Truck Camping in Florida (It’s Not What You Think)

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we made it to Florida and our first stop is to see the tallest waterfall in the state later we're going to find some dispersed camping where we witnessed something a little bit disturbing they took their car and turned it into a battering gram the next day we visit one of the largest and deepest freshwater Springs in the world God don't do that to me these squirrels are going to be the death of me I swear now you turn my mind completely into welcome back everybody we have made it to Florida and if you watched our previous videos you would know that Cody and I were both thick and we are feeling much better both of us but we slept over last night at one of our favorite campgrounds if you've been watching the channel for a long time you know that Campground if we're in Florida is Fort pickings and we only stayed one night because it's a little chilly here it has been in the low 40s mid 60s here in Florida where we are in the Panhandle so we didn't get to any Beach time in as cold as it might be here surprisingly this Campground is booked this is the last electrical site available Kelly and I came here last December half of this Campground was empty more than half there was probably including us five people in this Campground and that was in December before Christmas so we were thinking hey it's going to be easy to get a camp spot here had to get the last one with electrical but if you don't want electricity all the tent camping spots are available we needed electricity cuz we're going to try to do some dispersed camping in some national forest tonight and wanted to make sure everything was charged I love coming here I wish it was warmer oh my gosh what I wouldn't give just to like stay here forever this is literally my favorite place on the planet I love this place this is what I love about living in a truck camper I was thinking about how much I missed this place a week ago and here I am unfortunately we cannot stay because we we have to move on we do have a final destination that we're trying to reach in Florida we're trying to make our way there so we're kind of hitting spots a little quick and we're leaving so we got to go okay our destination for today is a State Park in Florida and we're going to go see something pretty amazing that we've never seen before can you imagine that we've been to all almost all lower 48 and this is something that we have not witnessed yet we didn't even know this existed let's go this is the Falling Waters State Park and we're going to be seeing a waterfall that falls into a sink hole the height of the waterfall 73 ft tall that's what we didn't expect in Florida a 73t tall waterfall in this Flat state what now this is a very short walk from the parking lot I can still see our camper from here but there's different ways that you can view it there's an Overlook and then from the base where it falls into the sink hole so let's see where we got here 73 F waterfall I still can't get past that in Florida in Florida of all places because it goes into a sink hole but still 73t tall that's tall so that's another sinkhole this is kind of creepy the reason I'm saying it's creepy is I've seen news articles of sink holes occurring over the whole entire State of Florida yeah and then like whole neighborhoods just collapsing in any who the reason we came this way is we wanted to see the headwaters of the creek before it goes into the sinkhole always got to touch the water hey there's fish in here Kelly I love the soothing sounds of a little creek now there is a campground here but they had nothing available for tonight but that's okay we plan on going to the Appalachia Cola I don't know if I'm saying it right correct me if I'm not national forest and we're going to try to find some primitive camping cuz we have not primitive camped in a month and a half going on two months since Arkansas and we really really want to just be out in nature total darkness no human civilization so that's what we're going to try to find might be a little human civilization but there's not be a camper right next to us oh no no no no no yeah hopefully maybe we can find a little trickling Creek like that that that's what I want but we'll see what we can find out there it's a big area we're just going to wing it the fun for looking for dispers camping in public lands begins where the asphalt ends right here now we have never camped here before so this is our first time driving through here we have no idea where we're going this is what we normally do whenever we are looking for dispersed camping in a new area we just drive we just drive we turn down roads sometimes we got to turn around um but it is in the middle of the week don't think there's going to be a lot of people out here so hopefully we can find something and it looks like we might have something how's it look on the map oh it just keeps going it doesn't stop anywhere this looks like a good possibility and that helps out when you have phone service you're able to see what is down the Forest Road without having to drive down the Forest Road Kelly just noticed some mud holes on the map when she was looking down the road before we got here yeah when you're you're driving around with your house on top of your truck sometimes you don't want the stress or the headache of going through a mud hole or putting yourself in a sticky situation that's not worth it not today anyways I am not looking for a little bit of a stressful [Music] time looks like we found our home for the night not exactly what we were thinking we would find however a lot of the roads around here just keep going they don't have pull outs