TrueNAS SCALE Asustor NAS Complete Installation Guide

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foreign [Music] welcome back to another part in my series of videos where we look at changing the operating system that they are now to arrived with this is a video about installing true Nas scale on an Acer store now but if you disclaimer straight off the bat first and foremost if you've seen my video about installing true nav's core on an Acer store um Rhymes isn't it Judas caught on an Acer store this is going to be largely the same as that video there's just a few installation differences so again it's not too much different to that but I will still cover everything for those of you that didn't see that video next thing to bear in mind with this installation is the trunes scale unlike truna's core is a Linux developed platform so although it's still ZFS based and it still provides tremendous number of differences and improvements over that of the ext4 or btrfs system ADM that the Asus store includes with this purchase are different things and it is worth taking a little bit of time to research which one of those is better suited to your own Hardware client and network environment but to business in today's video I'm going to be upgrading this the Locker store 4 from Acer store from an ADM installation that's acetor's own software that it's included with it which has this incredibly user friendly definitely more user friendly than true now's and also has a lot more applications that can be utilized I'm going to be upgrading oh I say upgrading changing depending on your point of view from ADM onto true Nas scale the Enterprise open source server platform there again a little bit more complex hell of a steep learning curve but it does have ZFS on board and a number of those differences and improvements in raidry silver and faster raid building triple parity and more but before the any further let's also talk about what you're going to need for this this video is going to be in three very distinct sections this section where I'm going to show you what you need the next section the actual prep and the setup and the last section initialization and installation so in terms of iso store analysis that you're going to need for this you're gonna need a certain specific kind of Acer store Nash you're going to need one that's got a 64-bit x86 processor there on board so that's Intel celerant Intel pentiums I3 I5 i7 devices there are some AMD processors out there that you can utilize that have got Radion Graphics or Vega graphics on board um at the time of recording there isn't any of those or devices available from um Asus store but they may be there in the future the reason you need a Nas like that is one you need a much more proficient CPU but more importantly you need one that's got embedded Graphics so it has an HDMI output true Nas scale requires a KVM keyboard video Mouse interface in order to be installed you can't do it over the network remotely you have to patch in directly to the device with a keyboard and a monitor there so you need to have a Mesa store Nas with that HDMI output there now that kind of runs it down to the locker store um goes to not the drive store series but certain the nimba store series there a lot of the older generation Acer stores as well in case you're upgrading an old unit also bear in mind everything I'm going to show you today can be reversed and I will show you during the video exactly what you need to do to reverse your Asus door knobs away from trunescal back to ADM there which brings us to our next Point storage media if you're running the Asus donors and it has your RAID storage ports you've got your volumes you've got your date you've got your folder structure you've got your apps there if you do this upgrade and you keep using those knives inside that they can be re-initialized and wiped inside there particularly if you're going to be using them within through Nas scale and its own uh V devs uh pulls and more so if you are doing this make sure your data is backed up elsewhere but more importantly remove move drives from this system if they have ADM on board and the files that you want to keep and you want to keep that structure take them away put them to one side get some new drives and then put the new drives inside the system now what that means is later on down the line if you revert this system back to ADM if you take those old drives and put them back inside it will recognize ADM on board and the system will boot up like nothing ever changed but just bear in mind you can't use drives with outer store ADM and its file structure in trunes and vice versa they are completely different it will be like taking an SSD with a Mac um Mac OS stick it in a Windows PC and assuming that everything's fine it won't see the files then it may potentially completely reinitialize those drives the next thing to bear in mind when you are installing truna's scale on this system it needs a Target Drive unlike ADM that runs on the drive so you've got all the storage media and isos ADM all running in that same pool true Nas needs a Target Drive much like the drive inside your Windows or Mac machine of an operating system you need the OS in this case true in our scale to live on a super fast storage area ideally such as an SSD or targeted flash drive and then all your actual storage your day-to-day raid onto another area of storage it's a lot of more modern um Isis dorm that is have M2 mdme slots inside those M2 nvme slots that are inside these devices support good old M2 nvmes these drives you can get as little as 60 to even 120 gigabytes in size and cost you between 20 to 40 dollars for Gen 3 times 2 and times four devices so not a lot and unlike if you try to use a SATA SSD that will give you between four or five hundred Megs these can give you thousands of megabytes of performance that you will feel when utilizing trunes so if you do have a nice little mouse that has m2mv slots I strongly recommend getting hold of one of these drives popping them inside so you can install true nascal on that and have a much faster storage experience you