TRW Full Acrylic Cup Tumbler Wrap Live Training | Custom with Glitter HTV or Rhinestones

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what's up crew how's everybody doing today welcome welcome let me know if you can see me let me know if you can hear me what's up Terry what's up Susanne what's up Patrice how are you Eric what's going on Nancy how are you sparks tabulous how are you what's up ms Pilar how are you all right let me know if everybody can see me let me know if everybody can hear me and we got some making to do so some of you were treated to a late night live and what day did I do that was that Tuesday that we went late-night I think it was Tuesday we went late-night on Facebook oh by the way I got to get the Facebook crew in here hold on let's get the Facebook crew in the house hello hello hello hello let's see ya red battery there we go green is good Green is good I like the battery icons all right batteries bad well I'm keeping two backup batteries here just in case for next time I'm keeping backup batteries for next time so we should be back all right we're back all right so here's the deal man okay I'm gonna go straight into makin today I'm gonna go straight into makin today because we're gonna make two different cups and I want to show you cuz I figured out all the cost on these cups and there's a good good amount of cost on these cups right because we're talking close to four thousand rhinestones on the cup heat press on Matt let's go let's go got it I always tried to not turn it on ahead of time because it makes the room so hot but here's what we got this is the bad boy but we're gonna knock out even a better one today this is the one we knocked out in the facebook live last week so again 4,000 stones I think 3900 something stones on this one here but then I also want to show you there's obviously a cost-effective version as well right so many of you have seen these and then these and then these so a lot of you have seen these ones with the plastic cups okay and then when it just has the glitter as well all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna make these but I also want to show you a version because here's the thing this cup right here this cup right here is 15 bucks at Starbucks okay but it does now what's cool is the way that I did the template pack this time I also included a version that doesn't have this circle so for this acrylic large tumbler I have you get two different versions you get a version that has the circle and you get another version that doesn't have the circle I hooked you guys up with that okay so the biggest thing is obviously knowing your different materials but stone count and I wrote it all down here so I could kind of go over it with you guys alright so for the cup that we're gonna make today okay the cup we're gonna make today it's going to be and I'll flip over to the screen here so I can show you guys Facebook let me grab you guys here real quick alright Facebook let me flip you around show you the screen and let me flip you guys around YouTube show you guys the screen as well so here's the deal with this okay scroll down a little bit this is the pack right here it's pack three it's a 24 ounce cup Suzanne but it's a lot taller you'll notice a lot taller than the other one right so you're still getting the 65% off the price okay but these are the templates that come with this one the one we're gonna make today is this green and crystal tiger print alright and what we're also going to do the wizard tells you how many stones correct it does and it gives you your cost and everything so for this tiger print design we have 1736 s s 10 crystal stones all right 1792 emerald stones so total cost in stones if you're buying larger Gross's you're looking at seven dollars and 28 cents and rhinestones okay now if you're only buying basically enough stones or a hundred gross of stones at a time your rhinestone costs almost doubles and goes to almost $14 so that's where you got to be smart as far as when you're doing this especially crystal stones you want to buy those in bigger quantity okay and then for my silver glitter I have a dollar 61 in silver glitter two dollars and 33 cents and Greengrass glitter all right so my total material cost for this cup that we're going to make I got about just under $4 I'm gonna call it $4 and bling anything material cuz it's a pretty big piece I got $11.22 and material cost as far as stones and glitter 1495 for the cup for a total of thirty dollars and seventeen cents invested into the cup before Labor cost all right so this cup here I'm telling you I would not sell this for under $75 it's got four thousand stones a lot of you could get a lot more than $75 for something like this but what I'm going to show you is you could a ton of cost out of that by not doing stones and just doing the glitter look right and that's what's gonna be really cool about it and that's what we're gonna do today I'm gonna make two different cups I'm gonna make one of them where I can customize it and I can put like a team name or something and then I'm gonna do another one where I'm gonna do it and all rhinestones and everything okay all right so what I want to do now let me get my light right in here pull down the shades here real quick and let's get flipped around here well first I'm going to show you where our design is so we're gonna start cutting this design here okay we're gonna start cutting this design so this design is going to be two separate magic clock templates for the cutting and then we also have obviously the glitter heat transfer vinyl all right so I have cheated a little bit and I cut one of the templates just to save us some time but I'm gonna cut the other one here so we can actually go through it and you guys can see the process so the second one that I need to cut still is this one right here so I'm gonna highlight my template here I'm gonna go to launch and then cut plot cm 4 all right what's up Charles how are you what's up Trina how are you Peggy what's going on Jackie how are you on Facebook what's up Nikki how you doing so of course if we get to 400 live we're gonna do a full artwork pack giveaway so 400 is our magic number for today and this is gonna I'm telling you this is gonna be a sweet cup I'm excited about this one and then the really cool one that I'm talking about $15 Cup but you're gonna put probably five dollars worth of it instead of $15 worth of material and then you're gonna be able to what your goal is is you want to have a wide range of cups okay hey you want just glitter on the cup it's this much if you want glitter with your name on it it's this much if you want glitter accented with rhinestones as this one if you want a full rhinestone wrap it's this much and as long as you can offer different prices then Matt it's the edge trip include in the IDI today it's the edge strip pole or are you talking about the edge around here it is included in the files yes I just don't show it in the image but it is included in the download files all right so let's go ahead and start setting up our material so Facebook I'm gonna bring you guys over here get you a little bit better view there we go Facebook and then YouTube let me switch you guys over to the production cameras here good to go and oh you weren't seeing the screen I gotcha floor so first thing we want to do is we want to load our magic template material so I'm gonna grab my magic flock from the back here feed this through I'm using my graph check seee 6040 vinyl cutter the 15 inch version and let's go ahead and drop that there pull this over here a little bit and that looks good and I'm gonna hit 2 for current position because I don't want to bring it all the way to the front edge what's up Neff what's up Jason what's up Olivia on Facebook how you guys doing let's bring it up a little bit there and reset my origin so we can start this cut here and then how's that's cutting we can actually start rushing in our template over here okay so coming back over to my software here and still have that older blade in there so I'm gonna cut it at a force of about I don't know twenty three so force of twenty three let me make sure I'm not cutting the same one which I'm not so I'm good to go I got a speed of sixty a quality of two force of twenty three and let's go ahead and hit Send alright so that has started I'm gonna release a little bit out in the back so it just can roll easy and then what we're gonna do is come over here and start brushing in our stones and our templates so Facebook you guys are getting hooked up with the overhead view again let's go alright Facebook you guys got the overhead view there you can't say you can't see what's up Peggy how are you if I wanted to upgrade to a graft ecto I also need to upgrade to the TRW design wizard software or you don't have to obviously it's going to help a lot if you do so first thing I'm gonna cut is or I'm gonna brush in is my green ring around the middle part but I'm actually going to do I think what do I want to do I'm trying I'm contemplating here do I want to do a if I'm doing the zebra print or the tiger print in green and crystal the straw is green right do you want to do a Crystal top so maybe this time we'll do Crystal a be top green straw so it alternates colors and then it comes down to the tiger print and then a green logo so I'm thinking that yeah I think so let's do it so I'm gonna come up here check this real quick I have my crystal so I only need this outside part so these here crystal top I see most of you are saying crystal top good crystal top it is this part here I'm going to have these be separate I actually don't want those to be on the