Trump holds a 'Keep America Great' rally in Colorado

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wow thank you so where else would you like to be but a trump rally right much better hello colorado we love colorado this beautiful place and i'm thrilled to be back in colorado springs i've spent a lot of time here over the years beautiful place beneath the majestic peaks that's true of the rocky mountains with thousands of terrific hard-working great american patriots with your help this november we are going to defeat the radical democrats and we are going to win colorado in a landslide and you're gonna help us get corey gardner across that line because he's been with us a hundred percent there was no waiver he's been with us there was no waiver with corey we appreciate it thank you corey thank you this month we mark a very special anniversary 75 years ago this week our brave united states marines landed on the shores of iwo jima and began one of the bloodiest battles of the second world war it was a rough one tonight it's our great privilege to be joined by three of the heroes of the battle of iwo jima james blaine donald whipple and john thurman [Applause] great great patriots very brave people and tonight we also honor the life and extraordinary really of a very extraordinary american hero one of the last known survivors of the attack on the uss arizona at pearl harbor on december 7 1941 he was in the oval office just recently a little while ago about a year and a half ago and we just want to pay our respects okay you know who it is donald stratton well-known guy just passed away sadly sadly he passed away just a few days ago he was going to be here passed away a few days ago but he was great i have a beautiful picture of him right outside and we're going to honor him and his family great great gentleman so we were going to have four we have three and we want to thank you for being here thank you all thank you because america is truly a land of heroes on behalf of the grateful nation i would like to recognize the many veterans of the vietnam war and the iraq and afghanistan wars who are here this evening got a lot of them brave people great people this is a truly incredible time for america we have the best economy in our history the most prosperity of any country we are doing better than any country in the world that is not even close and we've rebuilt our military over the last three years don't tell anybody but we spent two and a half trillion dollars but when it comes to our military and our safety and our security we don't worry about budgets right we don't worry about budget we had to rebuild and it was depleted it was in bad shape it was old it was tired we have the best people in the world but that old equipment now we have brand new jets we have brand new missiles and rockets we have everything all made in the usa in my state of the union address i proudly declared that we are in the midst of the great american comeback that's what we're doing our country is stronger today than ever before [Applause] after three years of ridiculous witch hunts and scams and partisan democrat crusades the radical left's attempt to poison our democracy and overturn the last election have totally failed they have been a complete flop and we today have the highest poll numbers we've ever had today just came out and i don't know if anybody watched last night's debate it got very big ratings and you know what mini mike didn't do well last night i was gonna send him a note saying it's not easy doing what i do is it not easy it's not easy mike not easy for any of them now mike didn't do too well he went way down it's all right minnie mike how about klobucho did you see her she choked she choked she jumped she couldn't breathe alfredy newman looked at her and said something slightly derogatory and she said are you accusing me of being dumb who would make a statement like that because that's really what he was doing but he doesn't want to say that no no how about that are you saying i'm dumb that was the end of her campaign in my book you know you don't say that even if it's true you don't say that you know they had a crazy person on today on one of the fox shows i tell you fox doesn't treat us the way they used to but we have the great sean hannity we do now we have laura and tucker and we have in the morning fox and friends steve and angel and brian's gotten much better he's moving up and we have the great lou dobbs lou dobbs says he's the greatest president ever the great lou dobbs he says lou dobbs a year and a half two years ago he said he's the greatest since reagan then he said about six months ago he's better than reagan and then he said a few nights ago he's the greatest we've ever had i said i said does that include lincoln and george washington he said that includes them all that's loudobs and you've got seth and you've got jesse waters how about jesse and judge jeanine and even greg got you know greg greg hated us right but now he says look whether i like him or not he gets it done it's all about getting it done right we're getting it done nobody's ever done what we've done no but fox says it i don't know it's different it was different in the old days it was better for us it was better for us but it's okay we'll win anyway we'll win no but they had this woman on deal caboodle doesn't treat us good neil kabuto he's not too good she said i don't like him nobody likes him he's right now so you had you know remember last in the radius you remember who was last in the readings he got fired right you remember right you remember he's gone and now neal's taking his place neil's actually a nice guy but you know he doesn't like trump too much and he put this woman on today and she said donald trump didn't do well in the debates and he won because she was referring to mike bloomberg sometimes referred to as mini mic and i said wait a minute i want every debate it's true and we sent them polls paul after paul after paul not only one of them but one and by lot i won every debate i'm not saying i'm just saying every poll you know they do those polls right after three four five hundred thousand people time magazine i said nobody's allowed to do that you can't do that we're at enough of a disadvantage with the fake news you know they make up 90 percent so where is dan scavino where's gavino does anyone know who dan scavino is dan bring me those pages up here bring those pages up see if you can get them go get them just it's such fake news it's so disgusting you know what they'd do better if they told the truth do you agree they do better oh someday in 10 14 18 22 years when i'm gone when we leave office in 26 years or so they're gonna miss us you know i told the story that a month before i ran 2016 i was thinking about it i said to my wife who's become a great first lady [Music] [Applause] you know they said it's one of the greatest fields ever assembled and i said what the hell should i run for if they are so great but i remember holding up the new york times and it was like a leaflet that you give at a certain like a supermarket right it's like you know the thing was blowing in the head no it was dead and now it's successful again but when we leave it's all of us we leave together we're unified this is the most unified the republican party has ever been and when we leave the new york times thank you the great dance covenant most powerful men in politics hey dan so zuckerberg left who is number one in the world on facebook and i'm saying this in front of the fake news because if i'm wrong they're going to report me right who is number one in the world on facebook he walked in but that's us he walked in for we had dinner recently just because i want them to pay taxes i want to find out what's going on but he walked any smart and he said i just want to congratulate you small dinner a few people he said you're number one in the world in facebook i said that's nice i said who's number two he said prime minister modi of india i said wait a minute wait a minute he's got 1.5 billion people and we have 350. so we should be number one but we're never going to give up that position of number one in the world for our country for facebook for