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and welcome back to let's suffer together I'm suffer back here with nighter today we have gone beyond welcome tonight so we're in now what I would describe as a deeper dive Oh we're back at the beautiful the beautiful mountains we have traveled far and wide already even though it's only been two episodes we've recovered a relative amount we're gonna be doing a little more deeper diving a few more things here and we're gonna see what type of ruin we can get going welcome back Don hope you've enjoyed the last two episodes welcoming you and so the world the sexy world of nights in the most dangerous game on the planet it doesn't care about your feelings it doesn't care about your emotions either it will just kill you it will just treat treat you in ways you feel or a little bit harsh but that's why I like it you know it's fair in a way as well they might treat you badly when it's fair Oh straight away invisibility don't mind taking advantage early on invisibility is gonna be awesome for my plans now what I want to do today at the very least is fine some fire within the first three floors you remember that little hole two ones over there remember that little third floor section on the right I showed you yesterday we want to loop back up to the start we've got a little bit to do and showing you a bit of top world again it's more advanced this is stuff you don't ah hi I'm dog stuff you don't need to do that is not really the fire I'm looking for this is a what we call the Olympic torch here on less stuff as you go it's essentially a torch you can use to certify other things someone we haven't actually covered but again it's basic stuff you don't actually really need to know we need to dig this coal hopefully business on fire I'm on oil I'm on oil I could set up and find myself but the chance of hurting myself is rather high I can get this wand I've got it I just need to take it out now there's an enemy I will automatically pick up a want is chaotic Polly no I can't get it anymore part of I'm just whiner bomb on the floor and hoping it does the business and while it's exploded I might have to rush down here there it is Oh all-seeing eye so I can just chaotic Polly if I get sound fire I am dead I'm gonna just get away from that dude get away from some of the Polly Oh money let's not get turned again but an all-seeing eye is fantastic allows me to remove the shroud so it's a lot less dangerous bondage shotgun one that doesn't have the recharge on it we're gonna get Olympic torches on a good one but that's also a good one they all sing no I want my bombs I also always got fire on it I need it yeah we take it we might find a harder to kill it someone's got a wand or what that's a chaotic PAH leaves century that is ruining my whole life quite bad lit this is a shotgun with fire on it so that's actually really good we've got the fire we desire it's actually a really good one just doesn't have mana so I need to spend quite a bit of time recharging in between shots by clicking off the wand if you watched yesterday's video you'll have heard me mention that you can't recharge the wand in between recharges but you can recharge the mana what I mean by those the actual where is it the recharge time and the recharge of the specific spells can't be gotten around you need to have the wand out to recharge it but if it's the mana regen itself you can switch off the one and you get better numbers I think it doubles the charge of the recharge I think there's a dude burning in the oil good for him but this fire one is gonna allow it to do great things I burn everything I think I picked up the HP then yeah I have a terrible memory but it leads me to double-checking things and making sure we're all good in the hood so we are gonna collect a few orbs today we're gonna do and many a boss or two we're gonna see what we can get in terms of favorable perks to help us achieve that goal I'm gonna burn that down it's because why not burn everything I'm yeah I need to burn through that you see the destruction the Aster displace on this environment and that's very rude spider come on man they're so tricky to see there are worst when it comes to and wouldn't you get into the game well thanks you might want to challenge yourself in certain ways and one of those ways is doing no-hit runs where you just don't get hit the entire run or challenge yourself not to get hit the entire runner should circus again it takes weeks of preparation that kind of room exploded we are fine Ishay is if I set an enemy on fire they won't actually hurt me I want the money but it's all scattered about there's a wander there as well so one more hit and we're done and but it should be fine as long as I get up close and personal with the enemy that will set them on fire he's leaking everywhere he's sound fire although it's not ruined I'm not gonna go for his money I've got 263 minutes there's a wonder that I'll want we get the tablet because it's essentially a weapon it's also skully no I would save you but you're obviously an impostor you know real schooling not all we still got a bone we can play some my own personal mini game oh we get it on nice oh oh how it stays on just have a skin of its teeth my own personal mini game that kick whatever bone you find and get it on the platform or higher you know oh we need a bomb we're gonna bomb in that even though it doesn't