same template so if I'm doing a crystal top that means this and this piece are both going to be brushed in for this part and I just need to make when you put this down just make sure you put it down straight because you can't actually put it down crooked yeah Krystal top we're doing it alright so let's go ahead and start with my crystal and as you guys know I love to use the monster brush so brushing around its small circles let me move you guys over here sorry YouTube oh man look at those stones looking good coming around small circles here now again this is going to be a huge design so depending on what when I get to the other piece we may need to hit tweezers for a second this little strip right here should be an easy one that looks perfect there perfect there and I got two stones here there we go that's all looking good check in for any extras it looks like I got one stone okay okay so I'm just gonna drop one stone right there now I need to grab my hotfix tape so this tape is actually big enough for this however I don't want to waste this entire piece for this so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna trim along my edge there I'm gonna pull this strip up first shortly after Samantha so the stones I'm using on this one are actually are a Korean crystal they be the ones I used the other day where our diamond cut crystal a beads so let's pull this up and let's set this back down on here and there's my rhinestone transfer for that okay so we're going to just go set this over here and you're the heat breaths now I need to grab this other part here OOP I flipped a stone over by mistake there we go and let's get this good size here Nancy that's funny all right drop this down here now what's cool about this remember guys when you get this template pack when you get this pack don't keep cutting out the top and this because it fits I mean as long as you're doing that Cup you only have to cut that one time right so even though you'll see these files on each of the templates okay even though you'll see these files on each of them you don't necessarily want to obviously cut them because you only have to cut the lid file one time does that make sense to everybody what's up so how are you alright so this is my top there and then let's grab my strip and I'm gonna put this over here as well alright good to go with that now what I need to get is my big part which is my crystal so what I like to do because all of the templates are going to look kind of similar at times just right on the template you can actually just write on the template with a pen so I actually need to come over here real quick and I dropped this on the floor so you know what that means I got a brush The Bling hair off of it got a little dog hair on it you guys know how that is all right that looks clean good to go all right so I'm going to do the crystal as well the crystal a B again here because I already have those stones out so I don't have to clean them up again the templates are reusable definitely yes so again once you have this template cut one time then you can make as many cups as you want obviously out of this template and I'm gonna do this in the crystal and then we'll come back let me get you guys a little bit better you hear you or Facebook and get you angled a little bit better there you go I know Charles on YouTube YouTube the audio will be a lot better alright so bringing this back in and then I'm gonna drop more stones in as well so you will notice how many of you like for example these templates how many of you have made one of these already and how many of you have cut the rhinestone template with the Cricut or the Cameo I saw some of you on the crafting page have already done it so it is doable but it's probably about an hour cut right let me know let me know how many of you have done it already I need to be a bit braver with the rhinestones what kind of Virginia these are the Korean low lead crystal they be the ones I used in the last video were the diamond cut crystal a bee so a little bit different not quite as sparkly but obviously less expensive too I want to try it so what you'll notice when you get the template pack and the download is we have a file in there that's called the craft cut file and what the craft cut file does is it is simplified basically for the cricket and the Cameo so we simplified the file so it won't bog down design space and silhouette studio as much so if you are using a cricket or a cameo make sure to use that craft cut file for the Rhinestone version and that'll definitely help you have some of you guys already done that I have the silhouette and it took 45 minutes not bad but again remember you're only cutting that template one time right and then after you cut the template then you're good to go and you can make as many as you want and obviously you're doing other things while that 45 minutes is going on all right so and each one of these new this new template pack we actually have like all of you guys it's so hard these things are sparkling so much still it's actually hard to see where I missed a stone but we actually included and you'll see it in the picture on the website I included a version even of the rhinestone ones where it doesn't have the circle in the middle and it's a complete fill so those of you who want to do a complete wrap you can do that as well as far as not leaving the logo open all right looks good there I'm just kind of checking over this for any extra stones I got one extra stone here looking for any missing stones there we go I hit that with my hand and flipped it let me just grab that one out of there put a new one in here there we go there we go all right the hardest thing is just finding all of the ones where they kind of stack on top of each other right because it's really hard to see with all the all the sparkle on it so I'm just looking for excess stones where they're kind of sitting on top of each other and I found two right there and I think we're looking pretty good I got one more and when you'll see that right away is when you put the hotfix tape on as soon as I do the hotfix tape here in the minute you'll see that okay so let me grab some hotfix tape here it's the template also for century up what's that let's see if I cut it big enough whoo I think I did it was a nice cut right there who's using equity equity awesome isn't it yes 65 so the the template pack you'll see this larger template pack on the website with both versions is $35 however the reopening sale is still going on so you'll get the automatic 65% off of that so what does it come out to like $12 for the entire pack oh man I'll tell you what I'm not gonna lie to you guys this template right here just to give you an idea barb to get this template in all rhinestones correct this probably took me to at least two hours yesterday to get this template done perfectly I mean these things it's 4,000 stones right not easy all right so now what we got to do is we need to grab our other template here so I'm just going to unlock this and let's see where we are here pull this up and there we go so I'm just checking it real quick make sure I got everything looks good there looks good there oh one stone good to go all right I just pulled the other template off so good to go with that let's go ahead and take this template off here and again be careful taking it off just so you don't rip it I'm gonna put this over on the back of a carrier sheet here and then let's brush in our other stones yes you can do this with the cricket and and some of you already have all right let me flip you guys back over here and I am going to use where are my here get my baggie here brush these back into my baggie there we go all right good to go with that now these stones are our emerald Korean lo LED stones okay so I just have a 50 grouse here that should be obviously plenty so let's go ahead and open this up and let's get our emerald in here might as well just dump them all out make it easier um you can use normal blade just need to use custom material adjust settings can I make this with a Cricut yes you can like I said I'll show you guys later once we're done how you can do it with the Cricut as far as the the file that you'll look for so when you download it and you download the templates after you purchase them you'll see that there is a couple all the rhinestone files have one that's called a craft cut version and the craft cut version is a template that I made specifically for the cricket and the Cameo oh man can you imagine I mean a lot of you can cuz you've seen me do it too but a design like this like is it going to and this is I've had a couple people ask this question already does it look better or can it look cleaner if you hand place them all and yeah of course because you're hand placing everyone and you can make sure that there's no spacing between them and everything right however the downfall is to hand place a cup with 4000 stones on it you're probably looking at four to six hours depending on how quick you are so you're gonna have to bump that labor cost the retail cost everything way up looks like the Emerald is and no tweezer round look at that Oh got one stone right there flip back over come on we're going no tweezers beauty all right looking for any extras looking good to go let's go ahead and grab my hot fix tape how would you keep the rhinestones from coming off the tumbler they're on there good ok so when you do them with the bling anything material and you press them to the glitter I've put them through the dishwasher all right let's get this and drop that down hit that perfect and then let's go ahead and pull this up the key to this and the reason