Try Guys Test A Drunk Obstacle Course

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- It's drunk vs. high field day. My name's Keith and I'm ready to party. - No, it's still chasing me. Oh. - [Zach] Oh, this is my nightmare. We are running a drunk vs. stoned obstacle course. - Fast as you can. Fast as you can. - [Zach] We're getting drunk. - Your teeth are a little small. - Alright bro. Back off. (guys laughing) - [Keith] We're getting high. We're seeing what does what to who and how. - What happens to us up here when we get crazy down here? - [Zach] Oh yeah. - It's once again time for science. Barely science. - You know what's interesting? This is the first time in a while that I've actually drank with Eugene 'cause normally he'll find someone more interesting to talk to. - Excuse me. (exciting upbeat music) - My name is Jay Mahajan. I'm a general neurologist. And today we'll be talking about the effects of alcohol on the brain. - This is the first episode of our two part series, drunk versus high obstacle course. - Everyone, when they are drunk way overestimates their abilities. We wanna find out how wrong are you? - We have two experts who are going to speak from a scientific perspective. - [Zach] We built a huge obstacle course in our office. - [Keith] We're gonna run it drunk. And then in the next video, we're running it high to compare which of these substances made us better, which made us worse. And in general, if either of them are a superior thing to do during an elementary school field day. (Keith laughs) - When you drink alcohol, the brain begins to function in a different manner. - Did somebody say drink? - Oh, wow. That's a lot of- that's way more than we need. I do think that I am the most unaffected by alcohol. Zach never gets drunk. You think of Eugene as like the drinker. I absolutely drink more than Eugene. - To you, Eugene. - Oh, just me? - Yeah. To you. - To you. - I don't drink as much now. I really didn't drink that much. We're still very fresh on like being more aware of how bad alcohol is. It's bad. - Burns the uh.. - It hurts. - Esophagus? I do not drink alcohol. Stopped drinking alcohol a couple years ago 'cause of my achy bones. Ugh, fuck me. I don't know who I am when I get drunk. - We're gonna be trapped. - You boys wanna put on some Pitbull? - Your teeth are so white. - Are they more white than normal? - Yours are so white. You take great- - Let me see yours. - Mine? I don't, I'm embarrassed. - No! - I drink a lot of coffee and red wine. - Well, maybe he's standing in the light. If he's standing there, you're gonna... - Yeah, let's trade. Yeah. Mmm. (guys laugh) - They're not great. I agree. I agree. - This is a very chill drinking atmosphere and I think we're gonna need to ramp it up. - Cheers. (Zach laughs) We're gonna be young forever. - [Eugene] But first, this is science. Today we are going to do a sober control run, so that way you can see a controlled, sober approach to all of these games. And then how we are drunk when doing the same exact activity. - We're scientists! - [Matt] Welcome to what's shaping up to be a truly epic event, The Try Guys drunk versus high obstacle course challenge. Hello everyone, and thanks for joining us. I'm Matt Iseman. - And I'm Akbar Gbajabiamila. And I can't believe we actually agreed to be here today, but here we are. - [Matt] Now before the guys get absolutely goat pissed, they're gonna run the course completely sober. - [Akbar] Yeah, that's right. And this is to let us see how truly terrible they are at some of these activities. - Well, speaking of terrible, here they come now. The Try Guys. - How are you feeling going into this? - The way I'm thinking of this today is this is my birthday party, so I, - Oh, happy birthday. - Happy birthday! - Thank you so much. I'm excited. - What is the point of hopscotch? - [Keith] To teach children how to use their feet. - I'm about to do my sober run. My approach is just like Keith, be like my birthday party as a kid. - Happy birthday. - It was the Hunger Games and I was Katniss Everdeen. - I've only read the newest one about Corialanus Snow. - [Producer] What was his name? - Cornelius? - Cornelius. Coralaneous? - Corealanus? - I thought it was Cornelius. - It's definitely not Corealanus. - Donald Sutherland. - Corealanus? It's Corealanus. - There's no way that's right. - You might be right, yeah. - It's Corealanus. I already looked it up. - How do you spell Corealanus? - Because Becky was like, there's no way it's pronounced Corealanus, I'm like, it's Corealanus - Well 'cause