"Big Rig" FULL Movie

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Great doc, great music, and each subject telling their own story. I think you hear the director asking one or two questions. I've met many truckers in my time, and they don't get the respect they deserve. Overregulated, underpaid, and most cops think they are trying to pull something on them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Galoots πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

Living on reds, vitamin C, and cocaine

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CoinOp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am an ex-wife of a trucker. He wasn't a trucker when we married. He went for his CDL shortly after we got married. It was hard to maintain a marriage with his work schedule.

It's a tough life. He was a very healthy and fit person before he became a truck driver. We divorced because he was never home and a few months ago he came to me asking for a place to stay (he was living in his tractor). His doctor was making him take time off because of elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

It absolutely broke my heart. I still love him but he'd rather be a truck driver.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/beta_pup πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Change gear, change gear, check your mirrors, murder a prostitute, change gear, change gear. Its hard job."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jack564 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

not fucking available in your country

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sweet doc. I've always wondered what the life of a trucker is all about.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AwfulMechanic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thoroughly enjoyed that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dan_t_mann πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great film, thanks for posting

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mercy____ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies

I remember seeing this a while back. I have zero interest in trucking, but this was pretty interesting. It kept my attention the whole time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 20 2013 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these trucks were set shut down for one week this country would be in three days three days this country would be then shut the country down because nothing you eat where drink drive doesn't move on the truck those fuel pump those fuel tanks up there would be grass before dark now if they work in a regular supply on a daily basis of food and fuel in return if those trucks aren't moving us the foods not getting to the grocery store three days you're not going to have nothing but canned goods and rotten produce [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hunt's point multi daddy one and only yes problems the biggest in the world it's just an insane place or let's go [ __ ] that's why they got a fence around here to keep us in not to keep people out four inch whatever in the morning we don't realize you had the proc we get on the table you know I want my broccoli they don't realize what the truckdrivers does to get it here on time everybody thinks it's easy it's not an easy thing from here it goes 20 different plates of silver markets fruit stands we feed the whole northeast [Music] then what we got here is that we got peppers pretty much loaded all the way to the front packed up like that with fresh produce comes from California and it comes back east and this is how it gets on the grocery store shelves gotta have the cowbell Jimmy that kind of symbolizes the American spirit of truck driving you know what I mean like the last standing Cowboys and you got to keep it alive by putting some kind of symbol on there it's a valiant breed out there you know me [Music] [Music] and you say no feeling like driving a big old truck late at night and having all the lights on it you know I got a man I'm definitely proud of my ride the closet there it's got all the shirts and junk in it then that's a pants closet and then the TV right there you know it everything in my truck has to be in a specific place I got a no where like you know my cell phone has to be here all the paperwork on my truck has to be behind that chair for crying out loud I can't go down the road of my bed's not made you know what I mean my grandfather he drove for many years my father eat girl for 27 years just a family thing I mean once it's in your blood is it really is hard to go find a normal 8 to 5 job it really is I [Music] definitely got one of the best office views in the world you know a lot of guys make that high-dollar and working them big skyscrapers they don't get to see what I get to see I just wish the general public would kind of be give us a little bit more respect you know when you see a mother talking on a cell phone she just comes whipping up and cuts right in front in it and she don't realize that it only takes that split-second for me to run that car over and the kids in the backseat just don't have a choice you know all because mom's in a big rush to get to work on time or something we just went under a sensor and here's another and if they have it turned on it would trigger a light they're going that just certifies how much I wait gave me a green light that means I can keep on trucking there's two of us that pulled these reefers all year long everybody else opposes them dang old bottles like you got there right that looks like one of our old trailers okay Anna for you one of our owner operators see you know it's really not that boring out here like that guy right there he just blew my doors off and come to find out Easter he's from the same company so we'll probably run together up through here you know town boys you can't really do it no more they say it's against the law but we call them parades I guess as long as you don't call it a convoy you can't get in trouble right call it a parade you got our own little language out here obviously the chicken coop with deer scale house bears hokey bear would be skateboard you say how about a skateboard that's a flatbed kind of looks like a big skate work let's do where the cops are right now how about a southbound what y'all leave back going north when he just sent 63 and 94 that kind of means where the cops are sitting so that way when you go by them you can put a smile Sable Island endless summer oh my god I'm hot steel beside myself and friendless tumblr I ain't got no culture nut dirty words but that don't count plate attendants waitresses superstition good a man the main memories and fingerprints