like I'm used to in a lot of other National Forest this is called brownhouse hunting camp and it is not a fee area but it is a designated camping location within the National Force we decided we would just take this because there's nobody here it's just Kelly andina the first spot that we saw like this was packed full of campers I think there's about nine different campers and it looked like a spot like this so we decided to keep going going and I assumed that this one would be the same way and they also did a control burn over here today might be why there's no one here do y'all hear that what the heck is this doing out here they even sprayed at camo by the way this is a popular destination for hunting season that might be who put this out [Music] here I think know what the sound is I think it's wood popping like in a campfire it's exactly what it is but it ain't wood it's leaves when we were pulling in the fire crew was leaving I don't know if they meant for this to keep [Music] going man this is really agitating a whole bunch of bugs they're all over me oh man I know what that is that's Buffalo knuts if youall remember a year and a half ago Kelly was attacked by tons of these on the river she had to get a steroid shot because she had such an allergic reaction to them but I would to assume that they kept that going because the creek is right here that's some of the darkest water I've ever seen it's about the color of ink guess I got to get back to the truck cuz Kelly's showering and I am going to help her cook I think I don't know why I put these back on we are hungry and tonight for dinner I'm going to make a shrimp scampy flat bread youall know how much I love to help Kelly so tonight I do my little shrimp deaning so she doesn't have to but while he's doing that I'm going to be making our flatbread we got some yeast in the bowl here we're going to put a couple of other things in there of course I always make a mess all right so we're just letting our flatbread make sure here get foamy it is sugar yeast and warm water usually takes about 5 minutes you can tell it kind of starts like not really bubbling it just starts looking kind of foamy our flatbread is looking I'm going to say cloudy is more of the word I just kind of stirred it a bit so we're going to add in some olive oil some Celtic Sea salt and then we'll throw in our flour and just do enough to make a ball that it does not stick and it kind of rolls around the side of the bowl that's when we know that our dough is ready to be rolled out and placed on a pan so I doubled the recipe because last time I made the flatbread Cody was still hungry afterwards so we're going to use this little pan here this is what I normally use and then we're going to use also the flat cast iron skillet our oven is heated up we have two doughs that we're going to make we're going to put the one in the pan in here first we're going to let it crisp up takes about 10 minutes we'll pull it out and then we'll put the top toing on and I'm going to do the toppings right now so we've got our new Frederickburg cast iron if you have not picked one of these up yet it's made made in Frederickburg Texas and what sets this cast iron apart from original cast irons is that the inside is completely smooth so right off the bat you have no problem with anything sticking we're going to put some butter in this Skillet to melt along with some olive oil now that our butter is melted we are going to add in some garlic and I'm going to use a mincer the shrimp scampy is garlic butter and broth and so that is what we are doing here we're just going to toss this garlic around until it gets a little golden color which shouldn't take long at all and it's starting to turn next we're going to add in some [Music] broth we're going to let this broth Reduce by half and then we're going to throw in the shrimp we're going to go ahead and add our shrimp into the skillet we have two different cheeses here we've got a mozzarella and a Parmesan we're going to put the mozzarella cheese on First on top of our flatbread we're going to go ahead and Top This flatbread with some shrimp we're going to take some of this sauce and spread it evenly out on the bread I don't want to douse it with it because I don't want it to be super runny but I am trying to get some of that garlic and that broth now we are going to top it off with our parmesan so we have some pepper parsley and chili flakes and I'm just going to drizzle the top with each one we always like to have things a little extra spicy so that's why we like the chili flakes and then of course parsley all right we're going to put this one in bake and we're going to dress our second flatbread and we're pretty much just going to bake this one until the cheese is melted because everything else is cooked on it oh that looks good the second one in here okay that looks really good I did get a little bit too much juice I think right there and I'm trying to figure out how I want to cut it let's go right down the center what do you think it looks like this yeah looks like a good design a good design yeah it's like a cafeteria pizza oh okay that's perfectly fine those rectangle ones you know sometimes I miss those rectangle pizzas dude those pizzas are the bomb they are pretty [Music] good shut the front door you're in Sales Event what that's fantastic I love that this is one of the greatest things I've ever had I can't wait to see how the other one turns out yeah that other one cuz it's on a Cass IR it's going to be pretty oh there's the second one wow that is so beautiful good this is I love this this is my new favorite dish we're gonna finish enjoying this delicious pizza and then we have to figure out what we're