look like great ones in my surprises yeah give yourself a lot of distance I'll be using this invisibility later as well to great effect hopefully so I can guarantee that we get to where we need to go you'll see its effectiveness later us the third area it should be uh I go to the collapse cabins now and there's a little detail with the far left of this area we've shown you right the lava comes will go to the left and you'll notice our little change occurs if I go to the deep left shall we say shall I go down and kill them and get them right there lamentations of that women try not to set myself on fire we've got very little HP so we could die here that's poly hanging around poly is super dangerous turning into an enemy certain enemies a really weak - I say water so if you get turned into oh no my guy could end of it well I might be able to get some extra money out of it die you son of a we've only got 18 HP no he's not going to die in the time it takes for him to turn back all I know is a toast that radiator combination that one gets on fire it's confused are there's HP as well we can the set this entire thing on fire which we will now we need mana to be also set on fire well we can just burn it with this going yeah we can take a little longer until I can get some of this back now you could also kick this at it yeah chaotic poly morphine do we take it already because the poly morphine Falasca turns things into sheep they chaotic polymorphic can turn you into anything in the game or enemies into anything in the game we won that H beat we also want this guy dead because it's gonna be a bit of a nuisance all this oil is burning from need to get back HP I'm gonna have a little exploration well that's burnin you know things can take time we're looking to get to the left as far as possible but again one shotgun dude but end me one shotgun dude would do 21 damage and that's a basic shotgun dude give him in no well give me the money as well oh I might just show you that's not the time I don't I can show you on the way back look maybe because I'm coming back up here yeah we've got them money we'll show you on the way back up now I've got fire I should be able to do great Thanks yes get in that face with a shotgun it's all good do we have a peek luckily we managed to get to HP's equaling a total of 50 extra HP and we get 10 HP every time we pick up the start here yes not very bad I might want to keep one of these also in the next area I might want to consider not taking HP always cast red mist is essentially blood it will always cast bullet missed interesting do we want never shuffle yeah we have an on shuffle one not so hmm this is chef alo but this type of wand even if it is shuffle is very nice and the recharge on it well this is a bit slower a lot of gun but it's a bit more kind of stable in a way we're gonna put the Olympic torch away we're gonna put the triple scar spell away we're gonna want to keep these two ones so the all-seeing eye which I will want to keep and we don't need to recharge we're not gonna need that many bombs I can dig them a shotgun I really need to the ones here I don't really want to spend money on they're not too special now what 331 was or in it no more shuffle extra perk electric immunity we roll it we get some projects our resistance again the hidden slime blood perk you bleed slime but slime no longer slows you down it slows the enemies down as well so well shoot that nice and kashmir oh so we get paid back immediately but now the perk machine costs 400 and it'll double every time we want to look for more hearts you can be criminally under health in this game later floors if you're not really searching the areas I got on the left hand side we peaked our head into the fungal caves yesterday might try and get more than on the way back it depends how I do and you'll see why and you'll see why I've taken fire as well yeah just light lay down the fire though quite literally lava over the place and there's a one now I want to go check out we do have slot for a one just to drop our default one that's not that interesting but in that's about to say it might kill well that doesn't really it's hard to tell sometimes just to looking at the basic civil one you know what's on it you know what it's roughly gonna do but you can't tell always in your own minds eye oh dear me I got a can't get hit too much unless we pick up a lot I did it again I'm always professional at floating up into their shells it slightly swerve or almost that's rude but it is what it is a nice toxic and I can't really do it and there's those souter Karpin and keep on hitting blood dig through here I'm curious curiosities rewarded a shot it's not like gold around the shop as well so a little bit gold gold in the roof I can collect a little tiny ghost buddy but now I've got money for a reroll I don't know soup happenin ayah doesn't really affect this dude he doesn't get a and uh he's pissing lava everywhere ah this dude should give me some money whoa now now we've only lost a respectable man HP it's all right at the moment ah there's health so the more health our pickup the more likely I am to actually just say we're gonna pick up the HP because obviously I'll have more HP sir and get hit as I do my big loop in the new book and it is a way of getting more built up before you head down past the third level Oh she'll be on fire yeah the way I arced the shotgun and they