why it looks so good is using the glitter heat transfer vinyl is the key to it because it's providing that solid background alright that's flipped over I'm just gonna bring this back over and set that there just to store it for right now okay so we're good to go with that now what we need to do now what we need to do is we need to cut or glitter heat transfer vinyl so roll on this back here I'm gonna come over here and let's go ahead and brush up these stones cuz we're done with these for now so let me grab Glitter sign vinyl yeah you could definitely use glitter sign vinyl the biggest thing with the biggest difference that you run into a few use sign vinyl sign vinyl when you get into small kind of complexed areas and smaller areas small text and small lettering eventually just the oils on your hands and stuff it's going to come off with the bling anything material that's where we put them through the dishwasher and everything all right so I got my silver cut there so let me just grab a piece of green over here real quick I'm actually just throwing it through my cutter over here real quick and let's go ahead and load this in that looks good to me let's go one would you ever make these with the cams machine yeah you definitely could make these with the Kansa machine 100% and you could get them a lot closer together Peggy all right good to go with that so Facebook let me get you guys over here so you can kind of see what's going on as well now that we're done brushing in the stones so what I'm doing now is I'm just coming back over to the software to cut the green glitter part so I'm going to go to launch and cut plot cm for Korean low-lead definitely the most cost effective yes well the thing is if this that's cutting the template party and everything is what takes so long if I already have these templates done which I do now if I already have the templates done it's gonna take me five minutes to brush in the stones right five minutes of brushing the stones gonna take me five minutes if that to cut my to glitter heat transfer vinyls and then it's just pressing them from there so the initial setup of the bling any of the templates and everything and the cutting is where your time is involved after you get these templates cut now you can make as many as you want any colors that you want and so on and I'll bring this this is the one that we did the other day but we're making this one a little bit different template for these that are straight edges what do you mean straight edges Arkansas made so if it has a straight edge it's not going to wrap around the cup so are you saying for a cup that doesn't get smaller is that what you're talking about all right so my settings I'm gonna do a force of about 2021 and let's see lengthwise I should be good there let's go ahead and hit send and let's see what's going on over here in Facebook got your facebook what's up Angela what's up Bella how are you on facebook for a skinny tumbler that's not warped that's a good idea so what we started doing is getting different ideas for the different types of templates that you guys want use the craft file for the Cricut correct continue job yes the lids the ones from the other day didn't have lids it's a completely different lid okay so the one from the other day with the plastic lids because there's different levels of it it just wouldn't wrap good this one's a flat lid so that's why this one has that lid today is the first day that the taller ones available yes I actually just posted them on the website literally like 45 minutes an hour ago alright so now I am going to come over here let me grab a see where my pick tool is all right pick tools here Facebook let me get you down here and hopefully my pressure was good looks like it was so the part that I'm doing right now and that's where we're gonna make a second cup of this just to show you how quick it can be if you wanted it to if you wanted to make just an awesome looking glitter Cup and someone wanted a discounted version or a version that's not as expensive that's where you would just do this here alright and then drop that down and then let's go ahead and trim this so now we're basically to the point where we're going to start pressing oh shoot you know what I do need to do what did I forget to do who knows what I forgot to cut and I can kid it I can hit it here real quick I forgot a piece yes the top right I need the oh but we're doing silver glitter for the top that's right oh good catch good catch so fine a strip of silver glitter that is big enough oh man this is gonna be close I need to get a little bit bigger piece hold on need a longer piece for that strip alright so looking good there good there let's go ahead and drop this down and go one for front edge get you guys back over here and align my pinch roller so I'm a little bit off on this pinch roller right here as you can see that's one thing I love about the graphtec is it lets you know if your pinch rollers are off at all so it gives you a little warning ahead of time and let's go ahead and grab this file here is what I need did I not have it over here I didn't did I dang it okay so I need this circle and this line and I'm going to rotate this 90 degrees let's put these kind of next to each other here and let's go templates and my little over cut and let's cut this what's up Arizona how are you we at 300 let's go let's get 400 today the machine I'm using Sonya is the graft xee 6040 which is a 15 inch version of the 24 inch graphtec alright good to go with that and I didn't cut a weed box around it so that means that I need to let's find my cut here first if you don't cut a weed box it always makes it a little more difficult right there we go there and there so let's trim here and I don't want to waste this much material so I'm gonna trim down this way we can use this glitter for something right custom numbers custom names something we can use that for does it cut cardstock yeah it can definitely cut cardstock it's basically just think of this cutter as a a much better much much much better Cricut Cameo that's gonna do all the things that can do plus a lot more alright I'm good to go with that and then let's get this one here alright let's go ahead and make this thing so what we need now is we need our bling anything material I'm gonna bring that over here hotfix tape we're good with for right now Facebook I'm gonna bring you guys over here get you guys a little bit better of you and YouTube let's get you guys over here by the press as well good to go there and I need my bling anything material to be big enough so I'm over here real quick YouTube can still see me but just getting my bling anything material cut real quick there we go so we're gonna press the big part of the design first all right so with bling anything material you always want to press which part the shiny side or the dull side you guys let me know shiny side dull side which partner we want to press and then I'm pressing the silver glitter down first and I actually will probably be able to save some this I'm gonna be able to do this at the same time as well so I'm gonna do this strip at the same time as well I won't be able to fit my circle in there I don't think but let me see let me see if I can arrange this just right hold on maximize our material baby we're just missing it so freaking close I'm gonna make this work I'm gonna make this work hold on I'm gonna go all the way to the edge here all the way to the edge here yes and I think we're gonna be good I think we're gonna get it look at that look at that I think that's got it so I need to cover some of it there cover the rest of it here and let's press and I'm at 320 degrees I'm gonna go about four seconds four to six seconds for this first press all right so let's peel that up there let's get this strip there oh man we just maximize some material didn't we that was impressive right there I like that don't burn myself again I know right Eric alright so now I'm gonna come back and I need to grab my green glitter so let's get lined up good I'm going the bottom edge here checking the inside middle there off the top a little there that's looking good oh this is actually this is gonna pop this is gonna look so freaking good this is gonna look so damn good all right and I don't necessarily need to hit those areas again so I'm gonna hang those off just a tad bit this time about eight seconds shiny side is up my nick shiny side up you got the max miser alright so now that we got that let's go ahead and pull this off here I already have those off so that's clean right there so we're looking so if I wanted to just wrap this cup in glitter technically I could be done right now okay I could be done right now but now I want to come back and we're going to press the stones and everything so what I do want to do real quick is because I don't want to keep repressing the side there oops RM right in your face here YouTube I'm looking for my other pair of scissors here where are you at I don't see him alright that's fine because I don't want to keep repressing this over and over I'm actually going to come down and trim around that here and we'll come back and do that in a minute when we put the stones on so now I'm looking to get my stones on here so we're gonna start with our crystal what's up Rick how are you what's up Audrey now for my edges again you guys know we don't want our hotfix tape to go way over the edge of the bling anything material so where those little angles were right there I just trim that off a little bit just to make it a little bit easier and then let's go ahead and turn this around and drop this on top and what's cool about is because the