it has anus in it. - It's C-O-R-I- C-O-R-I-O-L-A-N It does have anus in it. - [Eugene] So it does have anus. It has anus. - Coriol? Anus. - That's hard for your kid. - Stop arguing with me. I know his name is Coriolanus Snow. - Well, I'm gonna be Coriolanus Snow and I'm gonna get these Hunger Games started. - Our contestants will begin the course by testing their physical prowess on the playground of pain. First, they'll traverse a mind-bending hopscotch grid. Then head on to the basketball court to hit a free throw. Next they'll pull two blocks from the uneven stack of giant Jenga. Then sink an uphill putt on an impossibly bumpy green. - I would love to see someone start this way for real and do hopscotch. All right. - How could this be effective for hopscotch? - [Keith] I'm so excited for this. - In 3, 2, 1, go. (Zach giggles) - I know on a baseline I'm probably just like a little bit more advanced than the other two when it comes to coordination. - Sober! - Use those feet! Use those feet! Hopscotch. - Yeah. Nailed it. - Hell yeah! I think I can run the whole course in three minutes. I don't know if I'll be good at the basketball. Haven't shot at basketball in years. Why would I? - [Eugene] Alright, so he's shooting until he gets it. - Arm under the ball. - Almost. Nice. - Fuck! (Zach giggles) Where would I even find a basketball? Target? - [Zach] It's called an air ball. - [Keith] No! Dammit! - [Zach] I feel like he should have to go run after the ball. - [Keith] I should have to get the ball. You're right. - Come on, you got it. - You have to dribble, Keith. You have to dribble! - If I keep throwing the same way, you think eventually it'll work? - So running an obstacle course can really vary person to person. If you're sober, we expect you to have good coordination. - [Eugene] I haven't played in like 10 years. (Eugene laughs) - Good reaction times. - Oh boy. How's that, first try? Oh, this is my nightmare. Yeah. Not bad. Not bad. - As far as hand-eye coordination, you should be able to run the obstacle without any issues. - [Eugene] Yeah, you got it. You got it. - You can zone in and you can pace yourself appropriately. - Anybody who wants to base how good you are in society on how good you are at basketball, and you never apply the basketball skills to real life. - What about when you do your taxes? - Oh yeah. I guess. Come on Eugene. Yeah! - I hated basketball because my stupid little- oh fuck yeah! - Yeah! - Fuck yeah! First try! - [Zach] Jenga, Keith. Jenga! You know Rachel said she's never played Jenga. - That's crazy. - How is that even possible? - I'm playing hard rules. You gotta commit to whatever block you choose. - Are you only allowed to use one hand? - I think you're supposed to commit to the one you touch. - [Zach] What do you mean? - [Keith] Alright, golf. - [Zach] He's just like, in control. - [Keith] You are in a movie. - [Zach] Oh my God! How am I out of breath from mini golf? - Yeah. - [Zach] Keith is an aggressive sober. - New ball, Zach, new ball! What are you holding on those other balls for? I think the basketball made him sad, mad. Basketball is over, you got this. - Dammit! - Keith, I believe he said the vibe was your birthday and you're having a great time. - [Keith] Fuck! (Zach and Eugene laugh) - Almost. Almost. - [Keith] I was so close. - [Zach] The worst part is it's harder than we intended it to be. Alright, we're nearing the 10 minute mark. That was not nearly hard enough. - I know, but it's really hard to gauge, Zach. - [Eugene and Zach] Yeah! - [Zach] Where you going, Keith? In there! - [Matt] For the next stage, they'll enter the mind maze, where they'll perform standup to try to get a laugh from the unbreakable MJ. - [Akbar] And then, they'll enter a spelling bee until they successfully spell one word. - On the mic? - Sorry about that. - Oh, shit. I haven't thought about this. Oh no. What did Spiderman, uh, why does Spiderman cross the road? Because MJ! - How many wizards does it take to screw in a light bulb? Depends on if they're light or dark wizards. - Who hates Mondays and loves lasagna? Andrew Garfield. - Okay, now I'm on board. - I'm very into this. Okay, I got it, how about how many dungeons and dragons does it take to screw in a light bulb? Roll to find out. Oh yeah, we did it! - Where can you see some windmills? Tom Holland! (bell chimes) - It's just a Spiderman set? - No, that was excellent. - MJ, I'll give you 50 bucks if you laugh right now. All right. (guys laughing) - I'm gonna fucking nail this one. - Your word is