don't have to do that and it is optional much like using different drives but still nonetheless it's very beneficial to you the next thing you're going to need is a USB drive five you're going to need a USB drive or up to realistically 32 gig you can use larger but you will need it formatted to FAT32 logically you're going to need a USB drive to run the installation Now by that what I mean is true Nas scale runs as an ISO a virtual image it's kind of like a digital replication of a CD or dvd but do you see a DVD or CD drive on this and no you don't so what you need to do is convert true now scale the digital image into a USB and in that USB is what we're connecting to this to install true Nas scale we're not installing tune escal on this and then running it on this system that is highly unadvised you need this drive to run the installer package and then install true Nas either onto the SSD into as mentioned or one of those storage Bays I'm using this a SanDisk Ultra fit 32 gig you have this SS this USB is not going to go inside it's going to use one of the available USB ports and again this not me back about seven or eight quid it's always on off I could have gone for a smaller drive you don't need a bigger Drive than about a gig in size really to do the installation but at that point you are talking pens and you might use this drive for something else so server right quid for a 32 gig stick it's linked in the description it's a junk how easy that is oh I should mention they're a full walkthrough guide on installing true NASCAR on this is it linked in the description over to NAS Compares there now what else do we need another option is upgrading the memory on this device now this arrives with four gig which is not enough to take advantage of all the features and serves of true now scale you can start running it but it's recommended to have between 8 and 16 gig of memory to run the full gamut of services that are available in true nascal again we aren't just talking about the usual raid stuff we're also talking about things like raid um resync improved performance there we're also talking about inline data to duplication and inline data uh the uh inline compression in other words on the Fly Services there that require a lot of system resources and memory to do the job so it's recommended to upgrade those along the way now have to do that to get though to get the best true nascal experience I would recommend doing that the last thing you're going to need I've already talked about it is a keyboard and a visual interface there you're going to need a USB keyboard don't use a wireless keyboard or a Bluetooth keyboard because what we're going to be doing here is not going to be running on an OS we're going to be dealing with the bios of this system to make the change over to true now scale and there's no guaranteeing that the drivers that you need to run a wireless keyboard are going to be available by default so use a wired bug standard USB keyboard you can get them for like three quid online another thing you're going to need is that monitor so that's an HDMI monitor or even an HDMI TV in my case I'm using a USB to HDMI captive device that's for today's recording so if you have one of these knocking around or anything like that you can go ahead and use that just to see the HDMI output there and run the installation on the keyboard remember you don't need these devices connected to it at all times once you've done the initial install isolation and the setup and the initialization you won't need a keyboard and a mouse again because you'll be able to access the Acer store running through now scale remotely over the network like you would normally you'll only need them again if you want to run services and run the HDMI input for things like SSH or remote command line or if you want to revert the system back to ADM you're going to need a keyboard and a monitor to do that but that's really it those are all of the peripherals and devices you're going to need for this installation today so next thing we're going to do is the second stage of this video we're going to hop over to my laptop I'm going to show you the software and services you're going to need to download as well as how to create and prepare our USB installer let's make our way over to the laptop Okay so we've made our way over to the laptop and we want to get ready to install that true nascal but of course what we're going to need first is the installer we've got our USB drive here and what we want to do is just connect that to our top here and we'll get later on to exactly how we're going to initialize but for now let's proceed forward you may hear fan noise in the background I've got several nasas on the go here so you might hear that on the base level of the recording but the first thing we need to download is true now scale the iso the digital image there so as you can see this link should be in the description this is the download true Nas Dash scale link there's also the link to the full Nas Compares walkthrough that has the links to this and what you need to do is scroll down and either sign up for their newsletter to get updates about it as well as the iso or if you don't want to do that or you've already done so click at the bottom here and that will take you through the area where you can download the most stable recent release of true Nas scale their version 22023 at the time of recording although there are later versions there of this Linux version or two now let's go ahead and download true now scale there the stable release by clicking there and that will download an ISO version of this file as we can see here I've already done in advance here again what you'll need is true nescal not standard true now as I've already done a video about that the next tool we're going to need is this one Rufus r-u-f-u-s this is what we use to convert that digital ISO into our USB drive there it's very easy very straightforward completely free and if you scroll down the version that we're going to need is the portable version here this is one where we don't need to install the application it just runs directly from