stones kind of sit up a little bit you can kind of move around to arrange it until you get it perfect and I think perfect is right there that looks good so moving this back over I'm going to flip over this top part here I'm going to cover this part here and for the stones Oh what did I forget retails message you're doing it weed out the straw hole on the top piece oh shoot I did it I'm trying to see if I can see yeah that's a great point Dale I didn't but what I'll be able to do the rhinestone is missing it so I'll be able to cut it out so I think we'll be able to work around it but good catch all right so I went about eight seconds on this one I always just use my shirt there a little bit just to kind of help with the stones a little bit because I didn't really go that full-time temperature press because I know I'm going to come back with the second one here in just a minute so I want and I got one little stone right there I'm gonna hit that guy just a little bit more yes I see it now that you say that I see it right there maybe it'll just automatically appear right you guys know how that happens never just hitting that one one right there beautiful and then let's go ahead and pull up my hot that's take care again the biggest thing stone wise is just making sure and it's just one spot right there and I think what happened that is what happened I turned the stone around and I had the stone upside down so when I was flipping them around the stone actually ended up upside down so what I can do I know I had a couple stones that dropped on the ground right here when I come back with the green right here I'm just gonna find where that one stone was and the cool thing is is it's so hard to even see literally if you're missing a stone I can't even find where that came from so basically I had my stone upside down and I'm trying to find where that could have possibly come off I'm thinking it might have been an extra stone because I don't see any spots here I don't see any spots that are missing so we're gonna call it good all right now let's head over and knock out this last one with my green so the green I'm using is the emerald green and again just gonna trim my edge here yes I'm working out of the house here I'm gonna trim the bottom part a little bit to pretty big bottom area on this piece of hotfix tape that I had cut and a little bit on this edge and this isn't you don't have to do this it just makes it a little bit easier to be able to manipulate it and move it around so now the green will just kind of drop perfectly into place of course right around the crystal stones like that and we're good to go so let's go ahead and fold this over and main thing I'm looking for is just that no stones are outside of my area like but what do you think would use for a I'm actually using kind of a probably a medium to slightly firm pressure I'll be medium to slightly firm and I had it said I think at 10 or 12 seconds I'm actually gonna let it roll for about 15 seconds I know right Angi trying to find that one stone just wait until you hand it to the customer and then you'll find it isn't that the way it works every time 320 we got three hundred and twenty three of you here in 168 likes let's go oh yeah I still go to the office all the lives I do at the house here just because I have all of my setup a lot easier all right so let's pull my green here beautiful and then I'm gonna do my little remember I did it the other day the little upside down Insurance press let's do my little upside down Insurance press for about six to eight seconds mini pack to Stephanie is completely different so many pack two is set to fit the smaller reusable plastic cups mini pack three is for the larger acrylic ones the one that we're doing today so there are literally completely different designs and they won't work with each other okay alright so good with that now what I need to do is grab my rhinestone transfers here got that got that and I think I'm gonna be able to do man I don't know do you guys think I'm gonna be able to do it or should I just cut another one hmm dang it because as soon as I press the stones I've committed to it right I don't know I think are better off cutting another one just for the fact of unless I can let me just try one thing I'm trying to reheat it quick let's see if I can get to it probably not I'm saying cut again because oh come on almost it's pulling up some of the bling anything though let's see I did that I almost got it and if I think it affected the bling anything a tiny bit but I think we'd still be able to you know what for a seventy-five to a hundred dollar cup we can spend an extra thirty seconds or 2 minutes right we can spend an extra two minutes in a cut I could exacto knife it out but then it's gonna what I'm worried about it's gonna I'm gonna just use this little scrap piece right here let's get it right we got plenty of you don't need bling anything in the middle correct but it started a Yank the bling anything from out under it and this is gonna be so quick to just cut another one and we're done and then this time we're going to weed out that inside circle right alright so I'm sorry let me flip you guys back over here and let me get a little piece of bling anything material I think that's gonna look good with it with the crystal top alright shiny side up tall side down good to go weed it out my inside circle there we go all right now I gotta add my stones to it give them the amount of material and time yeah I would probably be about for the full rhinestone version 75 to $100 for the full four thousand right and a lot of people honestly I would probably be able to get more than $100 so obviously it depends on your area as well but as long as you offer different versions and different types that's the biggest thing offer the all glittery version but then BOOM now you can offer them a full rhinestone version so maybe all glitter version is only 50 dollars but the full rhinestone version is $100 that's the biggest thing that's the thing Rick it doesn't have to sell at that price there that's that's what the Internet's for right you can reach anybody anywhere you know anybody anywhere you don't want to just try and find somebody locally to spend $100 on a cup all right good to go with that he'll and I need my little strip here and I'm not sure on the little strip my daughter would pay it oh I believe me I know plenty of people that would pay it $49.99 for a full rhinestone honestly Karen wouldn't be worth it to me time and material wise because again for a full rhinestone you're gonna have you're gonna have close to $40 $30 in cost right so if you have $30 in cost you can't be selling it for 49 good to go there and then let's flip this over yeah the easy press could easily do this I agree you could do this no problem with the easy press honestly the the thing I love about the easy press is how quickly it heats up if you need to do something quick that thing gets up to temperature literally in like three minutes it's insane all right so let's go ahead and I'm gonna flip you guys over here and Facebook I'm gonna bring you guys over here Oh Facebook you guys are turning around hold on gotcha I saved you Oh Facebook we can go overhead view let's go we get the good one there we go Facebook all right so here's what we need to do now I'm gonna pull this up I don't need this right now let me get my questions over here a little bit so I can see and let's just wrap this thing up real quick now again these are both of my templates I have these forever now just take care of them to where they don't dry out and I can make as many of these templates as I want now all right so now that we have that I'm gonna bring this over here and I'm gonna trim this a couple star but she not she won't let you bling it I bet you if you go get one and bling it she'll want it she'll give you one of our blank ones shorter this one and what would be super easy I'm telling you guys I could I bet you I could literally wrap a cup and just make a Starbucks cup glitter let's just say someone wanted a glitter green Starbucks cup that would take me at most probably five minutes because I would just cut green glitter at one size for this perfect template and press it wrap it done but again when you're getting into two colors but then you're getting into rhinestones as well you have two rhinestone so this cup here took me probably half the time as this Cup because I didn't have to brush as many stones right or as many colors I mean I didn't have to cut as many templates so that's the biggest thing is just knowing the difference of your time involved now I'm just trimming around my inside circle here sorry Facebook I'm not sure if you guys can see this or not I should have been recording this to make a youtube video of this one as well because this one's gonna look freaking amazing how did I start my business I started my business selling just vinyl car window decals as my wife and I were both high school teachers and we started it basically out of the house with the cheapest vinyl cutter I could buy and the cheapest heat press I could find and I started a business and I started it on eBay and then I created what a place called ecwid that i tell you guys about a quoit is where I created my online store and sold all of my t-shirts and decals on ecwid and then I love the teaching side of it so much that's when I started creating all the YouTube videos and got into this side of the business to help people teach people how I started a business and how it was successful and now I get to come hang out with 400 of you on a Thursday afternoon and hopefully help your business beautiful strip and I could do if