should have yeah we're not gonna get slowed down by the slime you see this wonderful not this guy next time I don't know if slime slime on my cape makes me less vulnerable to fire someone never bothered learning we'll get this money I love the gold in this place but we've reached the right wall of the secondary again it's lovely when you get to a wall because you know nothing can then attack you from the right luckily there are no repair well that can be worms as you have seen but no real wall monsters community from the side that was profitable this is a profitable way the dig fruit ah peak to the carpenter the smaller one the people's yeah I don't want his money it's covered in lava but we're gonna hunt over to try and find a random HP and find one more I'll be inclined just to take a heart as I head down will have earned fifty extra HP there is a hidden full heal in the first floor in a Wiles saying we're gonna go to the left I was gonna set up uncovering that full heal and 25 HP as well that sometimes tricky is a fine nowadays there is a little trick you can do that I never really do because you just turn the gamma up in your settings and it's easier to see for the shroud not a fan of that I don't think that's intended by the devs and the way I like to play games I always see it that the devs have kind and again I don't see as cheating people can do what the hell they want it's their game they bought it and it's all down to what you personally like and enjoy it when you're playing again and it is legitimate I just don't you know it's not my kind of fun that's how I'll put it that the devs when they make a game so out the rules I suppose if there is a gamma trick in there that allows you to see through the shroud that is kind of part the game but I think it just takes a bit too far where the shroud is meant to be danger and that danger shouldn't easily be gotten around just by changing your sense maybe like I've always tried to wonder why I justify it's my head but I just don't like doing no idea ah that's gonna stay up there and it's not swinging to vinyl I need a heart may need a heart or we're gonna burn it gonna burn it down so we are at the end of the second but we're not done just yet are you not gonna let me move that I oh it's stuck for some reason it's kind of jammed in but I can shoot for this or it used to be able to yeah you can chop it into two and then it becomes I'll obviously a bit easier to manage it I should use an all-seeing I'm an idiot I always figure what I've got you see chop it into so now we have obviously use the all-seeing eye so we can remove the shroud the problem with the shroud is in the area I was talking about it doesn't remove it with the all-seeing eye so we're gonna pick up the full heel of kind of chips myself down at HP a bit too much to do the loop but luckily the HP I have found already and the pots and shell HP in here no but we find a moon the cool the cool is I grab a tea sink it we see it sucking things towards me you can utilize this in very pleasant and unpleasant ways the cool can actually hurt enemies if you throw at them as well I think I might try that because I have actually never done it before but can aim will nope it did not have the kind of trajectory and thoughts it might I don't really want our potions bright poster old potion for afro Mia fire that's not fire mate I'll take that lava flask will do maybe we'll keep them alive you put some water down we're gonna always die he died oh because he for a fire flask but I think a lava flask might just do it for me I've already got a fire wand but the place I'm going come on the place I'm going Canada man jaaa have fire to make it a bit easier on yourself you don't have to make it easy and you can still do it but you'll see why I choose to employ a bit of fire on this but a deeper dive into nota into doing things you don't necessarily have to do and it's always fun to do these things but one it helps you set up what are you doing mate he's lying around them minded his own business and very noisy noise her pops along and she's like yeah I don't really want to fight that too much it's tanky it will take my time and I've got things to do sorry Pico I've got HP to find you know I wondered jazz well always gets find even random ones you never know even if the wand isn't good yeah the problem with a fire wand your console is a soft on fire that's a very nice one that's probably better than a starting one that got we take it even though it's to capacity it might be good just a couple of boys hiding didn't know I've got a better fire on me in though they're not gonna deal too well in that environment but Oh as I said it's trying to get to war and they did quite nicely but come on the poison from their trail always a hindrance always ananias I could drop a bomb here and I'd be right - actually maybe now we can chew our way for it and do it very nicely we'll use the old saying I nisi the fungal cabins we can see it better now it's a completely different change or biome luckily they are all blocked in or as a Robocop Robocop is the worst I mentioned this yesterday just search her bad man luckily I think he's dropped down and I won that money and kind of may need that money very nice now Robocop has dropped down he might be an annoyance this teleporters down there who will teleport me around I don't really want that in my life at the moment I could do without it