that little container 1.3 megabytes and it allows us to convert that um through our scale ISO into a USB bootable layer so make sure to download that other than that the other two tools are optional but you might find them useful one is FAT32 format to UI this application allows you to turn larger USB drives that are bigger than 32 gig you know big old external drives like these and allow them to be used as installers because you need to use a FAT32 drive in this setup here so make sure if you're going to use a bigger Drive than that to use this tool again completely free to download and because Windows doesn't format drives larger than 32 gig to Fat 32 by default you can use this tool in order to do that but otherwise if you go ahead and use the tiny USB that I told you to then you won't need this tool the other tool you're going to need is Advanced ip scanner which is a tool that allows you to scan your local area network to find DLNA media devices Nazis IP cameras and it is precisely we're going to need if we want to find our true Nas scale Acer store Nas on the local network environment later on in the video when we're done with the HDMI and keyboard input so as mentioned make sure you've connected your USB drive and you've downloaded the tools that have recommended are appropriate to you then after that head into where you downloaded these files and the first thing we need to run is that Rufus file there so double click that one you may see a black screen there that's just Windows looking for my permission and if you've connected to drive right don't worry about formatting it it should appear there at the top just to show you if I disconnect that drive now you'll see that drive there at the top has disappeared so if you connect it there you'll know that your drive is fine because it will appear there at the top so next thing you need to do is Select this option select and then find where you downloaded true now Scout earlier on and double click and now you can see it's ready to convert that ISO into a USB for us there you don't need to change any of the other options they can all remain as default you will get a little warning in a moment and when you're ready just go ahead and click Start it will warn you what ISO mode it will use just go ahead and use the default mode you'll be absolutely fine and secondly it will warn you that the drive will be completely formatted during this initialization that's absolutely fine so for now go ahead and click OK remember if you do use a bigger Drive than the FAT32 drive it will format the entire drive it won't just create a small partition so make sure if you're going to use an external that the data that's on it is non-essential or at the very least backed up elsewhere otherwise you're going to lose it all so as it does that I can guide you through the next area what we're going to do after this is safely remove that USB and then make our way back over to that Acer store Nas what we're going to do is get the device set up with our USB drive with our optional M2 and vme and our keyboard and HDMI output and then I'm going to guide you through the initial steps of creating your true Nas scale installation on an exist or NAS drive there but apart from that these last few percent generally take a little bit longer than you'd like so I'm just going to spin my wheels in the mud a little bit here and keep talking at you until it's done but for now we're finalizing and we are done so all we need to do now is click close go to the bottom you should have an option here to eject this media safely so go ahead and eject it safely like so and now you can remove your USB just like that and this USB is now ready for our installation so let's hop over to the Asus store and start getting the device set up for true now scale okay time to get our hands grubby here now the first thing you want to do is make sure all the wires are disconnected during this next stage of things again also as mentioned at the beginning of the video if you have data on your drives that are your ADM Asus store setup but the pools and the apps and you don't want to lose them take those drives and put them to one side and get some brand new drives for this setup otherwise you run the risk of losing that storage and all of that setup that you've spent ages doing on your Asus store now is get your new drives if that's the case and introduce them into your system the next thing to remember is that you have to have that faster drive for the true Nas installation so either install an SSD inside one of these Bays that you want true Nas to live on or if you're running a modern Asus donors remove the top of the chassis and access those M2 npme slots there at the top and then from there all you have to do is remove the screw there at the top and install that m2mvme that you plan on using you don't need two unless you want to have a backup of your installation and run them in say a raid one a mirror if you will but at least one drive in that M2 slot will provide the fastest kind of truenad installation for you there and again when you do this you will see the USB drive listed as an available drive to install uh truenas do not install true navs on a USB drive if you do that it will run true Nas poorly and run the risk of a dis an unstable installation there so as you can see we've installed our M2 inside there next thing we need to do if you're going to upgrade the memory by the way now's a good time to do it but if you're not going to upgrade the memory you don't need to just slot the lid back on and you're good to go there so the next thing you need to do is we'll rotate the device around is get ready with some of the accessories and peripherals we plan on connecting so you have your keyboard ready so in my case it's going to be this USB keyboard here again as mentioned in the intro you don't need this after the beginning of this video and again um you connect that in there if you've got USB 2 ports I recommend using those just for Simplicity but install those in there you've got your keyboard all set up next thing you're going to need of course is the USB drive this is where