Truth and Life Session 2 - Costi Hinn

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if you will turn in your bibles to romans chapter one that's where we're going to start and we're going to go a few other places grateful for my assignment from the leadership at the masters which is to lay out for you in this session what the gospel is and then the layout for you in the second session what the gospel is not so we're going to start with the positive and then we're going to move over to the negative and what i really want you to understand in this first session is the gospel yes but a few key takeaways if i were to tell you all the stories of how many college students i talked to who really can't articulate the gospel but they know some concepts about the gospel i would bore you with days of stories it is all too shocking and not shocking at all that there is a whole generation of young people in the church today who can't really articulate the gospel they might throw out a few terms here and there maybe a one-liner like well jesus he loves you and he has more for you he's got a better way for you and if you asked somebody well what what what is the better way you might say something even as a a tmu student like he's got a better purpose for you he's got bigger things in store for you you know the best is right around the corner if you just give your life to jesus hey it's awesome and right away culture starts thinking i'll take awesome sounds like a good opportunity for a job promotion or a great job out of college sounds like a great opportunity you men for a beauty queen in your home raise some babies have a good time some of you ladies find the handsome stud who's going to pay all your bills and ride you off on in the sunset right give me better give me more i'll take that give me some jesus let's go but if we really got down to the core of what the gospel is it really has nothing to do with having the american dream nothing wrong with a great job and nothing wrong ladies with wanting a handsome tmu man to ride you off on the sunset nothing wrong men with seeing one gal in particular and going to talk to her father nothing wrong with wanting that that's not the gospel the gospel doesn't even guarantee that the gospel is a message and i want to read to you paul's words about the very gospel that he wasn't ashamed of and then we're going to jump right in i want to give you three takeaways in this session that if somebody asked you what the gospel is you could rattle these off quickly you could unpack each one of them in a matter of minutes you'd have a very clear understanding of what the gospel is paul says in romans chapter 1 verse 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of god for salvation to everyone who believes to the jew first and also to the greek the gospel is power the gospel transforms people's lives the gospel was worth a group of individuals after the time of the original apostles who had never even seen jesus peter writes to them in first peter reminding them that they were faithful but the apostles wrote to these people over and over and over in the new testament you see these phrases or these moments where they'll say things like you you love him yet you have not seen him only something life-changing and beyond any power in this world could cause people to believe in someone they've never seen and even to live and die for someone they never saw the gospel changes people it's power there's a an old story about a seminary missions professor telling about his journey on the mission field and how he was new to the mission field he was assigned a car a good old missionary story always has to have a car that never works right some of you missionary kids can relate and the car wouldn't start without a push so he pondered what to do and he devised a plan he went to the school that was near his home and he convinced them to let the children come out they were a little bigger than children although if you had a group of toddlers you could probably take over the world if you have any young siblings or if you're ever over at my house you'll see they were young but strong and they came out of class and they would come out and they would push the car and if it got a good push the engine would crank and so off he would go day after day and as he made his rounds around the town he would leave the car running because he couldn't just pull the children with him all day every day and he would go around serving he used this procedure for two years it's a long time and then eventually ill health forces him to leave the mission field and so what did the agency do they send over a new missionary to that station uh the the missionary begin to explain to the new guy hey here's how the system works this is what you have to do with the car here's where the school children are they'll help you with a push good luck to you brother and he was off well the new missionary decided not to look under the hood because missionaries they got a lot of theological acumen but i'm not sure if they always make really good mechanics and so he pops the hood and he finds that the only trouble was a loose cable and if you just gave the cable a little twist and pushed the switch the engine would roar to life it's a beautiful picture a funny one unless you're the missionary who did that for two years of how you could be so close to something in the vicinity of it using it observing it the power being there all the while but a loose connection left him powerless there are so many people so many professing christians who live that way with regards to the gospel well they've got a loose connection to it they can throw out how god loves you it's a free gift just believe they could throw out some other christianese too they know how to play the game and live the double life but there's no power there's a whole lot of other people on the other side too of sort of the christianese game i came out of that world where they tout a whole different kind of power signs and wonders kind of power talking in languages that don't even exist kind of power acting like