TrueNAS Backup To BackBlaze

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tom here from lawrence system and raid is not a backup but backing up your true nast to backblaze is a backup and it's a great way to back up we've been using backblaze for code a while and specifically i wanted to mention there's no affiliate links for backblaze we're not a reseller of backplace this video is not endorsed by backblaze i just want to get that out of the way to let you know that backplays is a company we have been using by choice not because there's some other commission involved in it but we do like their pricing it actually is really good we'll get to that in the details of the video and all the details of course are time index down below if you'd like to learn more about me and my company head over to if you like to hire a short project there's a hires button right at the top if you'd like to help minimize the sponsors on this channel and thank you to everyone already has there is a button here to join youtube or patreon and your support is greatly appreciated and there's links down below where to get cat shirts and other fun things but there is no backlash affiliate link like i said now first why backplace and according to their marketing they're the easy affordable trusted storage solution now we use them for more than sheer nas we actually use this for some of our wordpress hosting backup and lots of other little things to keep the topic on topic we're going to talk though just about doing it with chu nas but i always bring it up and mention they have all kinds of support like their b2 command line tool for their b2 buckets they have all the pricing breakdowns very available and i'll leave links to all this so if you need to calculate some of the storage pricing including an entire storage pricing calculator and there's a little bit of nuance when you get into cloud bucket storage because that's why i brought up that they have these transaction prices but nonetheless they're very public about everything so you can calculate up front how much it's going to cost you to store a set amount of data because this question comes up quite a bit when people ask well what if i had a 200 terabyte server that's a lot to back up yes it is yes you should back it up ideally you'd want at least two copies on site i know that could be challenging because well when you build out a 200 terabyte server that's not cheap then when you want to build a second one to have a mirror of it in your office for redundancy that's not cheap and backing up in back place good news is that's relatively cheap to back up a lot of storage but we want to go and jump right into the details here of exactly how it works first when you sign up this is actually something i really like is you get 10 gigs for free the first 10 gigs is just free so without putting in a credit card uh this is something i've liked and hopefully they continue doing this so if you're watching the future and discontinue the service sorry but as of right now uh you get 10 gigs for free all you have to do is verify a phone number that you have that you can receive text messaging at and verify your email address but not put your credit card in and you'll get 10 gigs of free storage which is pretty cool um and there's storage pricing and we do actually pay for and have a business account where we have a lot of buckets and a lot of different permissions and all the details set up properly and it's still very reasonable for his volumes of data we back up on here i've been really happy and the restorers have been really reasonable as well they also do support if you need to ship them drives because you're bandwidth constrained and you need to get 400 terabytes to them they do have a seed option to do the initial seed and they'll mail you drives back if you need data back they got all those options but now let's actually get started with exactly what are buckets and how does that work so i've already signed up this demo account that's why there's nothing here and yes i'll be exposing api keys here that will be destroyed later so yeah don't worry about it no need to let me know time you forgot to blur something out i didn't forget to blur anything out i made sure i don't have to blur anything out because i'll be destroying all these buckets of random data i create so let's go ahead and create a bucket and this will be the true nas backup bucket now when you're creating the buckets you can only create a hundred buckets per account as of right now in april of 2021 but you can create as many subfolders or files in the bucket so you may want to create like one bucket for a particular type of storage and then create like if you have a group of true nasa's you can have them all going all into the same bucket for simplicity we're only going to create one bucket and then one subfolder underneath but i just want to give people the idea and of course because you can sign up for free it's pretty low risk for you to mess around with these so we're going to go ahead and say backup bucket name truenas youtube demo so there we go do we want it to be private or public now i do like that it defaults to private and the idea and we're going to only usually use the private one but the idea would be if you do set the public bucket up you can upload a file and then share out that particular file to someone let's say you have a large video you wanted to share you could set the bucket to public upload it from true nas not using the encryption we'll get to that shortly and then you would be able to share out that file and use their bandwidth in order to allow people to download it and we actually have some video editing clients that do this they'll just create things have a synchronized with the bucket and then they go ahead and create a share link