there's some goal just chilling that I'll take a look pika it's all gonna leave me alone aid will they bleed teleport a neom our Robocop you see him he will never stop shooting you he will literally just keep on shooting he doesn't care doesn't reload it'll stagger you until the end of days but once we kill I want to kill that little blob in the water oh no that's actually not the worst thing it gets me away from am I still gonna tell up what that's fine hey we've managed to get to safety anyway Oh diggy diggy no technology so I am gonna take this HP a mile now we take this we've got one chillin up top as well we'll see what we've got invisibility we haven't actually got that before but that could really help me here I have yeah we're gonna take it it's gonna help me kind of get places and survive a lot easier so what we want now is to not have anything on our cape so to get the water off a cape we've got an invisibility potion as well and now invisibility perk if I don't have any other liquid on my cape I become invisible until I shoot but when after a little while I'll stop shooting I become invisible again so because enemies bleed stuff obviously back to me problem problematic but now because I put this double spell that doesn't cost me any mana on before the projectile modifier both of these will have my fire which is amazing because all the enemies will burn I could make a diggy diggy want this row teleporter but I heard somebody being irresponsible we need to be able to drop a wand the place I'm going will give me a want there's a few places I want to show you today the deeper dive mainly in this place is with orbs and things of that nature want to save most of these also nice possibly I'm thinking we might just drop the bomb one because once we've got to the destination it might not need any more and we've decided and it's fine but we're invisible now so you'll notice although if I take damage from these bubbles and I will also remove oh I've got water on it what I can do though is give myself a bit more invisibility the problem with this area specifically a lot of the ice is evaporating then becoming one there you'll see me kind of shimmy sham a lot nice gathering this guy yeah I don't mind become invisible a little bit as long as I know where everything is I'm not gonna instantly use my all-seeing eye because I'm know exactly where I'm going things out like yeah I want the money here and it's just a nice way to earn a bit of cash and hopefully not get the war on me I lost my levitation just before but it's fine yes so I'm gonna be hovering a lot these are just annoying I don't really want to lose my I said if I set them on fire quickly I'm on fire myself and I forgot so I shouldn't have sure I should I could have gone round them but we haven't suffered too much bro I'm just gonna lay down the fireworks for him you can see that little head popping off and making a lot of gas we can move forward it's dead I think I might have killed you see all this bubbles making condensation falling down as well bit of a pain in the ass but again we've got a solution very adequate solution we're just pouring teleport it yeah invisibility potion on myself so it removes the water and bullet from my table yes what is it Ralph just in case we find any bad person who could remove half my HP and then we're in trouble that's a century of a nurse and my good either way can I see what the other way is like though if I rub up I always got a one there I could just burn him but it depends on if there's a new con is one the similar iron you can afire are these guys I cannot oh no I might be able to I have a problem here it's not really a problem I need them to go back over I said if they didn't come this way there's what I can do this ice above them they kind of sense me you know I've always felt like the kind of sense me but there is no way through and must I go down if an enemy has blood on them or any other liquid that can rub off on you as well we can just go under apparently nice I could have crushed them with the ice above them but it would have been a pretty unreliable procedure yes we get to the wall and you know that place I showed you yesterday and this little long corridor but length or rock where we saw the first or broom over the lava lake the lava lake is directly above me in from the first floor we head over here all invisible so all good so with slime blood anything that hits us anyway we have a bit of resistance to when it comes to projectiles but it's the fire and stuff like that that can really slowly chip me away we're gonna clap good climbing technique now we could have also dug with our diggy diggy you want I want to see how fast it fires because we're not we're not in danger here there's nothing here yet mm-hmm as we climb higher and higher it's quite high you know the biomes are relatively long sometimes but I lost my levitation sound I can't hear her na mele Shh oh it's cause I'm invisible ah that's new or I haven't noticed before it's one of the other again my memory is so poor sorry I wrote bridge I can't kick my way through the rubric I can just kick kick kick well I could sometimes you can kind of wobble it and kick you wait for it come on do it don't let don't show me on now yeah I've done this before I know I can do it mmm I'm committed now you know I've started so I'll finish all right let's go yeah yeah go just kick your way through without