Trolling Mutton Snapper, Tuna, & Kings (catch clean & cook)

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[Music] thank you [Music] this monster good morning guys g2p angler here Jason Reese we are early May heading out of Hillsboro Inlet got with me for his last day on his trip David Reese my dad uh it's been great out here so it is it's great when you get to visit from the from the parental unit but also just to enjoy here on the water with your dad that's the that's the good stuff so the seaweed's been terrible and it's been to Ross favorite but not the last couple of days and we're hoping that conditions are better today they're forecast to be but the seaweed's still like the big question mark so we're hoping to troll and we might try to drop some bottom lines at the Seabees impossible to keep fear off of the trolling line so to start on the spread going out we're gonna rattle jet on one of the Outriggers a little Squiddy rattle jet this Islander Squiddy combo that I got a real deal uh tackle shop here at Pompano has been crushing the issue of the market with these and that's been great for sailfish and tuna and then we're gonna do a DX dxt minnow 200 closest to the boat we have a four sticks planer with a half ounce pink and white sea witch going out on the auto cleaner and then we're gonna have uh one Big Tuna Taco going out on the other Outrigger so that's what we're getting into today hopefully there's uh no seaweed we can get some trolling done and we're hoping to get a couple of fish crossed off my dad's list while he's here hopefully a Oahu and maybe even a grouper since the season opened up here so wish us luck thanks for watching and hopefully we're hooked up soon [Music] a little bit all right we're a hundred and 140 feet of water coming through a weed line here north of Hillsboro a lot of wheat out here wait let me let me turn the alarm off pop you can put it in the gun if you want to get the planer in and then fight it fight it until you get the uh the planer out and then we'll then you can pull it out of the gunnel keep going no I think there is that was our first fight we've been trolling for about a half an hour and there was a lot of weeds but it looks like some of this could form into a weed line as the day goes on so it might wind up being an okay situation for us oh and not too rough you know one to two out here like predicted so my dad's last day and we're gonna we're gonna work hard today for these bites and we're gonna try to do everything we can to get them on some fish okay all right now pick it up out of there yeah I pull it back bring the line down here to me stop reeling yeah he's on not a huge one but we'll we'll get the uh get the skunk stink off of the boat early just reel it straight in you don't need to you don't need to pump it just reel it straight in there you go you're doing great I think you're under it yeah you're under it so this one's on the planer might be a king it looks looks long yeah yeah bring it up to you let's pick it up to your left here you got to King a little more little more a little more stop all right job pop all right we're on the board got one in let's get up and trolling speed so 140 for the king 165 North devoca Inlet 8 48 we've been going for a while nobody trying to avoid seaweed here and the shotgun got picked up [Music] gonna fast forward this fight because if we dump the uh half the spool for the shotgun so this is that little like Islander Squiddy combo and it was the only bite we got on the shotgun for this day the rest of the action for the entire day came off of the planer oh [Music] Bring It Around what do we got Bonita yeah it's all right at least we got something it's been a while since we had a bite even there he goes big sea turtle we're at 147 feet of water heading back from Delray towards Boca and we found this little weed line and we picked up right around the corner let's see what see what's on here I think it's another king so we were in this pocket of Blue Water most of the morning in shallow and then dies out before Boca and we uh have had there's this Greener water a little bit here I think it's another king it's okay we'll take it go ahead no no keep keep fighting hold it and fight it you got it you're gonna give him some slack though I see you bouncing back I'm gonna clean this land in front of you nice nice a good King yeah all right it's okay keep going keep going all right 906. we're in 85 feet and the planer just got hit we are just north of Boca and like here getting closer to Del Rey we um we came in closer to get away from the seaweed further out yeah I see it back there it's fish on for sure and uh we got blue water all the way here to The Reef so I'm gonna slow down a little bit yeah just keep them right on playing like that that's that's called skiing them in that's perfect good yeah yep walk it pick it up and walk it back [Music] could be another king here let's see all right okay I think you're gonna be over this other line here hey Pop uh see yeah pick it up and bring all the way over and all the way over and over this one too up and over here that's going back to the other direction again control them you got him it's a big yeah I'm telling you might hit like one of those I totally pick up a group or a mutton from down there go in the shallow so we're talking about five knots and I was telling my dad that we might have been pick up an awesome refish because of the depth that we're going here yes it's like a mutton it'll be great if it is bring it over here hell yeah keep going yeah look at this fish yeah yeah that's what I'm talking about look how gorgeous that is that is a mutton on the troll great keeper mutton guys 90 feet