Trump holds 'Keep America Great' rally in Mississippi

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from the leaves of Minnesota here's a Tennessee across the plane see the shine from Detroit down to Houston every American heart and it's time we stand [Music] next [Music] [Music] but to be No [Music] well thank you very much and hello tupelo this is great to be with you tonight the great state of Mississippi the great state of Mississippi and by the way the birthplace of a gentleman not too many people heard of him Elvis Presley but to be with thousands of incredible Patriots who put their faith in God family and country four days from now this state will head to the polls and vote to continue our extraordinary progress with your next governor Republican Tate Reeves great guy under Republican leadership jobs are booming confidence is soaring wages are rising crime is falling and our nation is stronger than ever before we're now an economic powerhouse we've never been in a position like it we've rebuilt our military and we have financial strength and by the way for those of you with a thing called 401ks the stock market hit today another all-time historic high unemployment in Mississippi has reached the lowest rate ever recorded ever recorded that's not bad that's not bad when you're on the debate stage and you say we have the best economy we've ever had we have the best military we've ever had the best unemployment and employment numbers we've ever had said get the best president we've ever thank you [Applause] thank you very much and very importantly we've confirmed more than one hundred and fifty-eight brand-new beautiful federal judges to uphold our Constitution as with in a very short while we'll have 182 federal judges President Obama left us a hundred and forty-two thank you very much thank you very much President Obama he left us 142 openings can you believe that you're supposed to leave none when you leave office but that didn't work out too well and just days ago the United States brought the world's number one terrorist leader to justice [Applause] we have great military it was very very depleted when I came into office it was very very depleted but it ain't depleted anymore yeah al-baghdadi the founder and lead 'add look you know you've heard about him for a long time I kept saying where is al-baghdadi that's the one I want where is he and then by the way the following day we got number two I don't know if you read about that when he was the founder in the leader of Isis and he's dead and Baghdadi he was a savage and soulless monster but his reign of terror is over American special operators executed a masterful raid that ended his wretched life and punched out his ticket to hell I guess you could say he spent his last miserable moments on earth cowering and trembling and crying in fear of the American warrior that was right there going right up no enemy stands a chance against the righteous might of the United States military and Mississippi loves our military that I can tell you and our military loves Mississippi America is winning again and America is all over the world respected again it's about time but while we're creating jobs in killing terrorists the Democrat Party has gone completely insane the radical left is determined to transform America into a country you would not recognize we are the ones standing in their way and we will never get out of their way it will be easy from even before we won the election the far-left Democrats and the fake news media right back there look at all of them it's too bad we get such good ratings because if we didn't they wouldn't be here look at how many it's like the Academy Awards before it failed and you know why it failed because they disrespected us but the media and the Democrats have been engaged in a corrupt partnership trying to impose their will and to thwart American democracy by any means necessary you see what's going on first they engineered the Russia hoax that was a total hoax the single greatest lies ever moistured upon the American people then the Muller witch-hunt it never ended with 18 angry Democrats and an unlimited budget let's go get him that didn't work out too well did it that fizzle a lot of bad people along the way and now corrupt politicians Nancy Pelosi and shifty Adam Schiff shifty and the media are continuing with the deranged impeachment which this is one I never thought I'd be involved in the word impeachment to me it's a dirty word not a good word totally phony deal they know it everybody knows it and that's why we've never had greater support than we have right now it's true and if you think you have a lot of people in this room all you have to do is go outside you'll see a lot more people trying to get in so if anybody wants to give up your seat please just walk out somebody anybody want to live because there really is there's no place better to have a rally to have a good time and to also at the same time be very serious then at a trump rally especially on Friday night in Mississippi we could have done this one on Monday night he said let's do Friday right Friday school yesterday the Democrats voted to potentially nullify the votes of 63 million Americans disgracing themselves and bringing shame upon the House of Representatives they've been plotting to overthrow the election since the moment I won but the people here that are highly sophisticated no long before I won [Applause] nineteen minutes after I took the oath of office the horrible newspaper fake fake fake Washington Post declared the campaign to impeach President Trump has just begun at least they gave us 19 minutes yesterday's vote by the radical Democrats is an attack on democracy itself but I'll tell you the Republicans are really strong the strongest I've ever seen them the most unified the American people are fed up with Democrat lies hoaxes and extremism the Democrats outrageous conduct has created an angry majority that will vote many do nothing Democrats out of office in 2020 make no mistake they are coming after the Republican Party and me because I'm fighting for you they don't like it this is different they've never had anything like this so well they've never had an election like 2016 either have they [Applause] they've never quite figured it out and they know they can't win so let's try and impeach him how about that crazy representative Al Green right you know we got to impeach him because we can't beat them I don't think so right I don't think so Al Green he's another beauty the Democrats the media and the deep state are desperate to stop us and is that me it's us it's all of us it's 63 million but it's much more than 63 million much more and right now our numbers are higher than they've ever been before so you know if they've never been they've never been this way but they want to stop us because they know we are here and that's what we're doing and that's what's taking up so much time we're draining the swamp in Washington nothing terrifies Democrats more than the