destroying it and we go to the orb which we are gonna get the first orbit showed you yesterday the beautiful beautiful room this is new this entire artwork is new this used to be quite plain we get the old we get the HP should have got this earlier on but yeah well I didn't as we lose it we've lost 25 HP anyway but now we're invisible if this hasn't collapsed which it hasn't it's all red it used to be quite hello I can spray liquids without revealing myself but if I spray liquid and I touch the liquid obviously it I could Duke these dudes you know what I mean send them one way I go above them they're kind of made a pain in the ass they're on it this is kind of walking away from me if I touch this hole if I kind of slot along aw do you actually yeah if I reveal myself get the invisibility I don't get them following me boy invisible again they're gonna shoot but they're shooting it dynamic they are shooting my last known position they won't do it for long but I can just pour invisibility down there and suck it although I don't think invisibility yeah they're screwed they can't follow me anymore it's fine and even if they could I am faster than them a belief mm-hmm says the person who's currently coming up yeah being chased if I shoot them in them with nice wee relatively weak they are really strong enemies even if I shoot them with my relatively weak bullets or my shotgun mass should irritate them enough that they don't follow me they kind of go a little bit wild what I'm gonna do I'm gonna show you another way you can get up to the pyramid which I haven't shown you before but I'll give you context as to where I am this is why I wanted a big you want you can dig up here and it's relatively easy and you know we're in this very starting area there is a nice little pyramid up here I say pyramid and now the pyramids rather don't spoil isn't but this is a mountain the mountain I told you an extra man on top of a mountain and a nice little all we're gonna get ourselves that platform we can get to if we so wish but I want to show you other things we don't need the to refill our water this is my football in place this is my meditation football you know a place of glory and awesome yeah as noises best footballer I do believe it is my duty to you know do kick ups all day anyway I can go down there because I've got a diggie wand and we're back to the starting area you see I need to make a little bit of a hole here so this is what you need you need to make a little indentation with some magic here not all magical do it and then you'll have enough levitation if you don't have the levitation there is a little water trick you can use of a flask not easy to pull off them especially on controller but hey huh and we're invisible so the chance of survival this run to make it to the end is quite high so the deep dive is it's got a tab load there as well I'll get the tablet so we can read it because the deeper dive into the law side of things as well the end about the old purity and thing yeah we are ah no don't don't know how beautiful so we're gonna check this tablet because we've read that one yesterday Emerald Tablet Volume one tis true without lying certain and most true that which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is life that which is below dude miracles have one only thing and as all things have been and arose from one by the meditation of one though all things have their birth from this one thing by adoption cryptic the law again is and I've been unable to show you something because at the very start again when you first load it up there is a cutscene that shows you pictures it's like stars in the night sky showing you kind of cryptic stuff again and it really adds value to the game if your search for possibly intro to nighter cutscene and early I don't figure ISIF if I can find out posted in the description this video just not to be too rude you know I'm actually do some of you if not leave a comment remind me and I'll give it up there's fishes here these guys are my friends but this is the pond some people have drank this entire pond but now if I was to drink it I would die I will explode they've added an eating mechanics to the game where you can eat too much and you explode literally explode but we've got to be a little bit careful there can't be enemies around oh I've got 55 water on me so if I just set fire to are not set fire to myself but if I jump on the fire a little bit our won't gets on fire and it will remove water from my Cape not the best way of doing it I could just you know get the invisibility potion out spray it a little bit but the cat there can be enemies and we'll see we can just wander across a nice little tree area you see all this place this has a secret down there it's not really a secret secret secret but it's secret and we are welcomed to the desert I'm going to show you a little something else as well there's two things are going to show you here the main pyramid spoilers and a little bit of something else a little bit uh a curiosity shall we say so how's your day we're going for a picnic and then in desert you know we're gonna eat cactus emigrate it's gonna be like beavis and butt-head you know and it doesn't even by its I mean wild are skully they do skully this has a mystery to it as well my god there's quite a few mysteries in the game not something you definitely need to do this used to have more significance