True Facts : Pangolins Posse

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So sophisticated.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Bruceleeroy18 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

Is that... Is that a penis?!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Iamabucket 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm so glad he's back. I missed these so much.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MrLunarFish 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Its so sad to learn that these beautiful animals are a much sought after delicacy in Asia. Another species on the verge of extinction 😢

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cherrytree2 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

"True: Facts" is redundant, something can only be a fact if it is true.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jasterpj17 📅︎︎ Jun 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
the giant anteater resembles a walking index finger with a mullet and legwarmers but millions of years of adaptation didn't just prepare it for the 1980s they are specialized eaters of nature's Tic Tacs of the dirt and sand termites there are many ants and termites on this planet I've counted like a thousand so let's just round up to ten thousand trillion this is technically referred to as a load our food if you can catch and eat enough of these poppy seeds with legs ant eaters have adapted to this challenge in remarkable ways powerful claws let the anteater rip and tear into the ants hidey holes either on land or in trees as is the case for the Tamandua or lesser anteater which is a highly skilled climber whoo all right a fairly pretty good skilled climber the Tamandua is not quite as graceful however with the walking on the ground bit though a bit like a bro after chest and tries day at the gym there is even a lesser lesser anteater the silkie anteater thus named because the term dig nosed and hitter has apparently taken it is cute though like the Yoda mod of Wolverine it's large claws come in handy when it has to circumcise its own nose a kid but ant eaters are not alone just to clarify there's no such thing as a butt anteater but ant eaters are not alone roughly 22 species of mammal have evolved similar ant and termite eating adaptations even though coming from very different mammalian lineages this is known as convergent evolution ant eaters split from the lineage of the sloth whereas the aardwolf is a relative of the hyena oh hello I have no idea what the rest of you is going to oh there you are there's the rest of you you got to start a glam metal band with the giant anteater the termite eating numbat on the other hand is from a line of marsupial carnivores oh these are cute tiny like a chipmunk I bet it eats termites one at a time like a little piece of corn oh my gosh what is that mammals in this diverse group of ant and termite eating specialists are referred to as being murmur kava juice which does not sound like a real word by the way sounds like something you'd say when you're drunk yeah Bridger when the coffee was my underwear muffin you stole my blue lighter millions of years ago the myrrh mcafee just Pangolin split off from a lineage that would eventually lead to cats dogs and bears when it said all this I'm gonna be a dragon it said I want bad ass scales and evolution said no problem and fearsome powerful claws definitely can I breathe fire not so much but you can secrete a foul-smelling odor from your anal glands you mean something that produces bad smells that's right next to my anus okay seems redundant what about big sharp teeth well we're not gonna do the teeth route but how about this you get a tongue that is as long as your entire body okay but I'll be huge and fearsome right oh yeah definitely to an ant having reduced or non-existent teeth smelly anal glands and a long sticky mucus eat tongue are adaptations that many mere mcafee dismantles share in most pangolins the tongue is attached all the way back near the last pair of ribs and is able to retract and rest inside the chest cavity and it is remarkably bendy bendy kiss a Pangolin French style and it can tell you what you ate yesterday or whether you're smuggling cocaine if you know what I mean the tongue collects the answer termites and pulls them in through a tiny mouth opening lacking teeth like the anteater the Pangolin cannot chew so its stomach has evolved into a gizzard like structure muscle e folds that grind up the ants with the help of a small amount of sand and soil that the animal also ingests the Pangolin cannot form stomach acids on its own so it uses the formic acid venom of the ants to aid in their digestion here we see an excerpt from the indie movies snuffleupagus goes to war and then there's the echidna the echidna looks like a hairbrush and a cactus shared a bottle of tequila in a motel 6 and watched a romantic comedy together like like if they did this sex together let's try again the echidna looks like a hamster that held in a fart so hard that it all just went up the echidnas approach to evolution has been similar to a drunk person making a late-night sandwich whatever is in the fridge if evolutions handing something out the echidnas taking it which makes it a bit hard for the echidna to fit in it is a monotreme meaning that it is a mammal that lays eggs but the ducks and the reptiles don't invite the echidna to their pool parties the echidna also forms a pouch to raise its babies but the kangaroos don't invite it to share a go-gurt a yoghurt on the go the echidnas back feet are rotated in the opposite direction and I've never seen that before you could play it in Reverse it totally works so when evolution said that all the echidna had to do was ditch its teeth add a long tongue and a gizzard to fit in with the mer MacGuffin just crowd it was a no-brainer and the echidna said hi for and evolution said don't you mean hi-5 and the echidna said no I'm referring to my four headed penis which kind of looks like a hand and evolution said did I give that to you yes you did trust me it comes in handy echidna is that a masturbation joke no yes just remember no matter how different you are you can always just stop using your teeth and use your tongue no no that's not right you can always stick your tongue in a dirty hole now that's that's worse you can get on all fours and put your nose no is there an angle around the anal gland thing and that actually sounded pretty suggestive too the point is if you ever want to fit in there's a group of diverse MERM ecologist mammals that are ready to take you in listen I'm not doing the prehensile tail joke which one is prehensile tail needs a prehensile shriek harpooner I told you no dad jokes after the dolphin episode everyone needs a porpoise in life come on unsophisticated yes I am anteater 1980s Adam Ant adamantium Wolverine it's a segue into the aardwolf [Music] you [Music]
Channel: zefrank1
Views: 6,655,218
Rating: 4.9590278 out of 5
Id: mbnBYh-BJ1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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