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welcome back to the channel guys and girls today we are blue springs trout fishing we are fishing for a trophy-sized fish today we want to start off by tossing around this little black and green trout magnet here I just happen to have it tied on from my last fishing trip and we're just want to see how many fish we can catch today guys we're going to have a good time this is a fee fishing area it cost sixty dollars per day to fish this stretch of string stocked with fish between two and ten pounds there's three different fishing locations available whichever one you prefer this one we're fishing today is known as the little creek as you can tell it's pretty little it's all that yakking and nonsense I guess let's going ahead and get started we'll see just how many we can pull out of here today whoo there was one he wanted that old walking green trout magnet yes he did let's go ahead and get it back out there see if we can get him do that again there's one who anybody he like that old walking green collar yes he did these blue springs fish are beautiful a nice dark VAX on them silver sides absolutely stunning fish swing her right on into the net here see if we can get her unhooked come down girl she's actually hooked on the outside of them now I guess she just swatted at it all right there she is gorgeous fish let's let her go there she goes okay guys let's try that again daggum big in boys and girls daggum bigging come up and smash that trout magnet [Music] dadgum boys and girls is that ever a tank dad going in the morning that's a begging let's just slide her I don't have an ed right on into the creek here take off she gonna go heck yeah got him heck yeah daggum good one right here in this shallow stuff he'd come up and chase that magnet I actually pulled it away from him on purpose trying to get him to chase that's exactly what he did he chased gorgeous dark fish right here absolutely gorgeous try to get him unhooked right here he would calm his little self down some I'm down like we're gonna get you off we're gonna get you off and let you go I promise okay there we go check that one out long skinny it's getting round down here then you swim right on out of the net right back to a spot heck yes there's one another daggone begging angry fish yes he is daggum digging alright guys I'm off the hook Saul tied up in the net but let's let him go heck yeah another big Anan the black and green guys so guys I bet you're wondering what makes the trout magnet so effective what about its body size and its its tail movement what is it that makes it so effective well as long as I've been fishing for trout I can only come to one logical conclusion and that is simply when trout are very small fingerling size four to five inch size they're their ability to see is really really good their optical vision is beyond what we could even comprehend they can see the tiniest things and I believe a trout magnet resembles really closely to the microorganisms that they eat in the hatchery now this being tiny microscopic bugs more or less small organisms and I think that uh I think that when they see a trout magnet conflating by they just naturally relate that that that shape that overall appearance to one of those microorganisms they have fed on in their youth so that kind of makes them you know a little less afraid of biting and the reason I think black and green in my opinion works so effectively is because black and green is one of the one of the only colors trout magnet makes that actually resembles a bug so you get the best of both worlds but like I was saying for all that I can determine as far as watch out magnets work that's why it looks just like a microorganism here he comes like a rocket got it heck yeah telling you guys there's plenty of colors but there's nothing like the black and green nothing quite like it no other color quite compares this one's pretty small right here maybe 12 or 13 inches feisty though boy is he ever angry little fish oh he popped right on off thank you and there he is another black and green trout Magna fish guys the best of the best let's just let her go heck yeah all right guys and girls we have ran out of time in conclusion this right here is the best color you can buy I mean Bar None period there is no contender there's no second place black and green that is the color right there guys if you enjoyed this video make sure you smash that like button if you'd like to come up here and fish for yourself check down in the description below I've got all the information for this lovely little creature I hear you guys can come and fish this is blue springs trout farms just in case you didn't know I hope you enjoyed this video guys and until next time tight lines and don't forget go buy yourself some black and green trout Magnus you
Channel: NRV Outdoors
Views: 17,122
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Id: pEddT-IaVC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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