twitter for anything and they still haven't figured it out they have not figured it out but look at all that press look at all that press by the way how bad were the academy awards this year you said and the winner is a movie from south korea what the hell was that all about we got enough problems with south korea with trade on top of it they gave him the best movie of the year was it good i don't know you know i'm looking for like where where let's get going with the wind can we get like on with the wind back please sunset boulevard so many great movies the winner is from south korea i thought it was best foreign film right best foreign movie no it was the did this ever happen before and then you have brad pitt i was never a big fan of his he got up said a little wise guys statement a little wise guy he's a little wise guy anyway but we're doing well but here i'll just show this real quick right so this horrible journal she's a real you know she's a trump hater she gets you know what she's worth zero ratings nobody watches her but she said she was trying to look bloomberg made a fool out of himself last night he choked here's another one he's going ah oh i can't breathe i can't breathe don't ask me the question please i look at my wife i said let's send them a little note it's not so easy up there to do what i did right not so easy but this woman who's a third rate fourth rate she's been with everybody every year she's like with a different group but i won't use the name because we'll make it too famous it actually plays to their advantage but she's third rate and she's on the lowest rated show on fox neil cavuto so he like that's why so she said donald trump didn't get good ravings he didn't do well in the polls he said he didn't do well on the debates she said that we were defeated in the debates well i defeated crooked hillary every time and by a lot so yeah she's crooked as a three dollar bill you know i was going whatever happened to the 33 000 emails whatever happened 000 she deleted them and acid washed up and she didn't get in trouble can you imagine if a republican did that they would want to bring back the death penalty right two standards but i think things are happening i think you know i said drain the swamp i just never knew how deep it was we have more garbage in the swamp than you would ever believe and this is part of the swamp so what happens she said donald trump didn't do well in the debates now you know remember my answer rosie o'donnell right first question i've ever and we took down the house then the second bret bear he asked me i had to raise the hand i'm the only one i guess that raised the hand right and the place went crazy because i was the only one telling the truth okay turned out i was the only one telling and you know the people get it but she said i didn't do well on the bench i said really i won every single debate we had 15 or 14 debates so we had the presidential debates with crooked hillary against myself so here's one i don't want you know i am a little guilty because these are all my friends right a lot of them are my friends now they weren't my friends then they weren't my mortal enemy it's hard to be friends when you're competing against somebody right you're right about that so here's donald trump 67. the next one was 13 the next one was 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 and 0. but here it is all right that's time magazine all right that's time they don't like me i don't like them either by the way although actually i do like the new owner this year i got beaten out by greta you know brother the last year i got beaten out i've been i've won it but when the world evolves around all of us we should be chosen there's nothing wrong with it right i mean we've won it but we should win it every single year let's face it and now they call it person of the year they don't call it man of the year and i know the women out there are saying isn't that nice but a lot of the women out there don't like it they don't like it we could have a woman of the year and a man of the year i like that okay here's drudge report drudge he's starting to treat me good again he's starting to like me again i like him look trump and ted cruz i can say he came in second you know he was a great debater and marco came in third and a guy who i don't like much and they don't like him much in ohio either kasich kasich he was way down way down okay look who won trump okay here's another one look again a different one time magazine trump 33 ben carson good man he was down marco jeff ted carly fiorina a name i haven't heard in a long time what happened to carly and rand good paul here's the sir look but way up way up look at that here's another one look at that trump 46 i didn't make this up here's another one this is a different debate i don't know they're all different i won every one of them look trump i just took these at random 46 second 5 3 5 3 9 5 11 trump 46 percent is it either one cnbc well you know the market's been up they've actually been not so bad and joe kiernan is a good guy he is a good guy some of the rest i don't care for too much becky's like she plays it a little bit down the middle right which is okay trump almost 50 then they have all the rest of them 14 4 3 2 2.8 2.54 1.9 i'm not going to give you the names i won't tell you that i got 48.8 and jeb bush jeb bush got 1.1 the rest i'm not going to talk about but he hasn't been exactly a great supporter you know sort of a never trumper i guess so jeb 1.9 1.1 and trump 48. that's another one oh here's a nice one here's a nice one look at this look at this trump 70 percent next one is 18 next one is 7 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1. trump didn't do well in the debates see they're fake news [Applause] here's another one trump kicked ass trump kicked this trump 48 number two was six here's another one trump 75.6 [Applause] crooked hillary was 24 this was against crooked hillary so look at that trump was 74.6 crooked hillary clinton was 24.1 trump was 80 percent crooked hillary was 18 and i've got this woman you know who it is right you don't you nobody knows it i'm not going to mention but everybody knows neil cavuto she has no credibility and neither do you neil cavuto here's another one crooked hillary and by the way one is a fox poll one is breitbart one is a drudge report one is a patch one is one is polit opinion oh that's a good one but look at these numbers trump 92 what is this so i'm winning every poll i beat crooked hillary here's the one trump 61 crooked hillary 39 okay that's what it is and then i turn on the damn show on fox again it's not the same it was much better it really was it was much better i turn on fox and i've got this third-rate political journalist if you call her that saying trump did very poorly in the debates but he became fred no i did great in the debates i became president because of the debates because unlike mini mike i could answer questions and here's the final one and i could get you another 15. these are all the ones that taken right after people call in hundreds of thousands of people they call in time magazine cnbc so here's the cnbc crooked hillary clinton 39 donald trump 61 and then this stupid person said i didn't debate well now look you know i don't mind and you can have bad debates but i won every single debate and then i then i listened to this then three and a half four years later i have to listen to a person saying how we didn't do well because these people are among the most dishonest people anywhere in the world take it take it okay let's get back to business now i feel good now i feel good she's a third-rate journalist let's go we're standing up in defense of our constitution our freedom and democracy itself right while the extreme left has been wasting america's time and doing all sorts of vile hoaxes we went through hoaxes we went through the impeachment scam and by the way corey was with us all the way he didn't move he didn't budge he said it's a lot of bull he said it's a lot of bulls but while they're doing that stuff and you know we're working with the cloud we're working with these people they want to take you out they want to change the results they