True Terrain 3 0 In depth Materials

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how's it going guys so this is going to be tutorial - this is where we delve a little bit deeper into the add-on and blender itself and use some of the features from the add-on and a little bit of trickery to get ourselves some additional variants so our training material let's have a quick look here so again I'm just using cycles you'll need to have the experimental feature sets a saw I'll be using GPU compute and I will probably I will definitely be using separate add-on so like my scenes with alternatively you could use like a point lights or something like that Sun lamp so let's just jump straight in so we've got our basic terrain I set this over earlier using again the add-on it's a low poly mesh we've got 16 thousand faces which is nothing for for a terrain again like in the first tutorial which if you haven't watched there is a link that should be popping up on screen about now click on that and that'll take it to the first tutorial which is run you through the basics of that tutorial excuse me it's a lock here so we're just saying yeah right we've got basic mesh that's off ready for us to to do a bit of magic right so we're gonna add a grant material and I want it to be we'll go with the ground s and for the rocks I want this to be that's all for now we'll just use dark rock bridge to okay this will do for now what we're gonna do is add a objective just the cube we're just gonna scale a little for now we're gonna add a little bit aerial to this and you'll see why in a second so first of all what we want to do is just make sure that we're happy with this basic material which I'm not so I'm gonna add in the grass one is that and then we're going to adjust this in a moment so this one I want to mix baby oh the peaks of the mountains go with why not we'll try from the ground from the grab so we'll do that for the ground and for some additional stuff on the mountain will change the rock type to maybe shouldn't have been more sedimentary looking for the jacket won't so with this one what we've got here is terrain to terrain one we want to take zero zero one copy that we're gonna paste it we're gonna spread these out we're gonna create a mask in a second so that's check round zero zero one okay so we want to change the scale on this to 10 okay that'll do me and then we also want to add in a gradient texture and we're gonna parent this through an empty in a moment we got that I would strongly suggest that we are you install you know run ruler add-on so we can do things like control and P and it'll add the texture coordinate system in and you can find that in user preferences on the node so now that we've got this one we want to mix it with this one and we're going to do it through this one so first of all select object we're gonna go shift & S to case it's selective and we're just gonna add in an empty plain axis we're going to rename this gradient control on the queue I'm just gonna turn nation through ethereal okay we're gonna move new collection all environments we're going to grading control and the landscape into the environments and we're gonna leave that there also we're going to click on this filter and select view pause and the render side so that when we click on this one box it'll remove it from our view pause and if we click the render icon it will remove it from our Enders so we're going to leave it in the viewport for now so that we can see it so here we're gonna click on object while we've selected this we're going to turn that into gradients of control we're also going to rotate this on the y axis by 90 degrees and then we're going to select our grading control just go a little by God then move it up on the Zed and scale it by and there we go that'll do we're going to click on this again and change the gradient actor from linear to an easing material a sort of sorry in easing gradients okay I think it depends on what you prefer in the easing type and we're gonna go back down and live this down here and all of one for now is that actually makes the show in these odds click back on this material and we are going to add in shift a shader mix shader' pop it onto the bsd after there and we're going to put this one in the bottom I'm going to select this instead of mixing it through and we're just going to create a little I select on all of these solji radiant next click on here and top out and we can drop this all the way down here I'm gonna rename them gradient mixed relay the slack put that instead of an X Factor I actually want the brown texture to be the bottom over here we go got that in there now if we go it steady full shade you can't add in conveys that to eat and lick on this I don't like the black for and the white down there was a change the fall off between mystic mixing now what I also want to do is add a little bit of noise to the mix so we're gonna slacked up here go back to taxes and we're going to add a mustache yeah well I changed the scale changing a for the first choose will use the Afghan increase the details tree said I mentioned control let me change this to texture change the scale actually I think I'm gonna use another texture let's try this again with a main section if you select the left alt and just drag it out they'll get to do it and then we just ctrl shift left click to end the back on the noise that's a 1.1 mm mm point five okay shifty bring the black hole you know write down a little bit change that to 40 I don't do for now so we're going to create another group just bake in a node Wrangler to add the box control G and what we're going to do for this one it's changed the output who will use mix and then we're going to add the W so the group input and this we will just name location now yeah now we want to mix this and this so we add in or you can control and left shift and then right click from one node to do that and a lot of mixing we're going to go with maybe subtract yeah well you subtract well now drag that back in today oh geez okay so now another thing we want to do is change the scale so let's try scale of one let's bring the black values down these values and so you guys saw them that you happy with I got that and a new trick that you can do is if you add they converter and a math note in that in there and change it to our you know just after the ramp and you can put these into another group these trouble just be it's a box it all up and then drawn G and in this group we're going to change that when I grow up this one put in the bottom oh this one and then we're gonna grab this one all this one all that mix these are new