True Facts: The Wacky Giraffe

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👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/PrettyRound 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

God damnit. You steal this idea from me, and didnt even watch the end of the video. Chump.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Flabulo 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kylee2202 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
meet blubbery oops sorry that should be blueberry mean blueberry blueberry is in the superfamily giraffe idea the family giraffe adding the genus jirafa you can see where this is headed and the species camelopardalis sort of a left turn on the species name because apparently to whoever named it first it looks like the product of a camel and a leopard humping kill me but listen you're stuck with the first name you get that's what Billy ballsack gene used to tell me although the face of the giraffe can resemble a horse that's been vacuum-sealed it is not a horse like cows and camels the giraffe is an even toad ungulate meaning that it supports its weight on two hooves that surround what would be its third and fourth toe they look like two little shoes worn by someone who needs to go to the bathroom this little piggy had roast beef this little piggy had none and that's it that's the whole rhyme for them sort of a bomber the horse on the other hand is a roast beef only odd-toed ungulate which supports its weight on a single hoof evolved from its third digit that's right horse be flipping you off four times like all even-toed ungulates the giraffe is a ruminant feeder it first ferments what it eats in a tummy part called the rumen and there's plenty room in there dead choke then it gently barfs the food all the way back up its neck to its mouth to give it a bit more of a chew don't front you've had a second visit from a chicken enchilada before when you kept chewing spicy one of the giraffes favorite foods - mouse barf are the leaves of the acacia tree which you can see here you might recognize this shot from page four of happy giraffes and giraffe page six is much worse one of the bummers about loving to eat acacia leaves as they come served on a barbed-wire skewer it's like trying to enjoy a trail mix that someone added wood screws to I'm saying the thorns are big to get it leaves like these it has modified mouth parts on the top of the camels mouth which looks like a very uncomfortable pair of shoes the front teeth have migrated to the back to help with the chewing in their place is a fleshy fleshy dental pad not the best name is a dental pad in any case the dental pad is used in conjunction with the bottom teeth to grab and tear it leaves their lips are tough like a cowboy but bendy bendy to help them navigate thorns if a thorn gets through their mouth and throat are protected by an especially thick and slobbery saliva giraffes also have a prehensile tongue which means their tongue is not quite Hensel just a little before that it's also crazy look at it it's like a very naughty eel this tongue spends a lot of time outdoors and is purplish black in color to help protect it from the Sun it is a long tongue about to 10 inches long to put that into perspective your digestive tract from your mouth to your lip to the other side is 36 giraffe tongues long well that's not helpful is it how about if you put 18 tongues in one side and then 18 tongues in the other they would meet in the middle that's even worse let's just move on if nutrition is scarce they will round out their diet through osteo fiji gumming and chewing on bones to get it calcium and phosphorus I know what you're thinking stop it don't stoop down to their level and it doesn't work does it when the giraffe is thirsty it assumes the position of a very drunk person trying to pick up a quarter splaying its legs to an almost 90 degree angle due to its long-ass neck valves in its jugular vein close and prevent blood from rushing to its head it's a fairly vulnerable position so when they drink they make the most of it it is thought to drink in a pump like fashion closing its throat and moving its jaw back to pull water into its mouth it then closes its mouth opens its throat and forces water back into its esophagus gulp by gulp it fills up its neck like it was a bong sized shut glass when it lifts its head the water rushes down into its Tumtum and the valves in its veins open back up you may have noticed that the giraffe is very very fun to look at however it is also very tall indeed the tallest giraffe is taller than any other giraffe well that's not helpful giraffe Bibby has come partially pre-stretched on their lower parts the most remarkable stretching is that of the metatarsal in metacarpal bones whoa whoa there this little fellas sleepy these bones that make up almost half of their leg length are analogous to the bones in our hands and feet what appeared to be the giraffes knees are actually its wrists and ankles to support an average adult weight of over 2,600 pounds these little spindly sticks come with suspenders a suspensory ligament runs down a groove in these bones and helps bear the weight the outsides of the legs are wrapped tightly with a sort of compression hose made of fascia this helps