they're super anointed and they're above you and they're apostolic and they've got a connection to god that you're never going to have but they hear from him so don't worry they'll tell you what to do and they won't really need the bible because they've got an extra special revelation for you kind of power that's a powerless charade you and i and even them will know nothing of real power unless you plug your life into the power of the gospel the true gospel at that there's a whole lot of christians that are in the middle as pastor john mentioned in the first session and if you haven't figured it out by now we live in a new day in a new era where if you live in the middle you're going to get run over see for the past 30 or 40 years you could kind of get away with playing church a little attractional seeker driven model i played with that too after coming out of the prosperity gospel it's cute it works and then a whole bunch of young people grow up to be 28 29 30 they're getting married they don't know why stuff isn't working they don't know why they keep having to go back to marriage counseling they don't know why their kids aren't serving god they keep getting confused over and over and over as a whole generation wants nothing to do with god their parents are looking thinking i sent you to awana we did vbs we went to that church what gives powerless middle of the road what i would call the mushy middle of evangelicalism where it's okay to not be okay we're all just broken let's sit around let's use some fog machines and make it feel real emo and then let's all just not be okay and then it's okay to not be okay because we're all together we're gonna make it jesus loves you so much oh you don't have to change he loves you just the way you are so come to our conference we'll do it again you'll feel the goosebumps you'll go out you're going to need another hit in six months so be sure to come back and register for more it's a joke it's not real power whole generation played games and now they're biblically illiterate in a day where you need the word of god just to survive another day so you better know what the gospel is you better be plugged into the real power because the middle is gone pastor ain't gonna punch the ticket on the train and get you to heaven little ted talks and cutesy messages and vbs parades and all that are not going to work doing youth group and playing with your slime walls and yoga nights and whatever else you do when you goof around in church i don't even know anymore we used to play chubby bunny with marshmallows you did too obviously and your parents they're just happy if you want to come back right how is church so fun you can invite your friends yep awesome we're heading there jesus see you soon but don't come back just yet because we're having a lot of fun down here powerless powerless powerless is there anything wrong with vbs no is there anything wrong with drinking your foamy latte and enjoying church no you all did it when you came into this session is there anything wrong with enjoying music and creative arts know is there anything wrong with having fun at church no but what is the foundation what are we doing why are we doing it who's it all for make a bunch of goats happy or draw the sheep closer to their shepherd through the preaching of his word and the joy of this kind of fellowship and the singing of songs to him to one another encouraging through psalms hymns and spiritual songs i don't know about you but i want nothing to do with a powerless version of christianity at least be cold you know it's better if you're gonna live like the world and play like the culture just go out and do it go be cold at least one day when you meet christ you can just nod it'd be a lot quicker for the rest of us and you go yep i did it my way and he goes well you know where that leads but i think there's going to be so many christians that sit there and they hold up the line because they're trying to convince him that it really was real and it really was church and you know how that's going to go it's just a virgin of a social club that still leads to hell so we need the real gospel if we want real power that's what changes people that's what will change the world and so if you're taking notes the first thing that i want you to take away from this session is that the gospel is that it's powerful paul says for i'm not ashamed of the gospel it's the power of god for salvation that word power that he uses is the same word synonymous with god's miraculous works his signs and wonders the greatest miracle of all is not to raise a dead person it is to watch somebody get saved out of spiritual death and into spiritual life it's the power and ability of god for salvation the word soteria where we get the concept of soteriology means you've been ransomed you've been rescued you couldn't do it on your own and what have you been rescued from well there's no point in being saved unless something's going to get you and it's the problem of sin that's the human condition you are powerless over sin if you say you aren't you're a liar every one of us even believers experience a war against sin you need the power of the gospel to even want to hate sin and to stop loving your way god's power does that you need the power of the gospel because you're being held hostage by sin if you're sitting here and maybe you're an athlete you're just here to throw a ball real hard or dunk on people and you're going yeah i don't know about all the jesus stuff but i'm here because i want to go to the next step athletically you're going to come to a point where you've got to understand your problem isn't that you're slow or you don't throw hard enough or the scouts aren't watching you know your problem now and even if you get to the big leagues is that you're a sinner your problem now if you think that being at a great church saves you or your parents wave of faith is going to get you covered all the way you're in for a big surprise your sin needs the power of the gospel all sin leads to death romans 6 23 says the wages of sin is death that's the wage that's