we had our installation created there so we take our installation and we can pop it on the front USB or the rear it makes no difference in my testing I've been using the front mounted USB but I don't think it makes any difference whatsoever next thing we need to connect is that HDMI monitor in my case again I'm going to be utilizing a capture card but you can use a monitor it's exactly the same but it's just for my case when I'm doing the recording you're going to see shortly it's easier for me to connect to capture card I'll connect that in there and this end is going into my laptop in just a moment the last things that we need to connect now because we've got our storage Drive we've got our USB drive we've got our keyboard and we've got our visual out is of course power and the network now when it comes to the network you don't have to connect this to the network during the early stages of this setup but I recommend doing it because during the initialization of true Nas it will set up certain defaults based on what it detects so I would recommend having this connected even though the bulk of this initialization at the start is going to be local having a network in there will assist a lot of the network default when the device sets up and the last thing we need to connect is of course the power but before I connect this it's worth reminding you do not just turn this on immediately and then slowly set up it's a very important step coming up very soon where timing is going to be quite essential but for now let's get nectar power the system will probably light up ever so slightly at the top don't let it if it does that hold down the power button you need this to be on a cool cold boot and have it ready and the next thing you need to do is be set up at your computer and laptop and the key you're going to need to focus on is the Escape key because when this boots up on the HDMI interface after about 10 seconds you're going to see the motherboard manufacturer logo and again it does differ from a device to device and when you see that start spamming that escape button and I'll show you on screen in just a moment to access the bile so that's it we're all set up so why don't we make our way over now to the visual interface and I'll show you exactly what you need to do to power this up Okay so we've made our way back onto my laptop here and again just before you boot the device as mentioned get ready to start tapping that escape button because you don't have a tremendous amount of time to do it so what I'm going to do now is boot the device up like so again I apologize for any harming and hissing on the bottom level of the noise um there in the background that's large because of the nas being right there with its fan and other Nazis in the room sort of generating all that fan noise so I apologize for the sound quality there right in the back end and I'll try and remove as much as I can but from this point as soon as you see that logo there there on the middle of the screen it will differ depending on the device you're using and therefore the motherboard in involved but as soon as you see that start tapping that escape button until eventually you will be presented with the BIOS menu now again depending on the power of the Nas and the motherboard in question the amount of time it takes will differ but you only get about three seconds to do it so it's better to just Spam that button otherwise if the escape button doesn't work for you chances are it's either the F12 or the delete key that you're going to need to use there but for now as you can see they're on screen there is our bios menu so the first thing we want to do is go to the boot manager and this will allow us to select which connected drive on the system we want to use the boot from now it's important to note that in my case I've got an SSD there on screen but there's also a few of the others and the one that we want to select is the USB drive this is the one that's got that installer for true now scale that we've created earlier on we will be heading back into the BIOS later on but for now let's click click enter and boot from this USB and also once again get ready to tap enter again very soon to begin the installation it will appear on screen and then press enter again now you don't have to rush into pressing enter on that second screen there in fact it does count down and if you don't do anything for three seconds it should boot directly into the true nascal installer however if you are running a system that has another Drive connector that has an OS or is has an architecture of being a master boot record in BR then what it can lead to is the system still booting in the background so it makes a lot more sense just to eliminate any doubt and tap enter there to stop the system accidentally booting into an available OS be it Isis store zone odm or other but for now we're on the true Nas um scale boot up there and the installer so now we have to tap enter where it says install as you can see I'm running a system with less than eight gig of memory so it's warning me again it's recommended you go with between 8 and 16 gig depending on what um ZFS Services you want to take advantage of ignore that black screen stuff in the middle that is to do with a network controller um uh proficiency there which we'll talk about later on in the video but for now go ahead and say that you're happy to proceed although I do recommend going for more than a gig so the first thing he's going to do is ask you to choose where you want this to be installed in my case I've installed that M2 mvme at the top and that's what I'm going to select so I'll tap the space bar and it puts a little star there next to that drive just to denote that Dan is the drive that I'm going to use but otherwise in your case you will want to choose a different drive go ahead and tap the tab bar there to move along the options and select OK once you've selected the drives that you want to install true Nas Scout onto from there it will ask you if you want to do a fresh installation or an existing installation now in my case because I've used this drive in here for