Trump holds 'Keep America Great' rally in New Jersey

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[Music] [Music] from the leaves of Minnesota the hills of Tennessee [Music] Detroit down [Music] every American and it's time we stand [Music] [Music] [Applause] I Love New Jersey and I'm thrilled to be back right here in the Garden State regardless thing together we're achieving historic victories for New Jersey families you see it every single day the New Jersey unemployment rate has reached the lowest of all time more people are working today in the state of New Jersey than ever before and I have to tell you more people almost a hundred and sixty million are working right now in the United States that's the highest level of employment in the history of our country and a lot of countries aren't doing so well just so you understand tomorrow we will replace the NAFTA nightmare one of the worst trade deals ever in history with the incredible brand-new US Mexico Canada agreement the u.s. MCA a massive win for new jersey workers new jersey farmers new jersey union people new jersey manufacturers and everybody and weeks ago we also signed a fantastic new trade agreement with China that will boost New Jersey exports and defend New Jersey jobs two hundred and fifty billion dollars coming in now that's gonna be so late and we're restoring America's industrial might like never before they're all coming back they want to be where the action is after years of devastating defense cuts we have fully rebuilt the United States military [Applause] and thanks to the incredible courage of our warriors the greatest warriors in the world the Isis Caliphate has been totally destroyed and it's savage founder and leader al Baghdadi is dead [Applause] weeks ago at my direction the US military launched a flawless precision strike that killed the world's number one terrorists Kasim soleimani and soleimani was responsible for murdering and wounding thousands of Americans and actively planning new attacks but we stopped him cold yet Washington Democrats like crazy Bernie Sanders and nervous Nancy Pelosi they opposed our action to save American lives they opposed it they opposed them you know the roadside bombs that you see hurting our people and the lots of other people so badly the legs the arms wiped out no legs no arms celimene II loved that that was his weapon of choice we didn't like them he's not around anymore while we are creating jobs and killing terrorists the congressional Democrats are obsessed with demented hoaxes crazy witch hunts and deranged partisan Crusades it's all they know how to do that do-nothing Democrats they have spent the last three years and probably even before I came down on that beautiful escalator with our beautiful future first lady [Applause] trying to overthrow the last election and we will make sure that they face another crushing defeat in the next election we are going to have a victory that's even greater than 2016 this November we are going to win back the house we are going to hold the Senate and we are going to keep the White House [Applause] the American people are disgusted by the Washington Democrat wish well and you say it you say it which is worse the impeachment hoax or the witch hunts from Russia [Applause] but we're going to be signing up millions and millions of registered independents Democrat voters and today I had the best polls that I've ever had since being elected the best we've ever had remember I used to go over pulse but I only used to talk about him when I was doing well otherwise we had our best balls Americans of all political beliefs are sick and tired of the radical rage-filled left socialists I never saw anything what's going on in this country what's going on in this country the Democrat really the Democrat Party is the Socialist Party and maybe worse voters are making a mess exodus from that party and we are welcoming them to the Republican Party with wide open arms [Applause] and the Republican Party is doing great we are privileged to be joined tonight by a courageous leader who left the Democrat Party because he has had enough of their extremism enough of their socialism and enough of their vile hoaxes and scams he's had enough I'll tell you he really is he's a brave guy he just said I'm not doing it I'm not doing it it's a hoax it's a scam I'm not doing it and we called him you know you're a rock kind of guy let's go and it didn't take much because he believes like we do we are truly honored to be here with the newest Republican member of the House of Representatives your great congressman Jeff van drew [Applause] and I have to tell you a few weeks ago Jeff was one of the few brave and principled Democrat lawmakers in all fairness we've been after him for a long time who stood up to the House Democrats and the outrageous abuse of power that you see going on right now they can't win an election so they're trying to steal that election it's not happening folks it's not happening and Jeff had the guts to defy the left-wing fanatics in his own party and to stand tall in defense of our Constitution our freedom and democracy itself and I just want to I have to tell you I've gotten to know him really well over the last couple of weeks he's a great guy he's a brave guy he shares our values he supports lower taxes not bad they want to raise your taxes how did that work Jeff how did you get elected with that one less regulation a strong national defense he loves our military loves our vets and police and he is a tireless champion for the state of New Jersey he loves your Second Amendment which is under seized by the Democrats Jeff it's an honor to be with you please [Applause] nope how about having the president right here in South Jersey what a great day now I heard that the folks in this room can make more noise