Truck and Camper Found Underwater In The Snake River Needs to be Removed ASAP

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there's a truck it's in the river and we got to pull it out well I was coming down the road and then I turned the wheel just enough where it dropped off the soft shoulder I don't know how I survived it [Music] but [Music] hi it's me your tour guide oh why'd you put the camera down yeah we sunk I don't know how we sunk so much we sunk a solid 6 Ines and it doesn't feel squishy so must have just found a pothole or something uh anyways we just landed here at the Snake River near Swan Valley Idaho and we are on a special Mission today guys this one's going to be wild there's a truck it's in the river it has a trailer hook to it the river is Flowing pretty [Music] heavy and we got to pull it out I don't know how long it's been here I think it's been a few weeks at least maybe longer uh we still don't know the whole story on it but basically it's something that you have to recover from the water and from the land uh we have to be able to take uh our little jet boat to be able to dive down we got Doug Doug Bishop he came back in town uh you guys know that Doug is the man when it comes to anything underwater recovery related and so he's going to dive down hook it up and we're going to winch it from the shore with a big heavy wrecker and hopefully get this thing out of the water today it's going to be interesting cuz it's uh like I said it's some deep water and the water is definitely flowing so they're pulling up and we're going to start unloading the helicopter and get this party [Applause] started it's dangerous the aspects of this is it being you know really cold water and fast current um it's it's not going to be easy but we're going to get it done so I'll reinforce the trailer to it if I can and then getting to that front end the current the front end is into the current head so hopefully there hasn't been a lot of buildup on the front end of that [Music] [Applause] [Music] truck [Music] [Music] oh probably every about 10 ft of water right here um this water is moving much faster than it looks probably deceiving on camera it's it's pushing through here pretty good the trick right now is going to be getting dug in the water and not letting him push too far Downstream so we're going to have to get a good anchor for [Music] him you could D here just kind of put yourself against the front of the truck and just get pinned there yeah yeah your there once I'm in the water just stay here if something happens to me something goes wrong I'm just going to air up and Float that's like kind of like my fail safe in in the event of an emergency so you'll have to chase me down the current's going to just rip me if I can you need to have to tethered anything no uh tethering in this kind of current would just add to me getting tangled up if something happens you know I'm confident we got good visibility even though it's strong current really cold water confident in my ability to get it done we'll run the Rope first and then see that'll give us an idea of what we need uh as far as length goes so yeah let's do that we'll get you in you're going to run synthetic to the top of it right now we'll go to our rope we'll take the Rope over the shore I'm a Believer in synthetics man it's rated for it we're not going to have a ton of drag in here I mean we'll have some drag with the water but I don't think we have a ton of obstacles to get snug up on PL pull Upstream you can see across there this angle roughly it's right here friends you bring the truck right here and then we're going to start running cable got Doug with the yanam soft shackles we're probably 75 ft from the boat or from the truck right now at a 45° angle Doug's going to put in swim over to it get a couple of lines attached to the front of it and then to those lines we're going to hook our synthetic rope and start running rope over to the wrecker um we're going to try pulling with the Rope first and see how it does I think it probably as long as there's no major Boulders that it hits under there it should pull if the Rope isn't working then we'll grab cable and run it but we're going to try to avoid running the cable if we can just because it's a lot of cable and when you're lifting that heavy Cable in the water with the current there's just a lot that can go wrong the water is actually surprisingly chilly this a super you know well-known River for summer Recreation but now we're in October so temperatures have dropped and it's definitely chilly Doug's feeling it Mountain Water fresh Mountain Water yep fresh out of Jackson Hole fresh out of the Tetons is where this River comes from what I'm going to do is I'm going to Turtle down Turtle you mean the bottom yeah I'm going to crawl along the bottom and it'll diminish some of the resistance on the current and all of [Music] that nice thing is he's got the vehicle facing up River right now so he can basically swim to the front of it and kind of lean against the front of the truck and it'll hold him in place as he works on rigging uh this is the hardest part right now is finding a couple of good solid points to pull from and then also he's going to swim back to The Trailer Connection and make sure that that's solid if it's not if we're concerned about it then we're going to hook another chain or a line you want to take one with you now do you want to go two off the front or one off the front if I can do two let's do two and then one for the trailer and one for the trailer so let me grab you one more [Music] down there somewhere see his bubbles this is actually a fairly dangerous dive just because of how fast the water's moving and how much volume there is you get stuck in a bad spot there it'll just carry you Downstream luckily it's not so deep that you know we can't jump in and grab him if if there's an emergency but still fairly [Music] risky [Music] m I also got to be careful to not drive right over him granted this is a jet boat so there's not like there's a prop that's going to hit him uh but still it's it's diver etiquette you don't put the boat right over the diver cuz he doesn't really know where I'm at right now cuz he's focused on the truck so what I don't want to do is you know get disoriented and pop up and hit the bottom of the boat granted