fact that all of their spine spine actually spied on my campaign can you believe it I mean you know they try and say well we were actually just checking things out oh that's wonderful The Lying the falsifying over the past three years Plus before I ever even announced they were spying I guess they knew we were going to win right but over that past more than three years is finally being exposed and remember this that truth is a force of nature desperate to conceal their misdeeds the Democrats are now attacking us for calling out the grave corruption of the Biden's just like they melted down when we pointed out crooked Hillary shocking and very many misdeeds 33,000 emails 33,000 emails disappeared but she said they only had to do with her working out and her daughter's wedding 30 [Applause] [Applause] she's a beauty how about last week did you hear I don't know who tulsi gabbard is but I know one thing she's not an agent of Russia and Jill Stein she's a greenie that's fine we love the environment everybody in this room you know right now we have the cleanest air and the cleanest water that we've ever had and yet we're number one in the world in energy by far we took over but I don't know Jill Stein she ran last time I don't know her but I know she's not an agent of Russia and when Hillary made those statements two statements both of them they worked for Russia their agent of right I said you know when she made that statement about me three years ago it took me two years to get out of that hoax statement she made it about them everybody left because of what we proved but I'll tell you what these are very bad people these are very dishonest people and the media is worse than all of them [Applause] but think about the preposterous hoax the Democrats are now trying to peddle I've just beaten with no political look look we didn't have too much political experience I did a good job built lots of buildings all over the place had great success in chauffeurs is just that one show was called The Apprentice that it was a big success 14 seasons and when I left crazy Arnold's took over it didn't do too well it was dead it was dead from the first episode I saw him I said oh it's terrible but what have they done to this beautiful show Arnold but think of it I've just beaten with no political experience the Clinton dynasty the bush dynasty the President Barack Hussein Obama Don is and President Obama worked harder at defeating me then crooked Hillary Clinton did right he was all over the place it's the only time I've actually seen him work hard when he came to trying to beat Trump [Applause] remember he said remember he said he will not be president well that didn't work out so well and then they figured they could take us out a different way very dishonestly right with the lying and the spying and the leaking and we are kicking their ass [Applause] in the delusional democrat fantasy I'm now supposed to be afraid of someone called 1% Joe I used to come 1% Christie could never get 1% in the primers then he got brought out by Obama out of the trash heap became vice president but we've now named him very slow sleepy Joe very slow he's gotten slower and slower I'm afraid if he gets the nomination and he'll be so slow we'll have the lowest rated debates in history as opposed to the highest-rated debates in history against crooked Hillary in fact I don't even think that sleepy Joe will get it but many people are running so you know it's so early I don't want to talk about their campaign oh did you hear Bader obeyed oh did you hear better [Applause] ah that poor bastard well poor pathetic guy he was pathetic remember the arms are flailing taller remember that you know he ran against Ted Cruz Ted Cruz won he spent almost a hundred million dollars and Ted Cruz and I helped ed and I we campaigned together and it was good but I used to watch him then when he came on to the really big stage this crazy stage I noticed he was flailing with the arms and he was standing on tables he was standing on countertops I said does he ever like stand on the floor and speak but he's waving his arms and going crazy and I said what the hell is he doing what is he on and you remember he made the statement that he was born for this anybody that says he was born for this they're in trouble you know I used to have guys come into my office sir I'm the greatest salesman nobody can sell you know the truth is anybody that says they're great salesmen usually they're not a very good salesman it's true it's those sneaky ones in the back that don't talk but you don't know about they're the ones but bado was nasty and he said that he was born for it like he was born from heaven he came down and if that's the case some really bad things happen because he made a total fool out of himself and he came out of Texas the great state of Texas he came out of Texas a very hot political property and he went back as cold as you can be so he was a nasty guy but he had a couple of policies that don't work well in the state of Texas right he was against religion he was against you having a gun and he was against oil so you come from Texas you don't like religion you don't like oil and you don't have guns I don't know that's not a good combination to the state of Texas that's not good in Mississippi either that I don't know is that good sector in any way now he went back home to Texas and hopefully we won't be hearing about him for a long time it's amazing how cold you could get so quickly but he was a nasty guy but in the twister Oh Alabama Alabama love Alabama I love Alabama it's great place but in the very twisted and corrupt world of Adam Schiff after beating the entire political establishment and that means Bush and that means Clinton and that means Obama they have me supposedly saying to myself well let's see I got a guy named sleepy Joe Biden how do I beat him how do I beat him how do I beat this guy he's such a great Clinton she was easy right Obama was easy the bush dynasty was he but sleepy Joe I'm worried about right so then I said to myself gee I guess there's only one way let's call up Ukraine for help these people are sick these people are sick now these dishonest people will take the last little sliver in the first little sliver and they'll put it because they're so damn dishonest and they'll just say let let's use Ukraine for help that's what they're going to say and they won't show the laughter and they won't show the sarcasm and they won't show the fun because they're the most dishonorable people almost on earth it's a disgrace but we say it anyway and here's the good news the people get it so they have a brand new president in Ukraine good guy by the way and I call a brand new person the man I have no idea who yes and I'm on a phone right and I know many people are on the phone because when you call the leaders of country many people listen and I'm on the phone and they want me to say that this brand new president just got there called to congratulate him please could you help me please I don't