got caught spying let's say it like it is right they got caught spying on our election fake news hey fake news take your cameras for a change and show them the room and show them behind you go ahead show them show in the room you see they never do it including fox by the way fox is not that much better we just got lucky because we have some all their high rated shows are the shows that like trump all their loser shows like cavuto are the shows that don't like trump uh how is shep smith doing lately by the way how shepherd he had the lowest ratings and now kavuto took his place so that's okay but they never show the room my wife how great first lady she goes i say i say hi honey did you watch the debate yeah how did the room look was that because last night we i think we turned away 21 000 people we had an arena that it held like 12 but we fill up the basketball courts right or the ice rink we had to have 15 16 000 people it was like on fire you all saw it it was great and she said to me she said darling how did you do i said i did great i said did you see the arena she said no they never show the arena you know you know that guy dana white at ufc well you know i won't tell you about him yet but he's a brilliant guy right i mean he sold his crazy fighters i mean boom bomb bomb four billion dollars he got with for tina's great people but you know what they're always showing it's full it's full these fakers back there they don't want people but i'll tell you what my wife said they don't show it but you can't imitate 15 000 people when it comes to the noise look they won't show they never show and we've never had an empty seat from the day i came down the escalator not one and what these guys do and what these guys do if mr and mrs jones sitting right up there beautiful couple if she said darling i'm sorry there's nothing i can do about it darling i have to go to the bathroom he said darling i'll walk with you the cameras glung onto those seats they'd lung on and they say there were two empty seats trump didn't fill up the rear these are the worst people but when i told them to spin around those cameras they stayed that way now if we had a protester somewhere in the arena it could be up in that corner where it's loaded up with people those cameras they can do they look like a pretzel they look like a pretzel they want to find if there's trouble those same guys could it could cover anything i used to think well it's the equipment it's very rigid they can't turn it and then some idiot from up in the corner starts screaming stupid stuff of course that's dangerous in this room to be honest we don't have it too much they only pick on the guys that are all by themselves and aren't fighters but if somebody up there does something those cameras turn around spin around like a pretzel they bend boom they get so that was the end of my theory that we have rigid equipment no and by the way i told them turn around not one of those cameras turned around to show the road because it's fake news while the extreme left has been wasting america's time with vile hoaxes we've been killing terrorists creating jobs raising wages enacting fair trade deals securing our border and lifting up citizens of every race color religion and creed right we added another 225 000 brand new beautiful jobs last month way way way above what our great geniuses back there thought it would be 225 000 think of it we right now have more people working in our country than at any time in the history of our country almost 160 million people and right now since the election we go by the election don't forget a lot of things happened when we won from the day we won that beautiful november day the most exciting night in the history of television including ufc fights including us foreign [Applause] and you know a lot of these kids are very strong physically in fact you have one of them as an example uh he was the winner of the home run derby did you know that college think of that the college home run derby i said let me see you i want to see what you look like he stands up uniform everything else and by the way i did something for air force but i did something for all of the academies if you were a great athlete and they had a hard time recruiting although they've done well if you're a great athlete you can't you know we wanted to sort of get them to go but they didn't because they didn't want to serve five years in the military and then they'd go into the nfl or baseball so i had one of the teams in they said sir give us the waiver sir they've been after the waiver you know what the waiver is that means that if you're a great athlete you can go to the air force academy or army navy the coast guard you can do you can go to one of our service academies i did the rule and we got it through congress and you don't have to serve you go directly into the major leagues or to the nfl and you serve your time after when you get out isn't that correct and the army coach who's a great guy all great guys navy coach the army coach said sir if you do that we can compete with anybody because we lost a lot of great athletes who said you know we just can't do that now they serve their time afterwards isn't that great and we did it they've been trying to get that for so many years but i love that i love that group of people i saw this guy from the home run derby and i shook hands oh shook hands and they come up and they're strong people and they're shaking and they're all excited you know they're a little nervous maybe they're meeting the president they're a little nervous and they're strong they've got big strong hands in this thing and i'm saying you know hello sir thank you man say what are you doing i'm captain of my wrestling team sir i admire you greatly sir thank you and i'm trying to act like it doesn't hurt by the end of the day i'm gonna but we did it and then i said i said i said wait a minute i said general no other president could do that the president is not doing that he said no they do sir but they stop usually at around 50. oh that's great but i love the air force academy and you have all of the infrastructure so you're being very strongly considered for the space command very strong and actually i have to say this i think i can say this mr senator but the governor showed up at the plane today your governor democrat no no but in all fairness he showed up because he wanted to lobby to see if they could get it that's okay that's all right and we are going to be making that decision corey when we make that decision all right okay but we've destroyed the isis territorial caliphate 100 we killed the founder and leader of isis al-baghdadi he's dead he's dead and we just killed the world's number one terrorist kasim salamani ending his evil reign of terror forever forever and ever [Applause] he was the king of the roadside bomb right you know when you see these young men and in some cases women no legs no arms they get it and 92 of them were from salamani and then they started making them they had great detection we had these guys great detection then all of a sudden the detection wasn't working because they started making an amount of plastic instead of metal so they're blowing the guys up with the with the scopes so they had the scopes on and that happened recently because they started making another plastic real scum but he's gone he's evil he's dead and america is respected again like never before but as we keep on winning washington democrats keep on losing their minds they've gone nuts that's why millions of registered democrats voters people that were with the democrats for a long time they're leaving their party to join our movement they're joining our great republican party we have more enthusiasm than any party's had in the last 50 years and don't believe stories and don't believe polls because the polls are worse than the stories they give phony polls i got a call two weeks ago the great state of texas they loved me and i love them [Applause] remember beto remember i was born for this i was born i said any guy that says that i got problems well he had problems so he's from texas he had a little problem he came out against oil and gas the bible and guns abraham lincoln couldn't