a previous trunes installation it's clearly picked up on it there you shouldn't have this screen but nevertheless just go with a fresh installation or if you're upgrading from trunes core onto two now scale perhaps you want to go for the upgrade option but for now I'm going to go with a fresh installation I want to create a completely new boot environment but I also want to format the entire Drive I don't want to create any kind of partition and what you can do is choose whether you want to go for half or partial in my case you can format the boot drive if you choose and what that does is completely format the drive for our installation and again as mentioned don't use a USB drive just use standard storage media that SATA or nvme now we need to create our password so the default admin login is the word root root or lowercase but the password is up to you to decide so enter the password that you want to use click the Tab Key and then verify that password click the Tab Key again and then click OK and as you can see it will now start creating the building blocks for our true nascal installation next it's going to ask you if you want to create a swap partition unless you know what you're doing or you plan on moving around your installation I wouldn't bother and again if you are worried about redundancy and backups take advantage of a raid one on two drives but for now go ahead and I would recommend unless you know what you're doing to go for a no swap configuration there and there you go it's now beginning that true nascal initialization where it's going to unpack the bootloader and install it on our targeted media in my place that M2 mvme SSD now the amount of time this will take is dependent on one the than that you are using in its Hardware architecture and power and two the architecture of the drive you are using be it an nvme or a SATA drive so for now what I'm going to do is fast forward to the completion of true Nas uh scale being installed it shouldn't take too long and then I'll guide you through a couple more steps on how to set the device up for long-term use as well as a few tips on how to reverse true NASCAR's installation back to asus.adm if you need it in the future but for now let's fast forward and there you have it the building blocks towards true now Scout on our ISO store Nas have completed there so what we need to do now is Click enter and the next thing we want to do is scroll down to where it says shutdown system now this is very important because there's a few things that we need to do now to ensure kind of smooth operation long term of our true Nas scale system so shut the system down give it a moment you should see that as uh the fans power down if you look in the rear of it but ultimately give it just a minute or so so once it's powered down as we can see there so first thing we have to do is remove that USB it's very important that you remove that USB at this point because the last thing we want to do is accidentally rerun the installer once again and overwrite all of the hard work we've done this far thus far so keep the keyboard and the monitor connected for a little bit longer and what we're going to do once again is reboot our system and much like earlier while the system boots we're going to wait until we see the the motherboard brand logo there and then we're going to make our way back into BIOS Again by tapping that enter button now the reason we're doing this is right now despite all of the work we've done again tapping in uh Escape all of the work we've done thus far the system will still try to boot automatically into Acer store's ADM initialization and installer because that's the way the system is built with that being the default boot Drive we're back onto bios so what we want to do now is disable that feature and allow us to always boot every time we turn this system on into true Nas scale so what we need to do is tap down and go into setup utility now from here tap right until you get to the option marked boot then scroll down to the bottom where it says SD card slash emmc this is the drive that's inside a small area of flash storage where the ADM installer and its own bootloader live tap enter and then from here where you see EFI embedded MMC device and it will differ depending on the Acer store now as you're using tap the spacebar to remove that X from what you saw there on screen and now when we click escape and when we save it in a moment from this point onwards that drive that's got ADM on it is no longer going to be accessed so by default the Acer store will now try to boot from that true NASCAR installation that we've just gone for now later down the line You may wish to revert back to Acer store's ADM software on this Nas If you want to do that make your way back into this setup that you see here in front of us go back in and once again tap space so from there the system will go back into ADM into that straightforward and in future if you want to go back to ADM whether you're going to go back to the drives that you removed and access your Asus store setup that's the way to do it but for now we're going to proceed with our installation and we're going to save changes make sure you save the changes every time and we're going to go back to the installation of trunes scout and continue with what we were doing before so again click save and this time we do not need to press the escape button now at this point if we want we can disconnect the HDMI port if we want we can disconnect the keyboard all of that stuff and allow the system to boot into true Nas core as it normal uh true Nas scale as it normally was however I still wouldn't recommend it because there are always going to be small things that could potentially go wrong during an installation that at least during the outset and on day one it makes a lot more sense to keep a keyboard to and a monitor to hand now the first time you boot your true Nas scale server it will take a little longer than normal we're not going to tap anything we're going to let the system boot directly into true nascal there but the first time you boot your true now scale server it will have