I'm doing a lot of these cups I could make a bunch of these strips at one time right yeah we don't we talk about the pacifiers but we don't right so technically I started with pacifiers it was just a complete failure which turned into a complete success so the first thing I started was to do custom pacifiers and I couldn't sell any of them the good old days right Charles okay and then I probably want to at some point get some little trimming scissors cuz this little area here is kind of hard to trim with some cheaper scissors like this I should be good I did it the other night you'll want probably some sewing scissors or the little applique scissors but if you don't have that you just make it work right and we made it work all right so to wrap this here's what I like to do I like to just spray it with water right below spray that with water and then before I get crazy I need to remove my carrier sheet on the back and trim this trim this place this back on so what that's doing is just exposing part of my adhesive okay now I can come back spray that spray my cup don't worry the adhesive will come back and let's get this all lined up this thing is gonna look crazy and if you have to spray it a little bit more you can spray it a little bit more I'm just kind of moving it around find my sweet spot so what I'm looking at basically is the kind of Starbucks circle to line it up off of that and then making sure it's going straight along the top here because that's what's going to wrap around so I can see it's getting a little high on that side so again I can just peel it off and that looked good there that was a good wrap right there come back to this side good wrap right there feeling this right here I'm feeling this right here oh yes we're looking good so now that I feel like it's pretty good I'm gonna release that and wrap that around release this side wrap this around and now just basically match them up so for the seam sometimes you can even just kind of pull it a little bit kind of a push and pull same thing on this one to try and make sure that you get that seen to match up good this actually is just water that I'm using here and there we go and see how I got this I mean obviously it the area is for oh look at that I'm gonna be able to adjust this even a little bit more to get it perfect I can feel that edge that's what's really cool about this material as you can kind of pull it off a little bit adjust it a little bit and then just kind of keep moving it and if you see it kind of peel a little bit it's just because you have that wet application behind it so it will eventually dry out and once it dries out then that adhesive will really really stick again so now we just need to grab our top oh a leopard print we have been taking some requests for some different template layouts so a lip leopard print could be a cool one I agree again spray the top spray that so I can still move it around a little bit drop this here I'm just feeling around the edges that looks good and then just press it to complete it and the only part I'm still not yes it would Todd to try and get it to where it were a seamless going into each other I was starting to work on that man it was so freakin tough and then what you can also do is you can get this strip along the edge so let's go and trying to look up and see the comments as well as I try to peel this off and now I'm just gonna kind of form this around as I'm going so I don't know if you can really see but I kind of have my fingers on both sides to kind of form with the edge as I'm wrapping around it so it stays on pretty straight beautiful and now we have the edge on and then we can where did my straw go I'll hear this drop this here straw in twist that down and we are good to go pretty sweet right and I'll show you guys up close here as well Facebook this one here at 4,000 stones like it has on it here I'm gonna be looking at 75 to $100 at least and they could choose whatever colors they want so seventy-five to a hundred at least for four thousand stones because again you got time you got labor cost you got everything else but obviously your material cost as well and what I recommend I saw a couple people say can you hand it to them right now because I did a wet application you know Facebook I'll flip you guys around here so you can still kind of see as I'm showing this because I did a wet application I would let this dry for a few hours let it dry for a few hours because bling straw chip thing it are those bling anything rhinestone sheets which ones which are which ones bling anything rhinestone sheets I didn't see what you were asking Karen so which one do you like better of the two what do you think pretty sick right Facebook which one do you like better of the two yes these are templates that we have on the website to be able to cut the magic clock template material to brush in the stones and stuff all right so now what I want to show you and just real quick to show you how quick you can do something is going into the software and just adjusting a regular design okay and this is going to be obviously a lot more feasible of not having to do a full rhinestone design okay so this here can everybody see it alright this here is just the file of kind of that pattern okay so with this file of that pattern or do you guys want to do this pattern again or do you just want to do a plain glitter with like a name on it green around the circle of zebra what do you think yes okay let's do it so check this out let's just say I want to do the we're gonna do a name okay I'm gonna make a Lorene one so I'm gonna go L a few or a en glitter with name salad but it's--how lid play with them glitter with name glitter with name glitter with name okay let's do it so I got Lorraine here and I'll just even show you I can do that if I just did a plain just to show you how easy it could be and let's throw with this just to accent it a little bit watch this I'm gonna show you how you can even adjust it right here within the software I'm gonna click on that I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger okay make it a little bit bigger like that and I'm going to get rid of the fill on it and then I'm going to come over here and do a smart fill now that I did that watch what I can do here take this and this that there I'm going to make green okay and then what I'm also going to do is a green top and then I'm going to do her name and green as well so for her name in green I'm just gonna use our flutter script and we'll do it do you want to do it along the side or along the top side or top and I'm just going to adjust the name a little bit here maybe large along the side so let's go with this and I was thinking maybe if we went large along the side like this see it better on the side okay so let's say we just did that right and we're just gonna duel arena along the side there keep it kind of a basic basic Cup and what's cool is we're gonna have like two dollars two dollars and fifty cents in cost here so it's not going to be huge okay so now that I have that and I'm going to do this in green as well and we're gonna take all of this now okay I got Lorraine let me weld it together and I got my top I got those so I'm gonna bring these down to here because I'm gonna adjust those after the fact okay and press them after the fact so I'm gonna go to that there and then this to here take all of this let's go templates and vinyl over cut and here are my cuts here oh I have that a different color green no problem it's separated into a different template just because the the green was a little bit different than the other one so let me bring you guys back over here you can see we got that file set up that quickly for it right and now we just need to cut it so let's do a silver glitter here and my silver glitter that looks good there I'm gonna go one for front edge come back over to here I'm gonna go to launch and then cut plot cm for I have a force of 21 right now that should be pretty good and let's go ahead and hit sin oh shoot I gotta flip you guys around sorry sorry boom there we go alright that one's good there pull that off and now let me grab a little green glitter trying to find a decent scrap piece oh I don't have a decent scrap piece here so I'm just gonna chop another piece here real quick for us what size is that no it's pretty big let's go ahead and feed this in that looks good one for front edge and I'm going to rotate this 90 degrees launch and cut plot cm 4 good to go with that force of 21 that should be good and send alright so as that one's cutting let me just come over and find my cut area here let me move you guys down a little bit Facebook so you can see YouTube I'll move you over here so you guys can see what did I just use to cut that you're saying for the vinyl I used my little cutter over there on the ground is that way you were asking about the glitter on this old blade that I'm using I used a force of 21 on a normal on a normal blade or a halfway new blade I would probably use a force of about a 16 to 18 this is just a really old blade so that's why I'm up to a force of 21 I just up my force as my blade gets older all right good to go with that and this should be good here hey look an embroidery machine what's that thing do let's go ahead and weed out the straw circle this ton good with that and then this is just my accent circle and I don't have to have this accent circle we can decide if we want it or not we might not want it grab my pick tool here inside of my are inside of my a and I think there's a little spot inside that yeah inside the L there all right good to go with that and then let's trim so obviously completely different when