win texas if you're against think of it so he's against religion he's against guns and he's against oil somehow that doesn't play but they had listened to this one because this happened four years ago you remember donald trump is in trouble in texas i don't think so i don't think so and then they announced the night right eight o'clock the polls have closed and you know they only announced very if you're really going to win by a lot otherwise it takes all night the polls have closed in the great state of texas donald trump has won the great state of texas right but they had alfred newman buddha judge little buddha touch i said i've had you up to here they had little buddha chech leading donald trump in texas these people but very close he said it's too close to call this is a poll where buddha dench so a friend of mine from texas is a big powerful strong guy real taxi he's got the cowboy hat i'd love to wear that i wouldn't have to call my hair so much i wouldn't need hairspray right i'd love those texas hats i don't know if we get away with it in washington that's why only bro but i love him this guy wears that big hat the biggest hat he's a big guy and he's he's interviewed by somebody said listen i don't know much about politics but i can tell you one thing boot edge edge is not tied with the president the president is leading him like by 20 points it's like i said the last time nobody's leading trump in texas and you know what nobody is even close to us in the great state of colorado we're leading nobody with your energy enthusiasm this november and specifically it's november 3rd is the big day and this is going to be as big and i can't say bigger because what was bigger than that they came from the hills they came from the mountains they came out of the rivers they came all over the place great people they just never saw anybody they wanted to vote for women would come in they hadn't voted in 20 years great women beautiful women strong women smart women wives no no incredible and they love our country they work hard and they pay their taxes and they work and they're you know we're the elite just so yeah they're not the elite we're the elite and you know what they'd show up they got trump bandanas along with our great vice president mike pence trump pence and they got the hats now and they walk it these are people that were never political people they never wore a pin now they got 30 pins all over the chest they've got the hats with the things and the trump and nobody's ever seen anything like it it's really it's a great revolution and we're turning this country around and i'm not saying anything can ever compete with 2016 but i think if we don't do it a lot of what we've done and we're going to go over the jobs and the regulation cuts and what we've done for the vets with choice and accountability but you know what they can undo it but in four years they can't undo it because that tree will be planted it'll be solid they're not going to be able to go so we got to win and your second amendment is at stake remember that so this november we're going to take back the house we're going to hold the senate and we are going to keep the white house so we're thrilled tonight to be joined by many great leaders from across this incredible state and from all over the country and i want to thank mike pence i heard he gave a great speech i never wanted to be too good i never wanted to be too good i said mike take it easy can't be too good mike is great but we have secretary david bernhardt department of interior thank you come on up there he's great what he's doing by the way he's the largest landlord by a factor of about two thousand department of the interior you're taking good care of colorado please okay he's he's a big deal in colorado right he's a big deal all those beautiful mountains and rivers and lakes he's the guy you better keep him nice and clean believe me we like the environment more than anybody we want clean water and we want clean air and you have warriors you had guys they fought for us 197 to nothing we were one to think of it the republicans 197 on the house to nothing congressman ken buck come on up congressman scott tipton and congressman doug lamborn thank you [Applause] and we're also joined tonight by somebody that you really love i mean you and i love him too but there's a reason he's my son don jr and kimberly guilfoyle kimberly thank you kimberly and a man he happens to own the chicago cubs but that's okay he's done an incredible job actually he had a five-year plan on the fifth year the stadium was fully rebuilt and they won the world series that's not bad right he had a five-year plan rnc finance chairman todd ricketts come on up top come on up come on up todd and i mentioned a little earlier but you didn't know he was here i just said you know he's a champion he's a winner he's been a friend of mine for a long time he's a tough cookie he's the kind of people that made our country great truly they made our country great he started off with two people fighting each other then he got four people fighting each other then he got up fighting each other each other then he got six and eight and twelve all of a sudden people started watching and looking and i was proud to hold this first event that's why he loves me i thought they didn't want they said it's too dangerous nobody would take it i'm the only one said take it we'll take it and it was unbelievable i went and i said this is great let's do it again and he has been my friend for a long time and they put together a phenomenal deal it's called ufc he's the ufc [Music] president they just sold the company he started it off for about thirty dollars and they just sold it for four billion dollars and the people that bought it said without buying it unless dana white stays back and runs it so dana white come on up he's now a very wealthy guy [Music] [Applause] come on you want to hear from yeah what's up colorado how are you today so i'm not a very political person i'll start there but let me say this there's things that i can tell you about the president of the united states that you don't hear on tv and you don't hear from other people like you said i've known this man for 20 years we've actually become even closer since he's become the president of the united states when somebody becomes the president united states you don't ever expect to hear from them again okay and i understand it it absolutely makes sense this guy is so loyal and such a good friend every time i see him i saw him today when i met him on air force one the first thing he said to me is how is your family how is your family good man very loyal and a very good friend i see a lot of things from mr trump that the public doesn't see and the people who surround me every day see how this man treats me as a friend and other people he's friends with he's a fighter he loves this country he's doing great things for this country and we got to win this election again ladies and gentlemen thank you that was beautiful because you know we get tired of hearing from these politicians all the time right politicians right what a job he does and we thank you very much dan and you are my great friend and thank you so i want to bring up a man who's going to win the election with us and really he has been he's been so rock solid you know there were stories will he because we're doing great in the state we're doing great and you know your second amendment you like the second amendment it's under siege but with corey and with me they're not gonna play with your second amendment not gonna happen but it's it is under siege you see what's happening but somebody we fight together and he's been so great corey gardner please come on up please good evening colorado how's everybody doing now i want you to give a great big pikes peak welcome to the president of the united states now now i think they heard john pike speak but they didn't hear you on mount garfield give them another round of applause colorado we are going to win we are going to win because we believe in colorado we are going to win because we believe in america we are going to win because we will fight against the socialist tides across this country the