calling papa ignorance not a one that's my that's my motto always home something you know that way when the company says they get their dog so I got something that little plastic dump trucks got over two million miles on it - in Reverse it's got more miles and most kids going forward you call we haul you [ __ ] we own it and if it's on the map with all your crap chicken haulers they're appalled reaper units thermos bottles of tanker car haulers are called parking lot that bugger household goods driver try have to be a you know in the best or the highway because all their worldly possessions are in my band and it's up to me to make sure they arrive from point A to point B in this in excellent condition he has to carry it packet wrapping everything that's why he's slender and I'm fat I don't even ever climb up and down throat James why watch what I eat - I do to me it don't lay on the plate yeah come I watch it while it's going down oh it's a beard fancy the trucking industry needs more professionals like you and I right or wrong that's true that's right [Music] [Music] my father was a Nova Road truck driver in 1958 he was national driver of the year I am the last person in my home I was a corporate puke I was a assistant vice president of a multi-million dollar corporation and at 42 years of age I resigned my position I looked at my wife and give me that old [ __ ] look like oh oh here we go turn into this [Music] and a good sign we're dead in the water only [ __ ] this is not going to be fun [ __ ] hold on Skippy urgency flashers hello okay let's find a mile marker dammit dammit it just all sudden said enough is enough so so we have no power steering so we're gonna pull over here at mile marker 1 181 Oklahoma don't general huh ok so check engine light is wrong okay we're gonna do we're gonna take it off [Music] good morning Wilson County the surrounding areas is fortunate program today's being brought to you live and in Technicolor by yours truly that one the only deal renowned and good-looking and here he is I need to stand up and salute my buddy Coleman I like to get tired the subject is the I half you it's not stopping and it's just keeping on going and it's not just the impact that every everyday drivers are facing what they're not realizing is the impact it's on everything that they get everything they buy everything moves by truck everything and Monday three drivers quit I had another one yesterday arguing with this terminal he said you don't understand I'm losing money to get where I'm at now why do I want to keep driving so it's there is there some move a foot across the nation you would think that you know if the trucker's would ever get organized and say next Monday morning say you know we're not gonna drive by Wednesday everybody will be at the table to discuss how they can get the prices back down and how they can make this reasonable for the truckers part two of coleman and Tapani coming up here on FM 98 9 and it's time to check in with Chaz Kelly's name Jeff hey well we've got nothing volume all over the place right now in Lebanon and Wilton County we also have a lot of volume in the Nashville metro area the country and even the world as a whole I see that it's getting less personal you know less caring more bottom line you know more I don't care it's one of the saddest things I can think of we need these places there are nowheres near the stops we used to have and the quality of these big chains 15 years ago is over 1,800 independent truck stops last year there was less than 800 Rd any parking and a lot of these big tough stops anymore they can don't carry the driver somewhat like they used to they're not treating the drivers as people they're treating them as a trading commodity with the money chain here today and it has gotten so competitive there's no fun life we used to have a great time it was you know you load for the coasting so good and hard there's some people out there trying to make a living to support their family they get a raw deal on the road they're sitting behind a wheel and usually by their self with no interaction and everything needs interaction these always told us to greet people as they walk in the door it makes me feel like they're at home when you talk to and lay a hand on them you know make them feel welcome terrible thing with fuel prices we're seen happen more often they're running out of money on their fuel cards and they'll get somewhere and they don't have enough you know they bought $500 worth of fuel with $300 left on their card that's one of the things that we go over with with the girls that work the desk you know understand that they're more frustrated than you are they're embarrassed it's hurt their feelings it's made them look terrible and it's not their fault take almost 200 gallons here 2:43 then I gotta feel my reach [Music] this is a Freightliner classic Excel it's got a 515 Detroit I have 21 pallets of honeydew melons you know I've been amazed at these things ever since I was a little girl I can remember riding down the road on vacation and laying up in the back window of my mom and dad's car going like this the truck drivers and waving at them and just being so happy you know out there you know it's like that would be the perfect thing for me because it's my world they call me Cadillac my great-uncle Smitty gave me that nickname when I was born said I was the Cadillac of the babies that was in the nursery I did not have a good childhood no I did I had to get away from home and not for my dad it was from my mother she wanted me to be that frilly little girl and I was a tomboy I couldn't stand on the frilly prissy stuff you know I played football with the guys tackle football it was more fun to do that and help my dad work on the car my mom didn't like it any I think that's why my mother and I did not get along very well at all I mean we did but when we didn't it was bad and if I didn't leave one of us was going to be in jail so I went in the Navy right after I graduated from high school I don't talk to her anymore we don't speak [Music] when my dad died my ex-husband that's the day that he told me that he was divorcing me and taking my kids was the day that my father passed away I have three children I flip he threw me out and I had no place to go we were living down in Georgia and I didn't know anybody down there and for the first few months I was living in a box living on the streets eating out of garbage cans I know that life I had it all and then all of a sudden in a blink of an eye it's gone bonsoir get up back up our teeth just let me know if you see anything when I get up you got a big truck somehow the rest area that's Jim my husband I trained her for truck driving school she went through a month