Troy Kell Prison Documentary

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Have they executed this dip shit yet? I am anti death penalty but hearing this fuckstick's story and seeing that video really makes me support his life being ended by the state.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/uberclont ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 03 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Fuck'n hell, I was not prepared for that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Junes2k ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 04 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So much hypocrisy from the US judicial system. Of course anybody with sociopath tendencies will turn into a beast in this kind of environment. Eat or be eaten. If you allow such an environment flourish you will create this kind of events. Very poignant testimonies from the killers. Only psychopath arent redeemable, anybody else shouldn't be executed.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/HHWKUL ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 04 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Fantastic Doc, saw it in HBO years ago.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/alphagaia ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 05 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one in the ten [Music] yep I went into the situation that I'm gonna have to kill the guy I'm not gonna hurt him I'm not gonna stabbing two times and say yeah we're even you know cuz the philosophy in prison is you know you stabbed me I kill you I just stabbed the [ __ ] out of him you know until he didn't move anymore the reason I said Troy Kell was one of the most dangerous people I've ever met is because Troy Kell when you meet him and when you see him in a certain environment is a very charming charismatic intelligent individual who certainly by no means looks like somebody who could commit a crime as heinous as he committed in this case I've seen guys hesitate on not thinking something was serious and it was serious and they get themselves stabbed up or they get themselves [ __ ] off they get themselves killed all the white supremacists were going say hi to try and make sure it should be up say I let Troy know that I said hi and they were give them the power the white power because they want the statuses associated with him and in his crime because they're looking to Troy you know he's like he's our inmate God we're gonna do anything we can to gain status with him because then that protects us within the institution so they hold his shanks they hold his brew any contraband that he has and he very subtly manipulates everything and then to the administration he wants to represent this clean image well I'm not doing anything you know I'm not associated with these guys but he still has his soldiers going out and performing these acts well that's a good clean up for them I mean they have to say that to really justify doing it keeping me in the hole restricting my movements making sure that that there no real freedom for me to have and maybe I'm not entitled to that I mean its perspective of the individual some individuals think that you know he shouldn't have anything give him some bread and water and put him in a cage somewhere and that's that's fine too don't expect the guy to be a nice guy and smile and to say thank you for the bread and water every time you bring it you know it's a double standard they they expect you to suck ass regardless of of what they're running their face about you suck ass long enough pretty soon you start choking on [ __ ] [Music] a lot of my personality now has is be reflected from how I was raised in the penitentiary it desensitizes you you don't have the human interaction the contact understanding or anything it's structured that everybody is a piece of [ __ ] you shouldn't respect anybody it's kind of like you know just it doesn't matter you have to realize why Troy kelp went to prison and that being at 18 years old he concocts a scheme with a couple of his friends to take a young man he's never met before in his life a young man named cotton Kelley take him out in the desert take out a gun troy kel takes out a gun and shoots him six times at close range in the face killing him after the killing takes his wallet and they go by a convenience store and buy liquor [Music] this guy I felt was taking advantage of a friend of mine and she asked for my help and I went kind of overboard me and a friend of mine from high school agreed to beat this guy up because he was doing some things to some teenage girls that we knew she was a friend of mine she was like a sister kind of to me I met cotton Kelley at Circus Circus 8 months prior to this actual tragedy he ran some type of adult entertainment business he wanted me to pose nude for him he had started following me and calling my house constantly harassing my family and as a 15 year old child I made a very bad decision a very immature request and I called upon Troy to beat the man up to leave and have him leave me alone I was raised in Las Vegas Nevada you know middle-class family I'm the only child I think I would probably just an ordinary kid on the blog I wasn't any different