the payment that's what god says is the standard for judging sin and for many people they love their sin they they can't stop doing it but they don't even want to stop doing it we're born in it we'll go to hell in it and that's the bad news which is why the gospel literally means good news because there's bad news and a lot of people like to major in the good news and god loves you and wants to save you and then they avoid a three-letter word like it's a four-letter word and they don't want to say sin in their church i don't want to offend people it's so aggressive kosty i i prefer struggle everybody struggles right and they use the softer tones they edit the video just right or they stand up there and they do the eyebrow thing we're all struggle it's okay we need a generation of people that ditch the charade and start confessing i'm not okay sin is not okay i need a better way so give me the power of the true gospel i need god it's good news if you're sick of your sin jesus can save you if you'll repent of your sin he is the one who can save you everything else won't work everything else is powerless ephesians 2 captures this picture perfectly if you want to write that down maybe you already know it if you don't definitely write it down there are 10 verses that capture where you were to where you are if you're a believer and it shows you the process or god's power it's ephesians 2 1-10 paul writes and you were dead in your offenses or your trespasses and your sins you are dead in them dead men cannot raise themselves in which you previously walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience i hear pages turning so go there i'll still read a little more and while you turn there let me explain why sin is not just a wee little struggle because paul says when you walk according to that way you are living out the devil's agenda your master is the prince of the power of the air satanic dominion is over your life sin is not neutral you're not just a wee little human with a wee little struggle you've got a problem you are living for the devil he says among those sins we too all previously lived that way according to the lusts of our flesh we indulged in the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we were by nature children of wrath this is why if you ever hear a christian say that babies are not sinless as cute as they are statements like this explain to us by nature children of wrath and i know not all of you have babies yet but one day like the seminary warriors here and and me you're gonna have some little babies and they're on the changing table and they're so cute and they coo and they goo and do all that cutesy little baby noise talk and then all of a sudden the back arches and you're reaching for a diaper the wipes and you hear a sound it sounds like a little velociraptor you know and they arch their back on you and you're holding them and you know you're if you're me your wife's in the other room wrangling the other kids and and some of them are behaving and then i got this one and she's arch arching and i'm trying not to hurt her with my hand and holding her there and i'm trying to grab a diaper and it's chaos why because as cute as she is she came out a sinner she says my way let me off this thing get your hand off me whatever you are whoever you are i'm running the show you got to admit that that's you with god i don't want your way i'm not sitting there while the preacher goes off about all this stuff again i'm not going to church i don't want to hear that stuff hey keep that over there this is why an entire generation of students and college kids like going to those gatherings in those churches where it's just entertainment because it is so much easier than hearing somebody take one of these big wooden things and stick it up there and open up the old book again and look at you and call you a back arching little rebel who's running away from god yes sinner right we need to hear that so we can enjoy verse 4 of ephesians 2 right but god being rich in mercy that we need and we know we need it because we've admitted that we're rebels because of his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in our wrongdoings he made us alive together with christ okay now we're getting somewhere that's why you need jesus by grace you've been saved and we've been raised up with him in verse six we've been seated with him in the heavenly places in christ jesus so that in the ages to come he might show the boundless riches of his grace and kindness towards us in christ jesus notice the theme for by grace you have been saved through faith this is not of ourselves you didn't save yourself you didn't tap into the power by your own authority or your own will it's the gift of god and because it's a gift it's not the result of works and none of us can boast that we saved ourselves we solved our problems and then verse 10 we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand so we would walk in them in athens in acts 17 gospel power shatters the thinking of ignorant people they don't get through to ignorant people by trying to wrestle them to the mat with your intellect you give them the gospel there's nothing more powerful in ephesus one of my favorite stories in all of paul's ministry somebody gets saved and then a little revival breaks out and the local idol makers are real upset because their business depended on people being darkened in their understanding this would maybe be likened to a gospel ministry undermining the porn industry or some other obsession that the culture has and they are so upset that that jesus guy and his powerful message and his little messengers that are running around everywhere being salt and light they keep getting in the way of our money-making strategy people keep changing their appetite for what we do and offer is gone and so they attack paul and run them out of town does that sound fun to anyone or just me like what are we here for live another day have a good time pad the 401k one day if you get a good job or the 403b in the nonprofit world hang out in the valley go to the beach like what