Trust God If You're Afraid | 10-Minute Family Devotional | Bible Teaching, Worship Songs and Prayers

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hello everyone I'm so happy to see you today know what time it is it's time for a family devotional let's all gather around so we can sing songs read from the Bible and pray together we know that God loves it when we spend time with him and when we learn about God we can tell other people about him too [Music] my god is so big so strong and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do my god is so big so strong and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do the mountains are his the rivers are his the stars are as handy work too my god is so big so strong and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign are you ready let's sing it again my god is so big so strong and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do my god is so big so strong and so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do the mountains are his the rivers are his the stars are his handiwork too my god is so big so strong and so mighty there's nothing like I cannot do that was so much fun thank you for singing along with us now have your parent or grown-up bring out their Bibles so you can read along with us [Music] Psalm chapter 56 verse 3. when I am afraid I put my trust in you that was great reading good job now let's think about what that verse means and what God is trying to teach us if you ever feel afraid you can pray to God and trust that he will take care of you everybody gets scared sometimes you might be afraid of the dark or if there's a really bad storm outside or sometimes you may be someplace new and don't know anybody it's okay to be scared but you don't have to stay scared we can be brave because God is always watching out for us he promises to get us through every scary moment if we remember that he will always take care of us God loves you so much and even if you get scared sometimes he will always take care of you and make things better the next time you get scared ask God to help you be brave and to help bad things not happen thank you for reading and learning with us we love to learn more about God every day [Music] another way to worship God is through prayer when we pray we talk to God and we listen to what he wants to tell us here's a way that you can try to pray if something makes you sad or scared ask God to make it better nobody likes being scared when you're scared you want someone to fix it and make it better right that's why when you're scared you go find your mom or dad or another grown-up we don't like being afraid and we want someone to make us feel safe we can pray to God when we're scared too when we pray we can ask God to keep us safe from the things that scare us it doesn't matter what you're afraid of we're all scared of different things and God promises to help us with each of our fears and worries nobody likes being sad either and God wants to wrap us up and hold us when we're sad just like your mom and dad wrap you up in a big hug when you feel like you want to cry and whenever something makes you sad God will always make it better it may take a little time but God will always do the right things to take care of us everyone be still and quiet fold your hands bow your heads and you can pray this prayer with us [Music] dear God please take my fears and worries away I give them over to you please comfort me in Jesus name I pray amen we're so proud of you for praying to God remember that he is always listening and he loves it when you pray too [Music] there are so many wonderful reasons to sing to God we can sing because he loves us and because he always watches over us and we sing because we're happy about what God does for us let's sing a song about it I Sing Because I'm happy I sing because I'm free His Eye Is on the Sparrow and I know he watches me I Sing Because I'm happy I sing because I'm free His Eye Is on the Sparrow and I know he watches me [Music] I Sing Because I'm happy I sing because I'm free His Eye Is on the Sparrow and I know he watches me did you have fun singing with us we love singing dancing and praising God with you too [Music] it's time to finish up our family devotional so let's all pray together everyone be still and quiet and fold your hands bow your head and say this prayer with us dear God you are so good I believe that you love me and I trust you to take care of me help me to Be Like You by doing good things and keep me safe I love you in Jesus name I pray amen [Music] good job praying thank you so much for worshiping god with us today that's all for today's devotional we encourage you and your family to continue to talk about God sing and read the Bible throughout the week we want you all to know that God loves you so much and you are his smart strong special children we'll see you next week for another devotional bye now [Music] parents and grown-ups if you enjoy today's devotional be sure to subscribe to our channel for more family devotionals and children's videos [Music]
Channel: Gather Near Kids | Christian Videos for Littles
Views: 6,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby learning, Bible lessons, Bible songs, Bible songs for kids, Bible study lessons for kids, Bible verse, Bible verse of the day, Bible verses, Christian kids, Christian kids show, Christian songs, devotional for families, family devotional, family prayer, family worship, kids Bible, kids Bible songs, kids church, kids devotional, kids songs, kids worship, kids YouTube channels, live music, Sunday school lessons for kids, Sunday school songs for kids, YouTube kids
Id: 0ED6LfFBgaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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