to that particular bucket file but that does require that you don't encrypt things ahead of time you don't do the encryption here they have no knowledge of the encryption because i know there's already some people that may be wondering about how do you trust backblaze i don't trust any cloud company just add backlash to the list of my zero trust you encrypt beforehand we'll cover that in the truna system uh encryption and i this is why i brought that up they do have it i don't bother with their encryption i'm gonna encrypt it on my own and manage my own encryption so it has no relationship to how they handle it so i'm gonna skip over that right here so we're going to say private disable and for now we're going to leave this disabled but they do have an option to make certain things immutable and this is really important where you may want things to head up there to archive but never have the ability for the bucket to be deleted any of the files in that particular bucket but we're gonna go ahead and leave it like this so here's our trueness demo and we'll leave it pretty much like the default here having the bucket we have to go over to truenas and put the bucket information in but we're gonna do that with an api key so we're going to go over here to the app keys and we're going to create a new one add new application key toms true nas demo key what bucket does this have access to this right here read and write read only these are the permissions you can set or allow listing bucket names if you're using s3 compatibility the for the amazon s3 storage type you'd have to check that we're not going to file name prefix sure why not uh we'll call this youtube demo and we're going ahead and create that key now of note this application key right here that was generated for us we are going to copy it into the clipboard or i could just you know right click and copy it when i go off this page or refresh this page that goes away i do not get to see it anymore so make sure you get a copy of this key so we'll go over here and here's where we put it inside of truenas so you go under system under cloud credentials we already have one bucket here for my production system uh the foreshadowing yes this does support google drive and a lot of other systems i'll be doing some future videos on that more specifically like the google drive i got a demo on that we've been using we're gonna hit add we're gonna go ahead and choose backblaze b2 call it youtube demo and we're gonna put the application in here then we're gonna go back over to here and put the key id in and hit save now those are the only things you need to have we can hit verify credentials to verify those work credentials are valid hit submit and now we have them now you can get those back out by going in here and clicking edit you'll be able to see the key id and the application id that pair we created has whatever parameters and and security and we'll actually just go ahead and click on a different spot click back over here now we can't see it so we can delete this key but we can't edit it we can't change it so if i were to lose that true nas information it would be gone good news is when you back up trueness it'll back up the key information you have when you do the backup file inside of truenast itself like the configuration backup but now we've got this bucket created we've got it allowed to talk to this bucket right here here's the capabilities of it and now we can actually go inside and set the task up so this is all ready to go and we're going to go over here to tasks and we're going to go over to cloud sync task and we're going to add one and this is where they've done a great job of making this easy so we'll go here and uh let's call it demo if like typing as much which the credentials you're gonna choose not production but youtube demo one perfect there's our youtube demo are we going to pull or push now this can also be used completely in reverse for example i mentioned we use things like wordpress backups that we have all landed in a bucket in that case we would like a copy local we host wordpress in the cloud not on any local servers we have physically in my building and you can then take the backblaze buckets that we've created through our hosting accounts that are all going over to backlash for a landing spot but you know one spot is not necessarily in case something ever happened at back play is a good idea so then you can create another copy either another cloud storage provider or in our case we can pull all the data back out so this does work in reverse if you wanted to have a copy but in this case i want to back up my cheer and ask to backblaze so we're going to do a push and do you want to copy sync or move generally speaking you're going to want to sync copy will keep doing it over and over again without checking if those files are there it'll just go let me send all the data again let me send all the data again and obviously that may not be what you want you want an initial upload and then synchronize the changes that are occurring so we chose sync and it also lets you know that they will be deleted that's back to if you would have clicked the immutable option for the bucket so if a delete happens locally it doesn't get pushed up there but you get the idea of that little descriptions right here we're going to go to mount and we already have a demo folder just to give you an idea i have an open terminal here this is some of the files we have in there just some random documents like dragged over something about backups and antivirus and pricing sheets you know data that looks like it might be kind of important and that i'd like to have backed up controls do we want a daily backup hourly backup why not hourly would be great right so you're doing this every hour saying there's any changes