TRUST THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL | 1 Hour Powerful Christian Motivation - Inspirational & Motivational

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When you look for the word first in the bible  you find this teaching you go first to God with   your problems we don't take our problems first to  the bar we don't numb our fears with narcotics we   don't deny the existence of our struggles no  we take our problems first to Christ he said   seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and  look all these things will be given to you as well   would you like some advice to take into this year  that will save you from a month of heartaches   go first to God with your problems the moment  a problem surfaces is the moment you take   that problem to God don't take it out on your  friends don't take it out on your family don't   try to solve it yourself you take that problem  first to God seek first the kingdom and see if   all these things aren't given to you as well  take it to him first you see when God's people   put God first blessings begin to flow I want to  challenge you to let this be the year you put   God first keep first things first he promises  and then everything else will fall into place actively seek God's direction in other words God's  strategies are better than ours the Prophet Isaiah   said his ways are higher than my ways his thoughts  are higher than my thoughts God's strategies are   always better so I've got to seek him I've got to  ask him for direction and how do I do that I do   that through prayer why because we don't want our  plans to prevail we want God's plans to prevail   we want God's wisdom in our life that's why  we seek him that's why I get up in the morning   and pray and talk to God what I need God's  direction I can't live life on my own impulses   my own strategies my own gut instinct no I need  the spirit of God giving me wisdom and that's   something that can only come to pass through  prayer but here's what I've noticed many of us   in the body of Christ churches and Christians  we go to God with an already made up mind   like we know what we're going to do and then we're  just asking God to bless it but God's saying I   wasn't in it to begin with and you're asking me to  bless something that I didn't ordain in your life   I didn't want you to make that choice you made  that choice and I believe God wants to help you   no matter what the situation is but God's not  here just to give to you he wants to guide you   not just give you things he wants to guide you  in Psalm 32 it says I will guide you along the   best pathway for your life how many of you  are thankful that God has a best pathway   for your life but we have to seek his direction  well Josh I don't know I don't know how this all   gonna work out why don't you just read Proverbs  chapter three verse five and six it says trust   God from the bottom of your heart and don't try  to figure out everything on your own listen for   God's voice in everything you do and everywhere  you go he's the one who will keep you on track   God will keep you on track don't plan first and  then when you're out in the middle of doing what   you want to do pray for God to make it  work now first we pray about everything acknowledging God in all of our ways and he will  direct our path but there are times in our lives   where our actions aren't necessarily in obedience  to what God's told us to do why because we want   to do something else or what God's asking us to  do doesn't feel good or what God's asking us to   do doesn't align with our plans our actions are  inconsistent with what we say that we believe   so what do we have to do we got to get the right  habits habits are powerful they create our future   the habits that we live with and our actions that  we do every day create the future that we're going   to experience today I would dare say that many  of us are sitting in the middle of a life that   we've created by our own habits by our own actions  and when we're experiencing difficulty in life and   when we're tired of it it's then we got to say you  know what I can't keep doing this thing anymore   it's bringing pain into my life and it's not  working out so what habits does God want to   help you drop this year what habits does he want  to help to establish on the inside of you you see   for some of you I believe that God wants to help  you establish a habit of prayer a habit of prayer   in your life where you start seeking God in the  morning in a fresh way you start knowing God's   will for your life some of you he just wants  you to be faithful to come to his house more   make church a priority in your life and I know the  kids sports are important I know that things come   up and I'm not saying that all that stuff is bad  but if you don't make parents if you don't make   church a priority in your kid's life don't to be  surprised that when they move out of the house   it's not a priority to them it takes faithful  consistency in our actions to get breakthrough   I believe breakthrough people do consistently  what other people just do occasionally   most Christians I know who grow cold in their  faith or who who grow unproductive or unfruitful   or unhappy in their lives do not do so out of  a moment of rebellion but do so as a result of   minute by minute or day by day just drifting off  course the book of Hebrews the writer of the book   of Hebrews says we must pay much closer attention  to what we have heard lest we drift away from it   let the discipline of the first fruits recalibrate  you every day every week so you can stay   focused and you can stay on target now  one of the saddest scriptures in the bible   is Jeremiah 2:32 says my people have forgotten  me days without number but I love the   net translation of Jeremiah 2:32 does a  young woman forget to put on her jewels   have you ever forgot your cell  phone and went back home to get it says will a bride forget to put on her wedding  dress but my people have forgotten me for more   days than can even be counted we'll go back  home if we forget our cell phone but has anybody   here ever forgotten to pray and thought oh I'm  going back home to pray before I start this day   I'm