democrats are trying but they're not going to win look there was a there was a dangerous thing that happened in 2016. it was the normalization of socialism by bernie sanders the most dangerous thing was the normalization of socialism by bernie sanders because what happened candidates started running as socialists they embraced the platform and today there aren't shades of socialism they are running to the left on a socialist platform they want to take our guns they want to take our health care that's their platform what they say they will do colorado are you going to let it happen we will not mr president you've done so much good for colorado as a result of your work the bureau of land management is now headquartered in the great state of colorado united states space command and space force are operating out of colorado springs [Applause] and just a few miles to the south a few miles from south please understand how big this is in 1962 president john f kennedy went to pueblo colorado and he talked about building a pipeline in pueblo colorado was it built we got the money two weeks ago to begin construction thanks to president donald trump colorado dana white is here what does it take to win a cage fight we need a fighter and in colorado we are going to fight for this country we're going to fight for the white house we're going to fight to maintain a senate majority because we need to continue the great work of freedom in this country colorado make us proud stand strong and together we will win thank you [Applause] thank you that's beautiful that's true the pipeline long time they've been trying we got it right away and we'll be announcing something very big toward the end of the year corey is a champion for the people of conor he loves you state look he loves your state he was here he does the tractor thing he loves tractors he sells a certain type and uh don't worry if there's if there's any noise just let him they won't hear us and he's got my complete and total support and endorsement he will never let you down that was quick that was quick she goes home to mom and mom loves us you know her mother's a big supporter she said was that you in that big stadium i'm not liking it she's going to have a lot of trouble at home with mom and dad together we're building the world's most prosperous economy and what we've done in the last three years they said was absolutely impossible to do we've created nearly 180 000 new jobs right here in colorado nobody would have thought that including including 25 000 new manufacturing and construction jobs remember they said you can't do manufacturing jobs anymore really tell me about it has reached the lowest rate in over one half a century the average unemployment rate this is a beauty for my administration is the lowest for any united states president in the history of our country that's not a bad one the unemployment rate among african-americans hispanic americans and asian americans has reached the lowest levels ever recorded and for women 71 years and soon you're going to be hitting the historic number 71 years the best numbers in 71 years african-american and hispanic american poverty has plummeted to the lowest rates ever recorded the unemployment rate for women is going and i'm telling you within a very short period of time you're going to see some statistics coming out on one statistics i gotta do it right otherwise they'll say what's wrong you know if you go 16 of these and if you mispronounce one word they say what's wrong statistics for women that are going to be unbelievable they're going to be unbelievable the best ever the veterans unemployment rate dropped to a record low workers without a high school diploma have achieved the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded in u.s history half a million more hispanic americans now own a home we've lifted 10 million people off of welfare and median household income is now at the highest level in the history of our country think of that think of this to lift up forgotten communities that need investment the most we created with tim scott great guy great senator from south carolina opportunity zones jobs and investment are now pouring into over 125 newly designated opportunity zones right here in colorado you know about that right it's been amazing opportunity zones are amazing what's happened we're supporting working families by fighting for paid family leave and getting it reducing the cost of child care and giving 40 million american families an average of 2 200 in their pockets directly thanks to the republican child tax credit people don't know that our historic regulatory reduction campaign is ending the tyranny of washington bureaucrats we repealed the ridiculous waters of the united states rule which was basically taking away your property [Music] [Applause] and we are taking the bureau of land management out of washington dc we've just done it and thank you very much secretary bernhardt just up here nice slim beautiful looking man he looks beautiful when you work with him he's beautiful because he gets it done and you're moving it and it's headquarters to grand junction colorado because we believe that the people who manage the lands of the great american west should live right here in the great american west right and we have ended the war in american energy it was a war and we're up here and we're doing it we are right now energy independent can you believe it they want to use wind wind wind blow in please please please blow please please keep the birds away from those windmills please tell those beautiful bald eagles don't know a bald eagle you know if you shoot a bald eagle they put you in jail for a long time but the windmills knock them out like crazy it's true and i think they have a rule after a certain number are killed you have to close down the windmill until the following do you believe this do you believe this and they're all made in china and in germany siemens and for those of you that want to hear it when they're making them more stuff goes up into the air and up into the ozone the atmosphere more stuff is going up there they're making a and they don't say this but you know after a period of time they get tired they get old they get rusty and a lot of the guys say hey they're useful life is gone let's get the hell out of here and they're all over the place you look at palm springs california take a look palm springs they're all over the place they're closed they're rotting they look like hell every major democrat running for president wants to entirely eliminate american production of oil and natural gas crushing colorado's economy destroying tens of thousands of colorado energy jobs and demolishing property values all across the state they're doing that look you're going to vote for one of these people probably crazy bernie he seems to be leading mini mike i thought he might come up but he can't because he can't debate he wasn't meant for the camera do we agree it wasn't exactly great last night now i think you lost two last night only in colorado could somebody say now you're gonna probably it looks like bernie doesn't it looks like crazy burning crazy bernie's not big into natural gas and oil and the things that keep our great factories and plants going right but colorado voters will never let it happen we're reversing decades of calamitous trade policies america lost one in four manufacturing jobs following the twin disasters of nafta and china's entrance into the wto but under this administration all of that is changing the era of economic surrender is over thank you last month we ended the nafta catastrophe and i signed the brand new u.s mexico canada agreement into law credible deal the usmca is a gigantic victory for farmers ranchers and manufacturers all across the great state of colorado and every other state also you know something we got that people don't talk about if you love your children you don't have to pay estate taxes on your beautiful small farms and businesses if you love your children it's great and if you don't love your children don't worry about it doesn't matter who the hell knows if you don't love them don't leave don't leave that beautiful farm to your children give it to