prevent blood from pooling in their legs when they stand while walking forwards the front part of the giraffe looks a bit like the but parts of someone wearing leopard-print leggings who is walking backwards it moves both limbs on one side of its body while balancing on the other - you can try this instead of swinging your arms opposite your legs try swinging them on the same side it looks graceful on a giraffe but you will look like an idiot when it runs however the giraffe go ahead and switch the style up breaking into a galloping stride that can reach 37 miles per hour it is easy to see that the giraffe is very naked it has the same number of bones in its neck as we do seven cervical vertebrae other long-necked animals like birds achieve their lowness by the addition of cervical vertebrae the Flamingo for example has 19 but the giraffe thinks Birds are stupid especially the oxpecker which is named in oxpecker because it looks like an oxidant that's not true like the rest of its body the giraffe's neck is covered in a unique pattern of spots which it partially inherits from its mother this remarkable camouflage makes the giraffe virtually invisible where are they you don't know sitting at a great height at nests the giraffes head can sometimes look like someone paper mache dove hue extra bumps on a freeze-dried donkey these bumps are ossified cartilage called ossicones on females they have cute little Tufts on them male ossicones are more knobby knobby and used to beat the crap out of each other sort of male giraffes fight a bit like those dudes that don't dance at concerts and just stand there with their hands in their pockets and one gets bumped into and is all like chill bro and bumps back and the other guys like I'm not your bro bro and leans in hard and the other guy pushes back like that's not what your mom said well then I'd be your son dad I'm not your dad bro and it goes on like that until one is dominant although this can look like a mellow affair these blows are strong enough to break a neck the risk is worth it however in order to gain access to a potential mate the male will check a female's readiness to mate by smelling and tasting her urine which is certainly one way to do it don't judge I mean you can judge the one in the background that's watching the whole thing that one's a perv but the rest that is just how the giraffe do many people assuming that giraffes evolve their long necks due to browsing competition and gained an advantage in eating from high places however giraffes spend most of their poo this relationship just got interesting however giraffes spend much of their time eating more or horizontally not on their tippy toes another theory says that the long necks are due to an advantage in sexual selection in combat however females don't fight and their necks are long too to gain clues about the giraffes evolutionary past we must look at its closest living relative the okapi alpha you can't learn anything from that that's like trying to learn the principles of Swiss minimalist design from a Lisa Frank sticker no I didn't collect them yes I did I know what you're thinking though maybe neither theory is correct that's because you can see it just as well as I can and if you're not going to say it I am the nose of a giraffe looks suspiciously like a sock puppet and not just any sock puppet a sock puppet that looks like it's trying to pretend to be a giraffe but is really a duck the same duck whose nose looks suspiciously like a cartoon dog yes that's right I'm saying the dog is - the duck as the duck is - the giraffe now bear with me a sock puppet in the shape of a duck pretending to be a giraffe made look very good on television but not so much in the wild a sockpuppets such as this would have difficulty blending into its environment therefore it would make sense for the sock puppet to add giraffe like features to blend in I know what they'll say they'll say your theory is obviously backed by the science but who would want a very long sock puppet out in the middle of the savanna oh I don't know maybe the Lions duh so they can see farther and have the element of surprise and this also would explain why you always see lions about when you come across an empty giraffe that is what you were thinking right because if not that would be embarrassing unless you're a duck and you get it don't you come here Turkey many conservation and anti-poaching efforts in Africa and around the world are kept going back tourism and through volunteer work the kovaydin teen crisis impacts not only people but also many animals that require protection wildlife act whose footage appeared in this video is an organization that is deeply impacted by the current circumstances if you have the interest time or resources please look at the link below for more information on how to help be safe let me get this straight you want zebra camouflage on your ass and your legs and a little on your head and that's it yep you realize in a pack of zebras you will appear as a floating steak yep [Music] you
Channel: zefrank1
Views: 3,325,462
Rating: 4.9720144 out of 5
Id: EfHxUaJDEn8
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Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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