suggesting that you no longer try to work  God into your schedule but you work your schedule   around God he would like to guide you and lead  you through life and literally let me say it   again be involved in everything you do in every  decision you make God wants to be part of it   be patient be patient and wait don't give up don't  give in James one says consider it a sheer gift   when tests and challenges come at you from all  sides you know that under pressure your faith   life is forced out into the open and it shows  its true colors in other words you really in it   or not it says don't try to get out of anything  prematurely let it do it its work so you become   mature and well developed not deficient in any way  one translation says that you'll not lack anything   if I don't give up on God then I know on the  other side of my faithful obedience and patience   then I'm going to be I'm going to be stronger  than I've ever been I'm going to be more mature   than I've ever been my marriage is going to be  better than it's ever been I'm going to not be   lacking anything that I need in my life if I don't  throw in the towel and give up when times get hard   I'm going to trust God and God's going to bring  a breakthrough you know how you're going to get   through the attack you're facing friends you know  how you're going to get through the trials and   the tribulation that you feel like you're facing  today you're only going to be able to get through   it with God's help many years ago God finally  got this through to me and he simply said this   you cannot do this and by this he meant  life ministry whatever your this is   we're talking about you're this rather  you're this is raising four kids   whether you're this as being a single parent  you cannot do this unless you put God first   in your life that means I can't do without  him how do you keep going when times are tough   it's because you believe that your  breakthrough's right around the corner   my breakthrough is on the way I may not have it  yet but I'm closer today than I was yesterday Quit tying God's hands and take the limits off  of him your situation is not too big for God   what you're dealing with it's not  like God haven't seen it before   he's done it before he can do it again  there's no sickness that God having healed   there's not a soul that he can't deliver   there's not a marriage he can't put  back together but you got to trust him and take the limits off of him limits are  something that bound or restrain or confine   something or someone who cannot do something  or have reached their limits but I want to tell   you that there is no limit in God he's  able to do whatever you need him to do   he knows that whatever your problem is he knows  the solution to your problem the bible says   Ephesians 3 and 20 now unto him that is able  to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we   could ask or think according to the power that  worketh in us you know there is no limit in God   he's able to do whatever we need him to do  and know this there's nothing too hard for God but when you take the limit off of God   you will see miracles take place if you trust  him take the limits off of him expect the great   awesome things will happen in your life God don't  give you what you want he gives you what you   believe see the how-to is none of your business  you keep getting in the way of the blessing   cause you all up in the how-to part of it show me  the scripture where he tells you to figure out how   to do anything he don't ask you to how to nothing  you just need the word you need to know what it's   saying applied to you you know why because it's  a promise of his he never lied he always come   through Psalm 78 verse 41 he says yes they turned  back and tempted God and limited the Holy One of   Israel they limited the Holy One of Israel now  how is it possible that we can limit God isn't God   limitless isn't God bigger than than we ever could  think or imagine doesn't he want to do exceeding   abundantly above all above and beyond all that  we can ask or think anybody got an answer to that   absolutely he's bigger than all that but yet they  limited him but we do put limits on God sometimes   in our mind we have a version of what God is  capable of we have a version of what God is like   we have a version of what Jesus is like we got to  get rid of a small God we gotta let go of a small   Jesus we gotta stop worshiping a small savior he  is the conquering King he is the King of Kings   and the Lord of Lords he is bigger than you ever  imagined he is greater than you ever imagined God   is able to do so many things but we limit him we  limit him because of what we hear other people say   we limit him because of a human natural  experience we limit the Holy One of Israel   God is unlimited amen in Matthew chapter 9 Jesus  came into the house the blind man came to him and   Jesus said to them do you believe that I'm able  to do this do you believe that I'm able to do this   do you believe no I didn't say do you believe  you can see but do you believe Jesus said   do you believe that I am able to do this our  faith is not in our faith our faith is in him   it is not your faith it is who you have your faith  in a lot of times people are limiting their own   lives in what they say about themselves being down  on yourself feeling like you're not good enough   like you're less than and this voice can  come to us in a lot of different ways   the world is going to tell you what you can't  do satan is going to tell you what you can't do   you don't also need to be in agreement with  those voices instead you need to agree with   what God says about you if God approves you then  approve yourself if God chose you then choose   yourself if God believes in you then you should  believe in yourself we got to learn to stop the   negative voices and start to recognize I'm still  a work in progress so often we look at the mess   and we don't look at the progress David had a  different kind of voice he said this in Psalms   chapter 18 and verse 29 because of God I can  run through a troop because of my helper the   Lord I can leap over a wall you see because of God  I can do you see that we need to take on