mosquito. - Raspberry. R-A-S-P-B-E-R-R-Y. Raspberry. (bell chimes) - D-A-N-D-E-L-I-O-N. Dandelion. (bell chimes) I was so scared that I got it wrong. - M-O-S-Q-U-I-T-O. Mosquito. (bell chimes) - Didn't you look like an adorable little lad while doing it? I was at River Dance. - [Matt] Patience will be put to the test as they proceed to motor skills madness, where they'll decorate a cake, flip a cup, thread a needle, and tie a neck tie on someone else. - What am I drawing? I'm drawing. Draw my favorite pet. - You gotta pick, Keith. - I- it's Alfred. (guys laugh) - Matt always accuses me of favoring Kimbop. So I'm gonna draw Kimbop. - Kimbop would probably eat the cake. - Man, Bowie's hard to fucking, how do you, what does he look like? - Beautiful. you'll never capture his beauty. - He's got a round face. That's not really what his face looks like, is it? He's got floppy ears. - That looks like a little girl with pigtails. - [Zach] Piercing eyes. - [Keith] It's an elephant for sure. - Shit. It does look like an elephant. (guys laugh) - Alfred. I love you, buddy. - [Zach] I find it interesting that we have a real cake, but a fake top. - Yeah? Is that, how do we know if we're done? Till I'm artistically satisfied? - Oh, flip cup. I don't really know how to chug. It's a thing that I've never been able to do. - Just open up your gullet. - I can't do it. I hold water in my mouth and then swallow. - [Keith] I did that, too. (plastic cup clatters) (guys laugh) - Why is your mouth closed? Is there, have you not swallowed? - [Eugene] Yay. - I've never done this. - Definitely done this. - Yeah. We have so many videos of us sewing. - Have I done this? - Oh God. It's so much more nerve wracking than even normal. - Don't sh- You got it, Keith. - Were you gonna say don't shit? - Is that the same one that I licked? Did we cut it or did we just wrap it back up? - Oh, fuck yeah. Woo! Okay. - Oh. Oh my God. Okay, now it's time. I don't think I could do this at all. - Tie it on me. I feel like I'm about to go to prom and he's my dad. - [Zach] Oh, dad. - And then he finds out it's a guy coming to the door and then he disowns me. - No, I would never. - Keith, why would you? - I would love you no matter who you love, son. - So you heard it here first. Keith is homophobic. - Oh, thank you daddy. - You ready to go to gay prom? - Yah. - Dad. My date is gonna be here any second. - Fuck your date. - I'm gonna be the date. - You're not gonna fuck my date. That's my plan. - No, I feel like I could go to my gay prom in this. - [Akbar] The ultimate test is the final gauntlet, where they'll run across a balance beam, knock down seven cans on the Nerf shooting range, and rush outside to pop every balloon on the way to the finish line. (balloons pop) - I'm too tall for this. - [Zach] What do you mean? - You don't think I pretend? Oh man. This is so much harder than I expected it to be. - Beep, beep, beep, beep. - Balanced! - [Keith] Wow. He's so balanced. - [Eugene] Nice. - This is my favorite. - You got this. (Nerf guns shoot) - Get those cans. Those cans killed my dad. - Oh no. - Oh! - Wow. There we go. - Two in a line, that was sick! - Oh my God, wow! (Zach giggles) - Here we go, here we go. - Oh my God. This is so scary. Ah! Okay. - Hee hee hee! Hoo hoo hoo! Hoo hoo! Yay! - Huh huh ha! Yah, yah! - [Eugene] You got this! - Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! - [Eugene] Jesus! That one was loud. - [Keith] Jeez. - That was fucking awesome. - That was a sober run. - I'm fucking turgid right now. I feel great. - Turgid? - Yeah. - You're hard? - And time. - [Producer] Nine minutes, 36 seconds. - No way. I was so much faster than Eugene. I was like two minutes. - [Producer] No. 10 minutes, 49 seconds. - Dang. How much of that was basketball? - I feel embarrassed about the basketball. I don't really- - Yeah, you made me turgid. (Zach giggles) - Well we'll see how we are when we're drunk. (sweet music) - My forehead's got wrinkles. - Yeah. - Do you think I'll age nicely or bad? Because all the TikTok filters did not forecast a good future for me. - I think you're aging nicely. - How do you think I'm aging, Eugene? - You're younger than us and that's a surprise to some people. - Yeah, that's the thing. Yeah. - I'm just kidding. (Zach laughs) - When you drink alcohol, there's something called the blood/brain barrier that is supposed to protect the brain, actually. And larger molecules may not be able to cross over, but alcohol is one of the ones that can cross over. - [Eugene] Wait, you gotta make a wish. - [Keith] You gotta make a wish, duh. What