINGO. - What? - Rattline, R-A-T-T-L-I-N-E into the E of knive. - [Zach] What did he say? - Rattline? - Oh, shit. - Rattline? - Rattline is a word? (laughing) A bunch of rats. - That's cute. - We should just sing letters to him. - [Ash] Oh! - Yeah. ♪ A, B, C, D, E, F, G ♪ - It is really hard to concentrate. - If I was gonna say the alphabet backwards, Z, and what comes after that? - I don't know, I can't concentrate right now. - Okay! (laughing) You can throw whatever you want at me. I'll do my best to- - Physical items we can throw at you? - You could, I'll try and dodge them somehow. - When we're talking right now, are you like picturing the moves that we're discussing? - I'm trying not to. (laughs) - 'Cause you're smarter than us? - I think I have another BINGO. Through the A of rattline, I have pausable. P-A-U-S-A-B-L-E. - [Jonny] That's such a good word. Pausable? - I wish this game was pausable. - 78? - We gotta use the- - Hang on, yes. - Do you think like af is a word? - No, we already tried af 'cause ja isn't a word. - Oh, right. - We might as well be blindfolded. - I feel so stupid. - You're not! - Thank you. (Ash laughing) - Okay, I think I've got another BINGO. - No, you fucking don't! No you don't! - Stop making, yo. - Which one? - (laughing) He said which one? - Which? You have multiple BINGOs in your head? - I do have multiple BINGOs, yeah. So I have the A of dwam, I have bacteria. - Oh, yes. (Ash gasping) - Are we getting the same letters here? - He's, you guys, he is blindfolded. Are you kidding me? - We're not getting bacteria letters. - This is joke. What do you tend to find is your strategy while you're playing Scrabble? - So I try to score as many points as I can. (Zach laughing) - Austin has 519 points and the Try Guys have 512 points. - So we're losing and we have a 300-point advantage and he's blindfolded! - We could win. - No, but we're close. - [Kwesi] We could win. - Are you familiar with the "Trolls" franchise? - Meh. - Oh my God, okay, so it's really good. So it's kind of like a jukebox musical, but what's crazy too is that it also has original songs. So, Princess Poppy goes to save the Trolls, but then there's a Lady Glitter Sparkle, which is actually, her name is Bridget. - Well, if my name were Bridget, I'd change it to Lady Sparkle. - I'm not sure what I'm playing yet. - Okay, all right, keep going, Zach. - Keep going, Zach. - So there is the sacred string, or something like that. I don't really remember that one that well, I was pretty stoned. - What was the myth? - What is the score right now? 'Cause I think I got a fucking banger of a word. - Austin has 553 and the Try Guys have 548. - Oh, okay, are you ready for this? If I'm correct... - [Kwesi] Do that shit, Zach! - This is 10, 11, 12, 13 points, right? Plus this triple word score, which is 4, 5, 6, that is... - 33. - Okay, I told you it was 50, I lied. - His quips are unstoppable. - [Jonny] Oh my god, we're really close! - There's no more, there's no more. (Jonny applauding) - 581 to 553. - Oh, focus, focus, focus. - Okay, hold on, we need get the biggest one. It's gonna be in one of these here, it's gonna be like.... - So about these trolls, right? (all laughing) - Wait, is this a word? - Q-A-T on quip. - Oh. - [Austin] 24 points. - I can't believe how good your mind is, this is wild. - So he has 577 and you have 581, if you go out, you win. - Yeah, so I believe- - Talk to me. - Wait, what if this isn't a word and you're fucking wrong? - No, I think she said it was a word. - We're gonna do bow, ale and oe. - [Jonny] ] And that is... - And you get four points off of his rack. - Oh, shit, we did it. - So you have 599 to Austin's 577. (Try Guys cheering) - Redemption! (Try Guys cheering continues) - [Ash] Wow! - [Jonny] Dude, you're fucking incredible. - [Zach] Buy this man a house, dude. - Celebrate it. - Also and your wife, we had five brains 'cause your wife was on our team. (Try Guys screaming) - Well Austin, turns out it only takes four brains plus a lot of help and a blindfold and the 300 point lead to take you down. How does it feel? - That's all right, I'm okay with that. (everyone laughing) You know? But that's okay, it's okay, it adds to the difficulty. - Austin on 3. - [All] 1, 2, 3, Austin! (upbeat music) - I would say the worst thing that you took from us was our dignity. (Austin laughing) By playing hater, how dare you? How dare you?
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 943,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, the try guys, keith habersberger, zach kornfeld, eugene lee yang, comedy video, youtuber, celebrity, pop culture, trending topics, trending, tiktok trends, buzzfeed celeb, new series, ned fulmer, scrabble, scrabble championship, challenge, sports, challenging, scrabble game, board game, games
Id: r7a4GCB4R6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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