that same   uh that same kind of phrasing in our life that  same kind of belief system because of God I can   not I can't I'll never be enough I'm not smart  enough I got rejected I had a bad start pastor   no David didn't do that David said because of  God I can you know people are going to say stuff   about you to try and limit you but don't limit  yourself you've got enough against you for you   to be against yourself if God is for you then  why would you want to be against yourself take   off the limits of what other people try and put  on you they said you can't do it but that doesn't   mean that you can't do it they didn't create you  see God will take the unique things about you   and use them to promote you and elevate sometimes  the same thing you don't like about yourself   is the same thing God wants to use to show you  greatness and promotion what's our job to stop   being mad about ourselves and putting ourselves  down stop being so hard on ourselves quit telling   yourself all the reasons you can't accomplish  your dreams what you don't have what you didn't   get it's not going to happen just by your ability  your talent your connections it's going to happen   by the spirit of the living God he's breathing  on your life right now his favor is surrounding   you in a greater way there are breakthroughs  already enroute healing promotions contracts   the right people they're already headed your way  now don't talk yourself out of it receive the   blessing now take the limits off of God and  take the limits off of yourself most people   have kind of a fatalistic theology that  things just happen and it's fatalistic and it   there's nothing you can do about it and that  is absolutely untrue God has a perfect plan   for every person's life in here and God has  good thoughts for you his plans for your life   are awesome he never made a piece of junk he never  made a dud he never made an average person every   one of us have something special that God wants  to accomplish but most people are ignorant of   this and they have bought into the lie of this  world that there's nothing special about them   every one of you are special every one of you  are unique every one of you can do something   that nobody else can do God has a purpose for  your life and most people are limiting what God   can do because they just aren't challenging  themselves God made you for something great   God has taken ordinary people what the world  calls ordinary people and time after time after   time after time after time has just transformed  their life and then use them to touch other people   and change things but when you put God first  I guarantee you he will transform your life While I wait God works this is not a a  nice little Christian sentiment to get   you through a hard season this is anchored  in the unchanging word of God he promises us   if you wait on me I'll work for you if you wait  on me if you're patient if you have expectation   if you don't give up if you don't cash out  if you just keep following me I promise you   you may not see what I'm doing you may even be  tempted to think I'm not doing anything at all   but all the while I'm orchestrating things for  my glory and for your good God works while we   wait even when I don't see it and even when I  don't feel it you're working so grab hold of that   and cling to that truth it doesn't mean your  circumstances change in a minute it doesn't mean   you're going to wake up tomorrow to uh to a bed  full of roses it just means that while you wait   heaven works God's always working no matter what  the crossroads you're at in life when you are   forced to face the trials and tribulations of  life when you are at the point not knowing what   to do or where to turn you can trust in God  every one of us go through valley experiences   every one of us are faced with these valleys these  are part of the experience of life but every time   we go through these valleys we need to know  that he's there God may not he may not do what   you think he may do the total opposite of what  you think but he's still going to do something   so many times we think God what have you done  why have you left me out no man apathy's not in   that brother's vocabulary and he ain't never  late he made time he is time he has infinite   wisdom he has all the information that could ever  be known he's the alpha the scripture says in the   omega so he stands at the end and makes decisions  about now where we stand in the now and go with   all the information we have we don't know why  God you're not doing this and God's going oh   that's because you don't have all the information  yet there's a lot of things you don't understand   yet and I'm navigating all those pieces to  make sure what we do isn't fast but is right   and is good and is noble Lamentations 3:25 says  this the Lord is good to those who wait for him   to the person who seeks after him you have to  know today that we are serving a God who is other   than us it's not a better version of you bigger  version of you cleaner version of you his ways are   higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher  than our thoughts is what Isaiah says so when you   can't hear his voice speaking trust that his  hands are working trust God's timing while you   wait trust God's timing while you wait there's  a reason for your delay see there's a reason for   every season that we go through and if we'll not  get bitter and upset we'll start to trust God in   the middle of the season see I like a and I like  z I'm not a big fan of l m n o p I'm not a big fan   of the middle I like the beginning and the end but  God says if you'll trust me from l to m to n to o   to p I'll take you to z and you'll be grateful  because what I'm doing in you is more important   than where you're going to what I'm going to  do in you is more important than what I'll do   through you I've got to do something in you at  g h i j k before you get to z you think you're   ready for the blessing but I'm still preparing  you I'm still working and it's a process trust   God's timing he's got a plan for you he's got a  plan for your life in the season that you're in   no matter how big your problems are if if you can  spend time in the