Troubleshooting LCD monitor CCFL trouble

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also this is a HP monitor 22-inch from early 2008 and I got this monitor from a guy I know and he has already replaced the power supply in it because it has a problem where it'll turn on for just a moment and then it will turn the backlight off and he couldn't find any trouble on the actual power supplies we thought he'd just buy one cheap on eBay and replace it all and it did absolutely jack so he didn't want to put more time in it so he gave it to me and I suspect that this monitor as I've seen in several the 22 inch monitors from about this time I suspect that it might have bad CFLs in the panel but he loves all bad connections and it's fairly easy to diagnose this really or there are quite a few steps to it the first step is to just check all the corners of a panel and see if you can see any rust because when you get to arcing from a bad solder joint or a bad cfl you get a quite a big spark and that spark creates a lot of ozone and ozone has been lovely a capability of rusting metal but I can't seem to spot any rust right off the bat on this panel so we have to move on next step in finding a bad CFL is to just plug the monitor in and a bit listen it doesn't seem to making quite an annoyed at all actually because when you have these again if you have a bad see if a connection or bad CFL you get this big spark and it'll usually go you can hear it but I'm going to have to do some more detail listening the sound can be anything from loud to very quiet so yeah going to research it right there was actually a sound to it I just had to turn off my fans up here that distribute the heat in room and if you listen closely at this corner of the screen I'll try to get it a camera for you I have no idea how well the microphone will manage others and clothes let's not turn the monitor on I do not know if you heard that but there was a quite Claire fizzing noise and the second sign while the third sign in diagnosing bad CFS is that you can actually smell the ozone coming from the spark and if I put my nose down here that's a very clear smell of ozone so I'm quite certain now that varies over a bad tube which is in which case with panels pretty much done for or a bad solder joint on the tube in which case I might be able to fix it in either case I'm going to have to take a panel apart to what extent depends entirely on the panel but some screws going along here so I'm hoping that this might be a fairly friendly panel but that's not always the case and help gonna have to start taking this apart well report back something I absolutely love is these locking type CCFL connectors we have this absolutely useless little pin but you have to press down in order to get them to unlock but look at this this one is unlocked I don't know how well you can see that but the lock is unlatched and I started pulling it out of a bloody connector came with it and I think the connector broke you have a pins gone off where so I'm going to have leave a replace that'll fix it somehow these are absolutely useless I I can't stand them I don't know why they use them because I've never had any trouble I've never seen a monitor with V non-locking type have any connection problems there it just pointless ah bummer I'll there we go I've now separated the backlight to plate if you want to call it that from a rest of a panel assembly this panel was fairly easy to work on actually it was just these screws here around the edges and then you had to undo a heap of these sort of snap locks along all the edges in order to get V front well another cell or whatever you want to call it out and after that you undid another more a few more of these clips and you can just lift the back light assembly out as a close-up of the sparking end of the tube and the first thing I always look for is if there's like a hole or something in the tube because by telling the dark spot you can see world's a bit worn they tend to actually get a big arc there some of these 22 inch tubes and they can actually burn a hole in the whole tube but this one seems a bit it has run a few hours there's no hole yet so hopefully there's just a bad solder joint and hair unless there's actually a hole that you will go into a bit there anyhow but the business I'm going to have to it was rubber block out and see what's inside well I think I found the problem now when I was undoing these cables that were glued to this frame thing in order to get the tubes out one of them just fell out of the rubber blob that's supposed to keep it in place so it seems as if this is just a bad solder joint and I should be able to solder that back on as long as the monitor hasn't as as long as the tube hasn't suffered any damage from the spark even more good news neither the tubing over cable seems to have suffered any real damage from the arcing a bit of luck if his monitor has just gotten a bad solder joint and died on the spot and not having sat around arcing for days and days and days but you can see that there's just a blob of solder there let's never be in a good joint so I'm going to solve the VAT back on try to put this whole assembly back together and with just a bit of luck this monitor will actually live to view another day whoo Wow getting bats old it was not an easy task we can tell you that the cable was exactly long enough for the old joint to be there so I pretty much had to stretch it a bit and I think yeah it's stretched like a guitar string so I had to actually tape cable to the tube in order to get it to stick around long enough to get soldered and at first I tried to just solder it normally but I ended up just putting a lot of flux on it and reflowing it there was no way I could do it without the tape holding it in place and just holding the tube and everything in place with my hand and it's pretty scary working with these really fancy CFLs because you know if you bend them just a little bit too much they will crack and they will pretty much explode in your face I've had it happen to me in the past and when these things break they break into many many pieces that's my phone making a noise shut up I'm busy so yeah but now I've just got to get everything back together and try to get this tube to fire let's cue the shot for you yes sir onward all the monitors put back together now it's a high-gloss panel as you may be able to tell and I'm feeling quite confident perhaps event cocky about this repair sir I've already hooked it up to a computer before I put the power cable in so let's give this the first power on test and see if it fires not doing anything as of yet powers off I was on come on there we go wrong resolution very we didn't identify properly but that is definitely improve an improvement over what it was like before when it wouldn't even fire well hit the blinkin say something for half a second we'll see if we can get the proper resolution on it it detects as a generic non PNP monitor that's sort of odd but I never this computer doesn't really like external 16 to ten monitors my general test monitor the 1680 by 1050 Samsung just doesn't want to work I think it the computer thinks that it's a four 1440 by 900 monitor despite actually feeding it 1680 by 1050 and there seems to be some similar deal going on with this thing it's not sharp well now now it's not sharp door attitude to senior 1600 by a thousand and it doesn't it does seem to work like that but hmm how odd perhaps I'm going to have to troll with another computer but yeah this is fantastic news woohoo for once was writing being cocky about repair and there we go all put together working a treat he's got a lot happier also I got the hooked up to my desktop computer via a curly HDMI cable it's actually fairly well equipped this thing it's about both HDMI and VGA no DVI though and even a USB hub on the side now let's dig through the OSD and see what it's got offer nice HP menu are always like these look a lot better than the Chinese brands information can you tell it tell us how old it is only 9,000 hours that's not bad at all actually doesn't run for long at all most of my monitors are approaching 20k I think my big ones even past it underwear oh I want to go back please thank you I wonder where the over the factory reset factories at yes please it's speaking to me oh yeah the HDMI there's no audio setup in this the head on my graphics card just floating so there's probably some noise and crap coming through but it shouldn't be doing this though I've gotta try to hook it up to HTPC that's actually got audio coming through it HDMI port and see if it goes away let's hope that you can just at least turn the volume down yeah there you go shut up please but yeah I'm happy with this will allow these HP monitor stands as well again please try to rotate it and it's got some accelerometer thing in it so when you rotate it you can be OSD in the right position it's a nice touch which it just could tell the computer that hey I've rotated put me in portrait mode please but I suppose you can't have everything yep you know what else for us to say till next time cheerio
Channel: FFcossag
Views: 173,547
Rating: 4.4309978 out of 5
Keywords: lcd, monitor, repair, hp, w2207h, backlight, problem
Id: 6YC6_Jog7YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2013
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