know who he is I didn't know his name which I look down the card I say and he's a nice guy and hopefully he's going to root out corruption because Ukraine has tremendous corruption problems and hopefully and one of the reasons I held up money very important corruption but what the other reason why isn't Germany and France and UK and all of these European nations that are right there why aren't they doing things that they're supposed to do why is it always the United States so I made this call had this wonderful call and the transcript proves that was as I say perfect it was perfect it was it like almost but it was perfect it was totally appropriate I made it at the behest of people to say could you call and say hello now I'm an honest person anyway but do you think when I'm making a call to a newly elected president of a country that I would say something improper when I know there are so many people listening on the line and many people all of these people you had the Secretary of State Pompey a great guy he's listening you had transcribers fortunately you had policy experts junior age low level staffers probably apprentice whoever the hell wants to listen they listen and they have me making some kind of a deal with all these people and remember the new president of Ukraine is speaking to the United States of America the president I guarantee he's got a lot of people listening to these people are sick so corrupt politician shifty Adam Schiff actually stood before Congress and stood before the American people and made up a conversation that he said I had with the Ukrainian president unfortunately no thinkable and many people saw that and it was a terrible he said terrible things the president of Ukraine said it was a very good conversation there was no pressures foreign minister said the same thing no pressure they must think we're nuts to be honest it's all a phony deal this whole impeachment scam to try to undermine the 2020 election and to D legitimatize one of the greatest elections maybe the greatest I mean let's give George Washington credit but everybody expected he was going to want that we've ever had [Applause] so my phone call which was totally perfect and appropriate and if you want to read the transcript you see how perfect it was but they don't quit but what you should do is take a look at the behavior of sleepy Joe so I quote I said let me act like him I got to speak really slow though and I said you're not getting a billion I looked at them and I said I'm leaving in six hours if the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the money you understand you're not getting the money then he goes at the end I didn't know he had this kind of energy goes well son of a he got fired you know in a certain way I was impressed because I mean I didn't think he had the energy the brainpower it's turned out he doesn't by the way he's dropping like a rock you know when you're at 1% there's always a reason he should be there fairly soon as you know the Ukrainian prosecutor that Biden got fired after threatening to withhold I think it was a billion dollars or something in a was the prosecutor investigating his son's company that was paying hunter Biden a guy just got thrown out of the Navy he was paying millions of dollars even though working for an energy company he had no experience with energy he knew less about it than this young how old are you six this young beautiful person in front of [Applause] six and this young six-year-old is smarter so I think I'd basically go with her so what is it all about it's called a payoff but you know what the fake news they apologize I watched this horrible guy who gets lousy ratings Anderson Cooper well the hatred I mean between him and Fredo you got Fredo that's Cuomo Fredo I call him Fredo like from the movie now I watched Anderson Cooper and I watched him apologize for even asking the question to Biden the good news is Biden didn't know too much about what the hell he was talking about it remember Biden said I don't know these people I don't know him I don't know him he never spoke to his son about getting millions of dollars no he never spoke to him didn't happen this victim think of this we deal with life right he never spoke to him unfortunately the next day you know in the world of the Internet in the world of smart people that's why I like bado wasn't smart couldn't handle it I told my wife I said see it's not so easy I told our great first lady tonight who people love [Applause] when Beidou quit like he quit like a dog when he quit I said see people think this is easy this is it easy but you know just worked out that way but Biden said I never met the people never met the gentleman unfortunately in about 10 seconds a picture came out where they're playing golf together but he never met him so now you're I asked him he said no we played a round of golf we were together for three hours I never mentioned the fact that they're paying my son millions oh no no no but the press protection watch this crazy Anderson Cooper third-rate lousy ratings third grade person but but listen CNN the worst I mean the worst was [Applause] oh they're light just went off see what the light was on they just they don't like it you know it's tough your fake CNN now it's tough I tried not to do that because I see their light on you know when their light goes on that means your life no that means your life and every time it's tough look at all fairness they're putting it on it's a broadcast very few people are white well what they might be watching us I guess they do watch it but but here's the thing and then you have the guy up there saying that they're fake that they're no good that they're liars and cheaters that they're phonies it's hard to be broadcasting that when you're talking about the network that has you on right so we understand their lights off and then remember this Anderson Cooper what a beauty he used to interview me he was so nice prior to running for politics he was so nice to me it was like they were love fests but I don't want anything to do with him they were love fest sort of thought he's weak he's a weak person but they're all weak but let me just let me just tell you something we need honesty with our media [Music] [Applause] because the New York Times The Washington Post and by the way I don't know you probably read it we threw him out of the White House we don't show them anymore if somebody wants it going by we threw him out and they came into my office and then I get I got to get back to this guy where's hunter where's hunter you know we had a t-shirt made where's hunter was unter poor hunter he then came out he did the morning show that was the last we've seen of Hunter that was it good the morning of his father's very bad debate but it's where's hunter but so before I say the final thing on Hunter and then we put him to rest for a while we get rid of the Washington Post and the failing New York Times we get rid of them right we don't have them in the White House so now you the people