are we doing so much time and life is wasted when there is an adventure a real one awaiting where you can quote unquote leave it all on the field and when you're lying there in your death bed and the old pastor comes for hospice care and all you hear is the beeping of the machine and your body is stiff and you can't really move but your brain is still on and you're going through all of the chapters of your life wondering did i do it did i make it was it real did you know that you don't have to experience that level of insecurity if you just started right now at your age in your life stage going all in on jesus counting on one power source you get the joy of lying down on your last day like paul get to look back and say in all that i did whether in ministry in business in every relationship and all that i did going perfectly i can honestly say that i determined to know nothing in this world except christ and him crucified what a joy what a blessing and what power but so many people are ashamed of it they don't unleash the power you got any young men in here that are courting a lady that's with you raise your hand one raise them higher stand up just the men not you ladies stand up it's not a sunday okay relax stand up okay yeah you want to give him a hand give him a hand okay is she here is she here yeah i get verbals from you yep she's here she's here no well if she's watching the live stream you let her know is she here she she's in the room all right i got some questions for you men and it's too late to sit down so answer me out loud is she the real deal got one guy over here that's sure two of you here rescue you're in trouble one more time i'll give you one more shot guys because i know this is a little different for some of you is she the real deal there's some warriors that are ready you want to marry her one day my man good you're going to work hard and provide for her one day hire him does her father know the answers you're providing me with right now sit down you men and you are men you got the guts to stand up in the grace church sanctuary i may be in trouble with pastor john after this one too and on a live stream and standing in front of all of your peers because she's the real deal and you're absolutely certain you are willing to shout out loud yes sir in front of all of these people and i bet some of you don't even have a ring yet that's confidence you're not ashamed why because you're sure and relationships and marriages are not unimportant and your preparation in courtship is not unimportant but let me tell you that is the kind of guts that every one of you who are saved ought to have for the gospel every single day because far beyond a relationship far beyond your courtship far beyond your confidence that she's the real deal and her father's approval you have been bought with a price you have been commissioned with a purpose on this planet and if the gospel is really powerful don't you dare ever cower in fear don't you dare ever shelf it don't you dare play games with the bride of christ you wouldn't do it with her heart and so if you ever go into ministry or like many of you will become church members and you warriors will become pastors in our next generation of leaders in the church stand unashamed come what may because you got real power it's called the gospel and it's not yours it's his so what do you got to lose let it fly and what does that power do to people you gotta understand another reality and this is the second point if you're taking notes is that the gospel is propitiation okay big theological word that you need to understand because the natural question begs all right kosty i'm not ashamed okay i get the illustration all right it's real power okay by what cosmic mechanism does jesus fix all my problems and deal with my sin how does it all work theologically speaking this is propitiation if you want to flip over from romans chapter one go to chapter three verses 23-25 paul says for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god being justified as a gift by his grace through the redemption which is in christ jesus okay that's how you've been justified you've been redeemed we're seeing some big words and big concepts now whom god displayed publicly as a propitiation in his blood through faith this was to demonstrate his righteousness because in the forbearance of god he passed over the sins formally committed many aspects of the gospel are all wrapped up in these verses verses 23 through 25 of romans chapter 3. being justified means that you have been declared righteous before god as we already heard in the first session not only was your sin imputed upon christ you have received his righteousness god doesn't look at you and see a filthy wretched reprobate sinner he sees his son and his perfection that is the lens through which he looks upon those who have been justified and why can he look through the lens of his son at you why is his son satisfactory because he took the full wrath of the father that's what we were singing about the wrath of god smiting his son the full weight of judgment put upon the lord jesus that's how he redeemed you you were bought with a heavy price not just blood otherwise jesus would have just given himself a paper cut and dripped it out and everything would have been handled wouldn't it oh no it was his blood in death he let them slaughter him but you know even that wasn't even close because a lot of christians died on crosses a lot of people endured a crucifixion a lot of people were mocked in fact by the time nero was in power he was using christians as torchlights for his courtyard parties lighting them on fire so was it the the horrors of being nailed to a piece of wood no it was the full weight of god's wrath that's what he took so you would never even have to if you have placed your trust and faith in him the word propitiation in the bible it's a greek word that can also translate and point to an atonement something being atoned for paid for the word atonement generally speaking is defined as that which appeases anger and brings reconciliation with someone who has reason