Trucks Movie - Hijack

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Hijack! (1974) (TV) [Color, 1 h 14 min]
Drama, Thriller

David Janssen, Keenan Wynn, Lee Purcell, Jeanette Nolan
Director: Leonard Horn; Writers: Ronald Austin, James D. Buchanan, Michael Kelly, Michael Kelly

IMDb user rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 6.2/10 (54 votes)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2013 🗫︎ replies
funny you're late yeah your lecture we do last night well I lost my drive line right outside of Barstow no wait and I'm I'm not kid Paul away from Casey no trouble the minute I hit California I lose the drive line what do you want to do first either play I want to play oh nothing what do you hear about your license nothing apply for a buck again better make it two bucks I need the money thank you what's that old relaxes for you know after I mostly I'm Drive why don't upset me Logan don't you want supposed to drink that I'd stay that's what relaxes me as its am almost in you know still she worries about the kids about me she worries ready yeah another drink I don't think I'd better boy you are sick well I got a physical coming up next month once they get a look at my car DeGraff it's the end of my driving you shouldn't even be driving up I got away I need every penny I can get and I suppose you think that I'm not gonna tell the company knowing that you could kill yourself that's called friendship mr. Wilkinson my name is Frank kleiner gonna buy you a drink I got a drink I've been told you're the best lying driver around mr. Wilkinson yeah that's right I've also heard you quite a cowboy that's right he's the best Skinner on the road hey what's your problem our company is space TEKsystems I'd like to hire you mr. Wilkinson will pay a lot of money for one run here to Houston yeah whoever told you about me has to know that my number one license has been suspended for a year I wasn't Jake's fault he decked out wait master coz he was taking away cars yeah we know about that yeah we're in a position to have your license temporarily reinstated when you finish the job we'll be reinstated permanently come over here and have a seat mr. Klein I won't buy you a drink five thousand dollars and expenses for one trip what else nothing else except this particular cargo is very important what is it I'd rather not say I rather you would five thousand dollars mr. Wilkinson we shouldn't have to tell you anything however I can tell you this the cargo is of vital importance to a top-secret government project this company has a contract to deliver it to our Houston facilities no later than Thursday noon it's so important why use a truck why don't you put it in the tank we're a private company we can't afford tanks will fly to ship it by rail they would have to go through too many hands the fewer people who know about this particular shipment the better it will be we feel a quiet inconspicuous run as the safest so safe you're willing to pay a bonus ten times the going rate you'll need a co-driver and we're prepared to pay him an extra thousand maybe your friend outside he needs the money even more than you do what makes you think so these are government contracts we know everything we have to mr. Wilkinson the government needs this shipment your past record seems to indicate that you would be willing to help and then there is a matter of getting your license back we have a temporary class one already cleared all this just to push your rig to Houston exactly talk to me 3,000 feet that's enough talk let's get our gear we checked off boys oh yeah how mr. Wilkenson I got your trip ticket and your expense money now you know it's vitally important to get this truck to Houston by Thursday noon no sweat all right Thursday by noon and here we'd rather you didn't deal with local authorities if there's any trouble you call the number inside there and authorized to tell you that the load is non explosive and non chemical but that's all besides it's already been sealed you're late mr. Wilkinson you better get started you're right wait of it if you want to find out who those guys really are we're working for the government I think all right crazy we got some medals that's where are you yes good work I ventured some kind of secret weapon spaceship diamonds are my diamonds I bet those crates back there just full with dinars how about coffee one therapy with a good you know 50 natural have to worry about what's back there I hate to say this but that makes you pretty unnatural that's right they're yours now that they agree bit 100 yards up from highway 5 turnoff I'm gonna grab me a couple of hours okay no sweat you tell me quick I feel fine I could drive this rig already use something to be back by Thursday you get some sleep get off my back all right I've got just pulling out I'm tailing them well behind easily in sight they're gonna be getting tired pretty soon maybe going too they're stopping at a cafe Hey make your thousand per beep in there I come in here to take a pill see and all of a sudden these two guys gang up on me we're working fellas have we target out you keep your big mouth out of it I ain't talking to you okay yeah what about some guy out here when it's time to do a job ox why are those jerks what's cooler oh Jenny hold on wait I'm gonna get McCann you know I love one of those things Hey you must figure these guys to be a lot tougher than just a couple of barroom fight or whatever we're carrying it's important what it figure is I don't know they could get a lot rougher you want to cancel that ticket 3,000 bucks makes me awful mean we're gonna earn the money every damn cent of it maybe it's uranium for sure keeping some kind of container or something when I see pictures of them they just over cleared the way station hang on number three woman oh great you're overweight I was