and more applause than anywhere in the world so we're going to do one more time [Applause] now when I was in the White House with the president he asked how he could help me I asked if he could come down to South Jersey and have a rally without even hesitating our president said yes and he is here a man who kept his word to ensure to ensure that the eyes of the world are on South Jersey and all of us [Applause] the USA is a great nation the greatest nation of civilization has ever known do we want to keep it that way it's a nation a nation and a people of great exceptionalism do we want to keep it that way our president has made it clear by restoring our military protecting our economy and by not allowing any other nations that ever take advantage of us again do we want to keep it that way [Applause] this year this year this very year is a flashpoint election are we going to allow ourselves just to be like any other nation in the world or are we going to keep America gray I say to all of you may God bless South Jersey may God bless our president and may God bless the United States of America so we have tens of thousands of people outside if anybody would like to give them your place please let us know but we have thousands and thousands tens of thousands and Jeff gave me a number he said 175,000 people signed up is that a fact I think he's on his way thank you Jeff [Applause] so it's been a little bit of a story you see the fakers back there fake news you know you know of another candidate if another candidate has a thousand people they say he spoke to a massive crowd if they have 10,000 like Pocahontas went into Central Park in New York and this young man in the front row could have 10,000 feet people you know that in Central Park so she had 10,000 people like in Central Park and I said what's the big deal they made a door to crowds are so large so Jeff just tell you had 175,000 people side and seriously you have to see outside they know because they have to follow their trailers I call them trailers but they're fake they're fake they're not honest let me just tell you so here's the story so we have these massive crowds that fill up stadiums every single time we have tens of thousands of people outside they never mention it they never managed it so maybe they will tonight but that's an all-time record and this is not a brand new place and unfortunately it holds probably 10,000 people or less and we set the old-time record you know why because for games see the floor with packed with people for games you playing ice hockey or basketball so we broke the old-time record in this house and it's a wonderful house at a wonderful also in wildwood like we're in the middle of winter there is nobody in the middle of winter and it's a great place in the summer and those streets are packed all the way back to the airplane practically but on June 2nd everybody has to do us all a favor number one you have to get out and vote Republican get rid of these clowns and you have to get out and vote for really a brave man what he did was incredible Jeff van drew what he did was incredible get out and vote can I have a big victory he's gonna have a big victory and we're grateful to have with us this evening some wonderful friends of mine people that I've known forever your former governor who did a terrific job chris Christie great Chris great job you're wonderful Republican state chairman Doug Steinhardt what a job he's doing thank you Doug thank you Doug my campaigns to great New Jersey co-chairs and I think we'll play for the state you know they all say Republicans can't win tell me why they said should you move this to the Meadowlands I said no I want to be in South Jersey we want to be with our friends but we could have filled up the Meadowlands arena two or three times maybe we'll do it during the summer should we do it during this but to brave guys to great politicians people that love our state state senators Mike testa and Joe Panik Joe Joe Pinoccio thank you Joe thank you thank you and to incredible New Jersey natives you've never heard of Kellyanne Conway have and bill step in [Applause] and I love you back mr. president I think South Jersey is Trump country mr. president thank you for all you've done to add respect and resources to our military to our great veterans having the best economy in the world to new trade deals to Supreme Court justices to dead terrorists that's two terms South Jersey's my home Donald Trump's my President Melania Trump's my first lady life is great everyone god bless you [Applause] Thank You Kellyanne so I just want to thank Republicans because what they've been doing is incredible Republican leadership in this country we're winning winning winning like never before we're winning again and we've got a party that's a very different party a much stronger party a much more inclusive party we have a party that we love we have a party that has the votes we have a party like they've never had before the Republican Party respected again and I have to say this America is winning again and America is thriving again like never before so since the election we have created 7 million new jobs the average unemployment rate under my administration is lower than any previous administrations listen to this one in United States history [Applause] that's a good fact the lowest in history [Applause] Thank You Man we have a great veteran up here to say we love you we love you the veterans are we doing good for the veterans thank you african-american Hispanic American and Asian American unemployment rates have reached the lowest levels ever recorded in the history of our country ever recorded women's unemployment is at a 65 year low sorry about that soon it's going to be historic another couple of good months it'll be historic 65 years for women in the eight