to be angry and there we find another concept that the mushy middle of evangelical quote christianity can't stand the anger of god he is holy he is perfect we are unholy we are imperfect his anger stirs towards sin because he is the essence the very definition of perfection and such holy heights could never tolerate the depths of filthy human wickedness and so your god the creator of heaven and earth has every right to be angry at sin and the way that his anger is appeased is through his son and the way that you will escape his anger that you and i deserve is by being hidden in his son that's what shane number one was talking about you are covered and so if you are not covered by christ right now the anger of god his wrath is pointed at you which is why we do conferences like this that's why as pastor john said we beg we plead be reconciled to him in christ the gospel is an atonement it is a propitiation and let me tell you there are a lot of people who hate that doctrine they hate it they'll try to come up with other ways to atone for sin they'll say what i just described makes god out to be a blood thirsty cosmic child abuser he's just angry there's others who will say well that's the god of the old testament kosty but the god of the new testament is a different guy we do things a little differently now and so he's got room for the lgbtq plus community to just be who they are and he's got room for those that are struggling with habitual sin and they keep raiding the lives of young women he's got room for those that are constantly sexual immoral and they don't really care about it he's got room it's all this is just a struggle and the god of the new testament hey he is gracious and they try to get out from under the reality oh this has been happening since the garden when adam shirked his responsibility they tried to cover themselves with fig leaves like you can hide from god all of those roads lead nowhere but hell they try to say that a god of love would never be so angry they forget that he is perfect in all his attributes and he can at the same time be both loving and full of righteous anger and not sin at all his justice is perfect his commands are set he is the definition of what is that's why he's the i am if god has said it is so it is if he says he will judge the wicked he will judge the wicked if he says that he has loved whom he's loved and he's hated who he's hated it is and now we're into a whole another bag of goodies about the sufficiency of scripture the gospel is not enough god's word is not enough i've got to get away from this god and these truths that are too hard to accept so now let's get away from the origin of it all his revelation do you see that happening around you in today's culture as they chop bit by bit to undermine the truth of our god but the gospel is power jesus was not just a moral example he didn't just beat death and go hey look what i can do believe in me and we'll fix everything he took the wrath of god and you need to understand that that is a massive part of the gospel if not the very good news itself amen that he took it that it's paid for you cannot leave that out you must repent and turn from your ways you must trust in that sacrifice the joy is that he's saving people the heartache and pain is that there are many who attack that message but the joy is that he's saving people and i always ask myself this question lord why haven't you returned yet and then i already know the answer you know when i go through all the different things that we're going to do better in heaven you ever make that list we're going to eat better in heaven right marriage supper of the lamb we're going to sing better in heaven as great as the shames are they're going to be like 4th 5th maybe 11th 12th string on the depth chart in heaven maybe lower as great as they sing we're going to sing better in heaven there'll be a better word in heaven the word himself you won't even need the greatest expositor of our generation pastor john will be standing there singing holy holy holy with all of us because the word will be in our midst we're going to get a better word in heaven the word that never passed away we're going to fellowship better in heaven aren't we i'll be there together but there is one thing you and i will not do better in heaven it is evangelize the lost that's a now thing you are plan a acts 1 8 jesus says you'll be my witnesses in jerusalem judea samaria and even to the ends of the earth the church is plan a you go out of salt and light you declare the gospel and then it's done which leads us to the third takeaway that i want you to understand and grab onto it is that the gospel is proclaimed you and i don't get to sit around and talk about power and then nerd out on theological truths like propitiation and penal substitutionary atonement and read our systematic theology books and have a good time in the holy huddle right and then do nothing with it the good news is what good news what do you call a news channel that doesn't do news nothing off the air or whatever maybe some of the junk that we're seeing on tv is good news is to be proclaimed flip over a few pages as we start heading down from cruising altitude to the runway to romans chapter 10 verses 13 to 17 if the gospel is powerful if the gospel means that the wrath of god has been satisfied and placing faith in christ will save you from his wrath here is the call to proclaim it to the ends of the earth romans 10 13 17 paul says for whoever will call upon the name of the lord will be saved how then will they call upon him who they've not believed so you got to believe how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard so you got to hear and how shall they hear without a preacher you've got to preach and how shall they preach unless they are sent you gotta go just as it is written how beautiful are the feet of those who bring the glad tidings of good things however they did not all heed the glad tidings for isaiah says lord who has believed our report so not everyone is going to really be excited about what you're saying believe what you're saying