told to give you that there's a number in there you can call it everyone what are you got in there the h-bomb okay let's get officer morning what time did you make coral about 2:30 man you really been pushing them you know we don't know if they're chasing us or waiting for us no use killing ourselves maybe mine your little stop of it it's just about that time oh we got hundred-mile kidneys can you read me can you read me I'm at a gas station about 12 miles west of her on the way just pulled out ready can I have mal back so he doesn't get suspicious okay no problems I've been very careful I'm sure they're not suspicious himself money don't come back there was talking to somebody up ahead on this come on for those 80s line drivers is going to be a cup up there yeah we're in position stay back now I can hear the truck let us know if there's anything else coming now you want to turn it around for two years hey watch out there's a highway patrol car right behind this Highway Patrol okay let's get it on Patrol they must have got Brenner's walkie-talkie and they get tequila city I'm shy about getting into this mess darling you're here because I need the money we both know that yeah don't say that I wouldn't have missed this ride hey Mack tell you ran off the road huh it's like I told you we keep straight here yeah you uh you wouldn't happen to be carrying a gun yourself would you and been fired you got license for this not with me well that's cool but you and me take a drive out there he doesn't go anywhere it's down here I'm sure you got the right place see where the brush was on fire we went down over there sure sure they did we didn't have to come to you we could have kept on drive you could have you got some damage you'd have to explain to your boss like someone last night we didn't decide swipe anyone and it wasn't last night it looked up you really you expect me to buy all this all right let's forget it just fire your report well I'm gonna do more than that looking soon I'm gonna hold you perform well you've got a gun and no permit for it all right here College number in Simon you got some pretty big friends there don't you I don't care if you're driving for Uncle Sam or the US Marines if I can hold you I would but I can't I'll tell you one thing either a few breaks of state law and it's gonna take more than a phone call to get challenged yes sir I thought I just pulled onto that case I get some corpses to go along with it hey we're gonna pretty easy and there's only 20 hours to use them alive with a lot sweeter when we didn't have such important friends okay I'm okay we're both crazy all right here in the middle of nowhere risking our necks for people we don't even know driving a rig we don't even know what's in it Jake we took the job some job some done when we're halfway there the second half that worries me now I'm gonna take us over to old highway 14s and all right with you you're driving you sure you're all right I told you I'm okay okay okay Jacob okay howdy boys I'm doing it man I ain't seen nothing as big as you or no one for son I sure I'm glad to see somebody I'm glad to see anybody what's the matter you lost what can I do for you you got a place for us Oh shucks you can have the whole place I'm just putting new coat of paint on it off sell it to you dollar and half down too much yeah we just want some place to eat some place to sleep oh sure thing hey kid that couple of live ones down here you better put something extra special in the skillet coming down it sure is nice to have company and talk this thing down under the trees gonna cold beer in there oh we sure have well I was gonna get me a liquor license LEM dumb politicians put in that new highway Oh cars used to whiz by here like a swarm of bees I never heard nobody complained about the rug but them dumb politicians put in a new highway Oh it'll be back oh yeah that's why I keep this paste all painted up the way I do it'll be back you'll see cold beer sure is nice to have company well it'd be shaken eggs twice round both to hundreds of her ex cutting on the sticks you got any cold beer okay the fridge yourself okay my name is Jake what's yours Eileen well I have my dinner I have mine good after that all right I go out to a nightclub I see a stage play men take a moonlight cruise here's 50 cents a bottle what are you doing here at the minute yeah that's what I was gonna ask you wow I sleep during the day when it's hot your garden is ripped from somebody huh Larry well maybe I just sleep during the day when it's on yeah wait a minute hug how come you're stuck in a place like this all right I like it they like it no it's not much of a life that you're not old man and man is my grandfather and he's very good to me well this is it right here no sometimes I pack my bags and I tell grandpa goodbye and I head for town and every time I end up right back here I'm just scared oh wow people running hard driving fast not caring who they step on that caring about anything well you can't just lump all people together like that yes I can you're just gonna live here for the rest of your life no I'll pack my bags again say goodbye to Grandpa head out there sure as I'm standing here I'll be back painter oh yeah grandpa keeps dreaming they're building a highway through here I keep painting and painting they won't that sound crazy to you hey I'm just a truck driver and I go a lot of place to see a lot of people like I've done a lot of highways I suppose it all depends on which highway you want what about you I'm still driving well I hope you find somebody's the right guy you're not bring hurry now if I did dad him I'd be like all the rest of it sure yeah at least you're honest that's a change I could lie to you no no no no just give me a moment to get a hold of this shop okay shox over I think I'm a teacher you want to walk some