was your wish? - When the alcohol reaches the brain, there are five neurotransmitters that are affected. GABA, endorphins, serotonin, glutamate. And dopamine. And dopamine actually plays a role in pleasure. - We're gonna play compliment telephone. - No, he is gonna talk in my ear. - I will be talking in your ear. - We start to kind of experience that buzz. We start feeling good. - Eugene is a beautiful, one of a kind, artistic vision that I admire. (Eugene laughs) - Don't do the hot breath thing though. - It's gonna be hot. - [Eugene] Make it cold. - It's gonna be hot. You're right. If I talk like I'm trying to blow on my soup. Let me see if I can say this as if I'm trying to blow soup off. Cool off the soup. - But not with a lot of wind. - Okay. He thinks that you're a beautiful artistic vision. I think there were more words. I forgot them. - Keith said, Zach says you think I'm an artistic beautiful vision and there were more words and I can't remember them. - Yeah. - I don't remember what I said. I have to pee so bad. - When you drink alcohol, the liver uses an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase to break down the alcohol. - Do you guys want to do a bathroom shot? - Yes. - Which essentially causes the alcohol to become carbon dioxide and water. - Cheers off of the urinal. - [Eugene] Is this a Chicago thing? - Did I do it in Chicago? Yes. Is it a Chicago thing? I don't think they'd claim it. - And so that's how it gets excreted out of your system. And that's why when you drink a ton of alcohol, you actually start to urinate to get the alcohol out of your system. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Cheers. To drag. Woo, toilet! - The dangerous ways people consume alcohol are primarily binge drinking. - [Eugene] Wow. Look at him go. - .12. We did it. - As we get older, the effects that binge drinking has on your body are not the same as when you were young. - I like the saxophone approach. That can't be right. - [Keith] What is it? - .06. - The alcohol levels reach such a high level that your body is not able to metabolize and break down the alcohol effectively. You're getting drunker and drunker and drunker while you're able to break down the alcohol slower and slower and slower. - That's probably high enough. That's probably high. - If you're two to three times the legal limit, that's where it can get dangerous in terms of depressing your brainstem and your ability to breathe. - Y'all ready for this? (vocalizing upbeat song) - Try not to binge, drink water in between, always have a designated driver, maybe a designated friend to watch you or help pace you may not be a bad thing. - Let's play the game. I’m Keith (triumphant music) - [Matt] Alright, well this is the moment we've all been waiting for. Now that the guys are all liquored up, they're ready to take on the course once again. - You know, frankly, I don't see how they could do any worse. - Let's remind the folks at home how they did in their sober runs. - Yeah. Eugene led the way with a time of eight minutes and four seconds, but really struggled to get a laugh out of MJ. - Indeed, Zach was next clocking in at 9:36, but as with most things in his life, he made everything look difficult. - And Keith's time of 10 minutes, 49 seconds was by far the worst time we've seen. Eating that entire Cheesecake Factory menu last week seems to have really caught up to him, Matt. - Well, let's head to the obstacle course. But remember kids, drink responsibly, and don't try this at home. - These guys are in their thirties and shouldn't be doing this either. - I respect horses. - [Eugene] I like horses. - [Zach] I mean, you gotta, or else they'll- - They'll kill you. - [Zach] They'll kill you. - Horses could kill you like that. Horses could absolutely kill you. - I feel like the crew hates this stuff. - Of course they do. We're idiots. - My name's Keith and I'm ready to fucking party. - [Matt] Did he say he is (Matt speaking gibberish) - [Akbar] Man, he is slurring badly. Zach is back! And this is the peacock prance. Look at him, showing his plumage. (breathalyzer beeps) - .16. - .16? - Wow. That's double the legal limit. - [Producer] Okay, let's start your time. Okay. Countdown. - 3, 2, 1. Go! - Starting on the hopscotch. - Okay. Oh, nice. Nice. Pick it up. - Two of them weren't at the same time. - [Keith] What do you mean? - Well, look at this. The judges are objecting big man. - Wait, wait. Let's go back to the replay on this. He hit it just like he was supposed to. - [Matt] No, that was a tap tap. - [Zach] It