it came to set up for this one right first the Rhinestone one I mean from design to cut and everything were to the point where we're pressing it already so I'm just grabbing my bling anything here and let's go ahead and get this made so let's all come over here get on the press there Facebook let's bring you guys over here good to go and shiny side of our bling anything trying to see if I'm going to be able to maximize this material again yeah I'll be able to knock this out alright good to go there let's run this off I'm gonna be able to get that circle spot in this area over here and then the straight-line spot down there alright so that's for that and good to go there let me trim this for this side what's up Jerry how are you I wonder if I could get Lorene I might be able to when if I'll be able to get Lorene into this part because I'm gonna drop Lorene right on the side there this parts going on the top there and then that's on the side so good to go with this let's go ahead and cover that up make sure we're on the shiny side which we are and press I'm putting the heat transfer vinyl on the bling anything that's correct appreciate it Pilar have a good lunch alright let's peel this off here that's good to go there let's peel this off here boom this one I'm done with right so technically I can trim that off and now you guys like the green ring around it do you want the green ring around it or not let me know I was just doing it as kind of an accent color I mean but it's gonna be next to a green circle so I guess it isn't really accenting that much and then Laureen is gonna go right there what do you guys got yeah I'm seeing yes yes yeah okay I'm seeing all yeses so the green circle is a go so we're good to go with that I got Laureen there and let's drop this here love the green ring nice oh we almost hit three mini packs yet yes glitter on glitter because I'm pressing it to bling anything so as long as you're not obviously laundering it it's not going through the washer and the dryer then you're good to go with glitter on glitter beautiful and then real quick I'm just gonna press my top here let's rock and roll good with that good with that where did my shrimp go my strips right there we should be good to go with this so let me bring you guys back here Facebook bring you guys back over here YouTube and we are ready to roll so I got to get this cup forgot to pull my carrier sheet off of that one let's trim around this quick I don't know where is everyone today it's Thursday a lot of people are back to work now it's not like it used to be where everybody was home right all right there's my top sending the hubby to get my cups I love it and then this part again I would get some little bit better scissors then a big pair of scissors like this to trim this part just to get it a little bit cleaner but again the bling anything materials so clear that it just basically disappears anyway there we go all right top is done let's trim around this and let's wrap it the phone that is our flutter font on the website so if you search flutter script on the website that is this font the flutter script and yes the fonts are with the reopening sale that's still going on the fonts are 65% off as well and it'll automatically discount once you get to checkout so not quite as good as the fourth of July sale but still a pretty awesome deal right and yes once I'm done with this cup once I wrap this this is dishwasher safe as well that's the big thing with the bling anything material so with a cup like this honestly I run into more more of it where cups are not dishwasher safe versus the bling anything material not me and dishwasher safe so I have some coffee cups that I've washed over a hundred times in the dishwasher that are still perfect so the bling anything material is kind of your magic material that's what's that's what's doing all the magic and I just made a video recently on YouTube I just made a video recently on YouTube showing this Cup and the whole step by step of it but you can always watch the lives again as well and then this is just to trim that for the edge of the cup again this this piece right here isn't necessary you don't have to have it but I think it adds a little bit to it some tumblers yes some tumblers definitely are blank and hand wash only exactly the hardest part about this one is it's just so thin it's kind of hard to trim it you just got to trim it straight right and it's gonna look good without this I just think it looks a little bit better with it all right where's my cup at right here let's go so expose my adhesive I need to get some nails there we go let's go ahead and trim off this edge and I'm telling you guys this doing it this way that I'm doing right here makes it so much easier makes it so much easier when you're wrapping it so it doesn't stick to the entire cup as you're doing it and if I had made this just one color I could have made it just one color I could have put just the name Laureen on the cup as well and glitter and customized it that way so there's a ton of different ways that you can obviously customize these let's see that's going a little bit up too much again that's what's so nice about this I can just pull it back up and adjust it so what I'm looking at the key that I like to look at is the top part I like to look at the top make sure it wraps good around the top and then kind of adjust it from there so now that I have my top good I'm gonna kind of adjust to the Starbucks logo from there but this material and the adhesive is so good you can see I can just keep pulling it up droppin it down pulling it up dropping it down over and over and it's not gonna affect it at all still gotta go a little bit down further that looks like I'm getting it there I had an interest on the rhinestone one but they don't do it and again all of the templates you're gonna get a version where it doesn't have the circle as well remember so you don't have to do you don't have to do the Starbuck circle in each one of them if you want to do it without the circle you can do it without the circle the biggest thing is just the hardest part honestly is going to be to find a cup then it's gonna fit to perfect you can always adjust it a little bit having a little bit harder time with this one it's almost like this cup is a tiny bit different size I bought it at a different store but it's the exact same cup Oh No there we go we're good it's getting worried there so I'm getting this top here Matt can I get pre-cut rhinestone template on the website a pre-cut template of these oh I haven't even thought of that I know we don't have them available right now but that may be something we're able to do that may be something we're able to do pre-cut templates there we go boom okay so now I just need to expose the rest of this good there and always make sure if you just pull it a little bit tighter just in case you get any little bubbles in there but bling anything material is so much different than a regular sign vinyl and that you could see how many times I kind of pulled that off brought it back pulled it off brought it back and even here like if I wanted to pull that off some you can see I just pulled that off again and now I'm just gonna kind of work it around so I don't get any bubbles at all and then the same thing on this side kind of work that in that looks beautiful and now it's just a matter of at the end here just kind of matching it up all right what else we got glitter on glitter bling anything on hard surface not shirts correct as long as it is a hard surface like a cup like a cell phone case anything like that that's where you're gonna have no issues at all if you're you don't want and a lot of people who just start using bling anything they think okay bling anything can I press it to bring it bling anything and then put it on a shirt no ok bling anything has nothing to do with shirts so now what I'm doing is I'm just working around this area here making sure I don't have any water bubbles at all and we're good to go I mean look at how good that seam looks there and then obviously for the top top super easy yes the font is the flutter font correct let me go ahead and grab this spray the back so I can move it around and we got our top bling anything equal stickers yes and if I want to do this little part to take it over the top I can do this as well and technically I mean you could pre-cut templates if you have specific colors that you use a lot of you could pretty cut the templates and then just do a name after the fact right and again I'm just going to kind of form it along just kind of split my fingers along the seam right there to form this oh sorry and I made this part actually to where it just hits it again perfect right on it and now as that green side - and there you go oh and if it are strong so obviously a big difference timewise huge difference timewise but they both look pretty freakin amazing don't they and then obviously this one is completely customized with a custom name which one do you like better of the two and I'll show you guys close up here Facebook check out the top there like just of the only glitter one right no as soon as it dries out back behind it it'll be solid and stuck like it isn't gonna go anywhere it isn't gonna lose any of the stickiness I'm actually this is the first one of the glitter ones that I've done I'm actually loving this all glitter one I think this one looks awesome no it doesn't stick up much at all on the silver the name but again now you have two different price points right and a big difference in the price points cost comparison this one with stones and everything you probably have about fifteen dollars in