presence of God and you know   that he's walking with you it overrides everything  else that's going on in your life because you just   know that he's going to take care of it some way  somehow you just make sure that you stay in faith   that you keep believing and let me work as long as  you're believing God is working and I'll tell you   what we need to be saying more of and I've I've  I've been doing this for a good number of years   and it's really really helpful when I'm waiting  on something and then I start to think about how   long it's been and you know my mind starts  to go negative I say out loud God is working God is working and it helps me because he is you  know when you get a breakthrough God didn't start   just working on that a second before you got it  God's working in your life right now he's heard   your prayers he's working in your situation but  especially when you've prayed prayers for other   people you have no control over how long it  takes them to listen to God you work hard and   you've believed God and you've been waiting what  seems like forever for that kid to change or for   your finances to change or for you to change  or whatever but I'm here to tell you I've been   there done that still go through it in different  seasons at different times and I am telling you   by the word of God and from my my experience and  the experience of many others that God is faithful and I don't know how long you will have  to wait but I do know that God will come   through and I do know that you can enjoy your wait  if you will just improve your attitude how we wait   is possibly more important than what  we're waiting for if we're going to   spend all this time waiting why not wait with  the right attitude why not live our best days   even while we're waiting for the destination you  don't have to wait till you get to the destination   to live out your best days you can start living  out your best days even while you're waiting   that's what God wants for us and I feel like  God has this this thought with us he says listen   there's a right way to wait and there's a wrong  way to wait some people wait with impatience they   wait with anger frustration twiddling their  thumbs when are you going to be ready when   are we going to get there are we there yet uh some  people wait with anger why why have I not reached   to where I want to be why have we not sold the  house yet why why haven't we moved into a house   and sometimes we can get tired while  we're waiting on the next season of life   and hope begins to wane in the waiting doesn't  it because you begin to think okay well maybe   tomorrow's going to be the day well after so  many maybe tomorrow is going to be the day   the enemy begins to have a playground with your  mind and go no yesterday wasn't the day and   tomorrow's not going to be the day I'm waiting  here we as a people don't like to wait so at   the end of the day what do you do when you feel  like his voice is silent we trust that his hands   are active his ability to work does not hinge on  my perception of him working he is God almighty   and paints on a bigger canvas than I can imagine  this is who he is he's never missed a call he's   never done something he wished he could take back  he's never been so busy figuring out something   that he missed you over here while you were doing  your thing never one time has God failed and today   won't be the day he starts and you won't be the  person that he starts with this is the hope but   remember what is hope it's a positive expectation  that something good is going to happen to me   to have hope and expectancy is the  Hebrew translation for the word   wait so he's not saying just wait like you know  maybe this is going to happen or I'd kind of like   throw you know throw a coin in a wishing well  I hope this I wish this would happen no he says   wait with an expectant heart that God's going to  bring this to pass wait with great expectations   and this is what Isaiah says he says if you'll  wait upon the Lord and you'll wait the right way   he will renew your strength you will mount  up with wings like eagles you will run and   not be weary you will walk and not faint that's  God's promise to us that if we wait the right way   we're not going to get burned out we're not going  to get exhausted we're not going to get impatient   and settle for something less than what God has  promised us to wait on we're going to be able to   hold steady in the middle of our waiting and not  fall off not quit church not quit believing in God   not give up on the promises sometimes when we're  waiting for a promise it's easy to get exhausted   while we're waiting it's easy to get impatient  to feel burned out to just say you know what   whatever I'm not going to church I'm not going  to believe it I'm going to stop reading my bible   when the promise comes to pass then I'll believe  that God's for me we've got to learn how to wait   with expectancy that even while we're waiting for  the promise to come to pass God's with me he's for   me he's working behind scenes it will happen God  I'm believing that my best days are not behind me   Lord I'm believing the promise will come to pass  what's in front of me is going to be greater than   what's behind me Lord what you're doing in me  is greater than what is happening to me Lord   I'm standing on your promises I will not quit I  will not give up I'm expecting a harvest in Jesus   name God's saying it's time for you to wait  with great expectations this season is important   don't get bitter while you're waiting for the  promises of God to come to pass while you're   waiting for that family member to get back to  church while you're waiting for that that loved   one to give his life back to Jesus while you're  waiting for a house to sell while you're waiting   to to to do that next season direction from God  whatever you're waiting on God says wait with   great expectations put your hope in the Lord James  chapter 5 verse 7 says that we're called to wait   like a farmer waits for the harvest a farmer is  confident he's not stressed out he's not worried   I don't know if the harvest is going to come  no he knows harvest is on the way I've done my   work I've planted