Trump poised for NIGHTMARE news from federal prosecutors

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today we're going to talk about Trump's bad legal news in the classified documents case and I interview Fox La anchor Alex Michaelson about the Fatal mistake that Republicans are making ahead of 2024 whether we're likely to see both Trump and Biden participate in debates and the impact that Republican abortion Bans are going to have in the next election I'm Brian Tyler Cohen and you're watching no lie [Music] so there's really no other way to put this as far as the stolen classified documents case goes Trump is completely screwed he'd been maintaining all these months as his only defense in this case that he had the power to declassify all the documents that he took with him to Mar-A-Lago and so that's what he did but it turns out based on reporting that Federal prosecutors now have an audio recording of a summer 2021 meeting in which Trump acknowledges that he had possession of a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack against Iran and so what does that tell us it tells us that whereas he claimed that everything was Declassified he clearly understood and acknowledged that that wasn't the case considering the document couldn't be both Declassified by him and also still classified and I should note too that even if he hadn't been caught on this recording undermining his defense that he'd already Declassified everything recognize that even that defense is wrong despite what he and his lawyer have been telling anyone with an earshot no Trump didn't have carte blanche to declassify anything in any way he wanted he had the power as president to begin the pro process of declassifying most things but there still is that process that has to be followed you don't just do it by Fiat and you certainly don't do it by thought or mind control as an example There are rules that require consultation with the agency that originally classified the information before anyone could declassify it there are also limitations he would have been restricted from from declassifying documents containing information related to nuclear weapons and intelligence agents and there's also a rule preventing any government officials who are leaving government service from removing classified information from the government's control or directing that that information be Declassified in order to remove it from the agency's control which seems to be expressly written with Donald Trump in mind so again no he wasn't some all-powerful being for whom no rules applied although I get how that could be a convenient justification once you're at risk of being indicted but here's the worst part for Trump now that the doj has the Smoking Gun and I say Smoking Gun because again this piece of evidence would unilaterally undermine his entire defense case so now the doj has this Smoking Gun the justice department very likely has enough evidence to indict him perhaps without this piece of evidence they'd have continued building their case they'd have continued interviewing people but now given how clearly this would kill Trump's entire defense it is likely that the doj can move forward with an indictment now here's former Federal prosecutor Glenn kirschner during our latest episode of legal breakdown on YouTube talking about exactly this point so here's the thing when we're involved in long-term investigations and I did a bunch of them as a career prosecutor the minute you know you have enough evidence to indict someone the minute you know you have met that standard of probable cause to indict every day thereafter we have to make an assessment should we continue to investigate this covertly in the grand jury before we arrest anybody or is is the danger that this target of the investigation now poses such that we have to move out in diet arrest present the Target in court and begin the prosecution I think when you're talking about compromising National Defense information and violation of our nation's Espionage laws particularly information about possible plans the U.S has to strike a foreign country Jack Smith has to move out one of the important reasons is because you charge people to deter others from engaging in similar conduct and Brian how can people be expected to keep in confidence our nation's National Security information if they see Trump going completely unaccountable for potentially committing the crime of Espionage to see more episodes of legal breakdown make sure to subscribe to this channel but at this point there really isn't much of a reason that the investigation should continue any longer Trump screwed himself with his own words per usual prosecutors have the information they need to very convinced persuade a jury that Trump committed the crime that they're alleging and so while no one's ever lost money betting against the doj acting slowly with regard to trump it would stand to reason that they could should and may very well indict imminently and again I can feel you all staring back at me in full fawny Willis and I get it I'm just saying that the facts here lend themselves to a very logical conclusion and that is an immediate indictment and of course that's to say nothing of the impending indictment out of Fulton County Georgia out of the doj for January 6th out of the New York AGS probe we've got the Manhattan D.A trial starting in March so it's going to be a very busy year if you're interested in the accountability for Trump genre which I think it's safe to say that most people are here's a preview of my interview with Alex Michelson do you think that Trump has any incentive to actually debate any of those other people he he hinted toward this idea that he may not debate Ron DeSantis in a recent clip he came out and basically said uh you know we'll see or or maybe not well you know maybe there might not even be any any reason to get on the debate station so he's obviously introducing or teasing this idea that there may not be an incentive for him because you know he is the presumptive nominee as of right now so do you think that there is an incentive for him to do that well um do you think Donald Trump likes being on TV yeah I'm I have some feelings about have you gotten the impression that maybe he enjoys being in front of the camera he has skipped out on these debates in the past he skipped out he skipped out on one on one but he did and he and made a big show of it made a big show of it and he ended up doing a big town a big what was it a town hall at the same time yeah so uh politically might it be beneficial for him to not maybe but with that ego you think he wants to watch all these guys on stage and everybody talking about them and him not be part of the party yeah I mean he also has great confidence in his ability to be one-upping these guys and be a showman and make them all look small so I you know I can't imagine him he maybe he doesn't do every debate but I feel like he's he's probably does at least one or two and and if at after that he shows them all up and his poll numbers are high and they all you know look kind of small next to him then I think he uh he may have said I've said what I have to say and move on do you think that Joe Biden has any incentive to debate Trump then no do you think he will I I don't think if it's Trump versus Biden I don't think there's going to be a presidential debate which is sad as somebody who loves debates who wants to host a presidential debate one day is a dream job who organized the LA mayor's debate and the sheriff's debate and Governor's debates and trying to organize the Senate debate I love debates I'm all about debates I think debates are important I think that's really beneficial to society but I can't figure out if you're Trump or you're Biden what would be the incentive to debate the other person other than you know the fact that there's value in debates um because I think I don't think either one of I don't think either one of them are doing it for the inherent value in debates I think so look for their specific self-interest so if you're Biden and you are older and you run the risk of maybe making a mistake that probably gets blown out of proportion because people are looking for reasons to do that it's a giant risk and you know that Trump is not really big on facts and sort of runs over people and doesn't play by the rules what confidence you have that he's gonna and if you're if you're Trump and you're now one on one on stage with the president and you've got to face off against a moderator who's probably going to call you on a lot of the things that you've said that are just not truthful and you run the risk of looking small or looking dumb um what's your incentive to doing that to check out the full episode with Alex Michelson click the thumbnail right here on the screen or check out the interviews playlist on my YouTube channel you can also check out the audio version of this podcast by clicking that link on the screen and of course to see more of my content in general 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Channel: Brian Tyler Cohen
Views: 365,034
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Keywords: Brian Tyler Cohen, Trump, Republicans, Democrats, brian cohen, politics, news
Id: a46k4hAJw3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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