of classroom work and then spent a month with me another lady out on the road I was the trainer for those two women she is a very good driver and she takes a lot of criticism you know that is not deserved because she is a female driver out here and she puts up with these male drivers and it's to the point to where she's ready to toke we want to go to 19 and listen these dirtbags we can that's how I feel about [Music] [Laughter] West Memphis it is really bad I've heard about so many drivers getting killed there just from walking from the truck to the truck stop and so many people hide between trucks and stuff it just situations that someone like her doesn't need to be in by herself and she has been lucky so far that something bad really bad has not happened to her okay yeah no good that one's gone down two degrees and that was still the same so that's not almost 50 that one's 53 this one's off 56 I do have a couple of things that I keep with me in the truck and one of them's a taser gun which we are allowed to have and then I have this little lipstick case that I carry in my pocket when I met some of these truck stops or shady places my little brother gave this to me for Christmas a couple of years ago because I've been in some situations that you know we're uncontrollable you know you can't help it I get out of the truck and they see you know a woman by herself and automatically everybody's like they surround you and they're wanting something you know this is my taser gun pull this little door back and then zap it and you touch them I've had to use this once these two guys jumped up on the side of my truck and the one guy on this side put his hands on my window and was trying to force me or talk me into opening the doors and I told him get off my truck you've got three chances to get off my truck and he refused and he started laughing all you know you want to send there and all this stuff so I just picked up the taser gun and set right between the eyes and he fell off my truck I almost ran over him with the trailer because I had to sling my truck to get this other guy off yeah I'm taking protection and my doors stay locked and then I stay in my truck at nighttime I don't get out it's too dangerous I love my job you know that's what sucks about it Hey Oh took a lot for me to find out that again you know I almost lost my husband this last year another woman we messed around on me and we started having a lot of problems and you know that we're getting back on track it's been a long rough ride for both of us she has put up with a lot of my crap these last two months have been very good for us because when we don't spend time together then we could be on different ends of the country and when whatever we first started teaming that's the way it was I'd be out in California and she'd be back in Ohio and we they've got to be they got the cause problems that are married I think he was hurt you know I don't want to meet her I don't want to see her I don't want to talk about her I wished it had to happen but I understand why it happened I'm over it all right we found each other again you know we're gonna go back to team driving and be together because we do love each other and he has come with me all this way from California to make sure that this load did what it was supposed to do and that the repr stayed running and if that ain't love nothing is to come out a route like that make sure that his wife's going to be okay [Music] [Applause] get over here we gotta be on a level being a left lane up here go to Nashville [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I have to be there by Monday Monday at 8 o'clock and there in Oklahoma says there's a truck stop at Carey okay [ __ ] happens man I'll tell you I I love Christmas you know the meaning of Christmas and I've always really enjoyed the holidays but this year was probably the worst holiday I had I said at the truck stop up on 80 in Pennsylvania I think the highlight of the day was eating a buffet I sure would have liked to been with my daughter and my family and you know exchange gifts and all that but if this truck sitting still I'm not making no money they're not making no money so the wheels got a roll run like a racehorse outright madness under the bridge we'll make out like bandits when the curry sauce outright madness and literature make it up make it bleed right now call it off take it out let it flames die down make a stop hurry up go away later dig a hole shut away dig it up bring it up bigger please down [Music] everybody's getting their break God some people have never seen the inside of a truck before in their life and they're up here trying to learn on a big truck sometimes it's comical sometimes it's scary get in there set yourself up back it up I stopped hard left let's go stop when you straight with the trailer very nice very nice it's turning that way turn that way too much come on set her up mark is straight I don't vote never go to the day in my life I don't like any of them if I can speak bluntly I mean there is one liar competing against another one let's stop and think about it I wrote don't help they go by that what they put into the electoral college vote or the you know I've heard numerous people say well you won't count what's your sense of going wasting my time taking time off work if you know if it's not gonna count you know really yeah you know look through history how many things were we as people able to change not many you know our government can do what they want but if the average Joe we can't change nothing it's like everybody wanting to strike you hear that I mean it's big on the radio has been since 9/11 since the fuel spiked up there we should but you got too many companies that have a thousand trucks that will never part them so why talk about it I think my views are pretty close to the most of the guys out here it seems everything's coming in on the truck driver the cost for everything fines taxes and it's getting bad I especially don't look at the future of the country because I know it's going straight to hell it does sound depressing I know but it it's not really I mean I mean I do love my country don't get me wrong I'm patriotic but not much that little old me is gonna do [Music] what makes me go right there those three children right there that's what makes me go that's what keeps me looking for tomorrow and of course hoping here tomorrow that's pretty much what gets me through it out here it's the thought that you know they're gonna be on the other end of the phone when I call them tonight [Music] I'm at mile marker 180 and a big truck and I'm broke down alongside the road do you guys have a shop there you do uh and they just do they do towing only eight o'clock in the