years before I took office over 300,000 working age people left the workforce they had no choice in just three years of my administration 3.5 million people have joined the workforce nobody believes it including the fake news if I would have said that during the campaign that we were going to produce numbers like this the fakeness would have been hitting me he's exaggerating he's lying Pinocchio Pinocchio the press is very dishonest more than 2 million Millennials have gotten jobs and their wages have grown by nearly five percent every year which is a record a record number of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 are now working another record under the Trump economy the lowest paid earners are reaping the fastest gains of anybody you don't hear that because this is a blue-collar boom sorry it's about time it's about times been many many decades earnings for the bottom 10% are rising faster than earnings for the top 10% first time ever since my election the net worth of the bottom half of wage earners has increased listen to this by 47 percent three times faster than the increase for the top one percent median household income is at an all-time high for President Bush in eight years it was 450 dollars over eight years think thinking this for a second under President Barack Hussein Obama for for eight years it was 975 dollars so eight years eight years four hundred and fifty nine hundred and seventy-five right under your favorite president and when you include the tax cuts the regulation cuts that nobody's ever cut taxes like this nobody's ever cut regulations that's why all these jobs a big bill under President Trump for three years the number is almost ten thousand dollars and that's three and it's going up going up very substantial that's a big difference new business applications in New Jersey have just soared to a record high and we have lifted 10 million people nationwide off federal welfare they're off they are off federal welfare nobody would have believed these nothing someday they're gonna write the true story our child tax credit alone is delivering $2,200 a year to 40 million American families and we have ended so importantly for you the war on American energy the United States is now the number-one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world we don't need anybody else's energy anymore so enough what happened in the last three years with energy is incredible but extreme liberals in Washington water shut down US energy including through the so-called green New Deal close your factories get rid of your cows you don't have too many cows and well do it but if you do they got we will never sacrifice America's energy independence took us a long time to get there and we really picked it up over the last three years what we've done is incredible pipelines all over pipelines are good they're underground they're good environmentally sound to lift up forgotten communities that need investment the most these are the communities that really have suffered we created with the help of a great gentleman from the state of South Carolina you know who I'm talking about Tim Scott right senator Tim Scott he's an incredible guy he came to my office and he had this idea that he's wanted to do for a long time senator Tim Scott Opportunity Zones and jobs and investment are now pouring into nearly 170 newly designated opportunity zones right here in new jersey all over the United States billions and billions and billions of dollars and not government dollars they're flowing into the opportunity zones into areas where investment was dead and for decades politicians ran for office promising to protect American workers but then they went to Washington and they line their pockets with special interests cash and they shipped American jobs and dreams to other countries they closed up your factories they got rid of jobs they didn't have to pay taxes globalist politicians lowered our economic defenses and allowed other nations to rob our factories steal our farms and ransack our communities not anymore not anymore because we are defenseless no more because at long last you have a president who puts America first is that okay [Applause] the united states lost listen to this number and you know what was wrong to fake this would be you know all over me and I've been saying it for three years the United States lost 60,000 factories and plants think of it sixty you wouldn't think that's possible because the stupid trade deals because of bad leadership during the 16 years of the two prior administrations under just three years my administration has now added 12,000 new factories and many more are being built and they're pouring back into the United States because that's where the action is that's where they want to be they are pouring back into our country new plants and factories you see them all over I passed two of them coming in brand-new beautiful plants and factories they're pouring back in this is where the action is this is where they want to be I see the leaders they say it's incredible what happened to your country I said don't tell me that we want you to have your companies build plants in New Jersey and other places and that's what's happened but Ono is you have Washington Democrats more thoroughly betrayed the American people than the issue of immigration left-wing radical politicians support deadly sanctuary cities and remember a sanctuary City is a jurisdiction that refuses to hand over criminal aliens that are in local law enforcement custody instead they order them to be released into your community what the hell is going on what is going and what set loose these criminal aliens are free to continue their crime spree against innocent Americans right here in New Jersey your state's Democrat leaders have instituted sanctuary policies that