somebody else okay they don't treat you well don't leave a damn thing are you listening donny are you listening donny i also took no it is true that's a big deal you know farmers were leaving their ranch and their farms and their people were leaving their small businesses to their family and they were being assessed and valued much higher in many cases than it was worth you couldn't do it they'd go out your kids would go out and borrow a lot of money they'd end up losing their business losing your farm that was in your family for 150 years you know what happens and they're good kids and maybe they'll never be you they can't farm like you and maybe they can't and maybe they can maybe they're better but you know what they'd go out and they'd borrow a lot of money and they'd lose the farms the number is staggering we got rid of it no more death tax no more inheritance [Applause] and i also took the strongest ever action to confront china's massive theft of american jobs what they've done to us over the years we're losing 200 billion 300 400 500 not not million billion billion not million you know 500 million would be a lot right we're talking about 500 billion they were taking it our strategy worked we put tariffs up 25 of the first 250 billion billions of dollars poured into the united states they devalued their currency and they pumped money in we didn't pay for it despite the fact that these guys they like to say they did we didn't pay for it and i'll tell you what china came to the table and we made a deal that's great for us and hopefully it's great for them [Applause] and last month as you know we signed a groundbreaking trade agreement with china that will defend our workers protect our intellectual property and boost american exports 250 billion dollars worth of purchases 50 billion dollars worth of farm agricultural purchases 50 billion you know the most they ever purchased was 16 billion right you know that story i've told it a couple of times 16 billion was the most ever you know secretary sonny perdue agriculture he's done a great job i said who's the most what's the biggest year 16 billion sir i said all right make it 20. so they agreed on 20. so now we're getting ready to close the deal biggest trade deal ever made and it's never been biggest deal ever made we're getting ready to close the deal between that and usmca right we're getting ready to close and i go over i say what do you have done for the farmers they've been great although i have been helping you i gave you a lot of money i gave you a lot of money 16 billion one year 12 billion from the year before i took it out of the tariffs so we had a lot left over but think of it but i said so tell me fellas let me ask you what do we have what's the number 20 billion sir they're gonna purchase 20 billion worth of foam products they said make it 50. tell them to make a food so we went to china and they were great you know they got 1.5 billion people right got a lot of feeding to do and i said do me a favor instead of 20 billion purchase from our farmers would you make it 50 no no no no no and they agreed to do it they agreed to do it i don't think you're going to be able to make it you better be able to make it i don't want the farmers coming to me sir sir i'm sorry we can't produce that much sir i said our farmers will find a way they'll go out and buy larger tractors and they'll buy some extra land right go out and buy a bigger tractor or something no but it is true i've had people say sir they can't produce that much i said forget it they will look at them you're a farmer they'll they'll figure that one out although mike bloomberg said you'll never figure it out right they'll figure it out long before him you'll figure that one out long before him now i know the farmers i'm not worried about it 50 billion dollars on no issue have washington democrats more thoroughly sold out the american people than on immigration right every day democrats open border policies are harming and killing innocent lives in this region alone last year ice officers arrested over 2 000 and by the way our rice officers these guys are tough over 2 000 criminal aliens that's ms-13 gangs thousands and they bring them back to where they came from and by the way now their countries take them back they weren't taking them back safe third agreements right they take them back george you're convicted of dangerous offenses including robbery rape and murder we bring them back and in some cases we don't even want to bring them back we have to put them i don't want to house them for the next 50 years but you know what we don't want to take chances either but we'll bring them back to guatemala honduras el salvador mexico we bring them back they didn't used to take them they said we don't want to back oh okay we'll keep them ourselves we don't do that anymore in denver an illegal alien was recently charged with brutally stabbing a judge multiple times attempting to murder him in his own home the alien had been arrested 36 times over the past 20 years other than that other than that he was a very fine fellow for crimes including assault and child abuse yet somehow they kept letting him go and he was still in our country in communities across the nation radical and we're watching them very closely left-wing politicians are imposing deadly sanctuary cities and sanctuary states and policies that compel local law enforcement to release these illegal aliens straight into your beautiful communities last year colorado democrats enacted a law declaring this entire state to be a sanctuary for dangerous criminal aliens as a result of state and local sanctuary policies officials in boulder defied federal law enforcement and released a previously deported child molester into the community in denver officials released a criminal alien arrested on felony drug charges and now he is a very dangerous man we just caught him for attempted murder and right here in colorado springs el paso county officials defied the request of federal law enforcement and released a criminal alien arrested for robbery assault and kidnapping they released him straight into your community these are the democrats these are your democrats democrats think that colorado should be a haven for murders predators kidnappers and felons in our country and that come in illegally republicans believe that colorado should be a sanctuary for law abiding americans not criminal aliens if you want to shut down sanctuary cities and stop sanctuary states if you want to protect your family and your loved ones you must vote for corey vote for trump vote for the republican party we're getting it done [Applause] thank you very much and thanks to our tireless efforts to secure the border we've reduced illegal border crossings for eight straight months in a row illegal crossings are down 75 since last spring and we have ended the horrible practice of catch and release [Applause] you know what you do you catch them you say where do you live they don't live if you don't have an address where do you live give us your address many are criminals many are very dangerous criminals so they're saying and we are building the wall is going up 122 miles as of yesterday and it's a serious war you know did you hear two weeks ago a small section like twice the size of this stage we were putting it up and they're pouring the concrete and you know it's like a lot of it's it's mexico it's very rough territory some of it it's partially desert we were in a rough area very windy and we had a tremendous sand and windstorm so we hadn't put it in we put it in and it was just getting set and we got hit with like a tornado of wind and it blew it down and the fake news said trump's wall fell down it was blown down but see at least we have a voice where we can explain it's true and we lifted it up and we held it up and when the storm went by and we had it set and it's set beautifully and the following day that sucker is going to be up for many many years can you imagine i said what happened in a certain area and we're doing a great job by the way in new mexico new mexico is going to be a great great state for the republican party [Applause] and arizona what we're doing on the border in arizona