can go out and buy it but we don't we used to have them stacked up and I go in and I'd see a meeting with my people and they're dealing with China or South Korea or somebody and I go in and it's go into these offices I'd see like 10 or 15 I've unpacked it all over the place The Washington Post New York Times I keep trying to figure out who's worse and you know one day it's the Times one day is supposed to it's like top each other they're so bad it's so phony it's so in my opinion it's virtually corrupt I've never seen you never have a good story I mean even with when we got al-baghdadi the Washington Post had a story that he was like a great religious cleric where did that come from the other thing if Obama would have done it because look this guy built my sis the Caliphate it was the size physically of Ohio the state of Ohio the great state of Ohio that's a big lot of land seven million people and they were the ones the orange jumpsuits I called a lot of the parents after we did this and I talked to him and they were how can you be happy but they were so thrilled that we got this animal they were so thrilled but you know what and and you know what we don't do if we do it because it's right that story was a massive story that was the biggest maybe the biggest one of the biggest ever bigger than anything that story disappeared so fast done and that's okay I didn't do it for the story I did it because it's the right thing to do but if that were if I were a Democrat if I were a Democrat they'd be talking about that story for weeks with me they don't even wanna you know they actually played it down and actually and I'm happy about this Conan the dog got more publicity than me and a very happy effect I'm very toners incredible and Conan's coming to the White House in a few weeks but it is show did you ever see a story disappear so fast I mean here if Obama had that story that thing would be going on for another 7 months they'd be talking about his bravery also bravery but again 142 judges he gave us remember that how can you be agreed you know they always say the most important thing a president can do is federal judges we got two supreme courts great one Rachel horses and Kavanaugh great judges by the way did you ever see any human being treated worse than now justice Cavanaugh did anybody ever was anybody was any human being by these people these horrible horrible people that we have to deal with anyway just to finish so hunter then goes to China now I'm dealing with your honor right now they don't like me too much they dream about the day when somebody else and would they like to have how about this you give this son who has zero experience with investing to you give him 1.5 billion dollars to invest meaning he makes millions and millions of dollars and the biggest guys on Wall Street can't get it he walks out with 1.5 billion dollars and then there are other places also I understand folks it's disgraceful that the press doesn't cover it for what it is it's a payoff it's a payoff and how would you like to have sleepy Joe with the Sun getting all of this money from China become president and take over the China di they are not liking me they had the worst year that they've had in 57 years their supply chain is broken up like scrambled eggs and they want to make a deal because those tariffs are given us millions of dollars and billions now billions and billions of dollars we're taking billions and billions of dollars and you know we're doing with some of it just a small portion but a hundred percent they're taken care of our farmers got sixteen billion dollars last year and twelve billion dollars a year before because they targeted our farmers because they know the farmers love Trump and Trump loves the farmers so they targeted them and they brought the 16 billion down to practically nothing and they thought our farmers would say oh we don't like Trump they did just the opposite they said we know he's doing the right thing because we've been ripped off for so many years but I said to him I said to Secretary of Agriculture sonny Perdue Creek I said Sonny how much did they spend buying our corn and soybeans and all of our agricultural product he said sir sixteen billion dollars they said good I'll make it up and we're gonna have a lot left over so we will have pretty soon over a hundred billion dollars in money paid into the United States Treasury by a country that never gave us ten cents they only took [Applause] so when I said to the farmers we're going to send you 16 billion it has already been said that it's been split in the 12 billion the year before and we think of that 28 billion I said compliments of China and we had a lot left over not bad right right there you think Obama would do that I don't think so you think Hillary would do that I don't think so you think sleepy Joe would do that I don't think so he wouldn't know what you're talking about on Tuesday the proud people of Mississippi will send Democrats a clear message that's very important for this reason as well as the fact that you have a great gentleman in your midst but you have to reject their extremism and their socialism and their corruption they're corrupt Adam Schiff is a corrupt politician you know when he made that phony speech where he made up as a really horrible speech and said that I said it I said oh I'm gonna sue him they said sir I'm sorry you can't he's got total immunity because he made it in Congress can you believe this but you know here's the good news at least we have a forum we have a place we can talk so everyone knows what's going on a bunch of phony people but this is why we have to send a signal and why you have to make take Reeves your great New Republic republican government right Tate he's a great guy too and all I know is he's loved and respected by your current governor because Phil is some piece of work you know Phil is so confident I want to fill the run for a certain office that I wanted him to do something I've tried to get him but you know some guys are confident Joe said no sir I've been doing this all my life I love the people he built the most beautiful african-american museum Phil he's the greatest but he built the most beautiful but he's got confidence and he said no sir I've been doing it I don't really want to do that in other words she said that's enough most people are so insecure they keep going and going and going it's not good I like Phil's attitude better but Phil that's great but I'm gonna introduce Phil in a second but Tate Reeves who Phil endorses and views as a champion for your state and really a champion for Mississippi values and Tate helped cut your taxes over 50 times including the largest tax cut in Mississippi history [Applause] Tate is pro-worker he's bro jobs he's pro-family he's pro-life [Applause] Tate is a true leader in the fight to protect the unborn the other side is not Tate Reeves will support our police oppose sanctuary shall we love our police right I love our food we love up a little he'll oppose sanctuary