Trophy Hunters Find Out | Tales from the Serengeti

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all right my name's Bob pleased to meet you it's a lovely day today so I'm going for a nice walk Co something smells nice oh it's over here by these rocks and grass it's a bleeding donut cool lovey yeah hang about there's something fishy about this you don't just get fre Bakery products on the [ __ ] serengetti do you a [ __ ] I've been snared [ __ ] hell God blind I've been a right dozy [ __ ] a i who way we got one Tammy L woo all right USA oh [ __ ] well luy here what do we get baby we got ourselves a what hug honey pie ugly little son of a [ __ ] too [ __ ] you come on over here with your rifle sugar dumpling he's perfect for your first kill tamy L hey Gee this is so exciting oh [ __ ] me you're not even going to give me a chance to get away you bunch of wakers I say Dennis do you see what I see unattended vehicular transport yes indeed Clive a most enticing Prospect come salty snacks and sugary treats surely lie within okay baby nice and easy just squeeze that trigger we I'm hunting h Clive this is fine Pender indeed look at this delicious selection of freshly cut sandwiches care for a smoky bacon crisp old boy what the hey hey Mikes we have been rumbled old Tom get the [ __ ] away from my Jeep you little douchebag oh Jesus just get it over with will you you Dopey C come cve we must away with greater lacity oh de Dennis I appear to have an appendage caught in the mechanism of this hunting rifle God damn little bastard save yourself Dennis make haste and flee away M bra I got you oops what Chester everything okay oh gosh I am most terribly sorry sorry cive you silly ass you've killed a human purely unintentional I assure you dear Chum what a grizzly scene Chester honey what you doing lying down baby run like the wind of steamed pal oh God oh my God oh God oh God oh God run shoot I got a gun whoa this is a turn up for the books in it oh God I'm filthy my hair is sh guys get off Oliver this is my kill i l [ __ ] the boss is here someone's for it oh my God what are you doing yeah Jenny what are you doing Jen Oliver you sneaky little [ __ ] Jenny's in trouble you're killing a tourist maybe it's not dead maybe it's having a rest even if it's having a [ __ ] rest Oliver you Dar [ __ ] there's another one up top with its brain spread all over the plains very definitely [ __ ] dead oh well so what those Hunters are a bunch of meanies always trying to shoot us and stuff us look I don't like them any more than you do but the game reserve relies on them if word gets out that tourists are being killed here they'll stop coming the reserve will close the poachers will move in and believe me they won't [ __ ] about they'll kill us all and sell our genitals to the Chinese in no time flat maybe we could make it look like a murder suicide thingy or something shut up Oliver you shut up any leopard you shut up actually it's a dumb idea but it's the only one we've got if we could drag this one back up to the Jeep maybe we could sort of position them I I don't know it's it's worth a shot yay that was my idea hooray yeah little help here somebody hello here Dennis and Clive I see you there behind that rock get over here and untie me harken Clive our sturdy warthog friend implores our aid but could it be a fish trap Dennis I share your fears and suspicions good friend yet we must act be of good cheer sir help is on its way about bleeding time wait a minute where's its head Oliver what I don't know I've got an idea uh could you stand up out the water please Oliver what like this that's fine right there's the head let's go oh I've got a stitch uh yeah excuse me your lady ship that um I was just wondering what's occurring here none of your business Bob of course your ladyship I was only thinking I could be of service to you and how could you possibly help us well I'm guessing you're trying to make this cluster [ __ ] of a situation look like a tragically escalated domestic rail or something yeah well as it happens your lady ship I got quite a bit of previous in dealing with this sort of clandestine activity I possess a particular set of skills all right thank you but remember your place in the food chain please you won't regret this your lady ship now let's get these humans scooped up and sat in that jeep yeah don't forget its brains what do you think of it so far ruggish you know Bob the edge of the reserve is only 5 miles that way yeah it's a nice idea get a whole freaking mess out the partt but [ __ ] me we're not going to push this je for five miles are we no but just how dextrous are your baboon colleagues I wonder you mean you're thinking about having them drive this motor pardon woohoo road trip no Clive I shall manipulate the steering Circle you shall manipulate the foot pedals but Dennis why why do I have to because you shot the [ __ ] human Clive fair enough no to spark this mechanical Marvel into life depress the clutch Clive what's a clutch new idea engage forward thrust what are you doing Dennis the humans heads fell off sure shevone will You For Heaven's Sake honestly I just had it looking decent but now look get in Oliver bet ah this is the life eh digging ladies don't be shy now you too Bob cool thanks I'm starving I say fellow save some for the drivers won't you brains anyone yeah that's not Pat lunch put it back as led as I am to interrupt your dining pleasure dear passengers I fear there may be trouble ahe [Music] [ __ ] more bloody Hunters they appear to be healing us shall I put the proverbial paw to the floor and speed past them no that's not going to work stop the motor right Oliver get this human brains back in then stuff his hat on and keep it all together and I need you ladies to play dead for a bit all right Dennis you're going to drive up a bit nearer then park it and I down next to Clive righto bloody Hill I hope this works oh that's sure hi guys how's it going you okay buddy huh swell hey check out what we shot that wilder beast took a while to die man it was trying to get back to its mom would have made it too if LEL had stuck two rounds of 50 caliber up its SI damn right [ __ ] [ __ ] uh I'm eating how'd you guys do jeez Tammy L you okay you got blood on you well I got to tell you don't look so holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you shot a crack a Lon ass and a goddamn leopard check this out luel huh way to go guys got lucky that's all he's just jealous oh Jesus what the [ __ ] man what's up JT oh God Chester hey Chester your wife Jesus there's a life animal on there oh sweet baby Jesus on the cross I I am de holer rizing my side I'm step away from the vehicle LEL what is it I think it's a bear ain't no bears in Africa JT okay I'm going in you got my six L but what [ __ ] wimp Drive Dennis and Clive drive whatever that little [ __ ] is in there we going to have some fun with it n for d LEL you got to be [ __ ] me gosh I'm terribly sorry I think we have to exchange Insurance details don't we stay back godamn it I'm going to have all three of you stuffed and mounted and hung up real pretty oh my name ain't here mush did no one ever tell you to look out for the little blow this is the most fun I've had on a Wednesday for ages what an unmitigated [ __ ] blood bath here you know what this looks like it looks like a commoner Garden Road traffic accident especially if we were to soak all and petrol and light a match H good thinking Bob not before we confiscate the vehicle though eh oh really who on Earth is going to believe the two vehicles accidentally collided headon in the trackless empty wastes of the serengetti it's completely implausible I mean shut up Dennis Cheers Cheers just another day on the [ __ ] seren
Channel: Wildseed Comedy
Views: 18,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4vkPAdsszXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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