they want us to do it badly but can you imagine that the thing falls over because the concrete was just ported soaking wet and it falls over and they make it sound like the wall fell down these are very very dishonest people but you know that border patrol has seized the largest amount of deadly narcotics over the last year ever recorded it's horrible what's happening the largest amount ever recorded we've deported record numbers of gang members especially the ms-13 gang members but there are others that are just as good and we've done more to secure the border than any administration in the history of our country the border is going to be very soon secured we'll have sometime next year over 500 miles of beautiful powerful wall built washington democrats have never been more extreme taking cues from crazy bernie sanders 132 congressional democrats have signed up for bernie's health care takeover that would strip 180 million americans of their great private coverage that you want while the socialist democrats are trying to destroy american health care and trying to destroy your social security that won't happen with me my administration is protecting your social security your medicare and is fighting to give you great great health care already done a good job we're defending your right to keep the doctor and to keep the plan of your choice remember president obama 28 times he said keep your doctor keep your plan keep your doctor keep your plan keep your doctor keep your plan right it was a lie we should impeach him we should impeach him impeach obama get him out of office no nobody thought of that we caught him in a lie 28 times at least he's on record we caught him in a lie but nobody said let's impeach him only these maniacs crazy nancy pelosi crying chuck schumer what about little pencil neck right pencil there he's got the world's smallest neck here's a guy that lied about my statement he made up a statement and he he delivered it before contract he made up a statement it was totally fiction he made it up and then they tell me you know you're getting ready to sue him and they say oh no he's protected because he made the statement in the halls of congress that should be worse you know that should be worse a little wise guy we're making health care better and much cheaper while premiums more than doubled in the five years before i took office we're now offering plans that are up to 60 percent less expensive and they're better they're better we're protecting people with pre-existing conditions and we always will we're fighting to stop surprise medical building i signed an executive order imposing price transparency that's going to be bigger than health care in a certain way watch the prices come down because when providers are required to show their prices those same prices fall very very fast we have approved a record number of affordable new generic drugs which are just as good as the name brand drugs but at a tiny fraction of the cost we have totally transformed veterans health care including getting the long-sought va choice and va accountability [Applause] so now of our veterans have to wait online they go out to a doctor a local doctor we pay the bill and they're all set they don't have to wait for six weeks right he's agreeing right good right you don't see those stories you know you used to see all these horrible vet stories right veterans the veterans on television and you don't see it because veterans choice it's amazing you go out our great veterans here's a man right here you're saying yes right purple heart thank you thank you that's great but it's a lot different under trump isn't it huh a lot different under trump and now you go out to a private doctor but you know we also got accountability they've been trying to get these things done for 45 46 48 years couldn't get them done i'm good at getting things approved i have to say but but we also got accountability where we can fire people that aren't taking care of our vets if somebody isn't doing a good job you couldn't fire him now you look at him you say get the hell out of here you're fired and we passed another thing for 44 years they've been trying to get it past the spectacular right to try where we can use our medicines that are in trial if somebody is terminally ill or very sick we can use and we are having tremendous results right to try i hope that nobody in this room needs it i hope you don't need it but if you do we have the best in the world and we're seeing amazing results we're combating the opioid epidemic drug overdose deaths of decline for the first time in nearly 31 years and we are pursuing new advances in neonatal research to care for america's youngest patients and breaking all records in so doing all of the radical democrats in the presidential debates have declared their unlimited support for extreme late-term abortion ripping babies straight from the mother's womb right up until the very moment of birth you know that that is why at my state of the union i ask congress to prohibit late-term abortion for babies because republicans believe that every child is a sacred gift from god the democrat party is the party of high taxes high crime open borders late term abortion socialism blatant corruption and the total obliteration of your second amendment that's what it is the republican party is the party of the american worker the american family the american dream and the late great abraham lincoln people forget that people forget honestly he's the most presidential guy right i've always said i can be more presidential than anybody but i'm not sure i can beat honest abe when he wears the hat that hat is too much it's so easy to be presidential so easy it's so much easier than doing what i have to do but you know what i'd have i'd have about three people in the front row how about sleepy joe how about his performance what what it's great to be it's great to be with the great people of ohio joe joe you're in iowa you're an island oh wow he did it five times so far i've never done it thank you i've never done it if i do it that's a bad sign no he does it all the time right he was in new hampshire and he said uh he was in vermont it's great to be in vermont you joe you're in new hampshire damn it he'd go up and tell him again like that joe what the hell is wrong with you joe sleep each other he's sleepy joe he was sleepy a long time ago but now he's really sleepy but it's easy to be presidential right you know that the easiest thing you can do as presidential never open your jacket never it's got to be buttoned up all right ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen thank you thank you thank you thank you very much it's so great to be with the people of colorado thank you everybody good night good night no no it's so easy you know it's like so easy honestly you get look i did very well with the state of the union right they said it was one of the best smart smart ah smart you know smart guy we do good we're representing you i better do good if i didn't do good you dumped me so fast actually i don't think you would dump me so fast actually you want another phone i don't think she said we're never dumping you fake news cnn went up to a uh woman what does it take for you to leave the president i'm not leaving him there were ten women the one woman beautiful like incredible women then they had their bandanas they had hats trump and stupid cnn they go up what does it take for you and then he goes look he said one time that his people are so good they'd stay with him if he shot somebody in the middle of fifth avenue do you remember right would you say if he shot somebody they actually this is actually an answer something to the effect would you say if he shot somebody in the middle fifth avenue and the woman looks well it depends why he shot him i thought that was the point makes sense depends why he shot him but then they said we're not leaving him we're never leaving him we're in this thing together folks we got the swamp we got that dirty rotten swamp we got crooked politicians we got a lot of bad people but we're getting them out one by one we better be like little adam schiff that little adam schiff what a crooked politician he's a