cities which is just terrible they're terrible and take will always defend your Second Amendment so Tate's running against a liberal Democrat named Jim hood now all I know about Jim hood is he fought very hard to elect crooked Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama nice he wanted Obama to win so badly and then he wanted Hillary to win and that's not the kind of guy we need here not in Mississippi he's supported by extreme leftists like Stacey Abrams who by the way went down to defeat in front of a terrific gentleman from the great state of Georgia Brian camp and they came in with all they brought them all they had President Obama they had Michelle Obama they had Oprah Winfrey they came in and all he had was Donald Trump and we won fairly easily but Stacy Abrams wants to give illegal aliens the right to vote do you believe this I mean some of these people they want to give them education they want to give them this they want to give them free health care they want to give these people that come into our country illegally more advantages that our own citizens have more advantages that our own military has Jim hood wants to raise your taxes he supports taxpayer funding for abortion providers he supports illegal immigration or all benefits and he opposed our travel ban which is so important that we won in the United States Supreme Court to keep terrorists the hell out of our country [Applause] and Jim hood went to the United Nations and opposed your right to self-defense if you don't want a far left Democrat running Mississippi wait a minute how's this guy you know I can't believe this is a competitive race I'm it's like embarrassing I'm talking to Mississippi you know I'm talking to Mississippi I can't believe it I don't think that he's going to be the right guy I think the guy that you want is take Reeves he's going to be fantastic he will be a great great governor take come on up [Applause] Thank You mr. president Mississippi welcomes you because Mississippi is Donald J Trump country we gave you almost 60% of the vote in 2016 and next year we're going to do even better and the reason is because President Trump is a strong leader he is the right leader to defeat the radical liberals who have taken over the Democrat Party now these radical liberals have been trying to remove our president from office since the very day he was sworn in they they have disrespected him and that means they have disrespected us Jim hood does not spent staying with our president he stands with the radical liberals when the radical liberals tried to stop the President on border security Jim hood stood with the Liberals when the choice was Donald J Trump or crooked Hillary Jim hood stood with Hillary Clinton and today with the election just days away I'm standing with President Donald Trump and Jim and Jim hood is standing with the Liberals now Mississippi it is time to choose it is time to stand up and be counted are we going to stand with President Donald Trump [Applause] are you gonna stand with me on Tuesday let's stand up to keep America great let's stand up to elect a conservative there will be an ally to President Donald J Trump I need your prayers I need your support and most importantly on Tuesday I need your vote thank y'all [Applause] thank you date Tuesday go out and vote for Tate he'll never let you down and don't kid yourself your second Amendment is under attack not with him it's under attack so we're also joined tonight by a man who is truly and I've sort of said it a lot but he's been a great governor and he loves your state he loves the people of this great state governor phil Bryant Wiz fel come up Phil come on he's central casting look at him come here [Music] [Applause] all right I just want to say one more thing as this Trump country this have been the greatest present of my lifetime and let me tell you what what we always wounded was a fighter we said somebody should stand up to the Democrats and fight well this is what fighting looks like let's go make America great again [Applause] Thank You Phil thank you thank you my Phil what a job what a great job you have to continue that whole thing going forward so another man who's a warrior it's a friend of mine whenever there's a problem he's there he's always there he'll be right at the front he is tough he is smart he's brilliant actually and he loves this state and he loves you people senator Roger wicker thanks Roger Thank You Roger and somebody I'll call her up because believe it or not she's running with me she just ran I said Sydney you just ran you just won she said no I have to do it again she's running in 2020 I thought you'd have like six years he said Cindy it's only like a year Cindy hyde-smith she's incredible she's tough and smart and strong she's with us all the way Cindy hyde-smith [Applause] is this guy incredible or what we have got a president we can be proud of and let me tell you something this Tuesday Mississippi can send a message to the entire nation we can let the Liberal Democrats with their socialist agenda know it may be alive and well in the heart of Nancy Pelosi but it is dead in Mississippi we can let them know we don't want open illegal borders for drug smugglers to come through them we can let them know that to kill an unborn baby is not a human right it is a human life this is a great crowd tonight next Tuesday let's go out and vote let's support our governor Tate Reeves let's support these Mississippi Republican candidates go out and vote and let's show the president how much we appreciate him right now [Applause] great job fantastic woman so also with us two terrific friends of mine that like Roger and like Cindy hyde-smith and like all of them and Tate he's gonna be right there he'll be right up there with us all fighting together two incredible people Trent Kelly Michael guest [Applause] credible people and your next lieutenant governor Delbert hoseman your next Attorney General Lynn Fitch your next Secretary of State Michael Watson great people your next state treasurer David McCray state auditor shad white [Applause] agriculture commissioner Andy Gibson Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney and former governor a man that nobody's ever heard of in this room I'm sure but the truth is he's a legend in politics and a great guy he's a great guy Haley Barbour [Applause] Thank You Ally great guy so with the help of everyone here we're the hottest economy in the world we've created over 6.7 million new jobs since the election if I would have said during the campaign that I would create 6.7 million new jobs since the election these people would have gone crazy they would have said horrible things they would have said it's impossible unemployment has reached the lowest rate in over 51 years soon-to-be historian african-american unemployment just dropped to the lowest rate ever recorded historic [Applause] really unimportant to me the african-american youth unemployment rate is the lowest ever recorded in the history of our country