was tap, tap. I saw it. You tap, tap. - [Matt] It was indeed a tap, tap. - [Akbar] Man, that was not a tap, tap. - Yeah, we'll allow it. - You will love this. - Oh, I think he actually did fine the first time. - Well, now it's time for Eugene. - 3, 2, 1. (Zach imitates air horn) - [Matt] Fast feet out of Eugene. - [Akbar] Nice. I like that. Coming out of the blocks hard. Hard and fast. Oh, he ain't messing around. Okay. I see you, Eugene! - [Zach] Just like the luck of the Irish. - [Akbar] Air ball! - When you drink alcohol, the brain begins to function in a different manner. - I feel like I'm - No, no, no, no, no, no. - I don't have any motivation. (Zach laughs) - Keith. - Running the course inebriated may entail issues with coordination. Your vision can be affected and also your response times. - No! - Alcohol in general can make your muscles weak. - This here's the backwards drunk shot. - Should I jump? Is that what people do? - This here's the drunky, blah, blah, blah. It's so bright. - Yay. - Ah shit. There you go. Yeah. - You know what they do in the TV? They go like this. - Down, up. - TV teaches you everything you need to know - Going on to Jenga. Well, he's got a make up for a lot of lost time. - [Akbar] I see you, Eugene. Wow. (Eugene laughs) - [Akbar] Wow. Can we take a look at that again? - [Matt] That was quick! Wow! Eugene working his magic. - [Akbar] Hey man. I will say though, his pullout game is strong. - Wow. That was sick as fuck! - I don't know which one to choose. This one. It seems out. Oh God. I got it. - [Matt] It looks like it could be a structural beam. - This is really in there. It's like in there. - [Akbar] Matt, he's really struggling. - I need to pull out with all my might. - [Akbar] Man. (Keith yells) - Yo! - [Matt] And Keith realizes his dreams of a championship may just have gone down in blocks. - [Akbar] Yeah, Matt. But he's wasting time. He's gotta get going. - I just couldn't get out of there. It felt like a really integral beam. But I had to commit to the one I had. - So as the amount of alcohol goes up, some of the fine motor skills become harder. Essentially, alcohol can affect the cerebellum. That's a part of the brain that will affect your motor skills in that sense. - It's okay. It's okay. You're very red. - [Zach] You're a red man. - [Eugene] If you want, you can redeem yourself. You can do the golf real well. - Okay. Well that wasn't exactly how I planned. - [Eugene] Keith, Keith, Keith, Keith, Keith. - [Zach] And he is a little tiger boy. - [Keith] There it was. Dude! - [Matt] Here he is on the putt putt. - [Keith] Almost. - [Matt] Oh. That was close, big man. - [Keith] That one's almost. - [Zach] Eugene. You gotta... - [Keith] There it is. - [Zach] Use your hips. - [Keith] There it is! - [Akbar] He's gotta just get it right there. No, right on the tip! - That felt so sad. - [Akbar] That's nice, line it up. That was too much. That's too much. - Oh! That was perfect aim. But too much. - [Matt] Bob Barker is turning over in his grave right now. - Oh, drains it! (Zach yells) - Lord. Eugene touched my butt. - [Akbar] Well now he's got a nice spring going through him. Let's see his comedy game. - MJ, oh, tricky, tricky, tricky sound team. Tricky sound team. Precious tricky sound team. (Eugene mumbles) - Well, Eugene's leaning into the impressions game. Apparently MJ, not a fan of Lord of the Rings. - Katy Perry. What's going on? - [Akbar] Matt. This is corny. - Okay, how about, how about Madonna? Hey, where is she right now? You know? - Matt, he's just saying random things. - This is not comedy. This is drama. - You ever had a sour worm? I got this. I got this. I got this. One of the things that really separates standup from comedy music is the music. - [Matt] Well, this is just painful, big man. - One of the things that separates macaroni and cheese from spaghetti is the shape of the noodle. - We're not quiet because we ran out of words. We're quiet because we're falling asleep. - I love when a comedy show turns into spoken word. - There are two muffins, and they're inside the oven. And then one muffin turns to the other and says, "Ah, it's so hot", and the other one says, "Oh, a talking muffin!" Then a third muffin looks at them and says, "now kiss". (MJ and Zach laughing) - [Matt] Got her! - [Akbar] MJ laughed because she was confused. - [Matt] He dropped himself, folks. - Can I have the word I'm gonna spell? - [Producer] Enchantment. - Oh my God. Sing a song from Enchanted! - It's a statement of a grade mint with enchantment gum. (bell chimes) - We got