I've done all the watering it's  just a matter of time before the harvest gets here   see we're called to wait with that kind of  confidence God the promise is coming to pass what   I've been praying for Lord I've been sowing the  seeds Lord I'm expecting the harvest is on the way   Let me ask you a question When are you going to start thanking  God for the miracle in your life   you know that thing you've always wanted to happen  that prayer you've always been praying that dream   you've always had when are you going to start  thanking God for you say well after it happens   when you thank God after something happens that's  called gratitude when you thank God for something   before it happens that's called faith the highest  form of faith is thanking God in advance before   you get the answer but while you make the request  what do you do while you're waiting you thank God   say God you know that request I made the other day  I thank you that the answer is already on its way   it's not here yet but I thank you that the answer  is already on its way and you just keep thanking   and thanking that is the highest form of faith you  don't keep saying please give it please give it   please give it please give it please give it you  say God here's what I need now thank you thank you   thank you thank you thank you thank that is  faith thanking God in advance say thank you   in advance for what's already yours it's how I  live my life that's why I why I am one of the   reasons why I am today say thank you in advance  for what is already yours true desire in the heart   for anything good is God's proof to you sent  beforehand to indicate that it's yours already   I'll say it again true desire in  the heart that itch that you have   whatever it is you want to do that desire  that itch that's God's proof to you   sent beforehand already to indicate that  it's yours Jesus said this in Mark chapter 11   anytime you ask for anything in prayer believe  that you have received it and you will receive it   now I really want you to get this notice the  change in tense here believe that you have   received it that's past tense and you will receive  it that's future tense you say wait a minute I've   got to believe I've got it in order to get it  yep that's called faith I believe that I've got   it already in order to get it you're saying you  mean I got to believe a thing is so even though   it isn't so so that it will become so yes that's  called faith we all have dreams and goals that   God's placed in our heart things we're believing  for situations we're praying to turn around   these promises start off like seeds they don't  come to pass overnight there's always a period   of waiting involved and from the time we pray  till the time we see it come to fulfillment   that's called the trial of our faith this is  when many people get discouraged and give up   they start believing the negative thoughts it's  never going to happen it's taken too long now that   seed is lying dormant it's still alive it still  has potential but you have to do your part and   start watering the seed the way you water it is  by thanking God in advance you can't wait till you   receive the promise you have to thank God that the  answer is on the way maybe you're struggling in   your health the medical report doesn't look good  don't talk about how you feel say father thank   you that I'm healthy thank you that I'm strong  thank you with long life you're satisfying me   that's not just being positive that's watering  the seed in your finances maybe you're struggling   business is slow all through the day father thank  you that whatever I touch prospers and succeeds   thank you that I'm coming out of debt thank  you that your favor surrounds me like a shield   when you thank God in advance for the answer it  not only waters the seed but that strengthens your   own faith so often we think I'll give God praise  after the problem turns around I'll thank God   after business picks up after I see the solution  now if you don't learn this principle to thank   God in advance you won't have the strength you  need to wait for the promise what keeps us strong   is getting up in the morning saying father thank  you that my dreams are coming to pass thank you   that this problem's turning around thank you that  you're bigger than this obstacle giving thanks to   God removes the anxiety you can be anxious and  worried about anything you start thanking him   praising him focusing on him and it is amazing  how the anxiety disappears next thing you know you   think well what am I worried about I've got Holy  almighty sovereign God on my side taking care of   me why am I down in the dumps listen living in the  dumps isn't God's plan and he can get you out real   fast you start thanking him and praising him the  devil runs and God gets you out you're rejoicing   and praising the Lord before you know it because  anxiety and fretting over things is not the will   of God we're thanking God before the battle we're  thanking God in advance that's verbalized faith   thank you God you're taking care of my bankruptcy  thank you God you're taking care of my pain   thank you God you're taking care of this conflict  thank you God and I'm thanking God in advance   once you pray and ask God to bring the promise  to pass you ask God to heal you you ask him to   restore a relationship from then on you don't  need to ask God one more time he heard you the   very first time now every time you think about it  you should thank God that the answer is on the way   one time Daniel prayed and asked God to help  him day after day went by nothing got better   it looked like that God didn't even hear his  prayer but on the 21st day an angel showed up   and said Daniel the first day you prayed God heard  you and dispatched me with the answer but it took   me 21 days to fight through the forces of darkness  what I want you to see is the first day you prayed   God heard you the first time you asked God set the  miracle into motion the very first day the answer   was on the way that's why you don't have to keep  praying about the same thing begging God asking   again and again the answer is already on the way  the promise is already in motion the breakthrough   