TRX at Home l 40-Minute Total-Body Workout

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what's going on out there 20 racks family and community my name is Luis Lopez I am the general manager of attitude training center in San Francisco obviously with our current situation going on right now we want to make sure that you guys are still moving they're still working out whether it's at home or wherever you're at you want to make sure we're giving you awesome content awesome coaches that will be coming to help out from all around the world so hopefully you'll enjoy this workout today just specifically with this work not just so you know it is gonna be a challenging workout I'm gonna be doing unilateral work which for me is a challenge yes I'm gonna work out with you so hot I said and then weirdy sweating with you guys so first of all make sure to get your suspension trainer ready I'm so we're gonna have a mat as well you will notice a couple things number one you won't hear any music the reason that is so you can hear me clearly and also because I now you can go ahead and prep up your playlists that have played in the background because the end of the day everybody's a little bit different I'm really good at setting up some music but it's better that you got your play was ready okay so quickly with your Stratton's the jug the strap adjustments you want to make sure that we're gonna have it at two different links for today I'm gonna have it at midnight who's gonna be right in the middle of the text expensive trainer with a great black knee and they were also during the workout to have it all the way down to the pulley Lincoln alright so I just want to give you a heads up on that before we begin key as well just so you know that this will be again a challenging workout we're in two rounds with times of eight different exercises we're gonna do what's get working on balance and get a lot of work and then we're gonna do a rounded core with a tear Suspension Trainer okay also just double check to make sure that your book Cueto's I'm ready to go those in a little bit later if you don't do it now we'll have a break so you can go ahead and set that up either way let's go to get ready we're gonna start with that five-minute warm-up we're gonna have our straps in front of us once again at mid lane facing being your point I'm gonna have okay have you started right away and to do it what we call it to a squat to pool so what's gonna notice my angle the goal is to do a nice squat and then as you come up do a nice rub right so as soon as you're ready go ahead and begin you better notice that these are two separate exercises that we're doing and the reason that is to be make sure you have proper form as you're doing both okay from those that are out there you're more than welcome to scoot your people or just a little bit if you want to have a little bit of a deeper angle and they can feel a little more that pull but just keep in mind that we are you don't warm up so it's not meant to be too hard too fast our goal is just to get you moving okay so we're gonna give this without another 10-15 seconds remember as I always say it's not about reps it's about your movement so make sure you're focused maintaining that active plank as you move all right do one more then we're going to switch it up three two one nice snap from here I'm gonna flip it over we're gonna do our chest so let's stretch I'm going to switch it up on you a little bit we're gonna go ahead and start with those arms straight out like a tee if I'm getting into my lunge and then switch we come back okay now we're going to begin here but I also want to start alternating from side to side because I also love to do that alternating stretch for those that feel good and ready to start on these alternating stretches go ahead and begin but I'm gonna kind of alternate between the two so you guys out there at home have options on how you want to work so you need to do the regular chest to line stretch so or you're more than welcome to do the ultimate you know right so once again moving that body we're just warming up notice those knees are at 90 degrees as we go to have more seconds looking good all right getting that mom above you and sighs you can let's do last one here and go ahead and lock okay now don't move let's go those feet back a little bit we're gonna do a woman rolled ups or my favorites so well up that core what's gonna reach in as far as you can and then we're turning all the way back so when you're ready go and begin what's getting you're still setting up notice that I'm at my slight angle this is not meant to be hard the goal is just to get that core long gun and a little shoulder joints warmed up as well you can step back a little bit more if you feel ready but keep in mind that this is a warm-up this is not the workout yet I just want to get you prepped and ready so when we get going you're gonna feel okay so still about 10 more seconds as a quick reminder as well this is of us more of a strength core workout you won't notice a lot of cardio but because I'll be getting some requesters and strength decided changed it up a little bit alright so it's going to do one more here in a nice reach and return you will go ahead and return back around again maybe sweep your strap straight even facing the anchor point at mid length and what's gonna have you just start with some basic squats notice here that when I come down I'm not coming down too far just enough so I can warm up those knees and mostly that's it but I didn't begin when you're ready as we're gonna do this for about 20 to 30 seconds okay so wasn't gonna as you notice I'm getting your body rock and roll in where they shouldn't feel good you're going to be working upper and