corrupt politician talking about guys he'll lie and then the next day get caught he'll be sorry that he got caught the next day he'll walk up to the mic and say exactly the same thing he's got no shame he's got no shame yeah he's a liar he's he's a bad he's actually i think he's a sick person republicans are fighting for the citizens from every background every community and every walk of life you know that with a party of boundless optimism excitement energy and enthusiasm we are asking all americans to join our incredible moment we are the big tent we are the big party we have the big ideas for the future republicans are fighting for school choice big deal it's a big deal because no parent should ever be forced to send their child to a failing government school to uphold the new rule of law we have confirmed 217 new beautiful federal judges who will interpret the constitution as written that's a record that is a and it includes 192 judges who are appointed for a lifetime so think of it if they're 40 years old if they're 45 years old they could be there for 40 50 years as you know and by the way that's a record by a lot i have the record but there's one record that probably nobody will get the percentage record who has the percentage do you know george washington 100 but it was only 16 people so with 217 can you imagine that it's a record and we're going up we're going up the democrats are thrilled about that one and as you know i have nominated and we have confirmed two great new supreme court justices colorado's own new right colorado that's right colorado's own neil gorsuch and brett kavanaugh neil gorsuch that's right colorado he's a great guy too great guy colorado that's a big thing that's another great check you have down for color neil gorsuch i recognized israel's true capital and opened the american embassy in jerusalem they said they were going to do it for you we recognized israeli sovereignty over the golan heights our investments in the united states military include more than 300 million dollars this year has anyone ever heard of a place called fort carson another place peterson air force base you know another place the air force academy you know and shriver right air force base shriver shriva was that right shriever right sheriff that's a little tricky one that's why it took me a little while i'm looking at that sucker i'm saying shriever right thank you that's very nice he saw he saw he was having a little trouble with that one that's tricky you don't like to mispronounce a word like you come to a great place like this and instead of calling it fort carson you call it fort crafton and they say well this guy doesn't know anything about us now a lot of money going into fort carson's great for years you watched as your politicians apologize for america you saw that i'd like to apologize we don't apologize now you have a president who is standing up for america and we are standing up for the great people of colorado at stake in our present battle is the survival of our nation if you want your children to inherit the blessings that generations of americans have fought and died for they wanted to secure these great rights that we all have then we must devote everything we have toward victory in november of 2020 november 3rd only this way can we save the america we love and drain the washington swamp once and for all we'll get it finished we'll get it finished they're bad people they're all over the place they're bad people with your help we will lift millions more of our citizens from welfare to work dependence to independence and poverty to prosperity you know though right together we will elect a republican congress to create a fair safe sane and lawful system of immigration we will continue to enact great new trade deals like we've been doing i'm going to india next week and we're talking trade they've been hitting us very hard for many many years but i really like prime minister modi we've got to talk a little we're going to talk a little business it's they've been hitting us hard they give us tariffs one of the highest in the world is india but i hear they're going to have 10 million people they say anywhere from six to 10 million people are going to be showing up along the route to one of the largest stadiums in the world the largest qriket stadium in the world which is brand new and beautiful but you know what and the only problem with doing that prime minister modi said we will have 10 million people greet you here's my problem we have a packed house we have a lot of people thousands of people that couldn't get in it's going to look like peanuts from now on i'll never be satisfied with the crowd if we have 10 million people in india how can i be satisfied if we fill up like a 60 000 seat say a big deal i'll be watching i'm getting spoiled well he said build a bigger stadium colorado very good but it's going to result in more products proudly stamped with that beautiful phrase made in the usa right right that beautiful phrase we will achieve new breakthroughs in science and medicine finding new cures for childhood cancer they've made such progress and ending the aids epidemic in america we started a year ago it should have been started long before in the last administration because they had the technology then they didn't start it but we're starting it we'll have it done within nine years it's a ten year process think of that eight we will land the first woman on the moon and become the first nation in the world to plant our flag on mars and you have a lot of that action happening right here we will defend privacy free speech religious liberty and the right to keep and bear arms above all we will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one a beautiful america we support protect and defend the constitution of the united states we stand with the incredible heroes of law enforcement we believe in the dignity of work and the sanctity of life we believe that faith and family not government bureaucracy are the true american way we believe that children should be taught to love our country honor our history and to always respect our great american flag and we live by the words of our national model in god we trust from pueblo to fort collins from denver to durango from black forest to broomfield from castle rock to right here in colorado springs we stand on the shoulders of red-blooded american patriots who poured out their heart and sweat and soul to secure our liberty and defend our freedom colorado was founded by pirates and prospectors cowboys and miners and ranchers who tamed the wilderness explored the west scaled the rockies fought the battles and helped make this the greatest nation ever to exist on the face of the earth and we are making it greater every single day greater than ever before proud citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country we are returning power to you the american people with your help your devotion and your drive we are going to keep on working we are going to keep on fighting and we are going to keep on winning winning [Music] winning we are one movement one people one family and one glorious nation under god america is thriving like never before and ladies and gentlemen of colorado the best is yet to come together we will make america wealthy again we will make america strong again we will make america proud again we will make america safe again and we will make america great again thank you people of colorado
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,516,320
Rating: 4.7445436 out of 5
Keywords: Trump, President Trump, Donald Trump, Potus, President, White House, White House news, Trump news, trump remarks, trump remarks live, trump speech, Trump speech live, trump live, trump news, trump today, White House Live, White House Today, White House News, Fox news live, fox news live stream, live stream, fox live, Live updates, live video, Live news, fox live stream, trump colorado, trump rally, trump rally live, trump colorado springs, colorado springs, MAGA rally
Id: 3UQMASjwi6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 34sec (5914 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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