is already in route the right person is already in  your future the victory is already up ahead of you   you prayed about it now switch over into praise  start thanking God that is coming start thanking   him in advance for the healing the restoration  the promotion the vindication the dream   it's headed your way you only need to ask God for  it one time but then in all your future prayers   you thank him does that make sense so you don't  have to keep going please give it to me please   give it to me please give it to me please like  you're begging God no you just have to say God I   want you to give this to me and then for the rest  of the time until it arrives you just thank God   that's faith some of you have prayed about the  situation long enough you've got to switch over   into praise get up every morning father thank you  that my dreams are coming to pass thank you that   healing is coming thank you that promotion is on  its way that's what's going to keep you strong   not begging not praying again and again no  remember like Daniel the first day you prayed   God heard it and set the miracle  into motion it's already on the way   as you keep giving God praise he's going  to keep giving you strength to believe   when are you going to start thanking  God for that breakthrough in your life   you've wanted it all your life but you haven't  been thanking God for it in advance you just been   begging like you have to bargain  or bribe or pressure God to say yes   God wants to say yes he's waiting for you  to show faith when are you going to thank   God in advance when are you going to put  the choir before the army in your life   Right now that many of you listening to me are  just barely holding on it's been a rough year   and I want to tell you don't give up  don't don't don't don't you dare give up   hold on this too shall pass the tough stuff that you're going through  it didn't come to stay it came to pass it's   not going to last the problem's not going to  last so don't give up on God don't give up on   your marriage don't give up on your church  don't give up on your dream don't give up don't give up look up look up Jesus Christ the son  of God who created you who thought you up who loves   you who has a purpose for your life who died on  the cross for you who rose again and is coming   back one day who's going to take you to heaven  one day Jesus Christ is the secret of strength   to make it to the end of your marathon and end  well when we go through a bad season of life   those circumstances that are oppressing us  they're very real but there's another reality   and that reality that God is in the heavens and  he is controlling and watching and all powerful   over every circumstance in our life we have a  choice are we going to focus on our circumstances   or are we going to focus on our God things will  start looking up when you start looking up   in other words your circumstances will improve  when you stop looking at them start looking to   God let me say it again things start looking  up when I start looking up you know in the   bible there's a phrase that's used over and over  and over and it is the phrase lift up your eyes   said many many times in scripture  it's just one way of saying look up   get your eyes off yourself and off your  problems and off your circumstances and   on to God refocus look at him things will  start looking up when I start looking up when we look up and we see how big God is it  naturally shrinks the size of our problems they   just don't seem to be as big or as overwhelming  when compared to the greatness of God I don't know   what burdens you're bearing I don't know what  grief or fear or anxiety or confusion you may   be feeling right now but I do know this you need  to look up instead of giving up don't give up   look up in your disillusioned heart in your angst  you've got your eyes focused on the wrong place until your eyes are fixed on the Lord you won't be  able to endure the days that go from bad to worse   that's the key until your eyes are fixed on the Lord you won't be  able to endure the days that go from bad to worse   the bible invites us over and over and over fix  your eyes on me God says fix your eyes on me   fix your eyes on me Hebrews calls us let us fix  our eyes on Jesus the author and the perfecter   of our faith are you in the middle of a of  a discouraging season fix your eyes friends   fix your eyes back on Jesus in a in a season  of emotional pain fix your eyes on Jesus   do it once do it twice do it multiple times a  day do it constantly throughout the day remember   and rehearse who he is remember who he  is remember what he's promised to do so when your schedules press when  your prospects thin when your hope   burns low when people disappoint you when  events turn against you when dreams die   when the walls close in when the  prognosis is grim when your heart breaks   because when life is crushing we  don't have anywhere else to go   because of who he is he will  always do what is best for you   now sometimes we have to talk ourselves off the  ledge we have to remind ourselves of important   truths like God knows what he's doing he doesn't  make mistakes his timing is always perfect   whatever is happening he is choosing to allow  for this moment it's challenging to trust and   keep trusting but we have to because he is who he  said he is and he will do what he says he'll do   this is the difference between ordinary people  and great people great people never give up   they never give up they keep on in the marathon  of life even when they're fatigued even   when they're frustrated even when they feel  like failures and even when they're fearful   don't you dare friend give in without a fight  fight back fight back against your discouragement   fight back against the devil fight back against  those who want to discourage you you got a great   dream and at some point the devil's whispers in  your who do you think you are attempting to do   this wrong question you should build your life  not on what you think you can do but what you   think God can do you let the size of your God  determine the size of your goal it's not about   do you think I would have tried to do all  things I've tried to do in