anything from anybody else that I'd noticed Troy's been a part of our life ever since I first came to Las Vegas since I was probably like six years old we lived on one corner of the street and I'm the opposite street he lived at the other corner and me and a couple of friends two little girlfriends were walking down the street and him and his little friends were sitting in front of his house on their bicycles and you know they were watching us googly-eye because he's three years older than me so when we got all the way to the end of the street towards the desert you know we turned around and said something real sassy and they chased us on their bikes and we ran and he jumped off his bike and tackled me in the grass and you know it just became like a plaything and ever since then he was like you're gonna be my girlfriend and I said no I don't even like boys while Troy is come over to our house when he was like seven years old play with sandy and chained in the backyard go swimming and he was one of the neighborhood kids good kid my father's in the horses and kind of a redneck background country boy kind of thing we had horses and stuff I was expected to be successful my family his father was really really strict and I remember one time on his birthday we were I think he was turning 13 and I believe I was 10 and I rode my bike all the way to the mall and I bought him a Nike outfit and he had to sneak out in his backyard and climb up on the brick wall for me to give him his gift because he was on restriction he was always on restriction just and for absolutely nothing his father must have been very tough on him very abusive I believe with him and his mother was never around I know they were separated but I don't think his mother came around too much I don't know if it was because of the father or what you know but I guess he looked at me more like a mother figure you know because he's always sent me even cello this day this sends me a bouquet of Mother's Day flowers my parents got divorced and I kind of bounced back and forth between them it was kind of a struggle for me for a while but it's nothing out of the ordinary any other kid goes through I hung out with the Stars and I also hung out with my job frenzy because I like to I like to play sports but I like to drink beer and smoke a couple joints on a weekend - I went to school but I didn't like school too much the authoritarian kind of structure we're telling you go here and do this and I rebelled against that dropped out of school started getting in trouble after that this story goes like this Shaw and two of her friends allegedly lure the Canadian man out here to the desert we're north of the city Shaw then allegedly gets out of her car goes to the bathroom and on the way back falls down they had me pretend that my leg was hurt and I guess this was a plan that they had conjured up the Canadian man got out of the car to help Shaw [Music] a man grabbed my arm to help me that's when the first gunshot went off for a reason that I can't really understand I decided to bring a gun and shoot the man and kill him [Music] [Music] I didn't go to sleep that night out walking away yes of course but why didn't I I don't know I didn't have anywhere to run to I couldn't just keep on running running [Music] [Music] police say this desert landscape near Rancho and Durango was the stage of a grisly show-and-tell this past week police say the three suspects spent a week going back and forth here in the desert showing off the body to their friends then one of the small children who had seen the battered corpse got to feeling guilty and told police Las Vegas metropolitan Police Department called me at work at midnight and told me that they had Sandy downtown on a homicide and I thought oh my god she hasn't gone through this again when I was 13 years old I was spending the night at a friend's house and her stepfather went into a jealous rage and shot and killed her mother and her mother's two friends and then killed himself it changed my life [Music] I detached myself from my emotions I didn't have a sense of life or death it was just all the same to me another episode happened to her she's walking home from school sees this guy come running up behind her girl in front of her sees the guy shoot the girl in the back of the head she's already gone through this now this is too how many times I mean I'm 48 years old I've never seen anyone in my lifetime get shot I mean what are the odds so I went down and I find out that she's somewhat being charged with it I can't tell you how bad that hurt my daughter a man's life had been taken that became known as the show-and-tell murder run how did he get that day the girl was in high school at the time and I was and I had already dropped out of school she had some girlfriends from school that she knew that they both knew the man prior and you know kids kind of I don't know brag about what happened you know remember that guy and well he's you know dead out in the desert you know they don't believe her so she decided to take him out there and and see the guy that was kind of the way it went down the night after Contin was shot the next morning I had gotten up to go to school I didn't know if this had happened to me or was I just thinking this