result in dangerous predators being set free into your community for example Cumberland County we all know Cumberland County very well right good luck with this one they released an illegal alien criminal with multiple charges for sexual assault of a child he is now at large free to search for another innocent victim they didn't want to give them to ice and I want to thank ice because the abuse they take and the incredible job they do right here another criminal Alan was arrested for a violent assault in New Jersey the sanctuary jurisdiction of Middlesex County defied the ice request to detain him local authorities released him and he went on to commit a gruesome triple murder happens I could read these cases honestly I could read and state these cases to you all night I could state these cases you all night no American should ever be hurt harmed or killed because left-wing politicians Democrats decided to shield and shelter chromatic look look wait you have criminals that are on the streets that should be in jail you have criminals that on this street that should be taken the hell out of our country and brought back to where they came from and by the way ice ice has removed thousands upon thousands of ms-13 gang members the most brutal people and you don't want to do that job maybe you do a couple of tough people up there a couple anybody want to be with ice yet a lot of tough people in New Jersey New Jersey's different I think New Jersey no but these ice people they love our country they're proud and they're tough people and they'll go right into a pack if they caught a pack and they start swinging and everyone's swinging and they end up standing up that's the end of that and you know what they do they bring the ms-13 and many other gang members and other members back to El Salvador back to Honduras back to Guatemala back to Mexico and I want to thank Mexico because the Mex and you know what's happening right thousands and thousands at this moment 27,000 soldiers from Mexico protecting our southern border [Applause] I want to thank the president Democrats stand for crime corruption and chaos Republicans said for law order and justice and say what you want but those are the facts and we are removing these illegal criminals and gang members we are literally taking him by so many thousands and thousands and we're bringing them back and thanks to our tireless efforts of border patrol to secure our border we have reduced illegal border crossings seven straight months in a row we have the numbers down by seventy five percent since spring seventy five percent [Applause] [Applause] and we have ended catch-and-release and really luck I had another party I could get anything if I wanted to spend money on anything look with the military we got two trillion dollars right or two trillion all made in America right everything best planes best missiles best everything made in America if it wanted to build anything the only thing they put the whole weight of their party they didn't want us to have the wall they knew it worked many of them voted five years ago for a wall they just didn't know how to get it built I do but what happened is through a series of court cases and other things we've won the the money is won and we are now building that beautiful wall and this powerful Boehner wall is going up at record speed and we just reached over 100 miles of wall and by next year we'll be over 400 miles and shortly thereafter it will be complete [Applause] a lot of people were saying a year ago I didn't build the wall yet he didn't build a wall let me tell you when you have the strength of a party that has the house okay hopefully they're not gonna have the house too long we'll have a wonderful new speaker we'll get rid of Nancy Pelosi nervousness nervous dancing we'll have Kevin McCarthy who's been fantastic we have to win back the house but think of this the wall so many people were saying building well not easy when you have the weight of an entire party and they control the house not easy and we did it and frankly we were building the wall through the help of the military the Army Corps of Engineers anyway but you know what now we actually have the money and it's going up very rapidly and in all due respect to Mexico we like Mexico very much as we've gotten along great with Mexico and the president's a friend of mine and I think he's doing a fantastic job it's a tough situation but Mexico is in fact you will soon find out paying for the wall ok they'd hit you with that now the wall is ultimately and very nicely being paid for by Mexico and it's an advantage for Mexico too when you think about it the wall is a vital barrier for blocking deadly drugs from pouring into these communities what we're doing is stopping drugs at a record number it's still anything that comes over is too much but we're blocking it at a record number and I'm also very proud to report that we won a critical Supreme Court victory yesterday on immigration we will now be finally able to enforce federal law and ensure that those seeking admission to our country are able to support themselves financially and not abuse taxpayer funded programs we were killing our country killing our country Washington Democrats have never been more extreme than they are right now frankly they're crazy these people are crazy they're taking their cues from socialists like burning left-wing lawmakers are pushing a government takeover of health care that would strip 180 million Americans of their private health care plans which many people like the plans of every Democrat running for president would demolish the economy of New Jersey where half a million new New Jersey workers are employed at some of the best and most innovative health care employment companies we have them working at the companies and we have people