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I'm not a trucker haha pretty remote the bad thing is you can't charge enough for doing stuff like this [Music] hey I know I tell you this all the time I'm not a trucker but guess what yesterday and today I'm pretty much trucker I'm headed down into a little place called young on the road there's 13 miles of dirt road and it is rough rough washboard II so I'm gonna have to take it slow and easy in this 13 miles will probably take me about an hour to get down in here so let's let's keep rolling it's not it's not burning any daylight but look at these views right here pretty awesome it's basically like that all the way into young today it's a cool crisp fall morning and we've got to get a load of cattle hauled out and hung down to Marana for a rancher down here so let's put this blue Peterbilt in gear let our air brakes off get you rolling hopefully don't tear anything up on the way down whoo that old Sun is brightness born it so I just passed my buddy buckshot he stopped and talked to me a second he said the roads pretty dang rough said this 13 miles plane take me about an hour now when you're loaded it's a little easier to go a little faster because the SOT well it still is rough but you got the weight in your truck so it's not Afra so we'll be glad to be loaded coming out of here we're making pretty good time right here [Music] I think I'm almost done with the dirt road we're getting close whew that road was rough thirteen point two miles of dirt road and we're back on the pavement again now almost to where we're headed and I just wanted to get out and walk around in my truck and make sure that we hadn't rattled anything apart that was fun in tents dirt road right there looks like everything's alright so we'll get back in and keep on going [Music] [Applause] [Applause] haha pretty remote the bad thing is you can't charge it enough for doing stuff like this putting your truck and trailer through the stress and strain of coming in here on these dirt roads often times you you'll do it once but you won't be back the second time just too hard on equipment so we'll get back up to the shoot here and see what they have to load on me all right we're loading cattle I think it's gonna be kind of a light load that's a good old-fashioned Logan shoot right there little nurse thrown in the bottom of it wouldn't side slots on the side [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I hope nobody's coming because I'm having to use the whole road it's not my shoulder wait a minute there's not any shoulder some places in spike drop the trailer off is not hole it's tipping over [Music] come on step off step off hey hey hey it's always a little hard down a little branch cabinet they've never been ho hey hey step on come on step step Hey a tractor-trailer I'll wash now little fuel stop before we head to the house everybody thanks for watching Lake out Lake [Music]
Channel: RodeoReed.
Views: 21,759
Rating: 4.9815669 out of 5
Keywords: Rodeo Video, Reed Flake, Vlog, Flake out, therodeovideo, rodeovideo, not a trucker, truckin, truck driver
Id: QfEDa6q2x_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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