happened to me I wasn't really sure and so I went back to the scene of the crime and I seen it from the side of the road but it still wasn't real [Music] teenager sandy Shaw testified in her own defense today staring only at her attorney Shaw I explained how last September she and two older boys drove into the desert with the Canadian man at the trial they told the jury not to allow my angelic looks to fool them that the person I appeared to be was not who I really was that in fact I was a cold-blooded killer at the time um I really didn't feel anything it was that whole time of my life I really don't feel it and robbery they offered me a life with the possibility of parole on a plea agreement and being stubborn and kind of thinking I knew everything at the time I didn't take it I thought that 10 to 15 years was the rest of my life at 18 years old and in reality it's not you know you can start over again [Music] I made a decision when I walked in the game that I was gonna come in there as a man and I was going to leave as I wasn't gonna resort to things that a lot of people in my situation had to do to survive in prison I wasn't gonna suck dick I wasn't gonna wash people's laundry I wasn't gonna tell on people I wasn't gonna fall into that structure that survived in my environment I kind of took responsibility at that time that I got myself in the situation now deal with it I was fortunate in the sense of some older guys seem that that I had a lot of time to do and I stuck up for myself so they kind of put me under their wing on schooling me on showing me who was who on the yard and what to stay away from don't get in gambling debts don't get in any kind of drug debts who had predators we have homosexual predators you have extortionist and hope all the wax and we're going to test it one incident I I ended up getting shot and stuff like that on the yard with a guy that was a notorious booty bandit [Music] members named homosexual predator I was 19 and and this guy was in his late 40s and we were on the yard and it came to either you know he says if he won't respect you're gonna have to come and get some respect so I had to make sure that that wasn't gonna be tolerated that meant it you you battled for [Music] they break it up by by shooting rounds action from the waist it's called skip rounding I'm gonna stop the fire they blew me off my feet you know because I mean you're getting shot by a 12-gauge shotgun from like 30 feet away so it it blew me off my feet when the fight was over after the heck [Music] when I arrived at prison I came I came to prison for forgery I forged a $300 check that's what I was in prison for I was serving a sentence of a 1 to 15 I wasn't placed in like a minimum security prison for forgers I was placed in a Supermax most security prison for worse Eric Daniels was a co-defendant Detroit Kell and in fact was the individual during the homicide that laid across the victims legs so as to incapacitate the victim from moving he the ironic thing had been sent to prison on a 0 to 5 somewhat minimal forgery case where he had actually taken a check from a local sheriff here which was his first mistake and then forged the sheriff's name on his check not a bright idea sent him to prison for 0 to 5 so Eric Daniels went from a small-time crook to never going to see the light of day outside of a prison again Here I am a forger living on death row I was coming I was interacting and recreation with the three guys that were up that had death sentences that we're going to be executed within the next three or four years and I mean I'm prison on forgery that's how I ended up be becoming involved in violent situations I felt my only Avenue for relief was to latch out against the authority and that's that's how I became involved with the riot until they [ __ ] fulfill their part of the deal we ranking it regardless you feel slighted by the system because you're there in the first place okay and then that builds okay and that anger turns into resentment and then absolute bitterness sorry guys mom and Daniel no way [Music] attention all inmates in Cedar section one might return to your cells and now or extreme lowers will be used against you to return to your cells now and lockup or remorse will be used against you start to think that to officer that's holding you there the one that comes in feeds your tray everyday is evil first thing that comes to most people's mind is this latch out do something violet [Music] [Music] you're in yourself for so long by yourself you have no television no radio very little contact with the outside world you develop different symptoms of mental illnesses paranoid schizophrenic anxiety disorders impulsive behaviors and because you haven't asked me nothing to do in there all day long I plotted and planned on what I was gonna do to the administration when I got out of there hi threw some urine and some feces on her because I couldn't do anything else to her I couldn't get my hands on her and so I that was the next best thing it made me feel on top of the world to to see her running out of the unit screaming you know screaming her head off with feces in her hair in her face [Music] I got a phone call from some official in Utah I don't remember his name but I was you know they just