morning you know a nice thing about it is none of us were taking a dirt nap right now what's the dirt nap that's death I was in a bad wreck a while back before I lost my brakes right after September the 11th they stopped all 18 wheelers and trucks carrying trailers and RV's from going across the Hoover Dam and they started routing you through Laughlin Nevada through these treacherous mountains and I look back to more my side mirror and notice my trailer brakes was on fire I mean it was blazing like a fire and noticed that I lost my air and I couldn't stop it I'm steady trying to read so I geared it all the way down and it broke the driveshaft and so I'm free-falling so I'm on the CB and I'm like you know Mayday Mayday you got a truck runaway truck everybody get out the way because you're coming down 93 and it goes into Bullhead City which is a casino place and you know there's a red light at the bottom of that hill and the only thing I can think about was killing some people and I didn't want to do that so I just started praying I said well Lord I'm gonna run this truck off the road and if it's my time it's my time but I can't see myself killing anyone else picture yourself on a roller coaster and you're going down and there's no track at the end that's the best way I can describe and all you can see yourself doing is crashing what do you do you know I'm looking at the speedometer is a 100 miles per hour and I'm steady going down you know I mean there's nothing I can do I'm scared and it's dark I can't tell if this clip is you know a hundred feet down 200 feet down or ten feet down or what I just know I'm up on this mountain and I'm gonna run the truck off the road to stop it and that's basically what I did I turned it I ran it off my hilt on and stuff and I'm home boom and they say you know it's flip once and I remember twice but I don't remember the third of time and then you know next thing I know I'm upside down and I was crushed inside this truck like if you would take a coke can and crush it and try to stick your finger in it I was mangled a hole up and stuff blood everywhere and I'm laying there and I'm touching myself and I'm like thank you lord I'm alive but at the same time the trailer was on fire the rent of the tractor was on behind I'm like well Lord you let me live through this don't let me burn up but fortunate enough of some people that seen what happened and he ran down on the side of this mountain and they took crowbars and stuff and they kind of pulled me out pulling me up to the top you know I end up in the hospital and when I was laying there on the bed the DLT officer come down he cursed him and he said what did you have your seat belt on and I like well yes he said well I don't think so and so I said well why not he said because the stern column went through the driver's seat and you're supposed to be decapitated right now and the nurse was cutting my shirt off and when she opened it up I had this big seatbelt mark going across my from my shoulder here and across my stomach area and she said he had his seat back on and he said man you're lucky I said now unless that and that was probably an eye-opener for me [Music] there's more than as a job it's a chance to be enjoy some of the things you see out here on the road from west coast to the east coast from the north to the south things that I think I would love to show my kids you know I mean they've never been here to Montgomery to see the Martin Luther King Center even at the California you know they've been the Disney World but I mean there's a lot of other things that make America more than just your activity things I believe in America I believe that you have an opportunity to be successful here if you put forth the effort you can't expect people to just give you something you got to go out and work for it I mean America was built on blood and guts sweat and tears and if you don't believe in the people who has done that before you then you don't believe in America and you're not patriotic that flag doesn't bother me they fly that thing because of their heritage so so be it you know because it doesn't dictate or describe Who I am in America because I know my forefathers helped build this country you know so there's a lot of history in me this country wasn't built on the Confederate flag if anything it could have been toe down by the Confederate flag but you know I mean if you want to fly that in your yarder at your business fine you know just long as you don't try to force it down my throat racism is a choice that you make if you show me you're a racist I want you to show me that you know so that way I know what I'm dealing with versus you coming to me shaking my hand and then stabbing me in the back [Music] I don't care where you go what you're doing on this radio you always find some drivers hiding behind the mic using that n-word and that tells me that they're ignorant but they're gonna be places that you go to that you might see all african-americans working on the dock and if you're racist what you gonna do you know are you gonna do like well I ain't picking up here I'm gonna call my dish but look I'm a racist I can't pick up there there's too many black people up there you know hey you know or saying you're a black person who don't like white people you know what you gonna do go to the dog is that you know there's too many crackers up there I don't want to talk to them you know how it worked like that you know so if you're gonna be in this business you know you don't have to be outgoing as I am but you do have to be able to reach out to people [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the South has got this reputation as always as always we'll probably you know we're friends you just were I don't know you know just slow down its down-home folk you know that's why they look at I hear it all time don't bother me hey I'm as good as the next guy if you like me you like me if you don't it didn't matter just that simple my life tuffington some but better than most you know I was diagnosed with this brief disease and a doctor found my disability they sent me a letter and said it wasn't sick enough it starts in your thyroids and they just message your whole system up you know my queen was in large heyyou liver problems kidney problems but everything just becomes a problem I went down from 160 to about a hundred two pounds and after the radiation I don't like 13 pounds but I'm feel live I'm breathing now if I to eat too much of McDonald's and got fast I could draw a checks or yeah it is if I had tried my brain on drugs I could draw a check you know but to get out of here work 30 years and make a living you don't Kemp that's the way I see it but long as they make these and get lower give