lower body today so a woman's always want to make sure you got that good range of motion before you begin that maximal ability and then plug that will be ready to rocket okay so last couple of seconds you go ahead and let go of those straps and from here I'm gonna have you do just a couple of days so one look you're hot right get your heart rate up a little bit so that make you basic squat chats and as soon as we're ready go ahead and begin the less I keep the feet open as I go try to top the floor if you can if you can't touch the floor just go down with those good TV we got myself now I know we're starting to feel it a little bit as we go because I want us to do this for another ten seconds okay keeping those feet light on those toes touching the floor if you can last seconds beautiful now from here we're gonna finish with inchworms notice walking forward to a plank we're turning all the way back hands in here soon as you're ready go ahead and begin walking forward all the way back reach the sky if you cannot keep those legs straight do that water you can bend those knees slightly as you go if that pops okay but those that want to go ahead and do a push-up you're going to love them so pop and push up put those last wraps alright so we've still got about 12 seconds which means you should be able to get pop it one more in there or two quick so let's finish strong reach it up last one some more all right so first things first we're going to spell with unilateral workers who's working on one side we're gonna double check and make sure those straps or item in length and we're going to start off right away with your one arm rows now I'm gonna start on my left side so you guys can see me you're one of us go and your left or right but you'll notice here that are maximum to grab one strap and give it a nice tug okay there's also what we call the single hand bone handle bone but for most people it takes a little while I set it up easier since you've got one strap give it a nice tug and go from there okay so when you're doing the one on grow it's important that you're facing during the point your body is right in the middle of where your anchor that it's during your whole mouth the key notice that as I go forward my your shoulder win and I don't have much of an angle because if my goal is to pool while staying square at the same time I notice my right hand is go steam that's like though okay son if you're ready let's go ahead and begin three two months here we go so guess what we're gonna do this for forty-five seconds why are we doing that because I'm gonna force you to go slow right if you want to work on strength it's not necessarily just about doing a bunch of weights but it's about how well you control your body as you move okay notice got my eyes on the anchor point notice and I'm squeezing that shoulder blade on my left side and within squeezing both shoulder blades but of course you're on that left side as I go and notice again that my angle is not much because if I'm gonna right I'm definitely feeling it right also notice there's no rotation of my body because I'm keeping my mind Square with that anchor point you're funny okay so we're almost done once you do that last beat all I want you to do is the same strap switch to the side go to a quick transition make sure you're facing the anchor point make sure your feet are good and guess what minimal rest here we're gonna get right into it so notice the same thing but now I'm pulling on that right side and once again you can adjust as you go now keep going if you're rotating a lot from the hips that probably means that you're way too deep in you're able you'll need to get back just a little bit okay so if you feel a lot of rotation your hips we actually wanna do what's called anti rotation keeping those hips square alright so once again if you feel good keep it up you can go through this hand another option is you put behind you but either way make sure that you are in pain the position has been almost done he's 45 seconds 3 2 1 and yes alright so I'm gonna give you in this round 25 seconds to transition noticing them you beating out my straps again and what we're gonna do here the new balance lunges I'm gonna actually start with my right leg up and the goal is is to come back flowing that leg the whole time so you don't want it to touch behind you only this necessary alright so let's give it a shot three two starting with that right leg all the way back that foot all the way up rinse and repeat notice first that my bike my right leg that's one behind me is statement 90 degrees why is that because maintaining that form if I try to reach too far back will it simply turn to happen with your upper body it will start to lean forward so I want to prevent that so maintain that 90 degree in that right leg as you pop it up and back okay you having any balance issues you're both alone the tap and tap as I'm doing now this is only a modification if you need it otherwise keep that balance as you go as a bit almost there with these last few seconds Oh beautiful number only 10 seconds same exact thing transition to the other side left side balance lunch remember where they did stalks at least a level let's go ahead and begin go all the way back and keep in mind notice I'm going slow remember we are doing more strength focused exercises at the terrace training center we like to call that our impact classes so really my goal is to keep you to go slow so you feel a bit more that strain work as we move okay remember if you have any issues with your balance tap behind you tap in front if this helps but once again if you got your balance down how much and how well can you float that foot behind you and all the way calm all right so last ten seconds