roll with what you're saying but faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of christ this needs so little exposition it's plain as day what has been done from generation to generation will continue through a faithful generation who will simply read this and then without excuse and mitigation or fear in the business sector in athletics in technology and certainly in the pulpit will go out and proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth if the gospel doesn't motivate you the goodness of god through it doesn't motivate you there's a few responses that you should have first you should check your pulse and second you should ask am i even saved because that is the mark of a believer that you want to take the deposit that has been invested in your heart and you want to tell it to the whole world because it's real the gospel must be proclaimed and shouldn't it be that the ones that believe in the sovereignty of god and the outright sovereignty of god in salvation that only he can do it shouldn't we be the greatest evangelist of all the most passionate ones because we have nothing to lose it doesn't rely on us there's a lot of people that you know will call that conservative uh vein of the theological world you know we're angry calvinists or whatever they want to call us we're just the happiest evangelists you'll ever meet most of us because we're so excited to take a message that really isn't of origin from us but from god to people whose hearts we cannot twist and change but he can and we've seen it in our own life and we know it's power we know god's going to do what he's going to do in john 10 jesus said i have more sheep i must bring them he's going to do the drawing so why not we should go do the preaching go proclaim the gospel what does god use as his means to save the faithful declaration of the gospel you know funny enough it was john calvin who said that god is the author of salvation but men are the ministers of it so even the man that they hammer on himself had a pretty good understanding of who is supposed to do the saving and who best be doing the preaching we're instruments in the hand of god some of you you don't proclaim the gospel because you're ignorant right you don't know it but some of you you don't proclaim the gospel because you're selfish and you're disobedient and i say that in love in fact that is love because i don't know about you but my real friends they tell me the truth the people who actually love me proverbs says faithful are the wounds of a friend deceitful are the kisses of an enemy your real friends will tell you when you're not cutting the mustard and not sharing the gospel they'll let you know real love will speak the truth to you because it wants the best for you for the glory of god in your good some of you just need to get over yourself and be excited as you watch what god will do through you if you will simply walk in obedience and understand that the gospel is to be pro-claimed oh i know it's a little inconvenient to bring up the gospel i know that sometimes for for some of you in the room you know posting some sort of you know gospel message on your instagram page is going to mess up your aesthetic or whatever filters some of you are using these days right it all needs to look a certain way you got to act a certain way some of you are scared you're afraid of what's going to happen and what you're going to lose but jesus said whoever is going to try to save his life and keep it is going to lose it whoever will lose his or her life for my sake will gain it and so die to yourself if the gospel is power if the gospel is the propitiation of god dealing with sin by smiting his son and then calling you and i to go and minister that message what on earth else would we do prison can't stop it it couldn't stop it for paul persecution can't stop it hasn't ever stopped it politics definitely can't stop it a virus can't stop it shutdowns can't stop it an anti-god anti-church culture cannot stop it hell cannot stop it even the devil himself cannot stop it god's going to do what he is going to do jesus promised to build his church one simple question is are you going to be a part of that or not there are a whole lot of people who read romans 1 16 and say yes and amen paul i am not ashamed of the gospel it is the power of god for salvation but there is a whole other group of people that can't stand those words the gospel is not powerful not propitiation it doesn't need to be proclaimed it's downright offensive it cramps their style they don't want to repent of their sin they absolutely love their sin they don't want to submit to god so they change the message they make it easier they build a house of cards where god does not even dwell preaching a gospel that he's not even in and in doing so they make it necessary for me to come back with a second session at 2 30. i have to do that work we could have been one and done more trophy coffee can't go anywhere i guess because the masks and all that but the reality is it won't be easy so i want you to come back at 2 30. we're going to talk about what the gospel is not and what to do about it let me pray for you father we thank you and we dare to even praise you for how clear you have made our role in these days that the middle is gone that it is a time for either hot or cold that the gospel you've given us is enough we know that it's a narrow gate and that wide is the way of destruction and so help us please to be faithful courageous confident please help our minds to grasp the understanding it's going to take for us just to not care anymore about the things of this world give us please a pauline generation a group of students and future families and future church leaders and business leaders and politicians and beyond who will die to themselves and go all in on the gospel for your glory and the good of your church in jesus name amen
Channel: The Master's University
Views: 37,168
Rating: 4.7885461 out of 5
Keywords: California
Id: hRcj6f9SLMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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