getting great health care it's been so long it's finally working and they want to destroy it the Republican Party will never let it happen we are saving your health care well the Democrats are trying to take away your health care take away your doctors take away all of the good care that we fight and we fought hard and we're doing well and now we're doing better and by the way some time prior to the end of the year were putting in for a new middle income tax cut a very big one but we're making health care better and much much cheaper we've done a great job in running it and we've given you a lot of alternatives we are protecting people with pre-existing conditions and we always will the Republican Party pre-existing conditions we saved it we are stopping surprise medical billing and making everything transparent that's a big deal and that will take effect starting at about two months from now everything's transparent you'll be able to see pricing you'll be able to go and price other hospitals other doctors it's going to be an incredible thing nobody believes I was able to do it but we did it we are defending your right to keep the doctor and the plan of your choice we are lowering drug prices the Democrats are increasing drug prices we are fighting the lobbyists and special interests we are serving you and how we doing we're doing [Applause] but because of price transparency we are getting it done we're approving more generic drugs than ever before in the history of our country that means they come in frankly they're just as good as the big names but they sell for eighty percent less in some cases we are unleashing innovation to cure diseases of all kinds we are cutting out the rich middlemen and delivering prescription drugs directly to the consumers these are all things that we had a fight like hell together we're making less paperwork for your doctors and giving you easy control of your medical records which is a big deal for a lot of people we are prohibiting hospitals from hiding their prices and charging hidden costs you go home you say oh I'm feeling better the doctor was fantastic and then they send your bill for 25 thousand that's the end of that all of a sudden the doctor wasn't so good right we are making companies compete for your business we are repealing burdensome taxes we have accomplished more than any president in the first three years of their term by far not even close we have provided health insurance options 60% cheaper than Obamacare and we have historic investments in treating kidney disease HIV pediatric cancer and Alzheimer's disease were making so much progress and we have just passed a thing that I think is great I never understood for 45 years they've been trying to get it passed we've just passed a thing called right to try you know what that is so we have the greatest doctors the greatest technicians the greatest labs in the world and we'll have a drug that's looking good but it's going to take five more years and by the way we brought the timing way down from 12 years to half of that but it takes years to get it approved your people that are terminally ill if they have money they go to Asia they go to Europe they go all over the world looking for help if they don't have money they go home and they die and what we did is a thing called right to try people signed something and they don't hold the country responsible they don't hold the drug company responsible it's go right to try and they get the newest and the best and the latest medicine works looking good but you're not going to have it for five more years and you know why they didn't do it because they didn't want to hurt anybody except the problem is the people were going to die soon I said they're terminally ill let him have it we sat down with a great group of leaders Republican leaders and honestly we had some bipartisan support and we got it done they've been trying to do it for 45 or so years and you have to see the results and I've seen some of the results some of the results are incredible and we've transformed veterans health care including through VA choice right VA choice for 48 years they've been trying to get veterans shoes I thought I had the greatest secret you know I haven't been doing this that long so four years ago I'm campaigning for president I really said no he's only having fun he's only here some fun this is a lot of fun right but for 45 years they've been trying to get at veterans joys so I come back one day I say to my people I have the greatest idea I am so smart I am like this smart I have an idea because the veterans are waiting online they're waiting on line for 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 10 weeks similar ok and they end up being terminally ill by the time they see their doctor is too long and I said folks I have the greatest idea all of my people I say have the greatest say I'm so smart here's what we're gonna do we're gonna send to all those people that can't see a doctor we just can't get them to see a doctor we're gonna send them down the road to private doctors and we're gonna pay the bill and they're gonna get fixed up first but you see I said I was smart and they look back at me and they said sir we've known about that concept for 45 years we just can't get it approved but I got it approved and I got it approved about 11 months ago and the VA is doing fantastically well our veterans are doing great that was a big thing that was a big thing we also got accountability where people could mistreat our veterans do whatever they want they could be sadistic they could be so many other things they could steal they could rob you couldn't do anything you'd keep them you couldn't do a thing we got accountability now you look at him you say get the hell out of here you're fired now you can fire they've let go of more than 