off Boca here Yamato later just went off again we're trolling shallow in this deeper Blue Water here so it could be anything could be another we got another mutton snapper could be a grouper we have no idea it's rare to get this like cobalt blue water get over this uh Last Reef so you don't really know what you're gonna get into here usually this would be a king Barracuda water but no green water here today [Music] I'm gonna see that come up yet looks like it's on [Music] pull it out yep grab this behind you bring it down here it's on you're on see what we got [Music] horsing it in my dad's in his 60s and he oh he's still on I don't know oh no we lost it right there on the seaweed all right bring it in yeah let's um let's get a fresh bait I'm gonna get it back out a hard night sea turtle seen nine sea turtles before noon morning I think they're maybe I think it might be two of them here yeah they're amazing there's two of them look yeah they're amazing sea turtle is getting busy they wonder why we're seeing so many of them this morning so yeah it's 11 11 15. we've had a handful of bites we lost lost the last one we're still in really nice blue water here in Shallow so we're you know 80 feet to 100 feet bouncing around like a little bite here the um everything deeper has just been full of weeds we don't want to mess with it so we found some Blue Waters close enough I just tried to trip a few bites and decided whether we uh head in around lunch or if we do some bottom fishing or keep trolling so we're gonna get this another like half an hour or so and see if we can get one or two more bites here this could be awesome finally found some debris out here a nice big long log 400 feet of water so we'll troll it first and come back let's see if there's anything sitting on it I don't see anything sitting on there right now but it could be down lower chilled the log twice with nothing and then we got so close that we came back and now we're trying to see if there's something home here we saw cada we caught a jack on the first one and we thought we saw some color down below so we're hoping that underneath here is something bigger than a jack I could see more fish down there pop you see them so spoiler alert there actually was never any Mahi under here we um fished some deeper Bucktail jigs we dropped different uh different depths with live pilchards and just couldn't get anything and you know last year for me if I found a piece of debris load again 400 feet of water in the summer it was it was Game On full of Mahi but this year it's been tougher there's been a lot of a lot of great debris and not a lot of fish under it so this one just had Jacks and after pulling the whole spread in to come here we didn't have the heart to redeploy the spread so we pulled it in and headed back home stick around for the cooking part of the video because I made the best mutton snapper recipe I've ever made in my entire life so you guys are gonna enjoy that one [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] guys we are back in the inlet we uh to the half day it's been um it's been a long one out there we uh found it it was just pretty tough scattered weed everywhere went in shallower for a while I thought for the conditions we we did pretty good we win uh four for six on bites we got two kings a really nice mutton and a Bonita and uh in the Box we had one full bite off so um something hit the line above the long shank hook on the planer so we lost that hole lost that whole rig but happens to be like maybe every couple of months or so so it's it's been a couple of months probably was due for one of those and um yeah we uh the conditions changed a lot for a lot of time like shallower with the blue water and then that was gone we went deeper and green water was out to 300 and we did what we could try to find some fish but over and all I mean for me I've had a lot of a lot of fun days on the water with with my dad it's pretty pretty special to them fishing with you or fishing with your dad out here so that's been a lot of fun for me we never got him as well as I was gonna have to come back go back out here next time we'll get another shout um Laura and I are shopping for a new boat this weekend so it might be a week or two before my next videos are coming out because we're we're looking for a new boat so hopefully we find something that we can go out here and raise some more fish on and keep the good times going thanks for watching as always guys [Music] and it's my wife Laura she's gonna be finishing up our Snapper here tonight with some fresh pico de gallo hello what do you have going in there so we have our tomatoes on the vine and garlic so that's it pretty simple it's garlic pretty simple and we'll also use the limes to make some fresh margaritas back to Our Roots me being from Arizona when Lord I are first dating over a decade ago go with a classic margarita but it's a pretty clean one so just 1800 little Grand Marnier Cointreau and a whole lot of lime juice and shake it up and uh we did a cayenne and salt pepper spice rim and while I'm shaking it up here I'm gonna tell you why we're doing it and it's because the base for our mutton snapper recipe tonight is gonna be a marinade of tequila and lime so these margaritas will complement it perfectly so Laura does not like things quite as spicy it's a little less Cayenne on the rim of her drink and I'm gonna put a jalapeno spear into mine I'm gonna top both these off with a little more lime I'm also going to grill out some jalapenos to uh have with the uh the Snapper too so cheers hope you guys enjoy Ah that's good I so it's going to be a really simple marinade tonight and first I kind of want to shut