to do some initialization choices unlike every other time where you boot the device up because this is the first time it's being unpacked there will be changes and defaults it will need to set up at the beginning that will be the Mainstays moving forward unless you choose to configure them the installation won't take a tremendous amount of time but it still is going to take longer to boot the first time you boot down other times later on but one of the key things to bear in mind as mentioned earlier Ron when you're running true Nas is that true Nas is recommended minimums and support aren't always Universal towards different hardware and some Asus store Nas systems their Hardware is not going to be compatible by default with the true Nas scale setup it should be fine because you are running Linux software on a Linux built system but still nonetheless one of the things you may encounter is a network issue where your network adapter of your true of your Acer store Nas is not compatible with trunes and if that is the case then on screen it will say that your network adapter isn't working or it's not visible on the network if that occurs I recommend using a USB adapter I mentioned this earlier on and again they knock around for less than a 10 or you can scale up to 2.5 g adapters and higher just double check they're compatible in advance but for now what I'm going to do is fast forward to the completion of true true Nas scales initialization and then I'll show you how to access this system via the web browser on your PC let's fast forward so as you can see the true now scale initialization has completed there and as you can see I've got multiple IPS listed there because I've taken advantage of multiple IP identities to connect this up to my local area network I've even used a USB adapter now earlier on in the video you may have seen that little black area there of RTD which is a real Tech driver now what that is is to do the network ports a lot of modern Asus store Nazis are 2.5 gigabit Ethernet and therefore they need a driver that connects that architecture to the host system and some 2.5 DB adapters are still not uh supported on true Nas scale or core because of drivers needed by default within the system software so again that's when you need to look at one gigabit Ethernet adapters however for now it looks like my web interface can be accessed via a multitude of different network ports that I've adapted there now from this point if I chose to I could do the rest of the configuration here on HDMI point with my keyboard but what makes a lot more sense is to access this now via the graphical user interface in the web browser so what I'm going to do is switch over to my desktop there I'm going to switch over to the browser as you can see the true NASA from an earlier installation is no longer accessible so we'll get rid of that and then from here what we're going to do is use that tool that I recommend you to use earlier known as advanced IEP scanner and this will scan your local area network to find your true Nas if it is available to you and on the same local area network as your default the machine there it will scan the network environment and then moving forward you can use that to find the Nas and therefore interact with it but for now what I'm going to do is use one of the many Network identities that we've got there I'm going to go ahead with ip106 so again I will flick that back on there we'll make our way back into the web browser and go with 192.106 [Music] which brings us to the user interface of our true Nas scale installation there so from here we can go ahead and enter root and the password we created earlier which brings us now into true Nas scale here for uh installed on that Asus store system it's running that quad-core Celeron processor and all of that information we'd like to see particularly there is Network identities I mentioned earlier are now visible on screen let's make that a little bigger shall we and again from here you can set it up you can start creating your storage pools start creating those storage pools there very very easily on top of that after you've set up your storage pools you can start looking into some of the apps and services that you can take advantage of within trunes scale um all of those different Linux services that were not supported onto NASCAR and FreeBSD are available to you it's that straightforward lots of apps lots of services and lots of stuff there for us to be playing along with but this has been how to install tune as core on the artuna scale on your Acer store now so let me know if you've got any questions again do stay aware of that network adapter support they're very very important I know a number of people have different toys there if you've enjoyed this click like if you want to learn more either click subscribers we cover this subject more and more but moreover use the guide Linked In the description over on NAS Compares that breaks down everything you need to know about installing this on an Acer store and finally if you need help with your installation then go ahead and use the free advice section over on NAS Compares as well as the free community support Forum ran by me Eddie and a bunch of other users online from the nas Community though fairplate already he's doing the most work on that and you'll get answers to your questions down there but apart from that we will see you next time
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Keywords: Asustor, Asustor 2022, Asustor 2023, Asustor NAS, Asustor NAS TRUENAS GUIDE, Asustor Truenas, Asustor truenas install, Asustor vs TrueNAS, TrueNAS, TrueNAS 2022, TRUENAS 2023, TrueNAS install on Asustor, TrueNAS Installation Guide, TRUENAS INSTALLED ON A Asustor, TrueNAS Installer, TrueNAS on a NAS, TRUENAS ON Asustor, TrueNAS Asustor Guide, TrueNAS Scale, TrueNAS scale on Asustor, Truenas scale vs Asustor, TrueNAS Setup Guide, TrueNAS vs Asustor, TrueNAS vs ADM, ZFS NAS
Id: T7tInbxG2NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 26sec (2246 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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