material cost okay about fifteen dollars if you're buying a larger quantity of stones if you're not you could have twenty dollars in material cost knotting not including the cup okay this one you probably have about four dollars with bling anything and the glitter heat transfer vinyl so a pretty big difference no it's not gonna come off that's not going to come off that'll that'll be good through the dishwasher and everything no I just use regular silver not confetti this is just regular silver glitter what's up janessa alright I'm gonna flip you guys over here let me switch back to my screen here and yeah all the bubbles because I did that wet application all the bubbles went out all the bubbles are good alright so let me pull up here so just to give you guys an idea real quick for stuff we need about we need 22 more likes everybody click that like button real quick we need 22 more likes for a third mini pack giveaway let's go 22 more likes so the pack for today and I posted a video yesterday ok I posted a video yesterday yes you can use a cricket to put the actual silver glitter do you also use a laser engraver no don't do anything with the glowforge or anything I'm using just vinyl cutter to do all this so this one here okay once you're on the main website the pack for today for the larger acrylic cups is this one right here this is brand new and it says acrylic cup we just hit three hundred and two likes baby let's go so this is the one for today this will go to $40 tomorrow but again remember as soon as you add it to your cart and you proceed to checkout they take 65% off of that price so it's twelve dollars and twenty five cents so for twelve twenty five you will get all of these templates here alright these two are rhinestone versions these are all vinyl versions you'll get the lids and you'll also get the full versions of each of them okay so the full versions are what everybody was asking for just in case you didn't want the circle there alright so good to go with that and then this is obviously just a sample showing what it's gonna look like but with each file you'll get the lid and then you'll also get the little strip for that little round part around it okay so twelve dollars and 25 cents for the entire pack today now any of you that we're looking for because I saw a lot of you asking any of you that we're looking for the template packs for these okay for the smaller reusable cups and I'll show you Facebook real quick how when you use a reflective heat transfer vinyl check that out Facebook SiC isn't it light off light on but these are the packs that are right here mini pack one and two so these two are made for the plastic reusable cups all right and the one from today is for the large acrylic cups like what we did today they're completely different and I'll show you guys they are literally completely different sizes let me flip around here Facebook just to show you and I'll show you guys up closer here so the templates won't work with each other because there are completely different sizes look at the difference in the sizes of the cups right so this template won't work on the reusable cups and then this template won't work obviously on this one this is even though they're both 24 ounce cups this one's a lot taller skinnier like the double-wall and then this one's just the plastic reusable cups got it there's a lid similar size I don't think so let me check I mean they're completely different lids the lids are pretty close in size they are pretty close in size however this is a screw on lid and the other one is just a snap-on all right let me flip around here and let me show you what else we got here so we all know what it is and then of course of course make sure you go to the featured area on the website design a day giveaway and all things grow with love so many books so little time both of these every single day oh I don't even know what we're at we are literally at a hundred and we like it a hundred and ten hundred and ten days in a row of a free design for you guys I want to say it might be more than 110 so I like it MB so make sure you come to the website each day send a reminder to come get your free design each day so check that out ok 382 are we gonna get there we got to like 390 I was trying to stall a little bit to get to 400 but we aren't gonna get there are we we aren't going so the really the reusable cups sorry the reusable one has a kind of a steep ledge right there or edge so for a full wrap it doesn't really do it good what's up James how are you alright so everybody grab their free design of course we have the reopening we went back to the reopening sale because I told you that was for we were running that for a few weeks than we did the 4th of July sale so we are back to the reopening sale good to go but I think it's time to go ahead and pick some winners you guys ready Facebook what's up so all of the templates are available on the website yes and the cups I just got them at Starbucks alright 3 8 it went weren't at 390 let's go 392 Facebook head over to YouTube let's get to 400 so we can give away a full artwork back we're at 390 again let's go hold on I'm gonna hop on my phone here and go on just to give you guys one more viewer 390 let's go everybody hop on another device real quick to put us at 400 sold on I'm going live right now ok I just put us up so I'm live with you guys it just went to 391 let's go 393 let's go hop on your iPad tell your kids to hop on their phone real quick we only need to hit 400 for a second we only need to hit it for a second let's go then we got a full artwork pack giveaway as well Facebook if you're not on YouTube hop over there real quick 394 we need 6 more I'm pulling the comments over here I'm getting ready to pick some winners 395 we need 5 more 400 ding-ding-ding let's go so we got a full artwork pack and we got five mini Pat giveaways just to let you guys in at four thirteen let's go so just to let you guys know any of you that are new here okay what we're giving away here are mini packs in a full pack okay what does that mean if you go to designs and you go to mini packs we have over two hundred and eighty one mini packs to choose from so just to give you an idea these template packs are mini packs so if you win a mini pack you could say I want the acrylic Cup template pack three and you get it for free alright the full packs are when you go to designs and you go to full packs these are your full packs so full packs range from 250 to 380 dollars we're gonna pick one winner for a full pack today as well and then I have I have at least one mini pack winner for Facebook as well so Facebook I'm gonna come over start commenting Facebook I'm gonna come over and pick you guys as well all right here we go it's time first thing we're picking is our mini pack winners of choice on YouTube mini pack winners of choice on YouTube I'm going to highlight a name we have three mini pack winners I'm going to highlight a name the top name I highlight and two the two names underneath that name are gonna be our three winners here we go in five four three two one and stop and our names are right here I got Heidi's nails and more oh no where to go where to go I saw Heidi's nails and more hold on there to go back and find it I just moved it there we are Heidi's nails and more Carol and V why v.y in LA no spam except her at the writers of the eggs alright I got Heidi Carol and v-y you guys are the winners for the mini pack of choice I'm gonna get a picture of your name here to send it to the call center there we go Congrats now I'm gonna bring over YouTube or Facebook real quick Facebook we are going to pick a facebook winner I'm gonna scroll through whatever name I stopped on is our winner on Facebook and I'm scrolling through and we got one winner on Facebook whatever name I stopped on I'm gonna pick the winner on Facebook make sure to get your comments in right now in 5 4 3 2 1 boom Oh Siri wants to win - I got Melissa shrugs on Facebook Melissa Scruggs you are the winner for a mini pack of choice Melissa says I'm on four devices I want to win Melissa those four devices paid off for you you've got a mini pack alright so Melissa's got a mini pack of choice now I need to grab our comments back here and it is time to pick our full artwork pack of choice you guys ready full artwork pack of choice we are picking it in five four three two number no spamming one and our full artwork pack of choice goes to Carol Collier Carol Collier congratulations care you got yourself a full art worth pack of choice Carol let them know what full art pack you want and they will drop it in your order history for you Carol congratulations I crew let's fire away with some questions what you guys got for me I'll hang out for a little while answer some questions for you guys anybody that got some questions about the different things that we did here today what do we got and I will pull up the site here for you as well what's up Samantha what's up Cheryl how are you everybody have a good time today hopefully so made some pretty awesome cups right how do I get that your W funds to come in when I take it from The Wizard to design space that says text not found patty make sure you convert it to curves so patty make sure you convert it to curves and export it as an SVG file and then you can cut it bring it into design space we have all the crystals on our site yes we do jewel if you go on the site just go to rhinestones and the stones that I use today were the Korean five a low LED stones made my first cup yesterday I love it awesome what's up and how are you Anna tell the rest of the crew hi I am gonna start doing I am just to let you know