me the breath I can drive I got to make ends meet gotta pay the bills my kids need things and that's my kids have been my whole life a few basics everybody's profiting he put the drivers you know you brokers they're cutting you then the guy you drive for you know he gets a big chunk and then the time it gets down to you what have you made because you got to buy fuel per minute base plates you've got road tax I mean you got cargo insurance you got to have your bum your expense to death figure your pay up on a 24 hour a day basis seven days a week I did that once and I made less than two dollars and fifty cents a mile it was scared so you know today and the independent is going and that's what bothers me there's a pride you know we all strive to be part of something to have something and I might not know that guy on that skateboard up there but we were a family out here this family has been disrupted everybody's against each other it's I got a do better than you I don't [Applause] know not in front of 80,000 pounds hey it doesn't matter what we do if I hit that car because he pulled out in front of me it's my fault because he pulled out there I've got to be a professional you know I mean I just got my health certificate 84 dollars you don't have to have one to drive that you can be blind crippled and crazy and drive a poet [Applause] [Music] [Music] six days on the road [Applause] it's a God's country nothing but a few rednecks a lot of Dearing a lot of Turkey [Applause] nana-chan broke yep it broke my mom was gone he raised me for the biggest part of my life he's always done everything in kid force even if he was by yourself you don't care what you know people say about him might have you know a house that looks like crap right now but he does everything for his kids my brother Jeremy he's 21 he's in Iraq right now Oh dad misses my brother a bunch these are the second 114th field artillery somewhere just south of Baghdad he's always been the one that was right there he chose to stay with me instead of go with his mother and that bond between him and I was just inevitable I don't like what he's doing I mean I was in the military and I'd have done it gladly because I volunteered to do a job and I will do my job to the best of my ability he's the same way not knowing is it getting better is it getting worse but then I talked to him and I'm listening to him hey Dad you know these Marines just got killed and listen I know they're getting short-handed up here and they're gonna move us up here look closer to Baghdad one minute they're saying oh well we got it together and it's getting straight tomorrow you watch the news and 18 more people died roadside bomb well everything going okay no oh you're kidding me wait when did you find this out I don't say nothing about how I feel about the whole situation to him because I don't want him second-guessing what he's doing he has to do this over there with his clear conscience his guidance not mine no Hale yeah I don't like it well I do but I don't oh you can really say to him is hey keep your head down let them shoot you in the butt that way you can come home you might not sit down but you can come home you know make a joke you can't miss his leave now because I mean Daisy's gonna let us use the bar we're gonna have a party she's gonna call her band in we don't got it we don't got it playing now he knows I'm sick did you I haven't told him to what extent I've told him what he needed to know you don't worry about that you just keep your damn head down I got this thing under control this end is under control [Music] [Music] let the dog out for a walk [Music] [Music] [Music] the practice t1 back flips on your batteries there's a logbook it regulates the amount of time we can be on the road and our sleep periods your federal DLT local cops anybody can look at your logbook and find you for not following the rules and regulations it started out in [ __ ] Rapids I field here in Faribault Minnesota what's the problem with the new rules they say put it in this 14 hours 11 hours driving but why could I put a 5 hour break in here kick my feet up anywhere in here and do another 5 hours over here did it for 26 years it's forcing me to drive when I really need to take a break [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning sir how you doing will that you should come to the truck a fellowship Phoebe this moment and I'm a cop all means my father interested good morning sir good morning driver thank you for stopping in petrol Atlanta when I can remind you about structured fellowship meeting it begins at 11:00 a.m. we need an outside a to the trucker's Chapel [Music] I'll tell you what the truck drivers told me he was having all kinds of trouble his wife died with Council but the man kept his joy the driver kept his jaws and he didn't know that dispatcher were watching it and he said that dispatch to come to him he said all that you've been through and you still got joy laugh in your hole and we began to witness to them about the Lord Jesus Christ and the man got saved see and that's what you want to do that's what you want to do [Music] [Music] we were working on a machine that transfers truck frames and I heard air leaking on one of the cylinders and I reached my hand out to see if I could feel air and the cylinder foul and it pinched my hand took my hand off between the little finger and my ring all the way down to the base of the thumb it actually didn't cut it off we had to pull it off when it grabbed me I hit the guardrail I flipped upside down and was falling into the machine and one of my maintenance guys at the last second grabbed on to my feet and back of my legs and pulled me right out I lost major arteries I lost tendons and March 12th I was fitted for a mile left your cane so April May June July August I haven't even have my hands six six months and I'm driving a semi [Music] I was almost killed up there that night and if it wouldn't have been for that guy grabbing me there's no doubt in my mind I would have been chopped to pieces you know he saved my life and when you come that close to death things happen to you you know you're you just you're a changed person I just I believe that I've become closer to God and to myself after my accident than I have before myit's and I can say that I really didn't go to church faithfully before I got hurt I believe in heaven to know and I believe that there's a place for me in heaven and I'm ready to go whenever it's time for me to go [Music] I think the end times are coming just because the events that are happening in and around us the ward the way the economy is gone the attitudes around become you know in the Bible it tells you there will be mass destruction you know looking at tsunami