more we're gonna walk on that No if you can get across here you went into state 14 which will connect with the main highways down I know I'll never see you again I'm wrong about everything else since he met you wrong about fantasy you sure picked a lousy trying to start acting human oh you drive I'm gonna walk ahead and test the road he'll run over me I'm not gonna run over you we saw the tire trucks stop wasting your time please it's just two guys try and make a living all I want from you is where they will kill the old man took the truck across country just 8:14 south through the flag way to heels if they get through those passes they're home free too much traffic below get on the radio call Frank we're gonna need him fast we gotta leave them fix the Jeep and everything outside I guess it's your lucky day no no there's nothing to do I saw him cut the wires and everything florentine let's heat up some highway it's a helicopter well it might be placed at white spring fiscal quarter three miles hey I bet they got a phone up there we're gonna call the police these guys must have a whole army the hell with the cops I'm gonna call Klein and Tom to take this Reagan shopping hi you got a telephone we can use ma'am how's your hair well I've seen your logs cousin now we're heading for us 84 yeah you sure taking the long way around to get there howdy your friend don't look too well no ma'am oh I want to use telephone I'm gonna call long distance I'll pay for every always long distance from here do you know where you are Briscoe corner sir yes sir Briscoe corners there she is it's the pound well at least it was meant to be my granddaddy laid it all out but not many folks came and then the dead didn't stay long but she's all legal telephone yeah that's in here I'm the temporary postmaster and on the honorarium there so I made myself sheriff and I can open up my real estate business in one minute if you want to buy property say I'm mighty glad to meet you and you too mister I'm Miss Briscoe I'm the last of the Briscoe as my husband died and my two grown daughters is gone no reason to stay but stay or do I just guessed that I'm too busy to move State I think you'd like something to eat we just like to use the phone say do you know this phone has been here since 1935 we have the first one in the county my granddaddy was the best man for progress you ever heard come on in get right in here on the wall sit down up here it's nice and cool step one in here and I get the operator for you natives savvy these things oh that's peculiar I just use this yesterday that's dead okay they're not a communication my way to pick you up well blind them that happens now man with the high winds well sir the next poem ain't until you get down bender a week and that's about three or four hours from here that is at the spur road could take it longer than that even you wanna give us a little help washer you got these fellas that are trying to give us a hard time well if they land here well I'll just arrest him no ma'am I wouldn't do that but but that's my duty son I'm sure if remember oh you want to help us you go someplace where there's a phone you down the number that's in that envelope you tell him that I'm on the road heading for you ice 84 well I'm gonna close up the post office there ain't no man in there but that's a federal law hey you gotta try to make a run for it yeah well let's get moving hey you go with mrs. Briscoe all right what you gonna take you to the doctor I don't need no doctor you think I'm worrying about you I'll tell you something you're old and you're sick and you're no good to me now you're gonna get us both killed i can't drive that rig and nursemaid you he leave you didn't are you coming with me see you okay son I'm not okay I'm old I'm sick but I got one hell of a good buddy mr. kleiner he's here six hours late he's never been late in his life what happened yeah remember that nice lady the widow woman today my mrs. Briscoe well maybe you told her to take me to the doctor she took me doctor said I was okay so she drove in the airport night they're playing nice flight - you know I've been waiting for you for two hours wait six hours over that's okay what do you mean it's okay well we figured we lucky to see this rig at all we told we had to get it here by noon now with six hours over and you act like you don't give a damn open it up do what you want to see what's in it I can't do that just soon so now you know mr. Wilkinson you're satisfied well I've got your money and your new license maybe that'll help but I'd like to know why you let us take all those chances for a load of lousy sand frankly we needed you for a decoy you see the real shipment arrived here last night by a completely different route why didn't you tell us it you don't understand how these things are done if a man knows he's a decoy he's very have to act like what it's why frankly we didn't expect you to keep coming all we needed was 12 hours honestly we presumed you'd stop if there was trouble we're sorry about the trouble you understand people were killed we were almost killed well mr. Wilkinson we felt they didn't feel people don't feel anything you just use people you don't care anything about it mr. Wilkins and what you did was very important for this corporation even for the country besides you were well-paid not enough we thought it was a very generic you okay I'm okay you okay I told you okay it's your half get it to Lucille before somebody takes it away from you where you going I thought I might just go help somebody paint a roof you
Channel: nelinhakgb
Views: 1,257,113
Rating: 4.6966171 out of 5
Keywords: Hijack (1973 Film)
Id: rDmjxqSJxjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 49sec (4429 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2012
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