told me that that my brother had been attacked by another inmate and that he was dead and immediately call my dad my mom you know we just just don't believe it don't want to believe that someone at you someone that you love it's called this was a victim who had a quite storied past in Arkansas been in trouble with the law including armed robbery had some violent tendencies in Arkansas and in fact have committed some assaults on guards in Arkansas committed assaults on inmates in Arkansas I want to paint a pretty picture of my brother cuz he was there he was uh he was a maximum maximum security risk is what he told me and and I found out after his death that he was in lockdown originally we didn't have any idea why the killing took place as we got into the case more and more we did more investigation one of the more startling aspects of the case was that this was really just some racial hatred the comments that Troy Kell made at mediately after the killing that he was really quite proud of himself that you know that this black aunt a person would no longer be around that he couldn't talk about white women certain comments like that that he was really a seem very proud of himself that there was one less african-american on the earth and that that was something good I would classify myself as a separatist that's I I believe did that the white man should return to Europe and should it never came over here throughout history if you see the Greeks or the Romans or any civilization that started the Egyptians that started to intermingle with foreigners in a sense Outsiders of their racial groups eventually they've destroyed themselves [Applause] they say that flower vase day as we delved into the case we found out fairly quickly that Troy Cal had very strong beliefs as white supremacist white supremacist group or gang if you want to call him that is significant and probably the most significant single group or gang we've got in our prison president has a tendency to you know force force an individual someone who's impressible as I was young to identify with the group and or a certain ideology and I found that in the white separatist movement and I felt like I belonged I felt like I climbed a mountain reached I got to the top planted the flag and I was home it's born out of fear fear of knowing another race it's keeping your distance from another race with any kind of white guy that stands up for you know his people he's looked upon as some type of racist race hater and that's not the case and you matured I have this video at eight you know I can it doesn't concern me at all I mean it may be people's actions is what I don't like I mean they might choose to do certain things but there's more you know white people that need adjusting than anybody else [Music] in preparation for the case and primarily the sentencing portion of the case I went out to Nevada where of course troy was housed as an inmate for years during that the course of that we actually found a letter and it was a letter that Troy Kell had written probably ten days to two weeks prior to the homicide here in Utah and he was white writing some of his white supremists inmate friends in Nevada and in that letter he talked about and actually prophesied that he was going to commit this crime in Utah talked about how a a in his terms a nappy headed monkey had been running his mouth and this nappy headed monkey was going to get his and there's going to be pain and suffering involved in that it was a power trip to begin with but it had racial overtones to it it the race issue was used to justify the power trips controlling the action wanted to control the TV the ice bucket the where this person lived with who things like that that happened in prison it becomes racial only only as a secondary consequence it starts off and greed and profit and control like anything else I had a confrontation with him verbally that derived from two other people's fight they kind of you know flowed over to me getting involved with with him and it was kind of agreed between me and him and that we were going to take care of it you know that any chance that either one of us gone that we were going to deal with the situation [Music] I prepared I got a knife and I got a handcuff key and we were restrained we were going down a medical they forged his name requesting that he that my brother go to the infirmary I feel that what they call a medical request slip for Blackman to get him out of his cell on a particular day the guard came to my brother cell and said hey you ready to go and we're both what you mean ready to go where they came over my intercom and my cell and said Daniels you know you're going to medical today and I knew I knew you know I knew it was the day he was sporting his colors you know flying his band down it when he got to the infirmary Troy kale and Eric Daniels and another inmate were there also the next thing I know Blackman's running towards me and it was on I knew that it was it was a strong hit because the color of the blood and it's dark and that that's a sign that where you got an artery or a vein or something like that [Music] [Music] why do you so we all as I can explain it really is that he kept moving I just stabbed the [ __ ] out of him you know until he didn't