killed thousands of people and flash you know we're in the middle of another war and he got China getting ready - with their nuclear stuff and I believe that this is where our hell is going to be is right here on earth I think somebody's gonna push a button and blow it all up when I die and I go to heaven I'm gonna be up there looking down here and this is where it L is gonna be [Music] I got a thing up here at my but my truck the guardian angel that says don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly so far she's taking care of me I've been given a second chance after my accident and I'm taking advantage of it to the fullest [Music] I hope I don't ever have a serious accident [Music] Iowa has the world biggest truck stop it can fit eight down the top [Music] [Music] [Music] I know I owe money [Music] my 15 second commute I love it I walk out my front door and walked it into my driveway and I'm in my office my CB handle is ladybug giving to me by a former friend who won't speak to me anymore but they're supposed to be lucky so I guess that makes me a good thing ladybug [Music] 36 years old I've got a husband three kids he's really a wonderful wonderful husband he supports me no matter what I want to do as far as destiny I don't know about that I've gone through a lot of things in my life that I wish I hadn't sometimes but in a way I'm glad I did because even the bad parts the bad relationships if I hadn't gone through those things I wouldn't be the type of person that I am now my first husband was abusive he tried to kill me my son's father was abuse that he was very very abusive he was the one that kept me under his thumb all the time he would get drunk and come home and beat me up and I put myself in that position and abusing me was one thing that was my stupidity than my choice but after I had my son and he jerked my son up at one point because he was crying in the middle light needed change and you know he was only like two months old and started shaking him to get him to be quiet and it was at that point that I knew it was time to get out of there so I left him when CJ was four months old I actually had to sneak away from him the whole time I'm sitting in the bus stop waiting for the bus I was scared to death thinking he was going to come home early see the note you know and come looking for me love will make you do stupid things sometimes and I truly did love him is that and I was scared of him too you know women who get into abusive situations like that and their friends or relatives I want to just leave just leave because that man has threatened them and to the to the in the inch of their lives if you ever leave me I'm going to hunt you down and kill you I was nobody and that's that's a hard feeling to sit in a house all day long I think nobody I'm a nobody [Music] the worst I've ever felt in my life and when I got out of that situation I swore I would never let myself get into that ever again that I was going to be able to make my own way make my own money and take care of myself and my child the fact that I had been kept under a man's thumb for so long I wanted to be in their face and being a truck driver gave me the independence to be able to know that I will never do that again [Applause] they scan patients like an x-ray for your muscles on your brain [Music] I don't think they're hard to drive it I mean a lot of other women smile our could never get out the drugs I think I was funny but yeah you can [Music] Manman El Paso Texas May you can't beat this weather you know that you're talking to one enough where I call myself a renegade trumpet now because I work for myself you got it he knows it yeah we goin over to the chrome shop lost our own shop this is why if you got a little extra change left over you get your truck done up very important take care your truck Rick where you add tractor trailer knobs three LED lights all these lights and things that you see it's pretty much a dream I had when I first started trucking I would see the trucks coming out of California and they had what they called the California light kit you know that was lit up from the bumper to the back well I said one day when I get my own I was going to do it but I took it a little bit too far I've got a total of 268 lights on this truck and trailer matter of fact we counted yesterday you never stopped being a kid you know I don't care what you say you just get older it makes a little bit more pleasant to look at when you open it up and you get inside impress the girls everything I do is for the women guys I'm sorry that's just my thing anything I do is for the women I don't care if guys like it it's with the women like you got one in Arlington you got one in Houston you got one in El Paso California Ontario oh yeah everywhere you go so when the ladies kick you out at home after a couple of days guys just get your truck and go you know you know where your friends waiting at that's the way I do it never again guys when I have a single girl not just one give me a plethora what got me on the road was a relationship was in it for six years when it was all said and done my bank account was depleted for one was depleted had nothing picked up the newspaper says I'm a little room for Schneider and the rest was history blues but I'd rather die than cry I cast it for food banner go stale soon there's a curse on the air when I told Alamo yes some of these towns are still non friendly and this is Bama that killed John the entire sick of the circus life here day you dream another waitress has a perfect life utterly inappropriate and taken out of context each other in nervousness developing a complex number with money left overs and a [ __ ] beds childhood [Music] [Music] it's just another skull to crack asking what does stuck in the cul-de-sac I may sound silly but to me the threat is very real so that's why I sing love songs Paris did when roaches are killer in the morning love all night you're gonna see my friend one day this highway will be mine motorist day that man has a zero drink much water sleep inside hollow logs now what you may as well that's hard to say [Music] [Music] [Music] 90% of our business is with truck drivers so if you want to know about truck drivers this is where you come [Music] truck drivers basically have the same needs as we all do and unfortunately being out on the road all the time those needs aren't met so this is where our house comes in we don't just provide sex forum we do feed them all so we give it a coffee would give them somewhere to come to unwind without being in a truck stop these are not lot lizards that come and knock on truck drivers windows and wake them up at night and we do offer on the CB no obligation conversation the hookers and truck