I'm gonna start doing some giveaways on some different cups selling lid templates only ooh no they're in I mean the whole packs only twelve dollars so it'll get you the lid templates and the full templates the materials needed who ever just came in late here on Facebook check out our YouTube channel and I just posted the video yesterday also and let me show you just so you guys can see now this is doing the smaller reusable cups but just to show you if you scroll down the main page on the website a little bit you'll actually see this video right here in the middle is a full tutorial video on me making this cup here undoing the reusable plastic cup I do have a boatload of cups down don't I I need to just carry them all into Starbucks one day and they'll all go nuts so let me know which one I want to get some feedback here out of these three out of these three which one's your favorite so we got number one is the custom glitter heat transfer vinyl cup number two is the standard glitter and rhinestones cup and number three is the glitter and rhinestones with the tiger print it's pretty crazy like someone was just saying these look pretty close together don't they the all glitter one and then the all glitter and stones like when you hold them a little bit further away they look pretty close to the same don't they obviously when you get up closer on it you can see the stones and everything and you'll see the sparkle outside and stuff but man pretty crazy flame template KJ shoot an email KJ shoot an email throw it into the requests I think the personalized one was by far the easiest to make easiest and the best as far as cost-effective definitely I have a us cutter and the us cutter pretty huge and a software it comes with everyone's own cutting template feature but it's not very good what charitably software we suggest i could work with my cutter t the co w design wizard in CorelDraw will work with any cutter so it's just a matter of you would just create all your designs in our software and then export it as an EPS or an SVG file and then send it over to your software that you're using now just to cut it yep Juanita yes check out the video I just made on this it'll show the whole entire process you can pause it rewind it and what not does the mini pack have blank templates - yes so it has just a basic blank template like the blank one with rhinestones is just blink so you could just do it without the rhinestones and then it's just a blank template darling the twelve dollar template it's on the site it just says $35 right now so when you go on the site just to let you know oh sorry lights on when you go on to the website it's this one right here this is for the large acrylic cups and it says $35 but when you go to checkout it's $12.25 with the 65 percent off coupon code thank you all I appreciate it first-timer with the question what's up Peggy Harrison what kind of question number one is easily customizable heck yeah the Rhinestone one's much more difficult to customize definitely would it be hard to put a name in stones yes Jeff definitely hard you would have to redo all of the stones s major just do test cuts with it because every cutter is going to be different especially the GCC can you make without hole for the plastic cup I'm trying to do that this like for example this one here to do this template I did this template last night this template just the one template with the hole took about two two and a half hours to make even in the wizard to get it perfect and then when I had to do it without the circle and fill in all of that it was another hour to do that it's crazy they take a while coupon code you don't need it Monica when you go to checkout it automatically applies it overlap the vinyl the vinyls pretty much wrapping kind of right to it I don't know if you guys can see it right there so I guess it almost has a tiny tiny tiny little overlap but right to it I just took a to get the paper template to the software Maria I just took a picture of it with my phone emailed it to myself and then trace the picture elegant twist just re-watch this video and you'll see the process of how we do it it's not a bling transfer you're actually brushing in the stones into the template we don't have a rhinestone flag template yet the flag will be hard especially with all the real little stars that one would be pretty difficult but I'm a I'm a look into it that one want to take a while to make you yes using bootcamp yes yes correct Cheryl you definitely will be able to and now that I see you here Cheryl did you see what was hanging up already right no baby so everybody just to let you know Cheryl sent this as a present knowing that I'm a covey fan which is pretty amazing so I wanted I saw you on here Cheryl so I definitely wanted to say thank you I appreciate it is in the Cubs Wall of Fame I thought that was it falling what else we got the smaller cups we have templates for the smaller cups - what else we got who can't love RINO right all right we're good why am i a Cubs fan that's a good question so the reason why I'm a Cubs fan is to upgrade your software just on the website you can upgrade from whatever version you have the reason why I'm a Cubs fan is when I was growing up in Florida was back before the Marlins and the Rays were around so we didn't have a major league baseball team so everybody in Florida the reason why you'll find a lot of Floridians that are Braves fans and Cubs fans is that's all you could watch back then so on TV back then you either watch TBS and you got to watch the Braves or you could watch Harry Caray and the Cubs on WGN unfortunately for a long time it really sucked being a Cubs fan right but in 2016 they made up for that so the Braves were great for so many years going to the World Series every year never went in it but that's how I became a Cubs fan there weren't any other teams in Florida so WGN it was they do yeah all the spring trainings down here so then there's like every half of the teams are here so you don't really pick one we've had a few different in our area and Sarasota right here we've had the Reds we've had the White Sox and the Orioles may all miserable teams a very long time he has 84 Cubs baby yes sir with the bling anything work with foil no I love the go Cubs there yes yes T all right crew I got some work to do working on some new stuff trying to get some new vinyls ok I know except this year right but hey how do I know punch out the stones that overlap the vinyl and the software you're trying to punch out the holes that overlap the vinyl what you could do Peggy is you can grab all of the stones this is kind of what I do for the craft version ok no bling anything is completely different than the bling sheets bling anything is you're pressing the stones to it to make your own bling sheets already have stones but what you do is you're going to grab them all ooh yes I think so let me check real quick but you're gonna grab all of the stones weld them together so it turns them into one object shift-click on to the layer behind it and do a back - front yes so the bling sheets let me show you these are the bling sheets so the bling sheets have 18,500 stones on them and you just peel off the back you can cut them with scissors and that's what's going to you that's what you're going to use for things like this so this and this and this so the bling sheets is how I customized this picture frame and this Apple charger and this koozie right however bling anything is what I'm going to press rhinestones or heat transfer vinyl to to form a sticker and make custom stuff right so like I pressed all of my glitter heat transfer vinyl to bling anything to do this custom tumbler hopefully that made sense you got it no problem all right we're good to go The Bling sheets would work on the skinny tumblers yes because as long as there's not a difference in the size between the bottom and the top like think of the skinny tumblers they're the same at the top and the bottom right so you could use a bling sheet on the skinny tumblers and just wrap it around and you're done and that would take a few minutes right sweet all right crew hey appreciate all of you guys thank you 400 of you come in to hanging out today with me hopefully you guys learned something Facebook I'll see you guys soon later you to appreciate all of you go check out the video the video I made on making this cup a full tutorial video on this one go check that out and it'll talk about all the different materials and times and temperatures and everything so pretty sweet right I through appreciate all of you guys you guys all have an amazing day and I'm sure I'll probably see you who knows later today or tomorrow and does Shawn have a training today to possibly let me see real quick maybe not I know he was talking about during the training today I need to get with him yes sweet and we'll post it I crew appreciate all of you guys you guys all have an awesome day and we'll see you guys soon later
Channel: TheRhinestoneWorld
Views: 8,103
Rating: 4.9754601 out of 5
Keywords: The Rhinestone World, How to start a tshirt business, starting a decal business, silhouette cameo 3 giveaway, vinyl car window decals, heat transfer vinyl, hotronix heat press, roland plotter, graphtec, crafting moms, start a business from home, matt vassallo, #askmatt, brick, heattransfer, vinyl, sign vinyl, reflective shirt, reflective htv, siser htv, cricut, cricut maker, cricut explore air, explore air 2, cricut made, siser easyweed
Id: pgeIpfZmyRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 6sec (8526 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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