remember maintain that position as we're almost done three two one beautiful take a rest now here's the deal you got 25 seconds we're gonna bully lengthen those straps you're gonna turn around facing away from a good point and once your feet and an angle that feels good to you we're gonna do a chest press combined with a robot yes I just did that chest press to a roll out notice my feet about shoulder width but those that won't ignore my challenge I'm bringing together my team three two one here we go some chest press rola awesome work remember as you're going to hear notice my hips are staying strong and why is that because I'm activating my glutes bracing my core consistently so it helps them maintain my active plate but those that are out there I want a little bit more to challenge you know what to do can you step those feet back a little bit more if you can't do not do it it's all about doing it right what looks right and what feels right at all times make sure to reach reset down beautiful whatever you do do not forget to breathe as we got killing it right now we are doing awesome work three two one cool beautiful now watch what I'm going to do here you're gonna have a little bit of climb is I'm gonna get you to get those straps underneath you nice and tight to the rib cage and you go ahead and water quickly and from here into a sprinter start starting with that right leg behind you and then from here popping up and return another way to do it is it started in 45 bring that left with a wrench and then go for that ready there we go up and return now there's obviously different options on how to do this I'm just giving you the easier simpler version for those that also want to hold and return you're more than welcome to as you come up but the goal here is to keep that upright position bring that knee up as high as you can ride them toward the chest and keeping that up right so far so good if you want to go a little bit faster you're more than welcome but alas keep it control as you go back pressing that foot behind ya awesome what seem how you feelin doing good cuz I'm already stuck to sweat so I'm assuming you're getting there beautiful now you're gonna have 15 seconds to shake out those legs going to the other side alright so once again go ahead and do that 45 degree angle first bring that right leg forward feels good then from here you'll be able to go buddy and begin remember you can go onto the toe and back or no toe is needed however you feel the bullies to challenge yourself as you go awesome work team looking good remember your upright position and if a breathing purposes breathe in on the way down breathe out on the way up and all the way down out of the way out beautiful work keep it up yes beautiful are those straps staying tight to the ribcage as you're moving by the maintain that composition exfil are you staying strong with those straps you know huh take a breath last few seconds here show you the clock press so what's the clock press this is a good one that I like to do notice that I'm starting because I'm gonna do a chest press but here's the deal it's a fly and the chest press combines notice that rotate one palm into the fly other side doing the press as we go if you don't go come to do this just do a regular chest press ready here we go so clock press once again open bend that opposite arm you are in control of your body notice my feet are shoulder width apart you're more than welcome to bring those feet together just be careful with that stuff as you will feel a little bit more as you go alright so looking good like I said staying strong in that upper body breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out excellent work team we're gonna be close to finishing this round one let's see how you do it once we're done you will get a little bit of rest once we finish this up beautiful last few seconds and relax oh I'm willing to you woman an arrest that one through the effective workouts once again get those straps back to mid length let's do a self check how are you feeling right now from a 1 to a 5-1 was Lois way too easy 5 Louis way too hard once you kind of figure out that number you know what to do around to because around to you can do a couple of different things on making it harder you can make your vector hang a little bit harder obviously go look more speedy if you want involve little bit more cardio or conditioning but in a way you at home you decide on how you wanna make it hard for yourself I'm just here to set the example as you see me working out with you this whole time I'm loving all right so 17 seconds do we remember the first while working on yes but what I'm drunk okay so what I'm gonna get right into it let's make sure it's hug that strap I'm doing the left side of the gun remember to find the angle each shoulder width three two one again remember you're facing that your door anchor or your wall mount obviously as well that your body is lined up with it and then you're squared the whole time so that we're not shifting those hips as we go okay awesome way to move squeeze the shoulder blades behind you middle those key reminders notice that my feet already their flats you're more than welcome to bring those toes up but whatever is comfortable for you three on top of floor you have make sure that those feet or position feels good to you and that those legs are straight alright so looking awesome up there keep breathing like I said this was not meant to be an easy workout I want you to feel this three two one yes oh you only get ten seconds of transition this time so once again make sure that you're ready to go right side use shoulder width three two one let's go ahead and begin remember I didn't go speed without the sit arm that this feels