doing tomorrow because we have no idea we definitely don't want to sit here all day we want to go do something fun so we've got to figure that out I don't have a clue my brain isn't even able to think of anything around here to do got a lot of work to do well we didn't have the most peaceful sleep last night Kelly woke me up about 12:20 in the morning I was in a dead sleep and we heard some of the weirdest sounds ever and I'm not real sure what these people were were thinking but they took their car and turned it into a battering gr into the porter potties I I guess they're just moving them maybe they were drunk I don't know oh they were intoxicated I'm sure no one just does that sober but that Porter potty there was out by the road and there's one over there out by the road makes you a little nervous cuz if they feel that comfortable doing that with their car what else are they okay with hitting with their car yeah that kind of behavior is just really bothers me like that scares me and if that tree hadn't been there they could have just kept going and then they left they didn't come back but it made it to where I really couldn't sleep probably for the next hour or two maybe all she kept asking me is honey what are we going to do I'm like I don't I don't know it's 12:00 I'll go back to bed actually that's all I could do I didn't know where else we would go I want to go see if they broke it leave I also couldn't see much last night my window was fogged up yeah they broke it up the other thing is is what if I was in here last night not that I would have been at midnight I could have been that one's a little bit better it was a small vehicle honestly it looked like a little sedan and right here is where the porter potties were or were they over there I don't quite understand what goes through people's minds like that but they're out there they are are they jacked up yeah one's got a big old inade side cracked this just makes you uneasy like I don't even get afraid of wild animals like that like that is just makes you uneasy wild animals are the last thing in my mind yeah especially when I was in a tent that's the other thing what if we were in our tent last night over in that area where they've just ran over our tent assuming someone's not in the tent yeah or not even care it's just scary really is We Fear people more on a day-to-day basis interactions with people than we do with mountain lines Bears matter of fact I look forward to interactions with Wildlife I get excited I don't get excited about interactions like that what do you make this morning angel I'm going to make my baked oats I kind of wore Cody out with this breakfast dish and uh now he's like you know what you can make it again I'm over it it's all done I think it's done looks good and that is the white chocolate that is melted that's coming up so that's going to be tasty I was wondering what that was I was thinking it was foaming at the mouth there for a second that's white chocolates with all of our research last night we think we found something worthwhile to go see in this area now everybody knows Florida is known for their beautiful beaches but they're also known for their Springs this is the Wakulla Springs it is one of the largest Springs in the world there also is a historic Mediterranean inspired Lodge from the 1930s we're going to go take a look at before we get to the historical Lodge Kelly and I learned that there are boat tours along this River but I think they're fully booked out for the day when we did our research we looked online and today was gray out so it looks like you can't book it either after a certain time or the Daye of I really think they're booked up this just a lot of people walk in there all at once prob they have one 1:00 or something go to the front desk of the lodge never mind we're going to the lodge anyways have ice cream uhoh there's ice cream here you know that's a problem look at this ceiling oh wow that's beautiful well we're lucky they actually had something available yeah 4:30 boat tour so we get to do that we're going to go in here and check this out are you getting ice cream I'm getting a root beer float root be float could I have a root beer float float please thank you you're welcome that's what I'm talking about I haven't had a root beer float in like 3 years there are some hiking trails around here but you have to have ice cream before you go on a hike it's so important it's imperative that's good hey thank y'all you're welcome apparently this is the location of the filming of the movie creature the Black Lagoon I've never watched the movie though it's playing right now oh it is okay I guess we can watch it this is going to give us a view off this deck of the spring itself I bet in the summer months this place is packed yeah people probably jump off right here oh that's exactly what it's for Wow and the water's coming out from this whole entire area so this is the start of the river bubbles up and it feeds this whole entire River a completely intact Macedon was found in the base of this spring and it's been collected and taken to a museum in Tallahassee Florida perfectly preserved we got a few hours to burn before our faithful Voyage along the river and we are going to hike some trails around here there are Champion trees on this Trail or I don't really know where they're located but I did read that there's Champion trees on here and if you don't know what a champion tree is It's usually the largest tree in the state for a certain species so if you got a Bald Knob Cyprus you might have the champion tree if it's the largest one so also around this park are a couple of sink holes and they are normally filled up with the spring water around right