8,000 bad people we have reduced opioid deaths for the first time and very substantially in 30 years and we are modernizing critical vaccines were doing a great job with vaccines we are creating a pathway to buy drugs from Canada that are much much cheaper in Florida Governor Ron de santis came to me he said sir this system is so bad and you can't fix it unless you have Democratic votes that's why you gotta both the house you got to get us back the house they say sure we can buy the drugs in Canada for 50% less the same drug made in the same factory made by the same company 50% and we can give the benefit for the people that live in Florida or Colorado or New Jersey or wherever you are and no president this has been going on for a long time no president has wanted to do it you know how long it took me to make that decision I said if you can save 50 percent or 25 percent of 15 percent buy it do it go and I gave him authorization do it and we are protecting Medicare for our nation's seniors Democrats want and you know this Democrats want to raid Medicare to fund benefits for illegal immigrants and you know we all have a heart but when you we all have a heart but when you tell people to come into our country like this clown Governor of California come into our country come they're all going to come if they think they're going to get free education free health care they're all going to come if you don't say it they're not gonna come because they wouldn't even think who would even think this virtually every top Democrat also now supports late term abortion ripping babies straight from the mother's womb right up until the moment of birth and that is why I've asked Congress to prohibit extreme late term abortion because Republicans believe that every child is a sacred gift from God Democrats are now the party of high taxes high crime open borders late term abortion socialism and blatant corruption look at what's happening to this it is Los Angeles what it's so sad what you see is so sad with the homeless and the way they don't take care of the homeless San Francisco you could take it starting in New York you could take a look at what's happening to our cities run by Democrats it's a disaster they don't know what the hell they're doing the Republican Party is the party of the American worker the American family and the American dream Republicans are fighting for citizens from every background and from every race religion color and Creed we are asking all Americans to join our incredible movement that's what it is it's one of the greatest a moment it's probably the greatest movement in history the 2016 election was probably I mean you could say the greatest election in the history of our country and now we have to do it again to keep it going it's like a giant tree you plant it but it takes time to grab on we need this next election so badly the good news is it's much easier because here I've done it all I've achieved more than I promised I never told you about space force we got space for I never told you about all of these things there we go we are a big tent party in the true idea it's big ideas and we have a big future together this country has tremendous potential if we don't blow it to give former prisoners a second chance at life we passed bipartisan criminal justice reform they came to me they couldn't get it done including many conservative and these people that I fight every day they came to me help help help criminal justice reform I got it done as soon as I got it done they don't even want to mention my name I got it done I got people to vote for that they could have never gotten President Obama tried he couldn't get it done President Bush couldn't get it they couldn't get it done that's okay they couldn't get it done I got it done [Applause] and after I got it done and I mean solely got it done and after I got it done to have news conferences there thanking people that I never even heard of the only one they didn't thank was President Trump and I got it done that's that's why I always say you have to thank yourself because nobody else is going to do it and we're fighting to give school choice to every child in America who needs it during national school choice week we reaffirm that no parent should be forced to send their child to a failing government school school so very important Democrats don't want them to uphold the rule of law we have confirmed 191 brand-new beautiful federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written and to great Supreme Court justices two great ones as we rebuild our military we have authorized over 160 million dollars to support our warriors at a place called ha McGuire Air Force Base and Fort Dix have you ever heard of those places have you ever heard of those places New Jersey hundred and sixty million dollars two great places I recognize Israel's true capital and opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem and we recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights nobody else was going to do they've been trying to do that one for 52 years for years you watch as your politicians apologized for America now you have a president who is standing up for America and we are standing up for the people of New Jersey my friends at stake in our present battle is the survival of our nation I really mean that it's the survival of our nation and if you would have had the other party winning this last election instead of your market being up 72 percent instead of your 401ks being up numbers that you can't even believe where your wife or your husband says darling you're the most brilliant person in history for years you've been losing your ass with 401ks now you're making a fortune [Applause] now you're making a fortune I have people coming up to me all the time I had one gentleman come up sir