life because I was   depending on me not a chance in my flesh they're  dwelleth no good thing I know that I can't do   certain things Jesus said apart from me  you can do nothing so that's pretty clear   now how do you react when your  plans take longer than expected when what you thought was going to take be done  real quickly when you have a project and you go   man this has taken me a long time to get through  school it's taken me a long time to get this thing   built this has taken me what do you do you  give in to self-pity you start complaining you start blaming other people friends if  at first you don't succeed you're normal   you're normal okay nobody succeeds at first  the only way you actually succeed in life is   by failing a bunch and learning what doesn't  work failure is the stepping stone to success   nobody ever succeeds without having failures  success here's the difference between successful   and unsuccessful people successful people see  failure as a temporary setback unsuccessful people   see it as a mark on their character well I'm  a failure no no nobody succeeds at everything   nobody has an unbroken record of success  refocus on God stop listening to the negativity   and resist the discouragement don't  you give into it resist it fight it   and who will give you the energy to fight it  your Lord and savior Jesus Christ so focus on him   not on the problem when we're at our worst God's  at his best the stage is now set for God to work   his will his way you see over and over again in  the scriptures over and over again the stage is   set for God to do his most amazing work when  the situation looks the bleakest to us when   you and I are fresh out of options when you and  I are fresh uh uh at the at the end of our rope   when you and I are at the end of ourselves and  we're full of fear and we're full of uncertainty   that's when God steps back rolls up  his sleeves and starts to wow us again the challenge for us is not giving up too soon  you know a lot of people start off great in life   but even before they get to the halfway point in  their life they've already really messed it up and   they've given up which is worse than messing up  here let me say it again giving up is always worse   than messing up everybody messes up why do  people give up in the marathon of their lives   because they got discouraged choose to change  the channel of your mind don't keep replaying all   those discouraging images in your mind instead  remember the Lord choose to think about God   and what he's faithfulness his love his  mercy his compassion choose to think about   God because your thoughts always determine your  feelings do you want to stop being discouraged   then stop thinking the way you've been thinking  you know when bad days come into our lives   we want God's to do something big something  miraculous don't we our miraculous cure to the   illness the immediate return of a prodigal the  overnight breaking of a destructive addiction   the erasure of the financial problems we're  suffering we want God to act dramatically and   instantaneously sometimes he does that but usually  that's not how it works it's not in the big things   instead it's in that still small voice that God  comes to give us courage to face that illness or   the grace to accept that prodigal's departure  from God the ability the wisdom to handle the   financial difficulty we're experiencing that's  how God speaks most often and when the waves are   crashing and the winds are howling around us it  is important that we learn how to listen to God's   real but sometimes small voice in the midst of  our bad season of life bad days are inevitable   but they don't have to be paralyzing those  who live a significant life learn to expect   bad days and learn how to refresh themselves  physically emotionally and spiritually   you know I found that going through  a bad season of life is a lot like   traveling through a dark tunnel the  bad news is in that tunnel it is dark   you can't see in front of you you don't know  if you'll ever make it out but the good news   is once you've entered into that dark tunnel  with God's help you're already on the way out All of us run out of hope at some point am I  right or wrong I think all of us do even that   cup is half full sanguine soul who always goes  around singing the sun will come up tomorrow even   that person on occasion will reach up into the  shelf for a can of hope and find there is no hope maybe that's where you are today maybe you're here more out of desperation  than inspiration is there any hope are you asking that question you're running out of hope are you the  single mom who's running out of hope   are you the elderly person who has buried  someone you love and your hope has left you are you the businessman who looks  professional on the inside but it's   been a long time since you had a good  night's sleep and you can't find peace are you running out of hope are you feeling like giving up are  you close to despair don't do it don't the blackest moments we live  through will last only a little time it's pretty easy sometimes to to feel beaten that doesn't mean give up in fact it means the opposite it means it's  time for you to fight harder and I'm gonna   tell you right now it won't be easy it will be  hard because life is hard that's what life is and these challenges these challenges that you  face they're gonna do their best to take you down do not let them stand up dig in line up those  problems and confront them face them fight   them do not let them bring you down  in fact in fact let those challenges   raise you up let them elevate you let their  demands and their trials make you stronger let the adversity you face today turn  you into a better person tomorrow so so in the future you look back at  these struggles and you say to them thank you you made me better you cannot keep a person down who won't stay down it's one thing to be knocked down but  the problem is you won't stay down there are already witnesses in this room who will  testify it's not that I haven't been knocked down but God keeps giving me the strength the  energy the wherewithal the anointing the power   to not stay down that every time something or  somebody knocks