move anymore and I ended up stabbing the man Levin to 10 [Applause] afterwards I felt man goddamn why why did you kind of make me do that I didn't weigh in the fact that he was a father or a brother or a son to to anybody you know I didn't see him as a human person [Music] the prison guards saw this happening there were civilians there the guard rushers them out they then go and get into full riot gear my brother's still being stabbed [Music] in here [Music] they come in and then they grab kill and it's other guy my brothers dying by then it's it's just too much time as he lapsed I will tell you that I've never seen anything like that in my life I got more and more horrified the more I watched it as I had to watch it over and over again to prepare for the case I actually to the point where we had to count the number of stab wounds after watching the videotape initially I several nights I had problems sleeping from the prosecutors standpoint the two have a videotape of the crime is kind of unheard of [Music] my father and I went to Utah for one reason one reason only and that was to try to make a change we wanted to talk to the prison officials we wanted someone to tell us that they were going to change the procedures that's why we went to ensure that what happened my brother didn't happen to another inmate Troy Cal did take the stand he was very articulate very intelligent and was able to bring up emotion which at the time appeared to be genuine and in fact he addressed the victim's family who happened to be in the audience from Arkansas from the witness stand he asked if after he finished testifying if he could talk to me and my dad one-on-one and sit down and he said sit down as a man as a man and talk told him how sorry he was that he had killed their son their brother and he said he actually was crying at the time which I've got to say as a prosecutor it was one of the more remarkable events I had seen from a defendant testified on the stand so we were like I think eight women on the jury and four men and I kind of looked over it when he was testifying and some of the women were crying fortunately for us before Troy Cal had taken the stand to testify he had told two of the guards that were transporting him to and from the courtroom watch this I'm gonna win an Academy Award you know what he was gonna get on the witness stand and just lie yeah I was fighting for my life I did what I had to do to try to save my life but I didn't the emotional part of it was genuine to his family because the way I live my life eventually somebody if the state doesn't kill me eventually someone will will get me you know because of the way I live my life it's just a part of it and my family accepts that but and I accept but the thing is is I would want somebody to show my father the respect that that I think he's got come that's that's all I can let me say about it so if I understand you right you're saying that you meant what you said to that father that that wasn't an act that wasn't faith no I meant I meant what I said I mean they want to downplay it because they're fighting to win the case I put the guards back on the stand and the guards ended up testifying as to this conversation they had had with Troy Kell about winning an Academy Award [Music] I was subpoenaed to testify at that trial although I wish he would have done things a lot differently I don't know if I can um I can't pass judgment upon him for the things he's done I don't agree with the things he's done I don't like things he has done but I cannot judge him for the things he has done because I don't live like he lives and I don't walk in his shoes and I don't feel what he feels if society has once sentenced him convicted him to life without possibility of parole for a murder and he's chosen Daniel in a very brutal fashion to take another life while incarcerated what adoption is available and realistically the chance that Troy Kell in the future could commit another homicide while in prison and I think that was probably the most weighty thing that ended up in the jurors voting for the death penalty I don't think the death penalty works you know there are people is on death row I know you know we just had recently had some McVeigh was put to death does that stop terrorism I don't think it will it doesn't stop people from murdering and killing and raping I don't think it will if you know some of my co-workers say hey well he won't do it again well sure but that doesn't deter others there's there's no no punishment on this earth that that's going to even come close to what kill will face when he when he meets God that's my personal belief you can kill him twenty times over and it won't even come close to what he will suffer in the face of God [Music] I don't believe in the heaven and hell thing it's a control mechanism to control the masses and it's run by fear that I don't believe in any fiery pits or any pie in the sky I think once you're dead you're dead [Music] Aaron's gonna come in whenever come in on the second timeline that's when the whole band comes all right let's try [Music] I've came to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and that happened almost three years ago the way I look at people my relationships with fellow my fellow man and