too weird I get it I'll gonna put that on behind you right and the key is still to make sure that you're strong in those ABS like or your glutes are nice and activated and my eyes are up the whole time as a facing that no point maintaining position an entire rotation and not moving those hips to make sure that we are doing it correct okay are you squeezing those shoulder blades as you come up awesome are you giving either some for that full extension as you go we are getting very close to finishing three two one okay twenty seconds to transition make sure that your straps are even remember the grain Blackwell together the t-rex on both sides of you to go we're going back to our balance lunge with the right leg up key reminder here make sure you start with the leg up in the air okay are we good stacking elbows there you go let's again balance knowledge remember that back leg try to keep it at 90 degrees this is just my personal way of enforcing that I keep my body upright so that I'm not moving forward remember that a reminder for those that are really having a hard time balancing tap behind you tap in front of you so that you can keep that balance writing to me okay otherwise if that balance with you guys down there extra challenge when you come down can you hold it for an extra second or two and they're not only if you can let me see if you guys got it hold it for a second or two and then back up we are almost done that's for the seconds transition that's side now you know the challenge that second or two hold if you're ready for it alright so let's get ready left leg up three two one floating behind all the way up floating behind all the way up beautiful memory you got that one to two second hold this is about your time to get that rocking and rolling for those with the balance issue remember what you got to do to maintain your stability as you go all right beautiful work way to go team is your body in that upright position are your arms stacked when you come up beautiful is your knee coming up to that hip height then returning and controlling as you go last few seconds three two one okay quickly let's go ahead pull the lady those straps remember that chest press to roll out but those that are in for the challenge when you get a little bit of a deeper angle and can you reach a little far go so remember that chest press roll up ready for the beaks three two one let's go press press rollout reach yes just press roll em awesome work for those that want the extra challenge can you hold your roll out for two seconds then return and press once again can you hold that wool out for two seconds then return and press let's see what you got remember you're not competing with me this is your challenge if it does not feel good slow it down the goal is to do what feels good for you alright beautiful work as I see you don't have to see you I know that you're pushing hard so let's keep it up as we were getting close to these last seconds three two one you can see them sweat a little bit make sure you get ready for that sprinter with those wants to get arms underneath those shoulders oh it's in 45-degree angle I'm going to start first with that right leg up and then back okay so once again we see that lovely dispute that left foot in front of you and then from here we're going to get that ready up and back let's go the next time is already started popping it up returned popping it up return but those that liked the challenge can you hold in a down position or just a little bit longer a little bit longer once again working on that balance and strength to make sure to see how good your balance is hold with Turner are you driving at the up as high as you can if you are awesome if you're not it's okay but that's your goal whew keep it up team you're looking very good whatever you do don't slow down or you're coaching the last couple of seconds and nice shake it out guess what we're doing the other side 45-degree right leg in front and remember when you're ready to start we're getting that left knee up and yeah okay how you doing going good a lot of us do it again rich returned reach return can you hold on that top position for a little bit longer if you are ready only if you rank let me see what you got some warm Oh as you can see I'm starting to get a little bit tired I see a little bit of a sweat puddle down there so I'm hoping that you got the same thing going on if you don't you might want to push yourself just a little bit harder that's just a suggestion what makes you guys come beautiful keep going we're getting close to the end as these last few seconds my approaching [Music] yes take a deep breath we're gonna finish with those clock presses remember the straps are buddy you this is the last one of this round and like I promised we're gonna do a little bit of core work but expenditure so remember once again quickly press roll up alright baby fish here we go chest press roll out there if you want a hold for that one second to two seconds I challenge you I invite you if you want if you want a little bit harder how much closer can you get to that wall while maintaining that form are you maintaining your masses in your spaces as you go if you allow enough space between that head of that neck and those shoulders are you keeping that upright position as you go on your glutes activated and you got embracing your core and make sure you're maintaining that active plank as we have almost done with these last four seconds oh good we're going to get into our next one which is going to be some core work so what I want to do is I want you to get those straps to make time go and get the straps to mid-cap alright so that means that the handles are going to be right at the knee cap a little bit below the knee