we lifted 55,000 Mississippi residents out of poverty 55,000 hourly earnings are up 9% in Mississippi since the election under the previous two administrations we lost 60,000 factories in our country under my administration we've already added nearly 10,000 new factories and many more are coming in as we speak to get relief to working families we passed massive tax cuts on average 2,000 to $2,500 per family bringing almost 1 trillion dollars back home to our shores what's happening you couldn't get the money the big companies they couldn't get their money back both bureaucratically and from a tax standpoint they brought back almost 1 trillion dollars now because of us all put to work we slashed the largest number in history of job-killing regulations and we ended the war on American energy we are now the number one producer of energy by far anywhere in the world for decades you saw corrupt politicians take money from lobbyists to impose catastrophic trade deals Mississippi lost 40% of all manufacturing jobs after the twin disasters of NAFTA and China's entrance into the World Trade Organization two of the worst deals ever made by our country 100,000 Mississippi jobs were wiped away just like that and that's awful and a big price to pay for Washington's disloyalty to the American worker that's what it was it was disloyalty stupidity corruption lots of reasons but now you finally have a president who is loyal to you and I am [Applause] I'm a fighter for your jobs for your wages your factories your families and your dignity we're stopping China from ripping us off we're stopping all of these other countries from taking advantage of the United States where we lose our money we lose our wealth we lose our jobs we close our factories that's not happening anymore it's reversed we were the sucker country for years and years but we are not the sucker country anymore and they all know we're replacing NAFTA and that was a disaster NAFTA with the brand-new US Mexico Canada agreement if Nancy Pelosi will ever put it up to a vote which is questionable nervous Nancy she doesn't want to give the people of our country a victory she's very busy doing other things having fun the u.s. MCA will be a massive victory for Mississippi's farmers and also includes powerful protections for Mississippi auto workers manufacturers and everybody else it's a great agreement about time we got rid of NAFTA the do-nothing Democrats need to stop their madness and pass the u.s. MCA right now the last administration's horrendous trans-pacific partnership would have destroyed the US auto industry but I proudly first thing withdrew from that job-killing calamity under our policies Toyota has just announced a 170 million dollar investment in Mississippi and 400 new jobs at its facility did you ever hear of this place Blue Springs before my election our leaders used the great American middle class as a piggy bank to fund their delusional global project all over the world we take care of other people we take care of other countries but we don't take care of our own they knowingly decimated American manufacturing to promote economic growth in foreign countries they deployed our military to protect think of this immensely wealthy nations subsidizing their welfare states with your money I ask those wealthy nations now I respectfully the other day said to the king of Saudi Arabia King we're gonna help you but you got to pay and he was great no he was great he was great he said but nobody has ever arrested before I said but I'm asking and billions of dollars will come in and we're protecting a great Ally we have look we have a country that spends billions and billions of dollars in our country buying military and other things but we said you're very wealthy you have to pay and they're gonna pay and that's true in many countries by the way that's true in many they never respected us they could never believe it I said to one country I have great respect for the Prime Minister of Japan I said to Prime Minister I said how did you get away with us for so long and he looked at me and he couldn't really answer it because how the hell did this happen we're protecting like 94 countries ask a China how many countries are you protecting President Xi and they look at me like what a stupid question we protect one China you asked President Putin how many countries are you protecting President Putin and he looks at he goes Russia you ask other countries we're protecting at least 94 facts so many they don't even they can't even tell me I've been trying to get an answer for four months so many they can't even tell it's crazy but it's all beautiful the way it's happening a lot of good things are happening but these same politicians poured precious American blood and treasure into the sands of the Middle East while allowing our cities to fall into disrepair and decay our failed ruling class believed it was their right to rule over you to take your money to take your jobs to redistribute your wealth all over the globe wherever they wanted it but I don't like that the great sellout has ended and it ended the day I took the oath of office that was quite a day after years of building up foreign nations we are finally building up our nation we are finally putting America first our policy of never ending war regime change and nation-building is being replaced by the clear-eyed pursuit of American interest it is the job of our military to protect our security not to be the policemen of the world proving the wisdom of this approach we recently secured a permanent ceasefire in northern Syria without spilling one drop of American blood that weren't actually I have to be honest one soldier stepped on a nail it's true I said don't tell the press that because he'll say but one soldier stepped in a nail I said how bad was it it's okay I said don't mention it please they always like to mention exactly what happened you could take it a little bit low-key step to the nail not not a drop of blood and we don't have to defend the borders between Turkey and Syria they've been fighting for a thousand years but what we do is we did keep the oil if you don't mind we kept the oil [Applause] and we will distribute that oil will help out the Kurds and will help out other people will also help out ourselves if that's okay past leaders foolish military adventures turned faraway nations into very very dangerous war zones then they demanded that American citizens accept unlimited migration from those terror afflicted nations and regions I don't think so I don't think so we did not fight them over there only to invite them over here we don't want to do that to protect our communities my administration restricted migration from terror operations and implemented the toughest ever vetting procedures toughest ever that we've ever had no issue has ever been so horribly discarded by a party as that issue by the Democrats they want open borders which mean crime they want sanctuary cities which means crime and drugs and death after bleeding the