group all this ground mixed so now ^ the gradient sex yet we can see the power of the noise we can also change the location of the mind and let's gather these two which we can hide what we need to do now is obviously make the displacements so again all you do is grab a whole a mix this time put that in there shift ctrl + left click and we can see the mix arrived at this placement for that one we know this one goes on the top that one goes in the bottom and then grab that mix and there we go - see there's play students okay first of all I want to do is change the scale let's add the subdivision displacement Shepard change the five and see how it affects change this one fifteen on the rocks so let's take the rock ctrl C to copy starting underneath so we want to use gradient section again with this time we want to add another empty shift our the texture gradient texture what we want to do is just finish off in the view pause so my coffee pot run there and a bit quicker and again we're going to change the rotation 90 degrees on this object and it's creating control rocks so remembering that on G G scale it off like a hundred come back here to change that to quadratic so out there appreciate if you bought this later laksa dish so now that we've got a gradient on shuttle we're gonna unload section and this time it is going to be a wave texture so we're going to check that again we're just going to add the same factor in so that's that's one actually though and I had a shepherd back there and so this one actually wanted to be generated leave the rotation values when our buns and we wanna unsign we just want to change the distortion a little bit and the detail a little bit details Cal so we got something like this and we are just going to mix them to again and we're going to use a multiply mix bring that up and something like that okay now add the who - here put that mix in that there let's see how these two change the scale of it you have to know that it's a so we're just gonna click and shift click click shift shift shift ctrl G it's a great group we're just going to add the modern factor in scale factor in the distortion factor in detail factor in changed we're going to bring that off here I'll go in there so see how this was long at the minute okay the same thing first of all we're gonna swap these two around no it's really we've got to take shift I call it and you may give me what that it's the displacement into that one not matched the displacements to the shader so if rocks goes into the top of the mix shader' and rock so one goes into the bottom then this place when should go into the bottom but rock so one on the collar and software rocks on the collar again and you just wanna put the mix back into their break rocks we want to change the scale on that two out of ten step intent I want to change the display shuns so let's put the short division modifier hunt specialist when I was like 20 see how that affects the displacement see I want to do the same finished one so let's find out what's actually violent change let's go through and see the displacement amounts and forth on funny and see how that looks okay now that we've came up with the shade and mix it all you can see they took the styling the fact that you just maybe we want to add a shoreline or something a scale a little then and then apply the scale I'm just gonna bring it down jeez at scale it I'd love to bring the scale in that's a ring I'm gonna ply the scale again the next thing we need to do is check the depth so we're gonna have to go into the modifier stop what's the thickness and just put that like 50 meters then bring the offsets all the way down if you can see about its grain underneath you want to change it off 75 meters long now the reason we're doing this is because the water use is true volumetrics should I say drop of all the metrics to simulate the way light behaves in in balls that obviously more to be in an object with thickness in real life and light travels to the same points it stops working and that's what you try to simulate here so let's just change the lighting of Ramon's something a little bit more bright so we can work with this so you want to change the scatter color to something a little less blue option koi we can bring it down change that value 5 what they still think Joe should be if you take a caustic strength up this was sure yeah Walter in between maybe with ok so now we've got our water we can do now is set up the scene or find Jean rise to the scene so we've mixed the materials so it's a nice mix - now that sounds so good it is how has a rendered view seigneur overlays on just like a mesh and we'll go into a weight painter mode now I want to put a couple of trees and so I'm just gonna paint around the edges here I had a matter of fact a good idea would be to show you the gradient tool so that's collaborating to drag it from the bottom you just want like a bit like that and we want to turn the water off for now and actually leave it on and go see cool he's a brush to a subtract brush and we're just gonna make sure the strength it all the way up around the outside of this wall actually look at the outside of the wall that finishes all them anyway you see the water poking through I'm so ow you seventh on the numpad and then let's say our walls are off in the default and just I do everything in areas we just cause house should get rid of anything red make sure it's all blue on the water because this is where our trees are going to be and trees wouldn't grow in the water in real life so just brush brush brush brush brush you know here we go that's clean enough so let's grab the Blair tool and just blare that outline that we just created so we get a more natural fall off that's good first the trees for now let's go back into object mode and we'll change that to trees let's hide our box the box is true terrain top and come down to particles trees let's use some that's of a log we use some spruce at trees and they will be scaled massively because for some reason blender doesn't like the scaling units when you convert a model to a particle from another file so let's bring that down to point one let's ring the display to like 1% for now we're going to change yeah so first things first let's go into our particle settings 10 our advanced sense source used modifier stack random rotation let's create a bit of run rotation changing it a random phase and then let's go down to render an object rotating make sure that's enabled while I change the normal to a global Zed and then we want to go in through the various active groups click on density click on trees and then click on length click