cap so without those foot cradles are wrapped in midcal all right and six what I spent much time here I'm gonna go ahead and reset my minute clock it makes sure we're good also I'm gonna take some water as you like to know always drink water when you need to I used to take water after I told you in the workout but for those either eat it drink it when you gotta go alright so far so good now we're not gonna start with those feet in the book kind of so clean all those yeah I'm going to have to go in here I just you can be very close to the door or get a wall not same thing but notice what I'm gonna do here I'm going to keep it simple what I want to do is I'm gonna lay back stinky sock connected right over the toes roll all the way over and we're going to begin a ride away without prejudice so just to make sure that we are good we're gonna do three to four different exercises that rapido you that'll be in it's your strap and those when I started off behind my active play now come here the goal should drive the knees toward the chest without rounding the back as we go though so my either pointing straight to the ground then the goal is to do as many as you can before this time to start with 30 seconds on 20 seconds off but then when we do everything again guess what we do 245 all right it's not like you guys how really do so let's go ahead and get ready we're stopping on first or second the crunch go ahead it begins now with those you get home if you're like Louis what about if I did a push up your mother Huffington do your atomic push-ups as well which is the combination of the push-up with that crunch but I am just keeping it simple with those crunches remember when you reset reset back to that plank dorsi flex the toes don't forget your massive spaces always returning back straight as a surfboard 3 2 1 drop the knees what's next it's your it's a mountain climber notice first almost looks like the same thing and now being in one knee drive that hip up just a little bit so about I need to drive into with the chest keeping the back straight alright so we are going to begin remember we're doing this all together now wants to do it strong so let's get ready three two one right leg goes in left leg stays straight rookies other side don't forget to breathe whew awesome one now you should really feel as if you're gonna stress weight because I know this is what happens to me every time I do these mountain climbers remember the toes are pointing straight down where are you at right now if you need the rest rest let me get to drop those knees go ahead and pop those comes out we're gonna do what's called play tops notice that I'm going to plank position all I'm gonna do with reach as far as I can and switch sides okay so just to play just reaching as far as I can go you ready I know I am three two one let's go so reach reach reach reach try to keep those hips as stable as you can try not to rock minimize your rock as you reach and return reach and return reach whoo yes sir I don't believe it we're gonna do this again one forty-five second interval looking good just focus um what are you doing now throw out those knees we got one more you get on your back once again beater straight up head is up reach you put this toast you can test tell us don't worry about it the goal is to get as close as you can okay let's get ready with bingo speed all the way up three two good here we go if you can touch the toes beautiful if you can't touch the toes just go up as far as you can you can bend the knees slightly like I have now but if you can keep those legs as straight as you can as well all I need is 30 seconds was boxing from behind you you can just keep them straight up whatever is gonna burn more but the goal is to keep going so I'm gonna go swing my arms up as I go reach oh my god we do that one more time I told you the challenge wait for 45 seconds let's put those feet back in because now it's all over again we are almost done I promise remember that crunch in in back all right take a deep breath let's go crunching it out always back to the active place if you are ready feeling it is already getting some heart hold your plate as I amount if you need to otherwise keep moving remember your toes make sure they're pointed straight to the ground at all times prevent the dip of the back as you go too strong and drive this hip is up slightly so you get those means toward the chest some work remember 45 seconds is not easy I am here to finish with you so finish strong team finish strong awesome work one cool take the rest mountain climbers are coming up remember the mountain climber is drawn to one knee in then switch to the rides on the wind en then switching how do I look well the gun by the time you let me know get ready deep breath three two one let's go ahead try to that nice with size hips moving slightly so you can draw that knee up as you go otherwise once again if it's too hard hold the plane like I'm doing now if you can keep moving keep moving awesome work what are your toes going on a straight to the ground this is what we need are your arms staying strong are you keeping out the play-doh dip you don't want to see this keep strong bring it close to finishing rest only when you need to rest only when you need to we're getting close cool take the rest two more exercises to go I promise we're getting close to more exercises remember the plane tops position tap it down minimizing back hip movement alright so its mission LTP got it take a deep breath three two one let's go number each try to keep those hips i steam less you can but I don't want to see if this don't do that that does not help you stub stable core means strong stable hips as you reach oh boy can you reach beautiful work is it starting to