True Magnetic Levitation - No Power Required

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[Music] okay so my UPS driver delivered some packages and you know I live way out here in the country and I don't know that they see packages like this show up every day the key goes for the truck he grabs anything comes up to the door things like their maintenance to ease oh yeah there's magnets in these so you look pretty surprised yeah we got some strong magnets in here looking forward to doing some experiments with this stuff so yeah let's do these magnets out while researching magnets and graphite I came across KMJ magnetics website they had some great deals on pyrolytic graphite so I ordered some of that and as soon as it arrived I got to experimenting with it it is really cool I have always been super interested in magnetic levitation especially levitation that does not require any external power source or liquid nitrogen as soon as the pyrolytic graphite arrived I couldn't get to playing with it fast enough it is really fun stuff to play with you can do the little hoverboard type effects and I was actually really impressed with how much weight these things could actually pick up I was able to levitate a lego man on a single piece I didn't have to remove his hands and is a little hat but still really impressed that uh that a single piece could levitate him like this this levitation is based on diamagnetism and pyrolytic graphite is a very strong diamagnetic material which is what allows this levitation to take place K&J magnetics has a great blog post about diamagnetic levitation with videos from their YouTube channel I'll put links to that in the description on this video but it's really fascinating stuff I've been learning a lot one of the first things misconception my part is I thought if I just put a piece of this pyrolytic graphite on top of a really strong magnet that it would levitate but it really doesn't you need to line the magnets at north-south north-south alternating and the lift seems to come right at the edges where the north and south are making contact so pretty fascinating but as you can see here on this really strong magnet zero levitation just with pyrolytic graphite in a single magnet I have a couple applications in mind for this pyrolytic graphite and one of them involves a permanently levitating magnetic bearing system that I can use on motors like the easy spin motor and the outlet motor and I think I can improve on the Joule bearing that I'm currently using using this pyrolytic graphite so looking forward to testing that but first I want to do something a little more fun I want to try to achieve the highest max elevation levitation above the magnetic field that I can possibly achieve so why didn't the end of the strata so I can put one of these small magnets inside that the world so that's the funny thing when you're working with these really powerful magnets and you get other magnets nearby they do strange things so we're quite a ways from the large magnet here but it's impacting a minute field all over this area so got to be very careful or things will get this first set up is just a very crude replication of a YouTube video I saw from innovative materials out of all the pyrolytic graphite levitation videos I came across on YouTube this one was the most impressive to me because they were in some pretty high substantial levitation above the magnetic field and here in these first test I'm really excited you know I'm just just beginning to to play with this but yeah you can definitely get right up there you know quite a few millimeters above the magnets and achieve a very nice levitation I'll put a link in the video description to their video it's quite impressive you should definitely go check that out seeing this levitation close-up right before your eyes is quite the experience you know after trying to to do levitation like this with magnets and different arrays of magnets and all different ideas in the past and it's pretty easy to achieve magnetic levitation using a power source or liquid nitrogen but to get this type of levitation in a permanent magnetic field like this it's just really fun experiment I definitely need to create a better setup for this so that I can have this set up for a little more permanent display but for a first attempt I'm very happy with this so the second application that I'm really interested in is replacing the jewel bearings and my easy spin motors so the Tritiya motor has been running you know for over a year on these drill bearings and it slowly wears down the points on the needles but using a system like this I think I'll have a lot less friction and just a lot better system so really looking forward to building some small motors both at motors to power with atmospheric electricity as well as easy spin motors using this as the bearing there is so little friction with the system like this and if you put this in a vacuum I mean it would just be incredible so anyway definitely looking forward to doing experiments with this pyrolytic graphite it's going to be interesting I'm going to have some more videos coming up as I get some larger pieces of pyrolytic graphite from K&J magnetics and we'll just keep experimenting I'll keep sharing and yeah let's see where this leads
Channel: lasersaber
Views: 96,740
Rating: 4.9171686 out of 5
Keywords: Diamagnetic, Levitation, pyrolytic, graphite, magic, magnet, magnetic, floating, high, neodymium, rise, hover, secret, magnets
Id: 4EKgPvIFdrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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