middle class dry Democrats threw open our borders to the world flooding our communities with poisonous drugs and criminal cartels Republicans believe in strong borders and safe communities we are now building a wall [Applause] we're building [Applause] we're building and you think that was easy the Democrats they didn't want that wool I got money for everything but when it came to the wall not ten cents not ten cents but we gave the military a lot of money and we took it from the military and we took it from here we took it from there or we had to go to court and all of a sudden we start winning cases we're winning cases now a lot of cases but the wall is going up rapidly it's going up rapidly and this is a very serious wall this is the exact everything they wanted I went to the Border Patrol incredible people and ice incredible people tough people they love our country and I said give me the specifications for the world they said well sir would like steel but would also like concrete I would also like rebar said well what do you want which one so I did all three because it's a different form of cutting you can cut through steel but you can through the concrete and then you can through the hardened rebar we got it all and we also need see through sir kind of see who's on the other side that makes sense right not just concrete it's more expensive what we're doing but we're giving and we're building we should have anywhere from 400 to almost 500 miles of wall built by the end of next year it's going that time in all the right areas in all the right areas that was a tough one and the Army Corps of Engineers is building the hearts out there great great people we believe in keeping terrorists and criminals and drug dealers the hell out of our country [Music] [Applause] and thanks to our tireless efforts on the southern border tough plains illegal crossings have dropped 60 percent since May and we are faster than ever securing the southern border and soon it will be when the wall is completed secure like it's never been before and I want to thank the country of Mexico they right now have 27,000 soldiers on our borders and 27,000 you know that is and they are keeping people out and I want to thank the President of Mexico is an excellent person great man and we appreciate it and the reason is that our Democrats won't even approve things called Lucas their loopholes that's a horrible name right that means it's a loophole that means you can come in illegally and lots of things catch and release you catch them there you got to release them by law you got to release them with it they'll arrest the Border Patrol agent of that or it's crazy but we could end this in 15 minutes but they don't want to do it they don't want to do it they're obstructionists they're collude urse and we can't let it happen that's why you have to go with take Reese you know Tate's gonna send Tate's gonna send a big signal by the way to big system it's great for you he's gonna be a great governor it also sends a big signal to these radical left crazy Democrats it's very important that Tate wins very important we're also fighting deadly sanctuary cities with the help of states like Mississippi which has banned sanctuary cities because phil Bryant said we're not going to have them and Roger wicker said we're not going to have and Cindy said we're not gonna happen Democrat sanctuary cities forced the release of dangerous criminal aliens onto our streets if you want a governor who will stand proudly with the heroes of I said they are heroes I wouldn't want their job ms-13 they walk right into those nests they call my nets and they start swinging and you've never saw anything like it I'll say you know what better you than me let's see who would do good he'd do good that guy that guy would do good mostly you wouldn't do too good no I mean these guys are tough guys and they love our country who would do it they're moving thousands of people from ms-13 these gangs are the worst people these people these are not human beings you know I said that once before and this crazy Nancy Pelosi said how dare you say that not you me you ever see these people and they slice people up with a knife because it's more painful than using again and then I have to defend myself when I say they're animals but you know what I never changed I didn't say oh I'd like to apologize I'd like to apologize crazy Nancy and you got to look at her district in San Francisco she's spending all her time on this crap or this impeachment stuff take a look at what's happening to the great city once of San Francisco its thousands and thousands of tents and drugs and needles and everything you can imagine floating in the Straits in the best neighborhoods Nancy Pelosi go home and fix your district Nancy go home and fix your district go home and fix you this to give you on a governor who will stand proudly with the heroes of ice and Border Patrol vote for Tate Reeves Tuesday gotta get out we gotta get out gotta send this signal let it be a big victory to the Democrat Party has never been more extreme you know that than it is today the Democrat health care agenda would obliterate Medicare I will always protect Medicare for our seniors and we will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions always will always take care virtually every Democrat also now supports late term abortion repeat babies straight from the mother's womb right up until the moment of birth while the governor of Virginia executed a baby remember that whole thing after birth after birth some people never heard of it he said the baby is born and then he starts talking to the mother nobody's ever heard that that is why I've asked Congress to prohibit extremely term abortion because Republicans believe that every child is a sacred gift from God Democrats are now the party of high taxes high crime open borders late term abortion socialism and blatant corruption the Republican Party is the party of the American worker the American family the American dream nobody has done more for the african-american community than the Republican Party and we're also the party of Abraham Lincoln we can't forget that people forget Abraham Lincoln Honest Abe to lift up distressed communities we created opportunities owns so incredible so successful including 100 new opportunities owns right now in Mississippi where money is now flowing in to build and to fix and Tim Scott I give him so much credit from the great state of South Carolina we passed V a choice and VA accountability on behalf of our great veterans people said it couldn't be done VA choice our veterans who are waiting on line for days and weeks sometimes now they can go out choice they can go out get a doctor we paid the bill and they don't have to wait six weeks four weeks two weeks we had people waiting in line they weren't very sick by the time they saw the doctor they were terminally ill now they go on and they go and they go outside and they find a doctor and we take care of our great veterans the great