Trump Reads 'The Snake' To Rally-Goers In Tirade Against Illegal Immigration

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I think Nikki's in big trouble big big trouble who wants her who the hell wants her no we had uh the worst Border in in world history there's never been a border I say it all the time you take a third world country you take a Banana Republic there's no way a thing like this ever happened they would fight with sticks and stones they wouldn't allow that to happen to their country there's never been anything worse than our border and you know the biggest victims I just started saying this because I realized these are the biggest victims it's millions and millions of people they're pouring into our country the biggest victims are African-Americans Hispanic Americans Asian Americans people that want a job people that really feel they want a job they're getting decimated in their hourly wages it's happening already and you know another big victim group it's not so much down here you don't have too many of them frankly but the unions are going to be destroyed the Auto Workers are going to be destroyed the teamers are are going to be destroyed because they get big hourly wages and let's say that that's fine but they're not going to be able to compete when these people are coming in and they're coming in at levels never seen before unions are going to be totally decimated a lot of the workers in our country but the worst Devastation is going to be the African-American and Hispanic American people they're going to be decimated so I have an extra thing you know because the crowd is so crazy tonight and so large it is crazy you got to see what what's going on other side if you want you know we do a thing called The Snake does anybody want to hear it or should we just get on with it yes yes we'll do it all right what the heck it's a couple of more minutes we got plenty of time right so are you ready that's right he said he's spining he's been waiting all day he'd like to hear it they happen this front row I'll tell you front row Joe's they become very famous people actually so you know what this is this is a a song that was written many years ago and I changed it around a little bit and made it toward really immigration because we're taking in so many dangerous people and bad things happen when you do that you take in dangerous people it's going to end up biting you on her way to work one morning down the path along the lake a tender-hearted woman saw a poor half Frozen snake his pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the Dew poor things she cried I'll take you in and I'll take care of you take me in oh tender woman Take Me In For Heaven's Sake take me in oh tender woman sigh The Vicious snake she wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him by her her Fireside with some honey and some milk she hurried home from work that night and soon as she arrived she found the pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived take me in O tender woman Take Me In For Heaven's Sake take me in oh tender woman side The Vicious snake she clutched him to her bosom you're so beautiful she cried but if I hadn't brought you in by now now you truly would have died she stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight but instead of saying thank you ma'am the snake gave her a vicious bite take me in O tender woman Take Me In For Heaven's Sake take me in O tender woman side The Vicious snake I saved you cried the woman and you've bitten me but why you you know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die shut up silly woman said the reptile with a grin you knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in that's what's happening to our country that's what's happening to our country that's exactly what it is it couldn't be more accurate that's sad I hate in a way I hate doing it even but people like hearing it they've heard it 500 times I only do it probably once every 10 times but I gave you the option but you know it's very accurate actually that's exactly we're waiting we're sitting ducks say terrorists are pouring into our country nobody's checking anything drug dealers pouring in and you're never going to solve the drug problem unless you have a death penalty for drug dealers because you're just just kidding yourself ladies and gentlemen I'd like to uh launch a blue ribbon Community uh blue beautiful blue ribbon Committee of socialites from New York California and all over the country to tell you about drugs and the drug problem they can't do it they're not going to be able to do it the only thing that works is the death penalty don't forget a drug dealer kills anywhere from 500 maybe to 1,000 but 500 a minimum of 500 people during his or her lifetime 500 people and you know when I was in China I used to get along great with President she and I'd say do you have a drug problem no no no no we don't like like it was a stupid question I'm asking I said you don't have a drug problem why he said quick trial I said what's a quick trial we catch the drug dealer we gave him a quick trial and we execute him and we no longer have any problem because all those people have come to the USA they have no drug problem they have no 1.4 billion people they have no drug problem we have a drug problem with them because they send fentol in and they weren't going to do it anymore we had a deal worked out they weren't going to do it they were going to give the maximum penalty for anybody making fentol sing it into the United States but when I got out and Biden who can't put two sentences together came back in when he came in it all died we were all said to make that deal and he had to make that deal or we going to stop trading with him we're going to stop trading because he's killing hundreds of thousands of our people worse than a war hundreds of thousands of our people are dying each year with fentol mostly made in China and coming through the southern border now it's pouring in at 15 times the pace that it was just three years ago it's pouring into our country it's cheaper to buy fentol than it is to and Other Drugs than it is to buy candy candy is more more expensive on day one I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden Administration and we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history because we have no choice
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 3,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X6afxR17J4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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