there. We got there. - When you drink, you tend to take more risks because you tend to be more impulsive. And that has to do with the neurotransmitters in your brain. - All right, what's up everybody? How we doing? - Good. - You tend to not think about what you're gonna do appropriately and have that overconfidence to say, hey, I can do this without a problem. - Yelling get out there. Please, please, MJ. Please, please, please, MJ, please! Fuck yeah. - So decision making becomes a little more difficult when you have more alcohol in your system. - Your word is enchantment. - Enchantment. - [Eugene] James Marsden. - When drunk, you may feel confused. - E-N-C-H - Those synapses, they're not firing like they normally do. - A-N-T-M-E-M-T. (bell chimes) (Keith yells) Y'all see that? - However, everyone responds differently. - The word is bugaboo. - For example, some people drink Jagermeister and they get outta control. - B-U-G-A-B-O-O. (bell chimes) - We put your number on the call blog. Tell AOL to make my email stop 'cause you a bugaboo. - Bedlam. B-E-D-L-A-M. Bedlam. (bell chimes) - Oh my. - Okay, good. - It is bedlam on the course. - [Keith] Wow. He's crushing it. - [Zach] I'm soaking wet. - With no regard to the microphone he is wearing. Let's go. - Decorating a cake. - Come on, man. You gotta be in it to win it. - Draw how you're feeling. - B, A, D. Bad. (buzzer sounds) - [Matt] Does that even count, big man? - How's my hair look? And I'm dripping wet. I'm dripping wet, baby. - [Keith] Yeah, Zach. How am I feeling? I think I have to find out how I'm feeling. - He is taking way too much time to draw this out. Is he drawing the state of California? Matt, I think he's drawing California. - No, it's a meat cleaver. - I'm feeling 100. That's a skee-ball machine. And the corner pockets are 100. - Oh yeah. - Get it? I'm feeling 100. - I've seen more intentional painting out of Pablo Picasso. - Okay, that was that. Now it's time. Flip cup. - So as alcohol enters your system, you may build that confidence when you're playing flip cup or beer pong. - [Keith] Oh, okay. Oh, there goes the water slash... - [Eugene] No, you don't. Okay. - [Keith] Wow. - And that occurs because those endorphins start kicking in and the dopamine starts kicking in. So you start having this confidence. - He's so wet. He's soaking wet. He's like, I'm way wetter than I thought I was. To be honest, I'm looking at him and he is, listen, I don't know how important only the left side is. How do you do that? It's only on one side. - You can actually zone in a little bit better and sink that cup, or flip that cup. - Weigh it down. Actually you want it around the rim. (buzzer sounds) - That actually helps you to a certain degree. But once you get through game 2, 3, 4, then you start noticing you have more difficulty sinking that cup. It becomes a little more difficult. - Keith, you got this. You got this. - Pinky up. - Keith. This is what we're talking about. You can do this. You can do this. Oh, so close. You got it. Second try. Absolutely! - Absolutely! (Zach laughs) - [Zach] You know when you'd be drinking and sometimes you just gotta "absolutely". - So as the amount of alcohol goes up, some of the fine motor skills become harder. - I hate everybody - I thought you were threading it in your mouth. - Oh my God. - Which I was like, that is the coolest party trick of all time. - Your fine motor skills will be affected to a greater degree than your gross motor skills. Simple things like writing or threading a needle, that becomes difficult sooner typically than gross motor skills. It's like hitting a golf ball with a golf club. - Oh, I did it. Oh, I literally did it. - You didn't do it. - What hand am I supposed to hold the fucking thing in? - [Keith] Your right hand? - [Producer] Your dominant. - [Keith] Your dominant hand. - The needle is the dominant hand? - No, your thread is the dominant. - Shit. This is tough. - Is it hanging in my lip? I know. (Eugene spits) - Oh my God. Just eat it. - I'll eat it. I'll eat it. I'll eat it. - You don't have to eat it. - It's wheat. - It's wheat? - It's not wheat. - Thread is wheat? - I got it. - I just, - Oh! - Hell yeah. There we go. - [Keith] Thread is wheat? My clothes aren't gluten free? You're so bad. You look like you like fell into a pool and you're trying to convince everybody you're fine. - I'm okay. I promise. - Honestly, the drunk gave me the clarity I had been looking for. It's silk from a silkworm, but also, that seems... - It's not even but, it's like they killed the worms. - Wow. - I