where we're going now this skull used to be the activation for it but instead we go into a pyramid because why not as well as send out a warning shot ah and here we are the pyramid which again I'm invisible so we're gonna have a better time not getting hurt I don't think I can be invisible to the boss but firstly that's the entrance then by the way but firstly we've got a little something something we can show this one away we've read that one yesterday I want all my potions the lava maybe for something ah another orb you know we're getting HP but remember each of these orbs doubles the final boss is health you found a familiar olive true knowledge and Emerald Tablet of Thoth an Egyptian god feels a little bit out of place this tablet because this is based on Finnish mythology but this find a pyramid seems to you know American Gods it messes with a lot of different kind of old mythologies mixing them together the game seems to than that very slightly no I'm with Finnish mythology and then just having a random pyramid mixing in with Finnish mythology and the sucess the necessity of concealing Meah unless Thoth house summit to do with the Finnish mythology behind the art and fulfilling the art and bringing purity and immortality to this little nighter the necessity of concealing the art is one of the chief anxieties of alchemists we are sworn to secrecy by heaven and earth by hell in the four elements by the height and depth by Hermes an Anubis and by the howlings of cracker-ass an oaf has been required of us to reveal nothing clearly to any uninitiated being I've got a tablet right I would play football with it I'll lose it actually I'm gonna go to the other before we'll build tension I'm gonna go to the other curiosity there is because then we're done once we've come all the way over here there is something right up there where I'm pointing it's like up there well that'll have to be for another day and another deep dive we'd need to set up properly for that that I'll be a multi-day run some of these runs are gonna span over multiple days you see that little fly in there in the bottom left Jiki it's chillin back in the soil this is well you know dude sorry cactus sorry cactus they're waving at me you know wavin these guys ain't because I shot their brothers I mean it you see about waving it anymore Rudy I do love the echoes here that when you get I love the kind of sound and the I love everything about this game the artwork but especially the sound design when you're in the war no I want no waving anything I'm gonna love it we're not gonna cause them any harm but this is a longer truck narrow remember but it is worth it cuz we get some fresh beats where is it is it here I'm sure it definitely spawns I wish I had a propulsion wand it is possible to make propulsion ones to give yourself some more propulsion always could be dangerous nice covered and we're invisible as well no it's not here it could be buried but if we down that you see this hidden little things everywhere I'm gonna start soon there is a jukebox a weird-looking jukebox could be under here could be buried I doubt and this is highly irregular and that's annoying because I wanted to show you the little jukebox but if you come over here and you kick the jukebox we'll get there one day we'll build tension over multiple episodes of the video no waving at me again I wish I could just you know I've saved back at the pyramid and gone back but you know this is noisy you know you spend a little time and mire in the scenery having cactus way to you and cactus won't and once cactus is free you can then play football with the cactus my favorite pastime it's not its best footballer and the thing is a football you know come on now come in with me mine now then that cactus with hands much better it's still waving at me never stops anyway enough about when you shall set fire to our past and move on with the present we're back a little fly little scorpion getting along together enjoying that it feels weird not having the levitation sound when you're invisible you know it was like you've got a tiny little jetpack and I line up yeah I want to get to the smooth bit of pyramid because it's easy to run that but where the top of the world and the night sky is getting a beautiful color of red and purple oh hello you know as we're gonna set fire to myself on that one accidents happen I pee little accidents sad little accidents accidents occur I won't apologize for accident here or that not to myself not to anybody but before we get here because we want to scope out this place a little bit what's poppin yeah as a better gun paddle up or whatever isn't I can work my levitation to get a bit yeah you can huh making some it does not reveal a fair enough kicking does revealing oh it's throwing something that isn't reveal ya certain things reveals the dude and oh hello that sir so we need to get rid of this dude then you see this dude here oh hello flies of course want to get their attention set them on fire and if we can't if they're set on fire they won't attack us they'll be looking for water you know so there must be chips away you see the damage they're taking it's a great thing about fire again you see damage it does to me as well so I would like that money actually if I come didn't take much fire damage though but it takes some it's not a problem these guys oh come on I've got too much fire and it's too much