woman have just changed dramatically I no longer see people in terms of skin color I am considered to be a race traitor in their eyes and so even the things that I'm saying to you right now are things that you know I could be retaliated against for I'm happy for and I hope did uh he can turn his life around I'm sorry for [ __ ] his life off Troy Troy would be in a spot a spectrum he would be the extremists I honestly believe that if Troy was to ever get out of prison he'd be you know blowing up buildings and stuff I mean there you know it'd be like a Tim McVeigh or militia yeah yeah and I and I probably would have to to be honest with you if I had gotten out of prison I that's the self-destructive path that I was on [Music] it's our eighth letter of the alphabet as h HH stands for heil hitler' white supremacists believe that Jews are the ultimate enemy that they pit black and white against each other so that we both eliminate each other in order that they ultimately win and that's the whole philosophy in a nutshell yeah the bank's the media you know they subliminally inject thoughts and opinions into people's minds and those opinions are all favorable for the Jewish agenda and all that nonsense and the thing is it I see it now is nonsense but I'm tell you I bought into it I think that there's some merit to that if you look at the people that are calling the shots and I think it's definitely not coincidental I mean they look out for their own I mean they've been through some hard down times in the history of the world and they got they're entitled to do that me it's a power trip that's all it is it's you structure a holocaust happen you believe these reveals that it never happened it's just a bad rap on the third ride to the magnitude that they say no because there's no mention it's only the the numbers don't match up to the to the claim of of what they're saying of the Holocaust yes I believe it happened there was a war going on and he told them what they were gonna do what he was gonna do ten years before I even started doing it it's you know seek and destroy it's that's the way it was conquest that's what was happening I mean it was that's just the way it went I mean that's how nations were built was by force I deserve the death sentence you know I didn't get the death sentence again I believe that God intervened in my life at least in two jurors minds and I didn't receive the death sentence I deserved it and I got mercy and Troy didn't I've only been here for one execution and it happened to be the firing squad and to me it seemed a cleaner a faster way to go the man didn't experience any kind of because they think it's like a medical thing I got a problem with the way I don't have a problem with the death penalty okay it's in the sense of that's the penalty but when they try to you know make it like a medical procedure like they're going into like an operation or something like that I you know show it for what it is you know you're killing a guy regardless of the justification we can all justify our actions in one form or another the fact is you're killing the guy so show it for what it is that's what it is I think they should take it down to the Delta Center and and show the public what exactly is going on when he first entered the system he was 18 years old he was a handsome man he was an intelligent man and I remember him telling me I'm entering as a man and I'm gonna remain a man and I believe he's done that I still wake up this day and I cannot believe I'm here this is what my life has amounted to I have spent over half my life in prison my adult life has been in prison you know it's just really hard and sometimes I wonder you know well I ever get a driver's license I know well I ever get to go buy furniture for you know how am I ever gonna you know click on Mouse evaders and click ok I hope when I pray that one day I will be given a second chance I was an unhealthy child I was a lost child [Music] how much water do you expect to be the line I don't I can't see I can't even answer that question I can't even answer I don't know I really don't I hope I hope a long time look I go through that all time I go through with making a decision of you know living through this [ __ ] or or not cuz I [ __ ] my life off so I mean I've been pissed off since I've been 18 years old [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now log onto and find out more about this documentary and others in the award-winning America undercover series informative interactive intriguing America undercover at
Channel: World Documentaries
Views: 3,032,744
Rating: 4.5379248 out of 5
Keywords: Documentary (TV Genre), Alien (Film), Aliens (Film), 2013 documentary, Television (Invention), documentaries 2013, 2013, documentaries, Way, That's, Not, UFO Club (Organization), All, Watching, Yes, Name, Yeah, Right, Pride, Any, Sir, Space (Literature Subject), History, Roll, Film (Invention), Ting, Murder (Crime Type), Death Row (Radio Subject), Prison (Sentence), Life Magazine (Magazine), Break, Troy Kell, Prison (Quotation Subject), Spring, Use
Id: UEl7zsOE2Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 23sec (3323 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2013
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