all he would do is Bonk his head but still trying to avoid any uh any head Bonks today [Music] [Music] that's intense everything it looks times 100 yeah if I was weak or if I yeah I couldn't even get to the driver's side there's no way that hard yeah yeah once I get to the tire it's like the current's hitting the front end and then magnifying it got so the Rope is on the on the shackle as well yes so we need to grab that in the Rope start making our way short as long as that thing's floating we're we're good I I thought I was going to throw up there I I never felt like that in my life really yeah I don't know if it's cuz it's so cold or so much exertion I think there a lot of exertion lot of cold elevation too we're at 6,000 ft heck yeah extremely cold a lot of force and it took every ounce of my strength to just keep me down on on the vehicle every step of the way like you can see my hands are all cut up I've never been nauseous from diving so I wasn't even able to get to the front of the vehicle I had to get down under the passenger side under the vehicle I have one of the yankum slings around the frame of the the main frame under the cab which is one of the strongest points of the vehicle we got a rope just kind of floating in the river now so basically what we're going to do is grab onto that and just start throwing those sections of rope on [Music] be all right so the plan is we just went and got uh a few hundred ft of cable hopefully that's enough to get us across maybe basically we're going to hook that onto the end of our rope now and then spool it up the shore roll it all the way out and then I'm going to go up to the end of it with the boat look onto the boat and then basically run it across the river got be mental toughness can't even f it really see that like like butter mind showing us what you got or oh yeah sorry this is an industrial strength uh custommade pair of trims just for me found out Walgreens we got 4,000 uh cubic feet per second that's flowing right now now We've ran one winch line off of the truck which is probably 100 100 ft they've got some cable over there they're stretching out right now my guess is they're going to have cable hooked to the truck and then start bringing it to us we'll take our line take it out to them hook it up and hopefully start Ping you pass me a drink where's cool what do you want actually I have a drink just for you touchdown I wanted the catch oh perfect throw thank you it was really good throws Joy burst don't read the anything on it just drink it I quit if High School taught you anything it's vanilla [Music] IES what are you doing diesel working on my underwater basket weaving mer badge I'll just keep pulling Line's getting tight so we're about to start moving the truck SP was that truck uh right side up when you hooked it yeah it's on the wheels it's moving now too yeah I think it flipped upside down too oh it's all the way upside down we're officially moving the truck the truck used to be right below us and now it looks like we've mov the solid let's see oh yeah we're making progress see that right here that's gnarly G she's pulling good so just keep that course right there you got Doug inside there driving it yeah Doug's in there so don't go too fast cuz have a seat belt on truck's upside down too that worked out great yeah that's a lot of luck right there look at it beautiful connection yeah meant to do that so somehow once we uh started winching on it the truck just got pulled into the current funny and it flipped it right over which uh you might think is a bad thing but it's actually not because now we just have the smooth top body of the truck riding along the bottom of the river and we also have the frame exposed upwards which the frame is where we're hooked to so uh if for some reason we had a the Rope slipped off or something like that we'd be able to easily reig it because the frame is now facing up Doug had a hell of a time getting underneath there to find a good spot to hook because the current was pushing so hard but you can see right here we got our uh yankum soft shackle which I think is probably the only thing holding the trailer on at this point so it was a good call on putting that on that hitch is not on anymore right I don't think so unless that hitch completely twisted around cuz the trailer's still upright it did look really twisted that's a weird a weird thing to [Music] see [Music] [Music] all right so the truck when we started the day was definitely right that's not a glit sign what just happened can't tell winch wasn't all the way engaged in we have to pull it back lock it and then pull yeah it's it's we're good we didn't lose anything you want me to get on it probably be easier you think unless you can get it right here I'll try to hold it against that tire I can get on [Music] it so far so [Music] [Music] good I'm just uh holding e each length that we keep pulling out so it doesn't get all tangled in the bushes and we have to fight it because we got to move this by hand not by machine so we're almost ready to take another length [Music] out keep going it's rolling it it's about to count and zero connecting to the next link which uh should be that big wad of grass right there I think we're good [Music] Dam it ruined it myself wow that truck was straight it was a nice truck when he hit that water I'm hoping the tailgate still tied up in there somewhere yeah I don't think we're going to get that one running that's for sure nope pull the out there it goes yeah all right so we got the bat and trailer this close to the shore and uh we maxed out the length the to strap that Brian gave us so what we did is we hooked right to the d-ring with the winch from the truck which means this is the final pull a bank once it's to the hook we're out of [Music] here we're going to reset the truck we're too much of an angle we have too much weight coming up the shore there too many OBS there's a bunch of trees stuff it's hung up on so we're going to reset the truck so we can get a better pull straight pull on it put a little more pressure on it might need that to hook it up here higher or something where is it hooked at I don't know frame on the other side if you keep pulling we should be or what are you worried about it's rolling we need to hook it let's just pull that other wind out and just go right