responsibility we I don't even won that money however I don't want this guy being a problem we face shouldn't be a problem regardless is that another little fly down there I think we'll kill this dude aren't much problem anyway and you'll see in a sec who and what I mean it's quite entertaining this is the pyramid the inside a pyramid and you'll see why we come and kill this thing and hopefully you won't let me down what I mean by that is you definitely got to get some HP but you never 100 cents earn on the quality of something else earlier now we can initiate battle and I don't sin not having blood on me is actually favorable because of critical damage yeah I don't need to be invisible activate and we can set the stood on fire you will take damage oh come on I want to be on fire ah and he spawns these little dudes which are really bad every time they hit you do 20 damage you do it itself is not you on fire they leak toxic as well which is always oh it's on fire yes see just being on fire itself taking the damage it's gonna shoot at me but it's easier to target get it set on fire when it is open and you directly hit into it but it doesn't fully mass so you can still get it set on fire even if not don't charge me oh it can try and escape on very certain odd occasions it will poke you by the way sometimes burn I don't want to burn myself I don't have enough HP to and deal with all this there you go it's on fire again got a high enough concentration and it's dead there is no coming back from it now set it on fire two times however you can make ads you could do just as much damage HP and it's dead and there is now rag doll and a wand see you see the quality of this wand this recharge time is a little bit high but everything else is fantastic for an early one the problem is what do we get rid of we get rid of bombs because we have a digging wand in this we shouldn't need bombs Armit it's again 100 HP d come on man I have come out of this place with worse to be honest I could have just ran away or trying to become invisible say try not really case of trying or I'm not doing its of splashing yourself and working it no way ah as soon as I use my invisibility get water on me and now we're going to show you the proper form wouldn't you've taken quite bad damage through here look at the HP bar at about 250 300 HP though just for the first free floors and sometimes you to end a run if you didn't do this process and in an entire run with less than 300 HP sometimes you know that's just the way of the world just the way of things but these type air shots on this I'm not looking to use them really mr. cross is you know and this not really that impressive unless you've got homing or some other facilitating magic that nice one done I speak trident one is bigger than me you know as we come and set fire to the world nobody can't make glass with extreme heat you know I set fire to the sound make glass slide all over it like an ice rink cactus waving at me again my cactus brothers come on though you coming with me there you go favorite pasta as it inserts itself into a hole nice luckily I don't need to go back over to pyramid because I've already made my little all myself too you can blow on the mushrooms as well which can create some slime a little bit of slime here and there excessive slime do the purple a Trias chase mac and kick trees trees can also sound fun ah this isn't my hole wrong hole or wrong Holmen roomful that wasn't a hole in the first place we could try and go down with 100 HP but it I'd be less able to show you the fourth orb the fourth easiest to find orb now I want to show you guys why not we shall say goodbye to the fishes so yeah those in a pleasure took some lava that way not gonna help this not gonna hinder them you know they're fine it will give them a bit of an island in the middle of the water you know chillin a little hole beautiful I don't feel like there's a need to use my all-seeing eye in here the problem again is working in the darkness here a little bit of a pain in the ass and what I mean by that is on the left area have what is known to collapse cabins we will be welcomed to the collapse cabins do not worry ill notifies one were that not too far not too much of an adventure that gold on the floor nope you hear a little too when you get money we are covered I want to be invisible you know I want to get to where I need to go don't need much more invisibility when I get HP again we will be fine don't set myself on fire welcome to the collapse mines enemies are a bit more tanky here you need to watch yourself but we are invisible frogs you see the Frog the mad love frog do not let them near you they're very bad people they're gonna hurt each other but enemies in here can be a bit more tanky there's like veteran versions of enemies that take and do more damage I'm not sure if I need to kill that frog and dig through that maybe I'll try and go round don't really want to touch this dude in my set me on fire especially when I can just go round ah cocktail Brook cocktail for Ellis oh we are at the wall and I don't want them jumping down the I want to dig through here and I'm gonna hide a little bit and what I want to do here this is you know it's got stuff this stuff to do him a one kill that frog he's not dead come on now that was quite a lot of time to remove I've only got 59 HP this is worth doing though yep again if you're playing nighter and you've