the filet because you can do this one of two ways so first of all this is a beautiful mutt Snapper fillet you can throw the whole thing on the grill and this recipe could also go into the oven to be baked or broiled and there is still this kind of you know backbone bloodline here so what you can do if you want to if you want no bones at all in the place you can just cut and make two fillets I did that with the other side but for this one we're gonna we're gonna throw it in because we're not making tacos we're going to eat around it so we're gonna toss this in and we're gonna put just a little bit of olive oil olive oil kind of draws the flame in while it's on the grill and then I'm gonna put in a healthy amount of tequila so I'm from Arizona I grew up on tequila so I like the taste of tequila if you don't want the stronger Taste of tequila use like a light Blanco tequila not like a stronger 1800 and then I'm going to squeeze in a whole bunch of limes we're probably fast forward this part because squeezing in a bunch of limes takes takes a minute four full limes later all right so we're gonna seal it up and give this a couple of healthy shakes and then this will go into the fridge for an hour to marinate and then I'll show you back here how we're going to do the the rub all right so our fish the marinating for an hour of the fridge in the tequila lime with a little bit of olive oil marinade so what we're going to do now is kind of create the rub and you can definitely create your own black and rub and you could use the rub you can do a cast iron skillet on the stove you can broil it you can bake it we're going to grill it because that's how my sweet wife prefers her fish to be cooked but I'm going to do two different seasonings here so I'm gonna do this um Everglades and a Cajun but any kind of blackening seasoning that you guys have around will be more than sufficient so I'm just going to dump a bunch of both of these together here and so my good friend Frasier got me the spice book and the theory on the spice is the best dishes have something Savory which we have here something spicy which we have the Cayenne for something citrusy that's the line inside the marinade and something sweet so I'm just going to do a little bit of light brown sugar mixed in here and although we're gonna press this in and rub it I'm still going to bring all three of these ingredients out and sprinkle on one more time while it's on the grill because I'm going to do one flesh side flip first so we're gonna grab this awesome fillet and it has been cooked a little bit just by the lime while it was marinating there for an hour and we're going to put it on here and press it down so you want to make sure that those spices get pressed down into the Flesh of the fish so when you pop it back over you got a nice looking black and rub on there so we're going to get these out to the grill it's not going to take long and within the next three minutes we'll be eating some delicious dinner all right welcome back guys so this fish is ready to go onto the grill mutton snapper going on this is blackened with a tequila lime marinade I'm gonna do it's a little bit unorthodox I'm going to flip this and go skin down to start we've got a couple little little pieces here too and the reason is that we're gonna get a little sear going on the flaky side of the fish and then we'll flip it and cook 90 of it on the on the skin side so um muttons scales are just like crazy armor so take her from a googan who tried to Gaff one last year did not go well so use a net when you're getting when you're getting a mutton near the boat I try to lead them in face first into the net pull them in it's a lot safer and then trying to force a gap through those Armory scales and we are a couple of Tequilas in so we are pretty ready here for a delicious fish dinner come through and see how this looks here that looks awesome all right Parker he's ready for bed no I'm not all right so um now that it's flesh side back up I am going to sprinkle everything with a little more seasoning one more time if you don't like your fish's season skip this step and again just a little bit of the uh brown sugar to add a little bit of the sweetness to it so um I was saying thank you to my friend Frazier who got me a seasoning book but now that I'm thinking about it if your friends are buying you books on how to cook or how to season they might be sending you a message so pay attention to those cues we're going to give this about two and a half minutes we're gonna pull it off and eat and see how it turns out it's been a few minutes see if this I get it off in one Shadow if I need the tongs this one's amazing wow look at that so we're gonna do is just take this nice and simple grab some keep it a guy on do the whole thing for right now it's a lot of a lot of fish but the nice thing about making the picot pressure that's not cold so all of this stays nice and warm grab a delicious part of that flaky white fish honest mutt Snapper does not get any better or any fresher this is so good if you wanted a little more excuse you could add some some finishing salt but this is delicious just the way it is hope you guys enjoy see you guys next time thanks for watching tight lines [Music] please [Music]
Channel: Googan To Pro Offshore Angler
Views: 3,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wahoo, trolling, offshore, angler, bottom, fishing, saltwater, sailfish, snapper, grouper, learning, lure, mahi, tuna, kingfish, florida, south florida, atlantic, DTX, kite, catch, clean, cook, planer, sea witch, mutton, mutton snapper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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