now oh that is clear that's gorgeous it has a blue tint to it I'm starting to think the Bro sure lied I haven't seen a single Champion tree yet they didn't state where these Champion trees were they said they're out here God don't do that to me these squirrels are going to be the death of me I swear I shouldn't have watch that creatures of the Black Lagoon man it's got me on edge oh yeah well we did the loop and we didn't see any Champion trees or alligators however we've got probably 40 minutes before our boat tour and the probability of seeing alligator then very likely based on what we've heard manatees probably not as likely but if we see a manate I'm going to freak out cuz I've never seen a manate before would it be not as likely uh they said October to January are the most common time that Manatee come this far up the river cloud cover is moving in and it's getting a wee bit nippy so we had to put on some warmer clothes or at least I did I couldn't be in shorts and chos anymore but I want to see more than manatees more than alligators is the creature of the Black Lagoon if I don't see this I'm going to be completely upset and I'm going to give them a one star rating on this tour nice nice check in yeah is that a replic that's a replica that's the real bone can I touch it yeah go ahead people touch it all the time that's a real bone those macons were they had to been big okay they're getting our fivestar [Music] review that just needs to be placed out in the water yeah unfortunately we will not see any Manatee I just overheard that you want to take a morning tour if you want to see the manatee this time of day they're more up River down river they're not in this area well Cola Springs produces 150,000 to 600,000 gallons of water per minute well the first thing I want to do is welcome you guys to Wala Springs and thank you all for being here this River speaks for itself pretty well most days the hardest part of my job is often just remembering to shut up once in a while give a chance to do so there's a lot of stuff I want to show you and tell you about out on the left summer ducks and summer not I'm so sorry I we're getting the bad ones out of the way right up front keep your eyes peeled at the tops of the trees you see a lot of offs spray lately they're Des we've been seeing theal Eagles intermittently as well but there's one thing I'd like to do for you guys if yall will indulge me something I learned from one of the oldtime boat captains a fellow named Jeff Hicks the best thing he taught me about driving boats was that if you cut the engine and if everybody's quiet for just a little bit if you're lucky the river kind of forgets we're here we can hear what this place sounds like when it doesn't think we're around [Music] all right Gator portion of the tour begins here on the left hand side 250 million years of evolution brought you this gritter hardly changed in the last 80 million years because they haven't needed to they're Miracle of engineering they hold their breath up in 2 hours fully submerged their heart rate drops to about 1 beat a minute and go up to 6 months about eating anything you've ever heard of a Shaolin monk being able to do alligators can do it too what is that what is that we've got a vanity up ahead oh my gosh we might see see if they'll come up and take a breath we can see their cute little SS up here they only come up about every two to five minutes human beings only exchange about 17% of the air in our lungs with every breath they exchange 90s I remember learning school that early explorers of the New World when they encounter always thought they were mermaids and it turns out that is true you read columbus' ships journal for instance he talks about encountering what was certainly manate and he's very Frank about his disappointment that they were quote not as attractive as stories had painted them to be he goes on to say many of them have distinctly masculine features and I've never gotten over that description of manate or the idea of a disappointed Christopher Columbus looking down wondering where the hot winds are at okay they get 10 stars now on the right we got a B escort up ahead with that we conclude the tour the only part that remains is the crash landing here at the dock so I want to ask you guys keep your seats Keep Your Eyes Nose fingers toes especially your elbows inside the boat last little thing we're going to do here is we're going to enjoy the restaurant we've been contemplating it all day because I do have plenty of food to cook but it is 5:15 now and I think we're just going to goad and eat [Music] follow what's so interesting about sitting here right now is I am getting the feeling of how it must have been when they filmed those movies here because from what we've been told nothing has changed this place is exactly the same you show me and I'm over here I got the fried catfish and it comes with hush puppies and a aot sauce and Cody got a hamburger that's about it pretty simple and that's all we have for you this time but we'll catch you on the other see [Music] [Music] you I remember and how you turn my completely uh
Channel: Cody & Kellie
Views: 250,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truck camping in florida, not what you expected, truck camping, florida camping, truck camping setup, truck camping in winter, florida, adventure, explore florida, travel, outdoor adventure, camping life, road trip, nature, explore, expossed, sunshine state, travel florida, camp life, truck life, explore more, wanderlust, get outside, explore the outdoors, florida adventure, roam florida
Id: fsNi35M2UGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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