and sending them over there you can tie this with your snapshots and have it taking snapshots as well like the standard zfs snapshots inside of shoenas you can set prescript and postscript in case there's some type of scripts you want to run that does something in there but definitely some options upload size chunk 96 med use fast list this is a use fewer transactions in exchange for more ram this is like a couple little tuning options you can put on there if you'd like using the rclone which is in the back end it's a way to speed the whole thing up in short but they do all documentation like i said i don't want to get too far off topic but they have the documentation on what that feature does linked right there we'll leave that off we don't really need it and remote encryption for the initial one i'm not going to do it but you do have this as an option we'll do a second one we'll recreate this and set it up with the option to remotely encrypt folder there's no more oh i choose the bucket the demo bucket here loading there's nothing underneath it set up in there so we're just going to let it go to the default folder like that then we're going to go ahead and hit submit you can also limit the very bottom right here transfers speed limits if you need to submit not run since last boot so we'll go ahead and run now continue one quick thing i did miss the folder name up here youtube demo has to match the name prefix i set down here of youtube demo don't forget that stuff where you'll sit there and scratch your head for a few minutes you notice there's a two minute jump in the video or a few minutes jump in a video where tom didn't notice that and it was not backing up it won't give an error it just kind of spins for a little while now that we have the proper prefix set to match the prefix we defined we're go ahead and hit save and now which we stopped the backup from running because i couldn't figure out why it wasn't working we saved that from the video editing video editing magic is great now we can start the task watch it run and actually synchronize everything to the folder it was supposed to go in and it's doing so with much less time on the clock now all right now that we have successfully backed up all the files there's a look at the log and we go over to browse files inside this bucket which is slash youtube demo like we put on there and we can see them and what if we wanted to download one of them like tom lawrence's general bio all right that looks like a good file i can download it out of here and probably open it yep there we go and uh here's a general bio of me there we go old bio thing that i had anyways i'm able to get those files out and this is what will obviously make some people nervous they're going well i don't like or trust any of these cloud providers that they might not have an incident and the best way not to ever worry about that is encrypt everything before you send it so this is how it would work if it's unencrypted and of course sometimes there's a reason to set it up like this you may want to push things into the bucket because you want to share a file with a lot of people then you can make that bucket publicly accessible so other people can get files out of it or they have the option here to create the friendly links for these particular files so they're able to be downloaded out of here those are cool features if you need to use them but let's go ahead and purge everything in here and we can see all the file names and everything but let's go ahead and rmrf everything we'll select all delete real quick i'm sure delete all those files absolutely they're gone now let's talk about how to do this with encryption go over here to edit scroll down to the bottom remote encryption we need to put a password password123 is not a great idea but easy enough for the demo here we're doing then you have to add salt they do have a link here to dive into a little more details of how encryption salt works i didn't want to get too off topic in there but we're going to add our encryption salt put a little dead sea salt in there and hit save it's as simple as that for encryption by the way make sure you back up this password and salt if you lose either one of these and cannot remember them those files will be encrypted forever you'll never get them back when you do the system backup of truenast make sure you back that up properly somewhere where this information and cloud credentials and api keys and extra configuration data is saved maybe even keep a document alongside this where you know where all of these things are so we're going to hit save and we're just going to run this again cloud sync demo has started wait till completes and then we'll look at it with all the encryption all right backup successful go over here go ahead and refresh and outside of the folder name that it's got to go into everything else is completely encrypted so even the folders the directory structure is now in a format that i can't make heads or tails of which is exactly what you want you don't even want to that anyone infer metadata about what the value of those documents might be that's why it encrypts not only the contents of the files but the names of the files as well so i can recognize there are some structure here in terms of you know some different folders but everything is encrypted so wonderful now you can still download and share these but they're not of much good if someone were to get a hold of them and that's like i said this is what's really important now any backup without a restore is just well wishful thinking you should test the restore process to make sure that it works there's a couple options we have for doing that we can go and click restore now restore doesn't just grab and restore it restore is going to do copy from source copy to destination