me down God keeps raising me back up see ladies and gentlemen life is not about   not getting knocked down life  is about not staying down you can't quit you come too far to quit now  today I refuse to quit today I refuse to give   up I've come too far to look back now amen has  anyone else came too far to look back again   we have come too far God has been  far too good I refuse to quit   no matter what's going on in our world today no  matter what is going on in my temptations today   no matter what's going on in my family with my  friends at my job in my health I refuse to quit   I'm not going to give up your situation may  have changed your circumstances may have changed   it may feel like it's bigger it may feel like it's  greater but friend today our God has not changed   he will never change the same God that helped you  back then the same God that was with you in the   beginning the same God that showed himself strong  in your situation before is with you right now   don't get this far down the road and turn around  don't come this far don't overcome all those   challenges and addictions and trials and what the  world has thrown at you and then at this point in   your life turn around it's not worth it someone  needs to hear this you're facing challenges you're   facing addictions you're facing that affliction  that temptation you need to refuse to quit you   need to refuse to give up today some of you need  to remember the history of victory that God has in   your life do you remember all of those times where  you said I'm not going to make it through this   and look where you're at today I remember  some of the darkest times of my life I   would lay on the bed in tears I would lay on  the bed sometimes without even words to pray   and satan would whisper and say this is it this is  the big one this is the last time you'll ever have   to go through this because your life's going to be  ending or this is going to ruin your entire life   but guess what here I stand today but  by the grace of God he delivered me time   and time again and even when it seemed tough even  when it seemed rough my God was faithful but see   for some reason we go through a new storm we  go through a new trial and we tend to forget   all of the past and all of the times that  God delivered us church today you need to   remind yourself of the goodness of God there were  things in my life that should have taken me out   there were things in my life where  I was going the wrong direction   there were afflictions in my life that should have  killed me but by the grace of God here I am today   and you have the same story today church I want  to encourage you there's been things in your life   that should have taken you out but here you sit  today breathing alive able to see able to talk   able to walk because of the grace of God that's  something to get excited about today we have a   history of victory if God says you can make it  guess what you can make it and you will make it   no matter how negative it looks today you're going  to come back it's time to get up off the mat if   you've been knocked down if you've been through  something if you've been through financial setback   or some kind of terrible thing has hit you in your  health and or something's happened to your family   we need to believe that it's time for a comeback  it's no time to quit it's no time to give up it's   no time to moan and groan we may be down but  we're not out because we serve a comeback God   and I want you to know the attitude  of our God is I'm not going to give   up on anybody I'm preaching to some people who  have fallen behind and the enemy's whispering   to you give up the devil wants you to think  it's gone forever whatever it is that he stole   from you it's gone forever but it is not gone  forever because God is planning you a comeback   that if there's breath in our lungs he's not  finished with us yet no matter how old you are   no matter how bad you've missed it no matter how  bad things look don't worry God's not finished yet   if you haven't seen the breakthrough God's not  finished yet if you haven't seen the miracle if   things haven't turned around for the good don't  worry God's not finished see God's not setting   us up to leave us halfway finished he's not  setting us up to not finish what he started no   he wants to bring us to a flourishing finish which  means that our best days are right in front of us   some of us in this room maybe we've had failed  businesses failed marriages maybe we've made   some bad mistakes and we think to ourselves God's  done with me God can't use me he's not going to   use me in ministry again he's not going to give  me another business I declare bankruptcy you need   to stop accepting those self-limiting beliefs  those self-limiting lies those God limiting lies   we serve a God who's never finished when there's  breath in our lungs God can turn things around   he can get you on the right track and I think  many of us in this room have accepted limits   that God didn't put on us we put on ourselves  we've accepted caps that other people have said   over this you can't do that you're too young  you're too old God's done with you you messed up   you screwed up you missed it you'll never get out  of this we've got to break those limitations off   because we've accepted that we can't we won't  and because we won't we'll never realize   that we actually can today is the day  to stir up that hunger to say with   God all things are possible I can do all  things through Christ who strengthens me
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Keywords: Inspirational, Inspire, Motivational, Motivate, Encourage, Encouraging, Success, Successful, God, Jesus, Lord, Christ, Christian, Overcome, Christian Inspiration, Christian Motivation, Christian Encouragement, Hope, Above Inspiration, Believe, New Year, Start New Year with God, God New Year, New Years, New Year’s Motivation, Fresh Start, Motivational New Year, New Year Jesus, 2022, 2022 Motivation, New Start, Put God First, New Year Motivation, New Year’s Resolution, resolutions, compilation, best
Id: ydZAcANvrkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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