burn cuz it's just started burning about a minute ago but we are doing awesome so keep it up breathe hold breathe hold getting close Anthony goes loose do not give up we are almost there last sort of the day last one then I promise you we would finish with everything we got so let's do this alright so last one of the day let's get those feet up slight angle or pull the extended arms are straight up let's finish remember 45 seconds it's not about speed it's about making sure that you can reach those toes you will feel that burn in the upper abs this is what you want if it's really starting to hurt your neck go ahead and put your hands behind your head but they're not push your head so your chin goes move chest you're just using it as a guide keeping those arms and elbows out let the last people slip up as we're getting close to finishing on last set of ABS for the day either draw those lines behind and reach it or just keeping them straight up last few seconds and I promise that we are done go ahead and relax my abs are on fire all yours 914 alright so beautiful work give yourself a lot of applause doesn't matter if you found this staring at you because you did awesome okay so and light of that light I drink some water but we're just going to finish with a four minute cooldown but it's always important to finish with someone so glad to take your water quickly and then we will get started if you cool down and think about how you feel right are you just waiting like me - see it but yes I am swaying my eyes are burning because I know I pushed myself am i 100 so you got to make sure that you're doing the light but alright so let's go ahead and we'll start stretching with those straps let's go get those straps to mid length remember right with the grain black meat you want the yellow top to be right around when I brave black meat right away not make the drop okay so notice the angle remember I'm going to slightly bend the knees I'm going to hinge back they all my weight rot arms are stretching to move my feet I just help adjust me a little bit so it feels good to you to be feet where they're at should be about shoulder width then breathe out what's it called nice and slow good that I deep breath we do breathe out put me back down and goes me slightly drop the head just relax think about what an awesome amount of work you did today in less than 40 minutes turn around once again I'm gonna have you walk and tell you cannot walk anymore let me go ahead and snort just a little bit so you can see me so notice once again I'm just nice and loose on the streets I feel it in my chest so remember we also did some chest work and then from here I'm gonna have you bring both arms up and take your time notice it's nice and slow reach as high as you can beautiful three times all the way up reach as high as you can all the way down slow leave stretch well warm all the way up beautiful down you nice now I didn't wrap those straps these last couple of minutes we're gonna get on the ground I love to do my child's poses so I guess when you get head and bench with those as we get down with the hands in front of you slight angle notice that my hips in my shorts these are shoulder-width dropping those hips behind me relax and completely close your eyes and we're just gonna hang out here for about 20 seconds close those eyes go ahead and roll your head from right to left as if you're saying no but no slow is nice from side to side rotating the neck to stay the same no - nice work here bring your right leg forward right leg forward notice that my opposite arm is going to cross over and I'm going to twist as much as I can even hold all right so I'm twisting what feels good to me I'm sure you can still hear me notice that my hand is trying to reach put the wall behind me and just hold it there you from their return go ahead and bring those arms straight up reach for the sky they're from here going to switch me so take your time as you switch one knee to left knee cross over with that opposite arm turn as far as you go hold beautiful work now you might achieve returning back to normal body temperature slowly but surely to the middle reach the sky as you can awesome work let's go and come all the way up so plane first walking on the back beautiful up slow last one of the day let's keep it simple buta closed pants the heart I want you to reach up eyes you can open the arms when you come down I just want to relax those arms as loose as you can fully relax bend your knees slightly we're going to finish you with your last ten seconds take a deep breath in breathe out beautiful come up nice and slow and today thank you so much for following me here live and once again this is one of our harder workouts will also be coming out with combinations or workouts with beginners intermediates I would think that a kid training I'd love to do high-level training as you can tell this is a little bit more of a strength component but what they keep watching us we're gonna have them be able to scuttle once again all of you have a great rest your day make sure to stay safe out there and whatever you do make sure you stay healthy we are TRX I'll see you guys later
Channel: TRXtraining
Views: 908,708
Rating: 4.9027133 out of 5
Keywords: trx, trx training, trx suspension training, trx suspension trainer, body weight exercise, working out, weight loss, build muscle, home workouts, Rip Training, Randy Hetrick, functional training, functional patterns, workout with bands, workout bands, resistance bands, elastic bands workout, workout videos, trx bands, men exercise, women exercise, physical exercise, trx at home, trx straps
Id: utsUU0dC2fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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