drivers get along really well because of the stigma of both industries you will find a lot of times truckers are stereotyped as copy drinking drug addicts this is not true and not all truck drivers cheek not all hookers give free sex on their days off because once you sell it trust me you sure in the hell don't want to give it away the other day a gentleman came in and he it was an older a truck driver and he had been widowed five years earlier and for those five years he never even he never even looked at a woman he never dated a woman or nothing because he was pining away for his wife and finally the other day he decided that that she was not coming back that he has to go on with his life and he just wanted to to be with a woman again to feel a woman's body and to hug her and feel the feminine again and actually that's about all there was to it a lot of times by talking with them they give us things to think about here just like we can give them things to think about they might help us out once in a while you know for us it's not always about the sex you know we have a life too it's like this is our truck you know this is the truck that we're stuck in for three weeks [Music] [Music] I got something kind of special I'd like to see all the truck drivers out there who might be listening right now also Chuck that was prayer that I like to pass along to you because I think it's kind of special too but first now I got a few things I've been wanting to see you guys for a long time and I think right now is the time to do placard did you know that Neiman just about everyone it continues you can travel Hotspur spec for you the job line dear God above listen this truck that ran and helped me keep someone alive be my mortal cyclist day give me strength for every trip so I'm a careful what we share and make me mindful every mile that life is just these things are going to Modesto California there will be down there 8 o'clock but 8 o'clock tonight California time we'll be unloading them and they'll be put in the big 10 with water and tomorrow morning this time they'll probably be hanging on a hook I love them when you haul livestock you're constantly aware of the fact that you do have a living thing in the back of that trailer even down the road here you have a load of bananas on and you hit the ditch granted a lot a lot of damage is done but so on you lose your load when I hit the ditch with a load of hogs on I have to not worry about my truck I have to worry about those animals back there they're individual animals with individual personalities and you have to love them to haul them and the load you'll get a comedian in there every time you walk by the trailer he'll bark at you the same guy or whatever he's saying I don't know what he's saying I can't talk big and you want to bet that when it comes time to unload he'll run around that trailer he'll be the last guy off and he'll give you a hard time coming off because he's just trying to he's fooling around with you [Music] I probably couldn't count the amount of hogs in my lifetime that I have all to slaughter my wife keeps telling me you're hauling them to their debt you know how can you love them well I love them while they're in my care I take good care of him I give him water I love him out there in my care what's another my care anymore they go they're just something that is here for food like taking an apple off an apple tree my view of an animal is we raise up for one thing and that is for food reasons and I mean we don't raise them as pets when they kill them in large numbers and figs are electrocuted say pick an area Twitter them is the rhythm that that kills them is the Inquisitor what's up that shoot so they walk enough to shoot you know and then they get to the end and they'll stop there look around and then the bolt it just goes through them and they just they don't even quiver they just kinda yes then they don't knowing that so then that one drops off and his buddy standing there wondering what's what an eagle he goes up to the revolution he gets it I watch that process once a long time ago on it it it doesn't bother me but it really didn't you know I I don't need to see it again they knock 5,000 animals a day and that's not even a big plant I was down in one down the tree onna Texas they were doing 12 hours and had a day down there you take five thousand head of animal to put them out here in a prairie and you see them there and then you you visualize that amount of animals being put down by one plant in one day the food chain is just us it's mind-boggling [Music] [Music] [Music] I love the mountains I grew up here in Idaho off and on for the last 40 years pretty much lived my life behind one of these trucks when I wasn't in school did four years stamp the Marine Corps come right out of there and went to drive a truck there's no other place on the world that I'd rather live than in this state right here when I was a kid I'd hunt birds out here pheasant duck quail and they've turned it in all into subdivisions out there they push the farmer back to where there is no land to farm anymore this is Sarah she's about 15 years old now as you can see they're gentle dogs but if we walk out of the truck and someone tries to get in it I just help with the odds and ends I don't harvest wrap do the cooking argue with him I've always been kind of a loner until I met my wife I've been single 18 years I swear to god I'd never get married now she rides along with me so we're pretty much together Oh ninety-eight percent at the time anyway I've always lived in the state I to home but a love down south was born up here but the harmful arms down in deep what do I wish I wish for the freedom that that flag represents and means a lost way of life that war was thought for people's rights and state rights for political reasons to put the federal government in control and that's probably when the downfall the United States started and what [Music] these two eyes it's all bread [Music] [Music] there's no reason in the world that got to be this ice diesel is a derivative of crude oil and gasoline is derived from the diesel so why is diesel not being refined as much as gasoline more expensive than the gasoline that has been refined [Music] three hundred and sixty six dollars and seventy eight cents for 115 Gallagher juice this load probably pays $800 where I pick it up to where it goes and a third of that went in his tank to get it that's the whole story I know I beat blue you need me more than I need you take your place I'll break your face and fire and your beans gasoline in your bed there's poison in the world No [Music] I say we're headed for real fat guns it's going to get a lot worse than what to do the evidence I see is mostly the