know. It's not what you think it is. (buzzer sounds) Okay, we gotta start over. Okay. We gotta start over. (buzzer sounds) You gotta, I guess you can go that way. - And now the balance test, big man. - [Akbar] He's got those big old platform Hokas on. He should be able to hold himself up. Let's go you, big body! - Keith, give us kind of your, give us your megawatt smile. - [Matt] But the clock continues to tick. Akbar, I just wanna see some urgency out of him. - This is tough. I'm so big. I'm so big. Actually, I'm very confident now. - Yeah, you got it! - I'm so confident. - [Matt] It has been all or nothing with Zach. - Here it is. That was sick. That was it, Zach. - [Matt] But the clock just melting away. - He's cool Keith. - I'm cool Keith. - Cool, calm, collected. - When I'm cool, people call me Steve. - Matt, this is poor clock management. - Wait, you know what? - [Zach] What? - You're doing very bad. - Hot. There's water in my eye. - I bet. I'm really aiming right at it. There it goes. Oh, there's one! Here we go. We're on a roll now! There it goes. - Pow, pow. Ooh. Oh. - [Akbar] Barely got it. - It's time to get the last can without even looking. - Get it. Get it. You got it. No, no. You gotta look at it with your eyes. - Without even looking. - No, no, no. Look. - Without even looking. I looked before. - Pow. Pow. Pow. Pow. - Yeah! - We are crushing it. - We are sending the wrong message. - No, you gotta go the other way, Zach. - We're sending the right message. - No, still chasing me. Stop it. Stop it. Wait. We're both Asian. - So drinking alcohol safely is really about pacing yourself. - Let's make a deal. Everyone else here, I guess there's no deal like one, one could make with another Asian person about being on this film set. - As fast as you can. As fast as you can. As fast as you can. As fast as you can. Oh, now I really thought I was gonna get it. Yes. Yes! Yeah. Make yourself dizzy. That's good. Without the needle, just pop. There you go. Yeah. Yeah! Nope, nope. Get away. Get away. Get away - Wait. Get a cool pose. Get a cool pose. No. Cool. Do cool. (guys laugh) - Did I do what you want? - Well, an incredible competition, and an even better PSA against alcohol. Let's take a look at the final scores. - Yeah, Eugene's drunk time of nine minutes 36 seconds is a substantial fall from his sober time of eight minutes and four seconds. - When the little balloon went big. - Oh my dick. (Eugene whines) No, ahh, ow. - Zach was the only guy who improved during his drunk run with a time of 8:28. But, he's soaking wet right now, and that's exactly the kind of regrettable decision a sober person would avoid. - I fear how confident I am. I would do anything to win. I feel good. I feel cold. It's wet. I'm wet and there's wind. And I'm cold. And I would like a blanket. - Now Keith was bad sober. He was worse drunk. His time of 14:41 is by far the worst of the day. And he's gonna be feeling this tomorrow for sure. - I felt like it went well. Like I feel like a winner, but I'm thinking back to it. I think I did really bad, but I felt good. - Well, from all of us here at the drunk versus high obstacle course challenge, we wanna remind you to drink responsibly. - And we'll see you next episode when the guys will try to beat these scores while high. - And remember, kids, this is for science, and alcohol may be a chemical, but it's never a solution. - You heard. - Ow, fuck. - [Keith] Bet that doesn't feel good. - Oh, mom, it was right on the, right on the front part. The forward facing aspect. (Zach laughs) No, no, it's fine. - [Zach] You want her to check you out? - No. It's not even like a fucking bit. That fucking hurt. - Yeah, of course it did. It's an external organ. It's a foolish design, God. What kind of God puts an organ outside? Huh? - What kind of God puts the organs on the outside? - Would you leave a piano in the rain? No, don't put an organ outside.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,872,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, zach, eugene, habersberger, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, the try guys, keith habersberger, zach kornfeld, eugene lee yang, comedy video, pop culture, trending, tiktok trends, buzzfeed celeb, new series, Obstacle Course, Racing, American Ninja Warrior, Akbar Gbajabiamila, Matt Iseman, Science, Test, Science Experiment, challenge, science challenge, ninja warrior, game show, game, field day
Id: lS9lfCiB7yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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