thank you sir you've made me look so smart my wife never respected me for anything not anything but now she thinks I'm a great investor Thank You 401k if you want your children to inherit the blessings that generations of Americans have fought and died for to secure then we must devote everything that we have toward victory in 2020 we have to and by the way when we talk about inheriting victory and 2020 in our nation just so you understand under a big tax cut biggest tax cut plan in history guess what you have you have a business you have a farm you have a small business no more inheritance tax no more what we call it that so if you love your children they won't have to mortgage the plant they won't have to mortgage the farm as the expression goes they won't have to mortgage anything there's no tax if you don't love your children don't leave it to them and then you do have a problem now I'm all okay does anybody here not love their child or their children because if you do this one man basic is here now that's a big thing no more estate tax no more death tax for your small farms those are things that people don't even realize only this way can we save the America we love and drain the Washington swamp once and for all and I never even knew the swamp was this bad Swamp is bad bad people a lot of bad people in the swamp bad people in this swamp [Applause] we got a lot of bad people in that swamp that swamp those swamp creatures they call it they are what's step by step waiting at it you thought this was gonna be easy right a lot of bad people with your help we will lift millions of our citizens from welfare-to-work dependence to independence and from poverty to prosperity that's what's happening in our time together we will elect a Republican Congress to create a fair safe sane and lawful system of immigration that's what's happening now we will enact trade deals the greatest deals ever made that result in more product proudly stand with that beautiful phrase made in the USA for decades we had politicians that didn't care about that phrase that phrase didn't mean anything to we will achieve new breakthroughs in science and medicine finding new cures for childhood cancer and ending the AIDS epidemic can you believe this in America in ten years or less we've already started the process that it could have been started sooner by the past administration they chose not to do it I chose to do it think of that ending the AIDS epidemic within ten years that we've started we will defend privacy free speech religious liberty and the right to keep and bear arms which is under seal [Applause] by the way our Second Amendment is under siege in Virginia they want to take your guns away it's just the beginning never gonna happen as long as I'm president of the United States that I prevail but above all we will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one American we support protect and defend the Constitution of the United States we stand with the incredible heroes of law enforcement we believe in the dignity of work and in the sanctity of life we believe that faith and family not government bureaucracy are the true American ways and we believe that children should be taught to love our country honor our history and to always respect our great American flag [Applause] and we will always live by the words of our national motto In God We Trust [Applause] [Applause] thank you everybody thank you very much everything from Morristown to Vineland and Paterson to Pennington from Camden to Clifton all the way down the shore to Ocean City and Sea Isle and Stone Harbor and right here in Wildwood New Jersey this has always been the home of the proud loyal and very very incredible Americans and my friends so many people in this group I know them well they're tough they're smart they're great people it's called Jersey [Applause] this is the state that pioneered the boardwalk the diner and the motion picture and gave the world American greats like Thomas Edison and Frank Sinatra old blue eyes it was a piece of work apparently New Jersey is the state where George Washington let a die-hard band of American patriots to victory at Trenton and Princeton and Monmouth in our glorious battle to win American independence George Washington this is the state where generations of tough and strong New Jersey craftsmen and dawkins farmers and factory workers built this country into the single greatest nation on the face of the earth and we are making it greater and greater every day it will never be better than what's coming they'll never be anything like what we're doing proud citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country we are returning power to you the American people [Applause] with your help and your devotion with your drive we are going to keep on working we are going to keep on fighting and we are going to keep on winning winning winning we are one movement one people one family and one glorious nation under God America is thriving like never before and ladies and gentlemen of New Jersey place I love the best is yet to come because together we will make America wealthy again we will make America strong again we will make America proud again we will make America safe again and we will make America great again Thank You New Jersey thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so today at the reception a glass why [Music] she was gonna me and her feet [Music] you always [Music] you can always get you can't always get what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we just [Music]
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,064,469
Rating: 4.7858667 out of 5
Id: IONzk_eRFpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 52sec (4012 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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