government conspiracies to defraud the American people this government should be overthrown by force or by the people having them step down like the CM all kicked out of office and everybody hold their own election like they used to do but you can spout revolution all you want but they've got too big a stranglehold on us to get any kind of revolution going in this car we tried to shut this city there or even stages strike we'd all be hauled off to jail anything over five trucks within a win in a certain space is considered a convoy and is illegal come here that's enough quality I still believe in America and there's got to be a government there has to be a long order but it's got to be a fair government for the people by the people [Music] truckers are patriotic to a fault I mean it's red white blue and it's I believe as it should be we see more of this country than any average citizen so we know a lot about what this country is about [Music] we do not hate the government what truckers hate is the government being involved in every aspect of our lives the regulations the d-o-t checks in some states are gives asinine fuel prices are rigged the corporate takeover of America is something that's been going on for many many years greed is the problem this whole earth today is green and that's the log in the shorter [Music] I just emptied out in Seattle actually I was pulling vinyl products for flooring [Music] this right here I grew up in this area right here Chippewa Cree so that's grand round and oh Sh on my mom's side of the family I'm indigenous on my dad's side and my mom's side truck drive ins done a lot for me I would have never been able to see places of level from my ancestors all the way over to New York the Onondagas you know the Huron create the lake the sac the Fox the Menominee's the HOH chunks the Winnebagos you know the entire country you know had it not been for you know this truck the city of roses also known as the 503 before all those buildings were there Portland must have been inspiring they say in this valley from the stories of my grandmother's and grandfathers that the forest was so thick and dense you couldn't see the skyline and now you look at it you know and they call this city and all this stuff they call it you know the future I guess about the future the earth I'm certain the earth is just fine it's it's us this can't be in trouble this is the gorge man that's Crown Point up there in Tijuana that means big river every one of these stars right here is 100,000 different bands of people and tribes that existed here that still have no recognition today being it upside down it's an SOS infant mortality intoxicants suicide rate on any given reservation in the United States we're [ __ ] screwed right now yeah we got casinos but you know the Mafia is involved yeah we've got a lot of money coming in but that doesn't mean they're givin that money in education and other types of programs and services so they don't have to sell crack you know these things are not few and far between on the rez my thought is the United States government is encroaching upon my right to live a real life but until they can prove to me that they're intelligent enough to do something for the entirety of this world I don't want to hear a [ __ ] thing on that they have to say that right there when they say Redskins this is you know what you're not good enough to be recognized as a human being so we'll make you a sports logo Redskins [Music] [Music] I'm not overbearing all the time that I'm I would do everything I can to see that people were able to stand on their own two feet have what they need you know because it is it's possible I can look at that every day I know my grandma's did [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] South Baltimore southbound yo yes cooktop enoguh come out yes book talk Yes Doctor I am polished from Europe so everybody called me Jack my real name is Yahtzee this is good one [Music] [Applause] [Music] United States beautiful countries huge country it's good place to live is a different day different culture you know Indians Mexicans you know like me like I live in Chicago lots and lots of people from my country in the Chicago if you come from you know if you wanna if you like it work you find the job of a hill you find a job if you go to Europe if you go to my country no freakin way my [ __ ] is very hard to live [Applause] [Music] we know I don't know whose freedom fries almighty you do whatever you like to do I think this is freedom if you like it now hit the wall you sit the wall if you like it I don't know go to vacation go to vacation if you want to go everywhere if you like it something if you go there is the freedom [Music] is beautiful you see that beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who wants to find right now both go on to fight right now nobody [Music] we wait [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the open highway knows my name plain as day the unsung man upside down and oh this place is part of me back from my hand tons of steals melodies will turn up Souls mistaken faces I've seen apparitions angels monuments vacant places accidents miracles tantrum sore eyes heard better simple pleasures metal fingers moving pictures dirt and glitter magic desert ruthless cities lucky breaking broken mirror above and down below secret voices [Music] [Music] me [Music] Hey [Music] perfect he's looking up the codes now to tell me what's wrong oh you guys are saving my ass alright turn the key on well I will let for the computer reset alright GG all right here we go I'm on my way all right thank you sir but power of positive thinking I live for today tomorrow never comes and yesterday's gone all that really matters for me is today I try to stand today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man you guys everything in there brother out here so you've got American truck drivers Mexican truck drivers drivers Russian truck drivers Cowboys you got you got bikers you got doctors they've got kicked out of being a doctor you got yeah you're in charge you're gonna get the guys that are little Harmons you're gonna get the super computer geeks but I tell you what they're gonna find a lot of really great people you're gonna find people that really care they have barbecue their pee doesn't people at the truck stop got everybody out here [Applause] [Music]
Channel: diliukas
Views: 1,729,305
Rating: 4.7983904 out of 5
Keywords: trucks, 18wheelers, america, highway, truckers, cargo, ditch, kenworth, volvo, jacek, poland, big, rig
Id: lJ45iaQgJjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 11sec (5711 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2011
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