here to this arm you want around there Bri uh you can go right back here in that hole [Music] it's time for the the ram to shine they need to do some work that's why we brought my truck this good enough hook just right here on the ball that truck didn't hardly have a Dan in it when in that [Music] River hey get a little bump on it Dave back up out of [Music] foot all right Dave pull nice and easy [Music] easy going yeah come back come back come back Dave all right [Music] perfect sweet I guess that's one way to compact a truck sad seeing it out of water people have to deal with it today I'm glad it wasn't me trying to pull it out of that water this is so fun if you're watching this thinking like oh that would be so fun just know that it really is just as much fun as you're thinking if not quite a bit more today went very smooth though don't want to what do they call it counter chickens yet counter eggs I want to counter I don't like the way that don't want to I don't want to get too excited and then have it roll back back in the river is what I'm trying to say but I'm trying to find a cool analogy to say that like a parable or something actually don't think I've actually made the announcement yet we are in the process of buying Brian's company so buying Atlas Towing which means we're going to have this record we're going to have a bunch of other stuff and we're also in the process as you guys have seen trying to do more with Mr Doug Bishop Doug's one of my good good buddies but I forget how many of you guys love Doug when you saw him in the last video people lost their damn mind so thank you for supporting Doug and Doug how can they support you further go to my channel Doug Bishop subscribe consider becoming a member because there's going to be a lot of really good content that's going to be coming out over the next few months you guys aren't going to want to miss it yeah I'll tell you everybody loves Doug on camera they everybody sees him in the videos like a it's Doug they've loved him from the awp days all the way until now but I will tell you this Doug's even cooler in person this dude is just go with the flow just get done even if he's getting his ass kicked in the river he just comes up with a smile and he's like I'm going to I might barf but I'm still happy and that's just Doug so you ever get you know what we should do Doug we should put put together an adventure where viewers can come do one of these with us we get asked that all the time we've were talking about doing it but I think we should actually do it yeah maybe even solve a cold case if you're not familiar with Doug Doug for a long time has been in the towing and Wrecking world and he took those skills and knowledge that he had and he put them towards helping you know basically recover cars that have gone in the water and not just recovering cars in water but also finding cars where people are in the water with the car missing people cases missing persons um so they've done a lot of good they had a really high-profile case out near Lake Tahoe Reno area where they basically stepped in what was it within a day you found key Rodney this 16-year-old girl who went missing after a party after law enforcement had been searching for weeks uh these guys literally rolled up boom there she is pulled her out found her brought closure to the family so damn good at what he does and uh he's taken everything that he's learned in the towing world in the diving world and now he's put it all together into this kickass channel so I'm going to ask you guys one more time please don't scroll past this until you click the link below go to Doug's Chanel Channel give him some love because based on what he's told me today he's got some really really cool coming very soon it's already shot it's already done he's just he's the guy who won't put it out unless it's absolutely perfect so it's coming soon right that's right it's coming soon [Music] subscribe we did it oh man that was a lot of fun truck is out of the river and it's actually a miracle that it came out in one piece like this and that the trailer stayed hooked up um I got to give a huge shout out to some people who made this happen because what we just pulled off in the amount of time that we pulled it off was pretty incredible so without guys like Doug Bishop the guy is just the diver he's the guy that I trust with my life when it comes to that stuff and he killed it Brian Gardner from Atlas Towing who we're buying his towing company from and he's going to continue to work with us as we move forward you got yankum ropes uh Who provided the soft shackles and the synthetic rope that basically allowed us to reach the truck um and be able to manage it maneuver in the water cuz it's lightweight but super strong huge shout out to those guys absolutely kicked ass uh jet stream boats um our buddy Justin with first Power Sports for getting the jet stream boat dialed in uh Gator step for helping us with the the flooring in the boat C sales company for all of our rigging they provided us with shackles D- Rings everything like that uh the sheriff's department up here stepped up to help us close the road just group effort and as you guys can see when you get a good group together working well you can pull off Miracles like what uh we just did that thing came out uh extremely well and trailer still stayed attached which is pretty pretty awesome and the fact that our yankum uh soft shackle basically was what kept the trailer hooked to the truck because it came off the ball obviously all right well thanks for watching guys I love you
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 2,411,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5 tow truck roleplay, towing, snowrunner, trailers, family friendly, no swearing, Recovery, Diesel, Diesel brothers, Heavy equipment, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus McFarland, Demolition ranch, Matt’s Offroad, Mud, Adventure, For you, Heavydsparks, Sparks motors, Freedom bus, Dirt, Dirt work, Tractor, Dave sparks, Diesel Dave, tow truck, wrecker, blue collar, excavator, equipment, heavy duty, dozer, hunting, hellcat, JEEP, snowcat, oshkosh, auction, govplanet, public surplus, abandoned, storage unit
Id: 8aCIaDydr6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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