on trees and then we're just going to bring the scale of the wall down and we're going to change the scale randomness a little bit let's put our display back on now we're going to create a texture which will get this a bit more randomization so click new awesome light show on the textures tab and change image your movie to a cloud section we're going to change this to hard and change the side up a little bit and up the depth a bit leave the nah blah I know so we're going to change it to 10 50 and then hair length but we're gonna bring the hair length oh my go to college brightness to contrast 1.5 and then just double check these boxes bring the brightness down actually to 1.25 and double check these boxes okay so now that we've got these trees in we're gonna change the display to a nice two percent and change the amounts to like five thousand and then we're going to do the same thing but with some different trees so that as well let's turn that off for now let's go back to the basic group and we're going to click this button here we have some specials and we're just going to when is the option copy basic screw and we're going to change this to trees to go back into object mode white paint and we're just gonna take the paintbrush go back to the tool make sure it's set to subtract and we're just going to like rose loads of stuff cuz we want to add a bit more on them these trees we don't want them to grow on the same place because in nature that wouldn't happen so he was roaming out loads of stuff I'm just gonna come in just create some nice shapes just oh there we go and then with the white option which is going to increase the levels one point two five one point one five like that and then go back to the weight option and smooth we're going to change the iterations to maybe like three feet yeah I'll do and this can be where our new trees grow what I want to do is provoke anything kind of goes mountain side let's just drop the house no shear faces because you don't get trees on shear faces if I have a little bit of light blue spots every now and then just adds a bit of randomness to it all let's just take the blade off right so this is gonna be where our oak trees or something grow so let's go back into the object mode go back to true terrain go the trees low-poly Oh first of all we want to enable this when I click on defaults I want to put active to defaults what this will do is it'll take all the information that we just talked from this and it will apply to the next on that we had swimmy click our trees there are oak trees the size is the same the amount is the same or we can do now is just change the amount to say 500 increase the display and we want to come down here to textures which we want to change that the trees to and trees to and we want to go and unable object rotation just bring this guy up all of the trees why can't we just had and I just realized I might just take off the length group yeah that's the number page them I put the bound to 10% so we got a smooth viewport I will put the oak trees down 5% get patient slappy have a look now we want to wait I can't obviously getting some rocks in and things like that so we'll just go back to the way paint mode trained new bear sex group we will copy this one I'll be there sex group changed a few rocks those weights in vase and then we're gonna rub off this stuff from the piece rather subtract brush yep that's fine come on up here just rub off some random stuff I keep saying rub off let's erase I don't need to busy we didn't need to make sure let me keep it where the lakes and things are and let me just follow you all the way out later roll up there goes the weights smooth contract - point one five to reduce that in and the iterations up to about 20 and then we're just going to take the brush changes the add and then just add some areas end where we want some natural rock formations and you don't even need to bother with smooth and these bits off cuz well you'll see why too big here we go laughter all painted should we change that into rocks let's go back into the object mode let's calm down go back to the tree terrain there goes city particles rocks that's from rocks she wasn't me when I go for some very rocks okay and add rocks and some reason these do comment at the right size should come down to the particles tab and change that to rocks lots of rocks and let me just want to accept the render in true the rain she's a random size was used to size all the way down all the way up like so and I will come back here do you placate this click the button here so make it a single display user change the number that's like say five hundred we're going to change the size all the way up on the render which we can do yeah she's disabled that one's for now where these rocks come see my wish has a percent let them change the scales like 150 that's about a little bit there we go so we'll have a camera in the scene that's gonna camera in the scene it's never up here those are the camera settings what to be sure to think the llama says one way out let's find a nice spot surrender on enable the we need three photos all these and then maybe subdivision modifier at the bottom of this back just turn around you know if you're over ladies wit you spruce trees on put your oak trees on that before we do that stop around they're going to have subdivisions and I've changed that to change the off-screen and a maximum tour more than eighth change that select camera and enable the Dino using data let's do what we've got and now you can see after mixing the age of the area of the material sorry on the trees and giving them a bit more variance you do get a much more natural look and seen and there we have it so that is how to mix materials and how to create from surreal environments again more in depth on masking the particles and effect on the particles etc obviously what you do know is that you don't need to unwrap any of the terrain meshes that you do import because it's all done procedurally through the add-on so that's that one guy's tutorials who over if you've got any questions please contact me on the blender market store leave me a comment if you're watching this I'd be really grateful if you should subscribe and that's it happy London thanks for supporting me
Channel: True-VFX
Views: 8,983
Rating: 4.8677688 out of 5
Keywords: True Terrain, Blender 3d, Blender Cycles, Cycles render, CGI environments, Blender Terrains, PBR, Photoreal Terrains
Id: -vYkAm_ZbuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 19sec (2839 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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