手工水果粉圓【沒有人工色素】天然水果Tapioca Ball Boba Drinks Recipe

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點開播放器的中「字幕」>「關閉」就可以看到中文字幕 If you need Sub in other languages, click CC, auto-translate, select a language Homemade Tapioca Balls No Artificial Food Colour Red Cut Pitaya into half Blend until pitaya is pureed Combine tapioca starch & potato starch Mix thoroughly Bring it to a boil Quickly pour boiling puree into starch. Mix together Be careful it is very hot Use a rubber spatula The mixture is just like snowflake If the starch cannot form a ball. The puree is not hot enough The mixture cool down a little bit Mixing and kneading with your hands The dough should hold its shape slightly tacky but not sticky No more starch left behind Add some warm water if needed More kneading more chewy texture The ball reaches a play-doh like consistency. It is done Roll it and make it as round as possible Roll the dough flat Cut it into cubes. Size is up to you You can just cook cubes to save time There are many ways to do it Choose the one you feel comfortable with Tapioca balls will expand in size when cooked I use finger tip to knead it until it feels smooth Then roll between middle of you palm Stored in fridge for 3 days. Freeze to extend the expiry date Yellow Mango Pineapple Orange Slice Mango Blend to puree Mango puree is thick It is hard to bring to a boil Mix with water Bring it to a boil Quickly combine with the starch to a snowflake like mixture The following step the same as Pitaya tapioca balls Starch different from brand Adjust the amount of liquid if needed The ball is not sticky It is done Good dough is easy to roll out Fruit tapiocal balls have light fruit flavour Soft colour Pineapple Juice Pineapple juice and orange sour in taste You may add sugar if you desire Orange Juice Blue Bring a pot of butterfly pea tea to a boil Butterfly pea tea have a mild earthy taste Add sugar if desire Boiling water must be used to form the 'dough' Hot water from the tap or water dispenser will not do I prefer more chewy ball I combine tapioca starch and potato starch to more chewy consistency. Recipe is available on my blog You can change starch portion if desire The more potato starch the harder texture The more potato starch the lesser translucent ball Green Dissolve Trehalose in water Bring it to a boil Mix tapioca starch, potato starch and matcha powder You can also use other vegetable or fruit powder Trehalose can keeps food moist and helps preserve texture and flavour It can keep tapioca ball soft and chewy in cold drinks Kiwi or melon is not good for making tapioca balls It's green colour fade out while boiling Bring the pot of water back to a boil Add the tapioca balls Cook tapioca balls when you eat Stir to prevent sticking together at bottom The ball will float Simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes Turn off heat. Cover with lid 15 ~ 20 minutes. Depends on size of the ball Until the balls look transparent Once the tapioca balls are cooked Dip them into an sugar water or honey bath to stop the cooking Serve with tea or dessert
Channel: 肥丁手工坊 Beanpanda Cooking Diary
Views: 2,901,755
Rating: 4.9365025 out of 5
Keywords: 肥丁手工坊, 自製無添加, 安心食品, 真食材, beanpanda, cooking, baking, homemade, food, from, scratch, 波霸, 粉圓, 水果, 蝶豆花, 鳳梨, 橙, 紅肉火龍果, 天然色素, 台灣, 飲品, 珍珠, 珍珠奶茶, 日本太白粉, 樹薯粉, recipe, fruit, matcha, butterfly pea, pink pitaya, pineapple, orange, mango, drinks, bubble tea, tapioca balls, tapioca balls recipe, tapioca balls benefits, tapioca balls made of, tapioca balls bubble tea, tapioca balls healthy, tapioca ball tea, tapioca balls calories, 水果口味粉圓, 手工粉圓做法, 彩色粉圓, 水果粉圓做法, tapioca pearls, 手工粉圆, 水果粉圆, 红肉火龙果, 凤梨, 树薯粉, 木薯粉, 角粉圆
Id: sitH45vXNbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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