rebuilding of the American armed forces has included massive investments in the military and facilities in Biloxi and Gulfport and Jackson and Starkville and Roger has been fantastic and Cindy hyde-smith has been fantastic thank you thank you thank you to protect America's security I withdrew the united states from the horrible one-sided Iran nuclear deal it's not the same country anymore nothing's easy but it's not the same and I recognized Israel's true capital and opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem [Applause] for years you watched as your politicians apologize for America now you have a president who is standing up for America and we are standing up for the people of Mississippi the next step to victory begins on Tuesday right here in your great state with your support we will show the corrupt Democrats that the American people are not ever going to back down from perhaps the greatest victory in political history and you know today with the new stock market at an all-time high it's I will tell you something if we didn't win this election that stock market would be in one half it was heading in the wrong direction it was going to fail and if they ever did anything bad if they haven't do anything bad to us if they ever succeed in their wildest dream which will never let them happen that stock market will crash like you've never seen a crash before and you will not be happy with your 401 k's like you're happy right down because they don't know what they're doing they don't know what they're doing and I'd like to speak well but the leadership they have no clue they're just very vicious people actually they're sort of mentally violent people but we've got it under control it always helps when you didn't do anything wrong I always say how do you impeach a president who didn't do anything wrong [Applause] so we're gonna send a signal by sending a terrific new Republican governor to Jackson on Tuesday you're gonna get out and you're gonna vote and you're gonna give up whatever you have to give up you're gonna leave work maybe a little early or maybe get there little late tell your boss I said it was okay I will give you a pardon if I have to I'll give you a one-hour part [Applause] but with your help we will lift millions more of our great citizens from welfare to work dependence to independence and poverty to prosperity together we will elect a Republican Congress to create a fair safe sane and lawful system of immigration and you have great congressmen here and I'll tell you I won appreciate it fellas warriors you're warriors you are warriors what was it 196 for and nothing against her that doesn't happen with Republicans it doesn't happen I always complain I would say the Democrats are lousy politicians they have lousy policies open borders sanctuary cities but they have one thing they stick together and they're vicious the Republicans have great policy in many ways they're better politicians but they're not as vicious thank you darling I appreciate they're not as vicious but they have a tendency to split apart the Democrats don't seem to have any Mitt Romney's we do we do I don't know maybe he'll get better maybe he'll get better we'll see we'll see what happened maybe he'll get better just let him be fair but they don't have that we will enact trade deals that result in more products proudly stamped with those beautiful beautiful words made in the USA made in America we will achieve new breakthroughs in science and medicine finding new cures for childhood cancer and ending the AIDS epidemic in America can you believe that within 10 years it will be over when they told me that I said that's incredible we're going to end the AIDS epidemic within 10 years it's funded nobody would have thought we could do that but we're doing it we'll have it ended in America in ten years the AIDS epidemic who would have thought we will defend privacy free speech free assembly religious liberty and the right to keep and bear arms above all we will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one America we support protect and defend the Constitution of the United States we stand with the incredible heroes of law enforcement we believe in the dignity of work and the sanctity of life we believe that faith and family not government and bureaucracy are the true American Way we believe that children should be taught to love our country honor our history and to always respect our great American flag and we live by the words of our national motto and we always will you'll never see it disappear in god we trust' [Applause] we stand on the shoulders of American patriots who cross the oceans settle the continent tame the wilderness dug out the Panama Canal laid down the railroads revolutionized industry pioneered technology won two World Wars defeated fascism and communism and made America the single greatest nation in the history of the world and today it's greater than ever before proud citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country that's what we're doing that's what happened in 2016 we are returning power to you the American people with your help your devotion and your drive we are going to keep on working we are going to keep on fighting and we are going to keep on winning winning winning we get so tired of winning I don't know Mississippi you know you're winning you had the best year you've ever had you know you have the best Mississippi the best year you've ever had in the history of our country Mississippi your statistic and Mississippi aren't you getting tired of winning I guess that so Phil doesn't come to me and say sir please we're winning too much the people of Mississippi can't take it anymore I don't think you'll ever have to make that trip I don't think he's ever going to have to and I don't think Tate will ever have to make that trip we are one movement one people one family and one glorious nation under God America is thriving like never before and ladies and gentlemen of Mississippi the best is yet to come [Applause] because together we will make America wealthy again we will make America strong again we will make America proud again we will make America safe again and we will make America great again thank you mrs. shipping thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so today at the reception a glass wine [Music] she was gonna me [Music]
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: Fox News Channel, FNC, Fox News, News, Latest News, Top stories, trump, fox news live, fox news live stream, fox live now, fox news live streaming, fox news live today, president trump, politics, trump rally, campaign rally, maga rally, trump rally live, trump live stream, trump rally live stream, trump rally fox news, 2020, election, trump maga, rally, trump mississippi, mississippi, trump mississippi rally
Id: eQGHkajP-to
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Length: 88min 45sec (5325 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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