and files in the same name space are present they will be overwritten and this gives you the option to give this a description and create a restore process that goes somewhere else because maybe you need something restored but you don't want to overwrite what's there sometimes this is one of the issues that occur now this is not granular i don't get to go through a list and select a single file to restore this is more of a disaster recovery situation you should be using something like snapshots in order to create more revisions to make that part easier this is for your offsite backup so i'm going to cancel this though because all we're going to do is flip it the other way from push to pull this is all that task does is create that for you and have it be somewhere else but let's go ahead and do this we're going to go ahead and delete all the files that are in here yep everything's gone there are no files in this that means we can go here and pull and when you do a poll instead of sync because we're not synchronizing there's nothing here we're just going to switch it right to pull and copy give me everything that was over here and bring it back so let's go ahead and hit save and we're going to go ahead and run it real quick run now continue and because it's the same password in salt combo this should take no time at all to grab the files download them and all the decryption now is occurring inside the truenas system with quite good quite a bit of speed here we have a faster download than we had upload there we go all the files are back now let's go ahead and rm dash rf the lts logo files and talk about setting this up as a sync task so now we've deleted that but i need to pull that back down so we'll go to edit and we could do a full one but now we're going to do a sync so figure out what's different between what i have here this is kind of granular but in not completely you kind of get the idea it's going to synchronize whatever's missing but it may have some issues if there's some file conflicts and they make it overwritten for changes so be careful if you are doing this but i know someone will want to know if you can do a sync that way yes and we'll go ahead and run that it's going to do a quick comparison and download what's missing and those are back so it will do granular restore but granular as in figure out what's missing and put it back that way if you just oops one folder and you reverse it and do a synchronization it can do that but it does have to build that index that's why when you first switch it it wants to do a full copy over everything on there so be careful when you're doing this that you don't break something screw it up this is any time you're doing restores doing extra careful i usually do them to a different folder but you can just restore a folder with it now we've been using backlash like i said at the beginning for a number of years it's been a great service we've been using it for a while to back up even all the videos on this channel and many other things that we have the videos we don't encrypt everything else we do because i'm not worried about the video as a matter of fact if i dump a bunch of video data in there being able to have a bucket where i can just download a video back out when i'm off site or to send to someone if i need to is a convenience is why i don't do those but everything else i do encrypt because why not that seems like a great idea and it's arbitrarily easy to do here in true nas i think they do a nice job of putting that together but as i said always make sure you back it up and never back it up to the same server um when we've dealt with that before where people thought they had a backup on the server and when the server was lost in a disaster they're like oh i saved all the key files for the encryption keys on a text file on that server somewhere make sure that it's backed up to physically separate however you want to do it um that's just something i try to remind people i never like getting a call and telling people i can't recover their data even though they have their login and they have their api key over to backblaze if you lost that encryption that you use to send it there you're gonna have a problem all right thanks and i'll leave a link to all my other curated trunast videos i have a whole new series of them at there's links in the description for that as well take care and thank you for making it to the end of this video if you enjoyed this content please give it a thumbs up if you'd like to see more content from this channel hit the subscribe button and the bell icon to hire a shared project head over to and click on the hires button right at the top to help this channel out in other ways there is a join button here for youtube and a patreon page where your support is greatly appreciated for deals discounts and offers check out our affiliate links in the descriptions of all of our videos including a link to our shirt store where we have a wide variety of shirts and new designs come out well randomly so check back frequently and finally our forums is where you can have a more in-depth discussion about this video and other tech topics covered on this channel thank you again and we look forward to hearing from you in the meantime check out some of our other videos you
Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 20,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LawrenceSystems, TrueNAS, freenas, truenas core, truenas backup, freenas backup, freenas backup config, truenas backup data, truenas backup server, truenas backblaze b2, backblaze b2, backblaze b2 review, backblaze b2 cloud storage, backblaze b2 tutorial, backblaze b2 truenas, backblaze b2 freenas
Id: jc7bUFBl4RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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