got to play somewhat conservatives you know you're going to assume you're going to need to be set up well I'm gonna make it a little escape hole here maybe or at least I'm gonna start just so I can possibly escape I'm gonna dream this all this water in here is gonna get dreamed right that guy's doing his business I'm gonna go under here and destroy ilysm make the water flow so it has a nice irrigation effect but this is worth it you'll see what I've already told you why if you're listening kill that dude he's a nuisance now I've got a load of water on it I'm gonna kill this dude and that fire did the trick this guy froze cocktails he might drown in there to be honest he's a bit of an idiot oh I've got fire anyway what you can do if you need to get rid of water because there's a lot of water here and that you can have a bit of a backlog of water which stops water from flowing even more you know I don't really want no kind of you know water feature he's coming Juke and he's gonna evaporate some of the water for me and this guy is - Oh dearie me he hit me directly you can keep on just throwing me if you want that's fine by me he's gonna evaporate so much water in fact they're both gonna be doing it and they're just gonna properly evaporate all the water for me it's gonna be beautiful and why kill themselves I would go get that money but it's a little bit you know unnecessary now this you'll notice I can get a little bit across the bomb there but I can't see in that with my all-seeing eye we make this a little bit what I can do from here is I can shoot fire to evaporate the water quicker so we get the irrigation and me setting fire the longer the fire is actually active the more evaporation you'll get so we're trying shoots as high as possible to evaporate some more I might be able to make this easy on myself and evaporate all the world there is a way up top to get in them and I'll show you because it's important they used to be aware in fact can I do my old drop down because I was quite good at that now enough water is gone can I do the old thing whereas you drop why is there a fresh shell water there now I'm drowning why did I drown so fast the thing I normally do now is just dig through that way the full heal is possibly more likely to be down here though and I don't want HP the extra HP I just need the full heal well evaporate try not to drown because there's a real problem here larvae won't do the trick if you put larvae on water and it will just turn into obsidian which is not what you really want not by any stretch of the imagination I might be able to I can kinda see in a way you know where I can't yeah we should be able to push and not drown I'm not drown beautiful now we're in that now we got the full heal beautiful now we don't have to spend time digging and we escape without drowning and we can move on 295 yeah I don't need 25 HP Oh tbh if I get explosion immunity I can I've got a better projectile immunity you see this effect though it's beautiful this game isn't it you know just the effects there are and again so we go back down to the second level we take our although I don't really need it so I probably shown you spawn before so we take our all-seeing eye refresh our wand but I can't edit my ones here because this is collapsed I can't edit here anymore it's broken is ruined I'm not sure you put the ones of God it's a good idea going in the fungals because I want to go into a place which granted I will be able to see in and you'll understand the danger of such and why I got that full HP I know it was a bit of a journey I was gonna say a tedium but I don't like to use any sort of negative in this game cuz even the kind of journeys you go on to do some kind of basic like at a basic wand and a bit of HP I said basic one this one from that mini boss it's worth it you know I feel like adds a lot of value to the game there is a lot of bubbles to go and there's a lot of benefit in the journey raaah and the best destination no need be set on fire thank you I will dig I'll try sir want to see what I'm dealing with it was I dig for it no I'm gonna go we've seen the fungals and the kind of extra level enemies there are there I don't need to show you it more too much not yet we're gonna be doing these run there's most days hopefully there's a lot of time to do a lot of things but since this is already nearly an hour but showing you what I just showed you will give you so much extra option on your run say you weren't aware or you weren't aware of the actual actual benefits of doing some Armit it's yeah if I get hit by one of those projectiles I will freeze instantly or if I get frosted enough I believe if I touch the bubbles enough I'm Myka frozen I remember faster on our next experiment you know Oh fine we're gonna also oh he'll load us I'm gonna go invisible possibly to get a better drop on these guys well this guy might shoot I was about to say my shoot oh no not the double saying that we took but that guy could normally to tap you if you really wanted to 75 actually cuz he deserves it this guy alright yeah I deserve it apparently as well that's why I say he's I shouldn't have shot him while he's above blood he's just constantly able to defuse and it was defused get him itself not set on fire anymore he's having a real trouble shooting me at that angle in it really nice always down because they're good now I need them on it now want the money sir Jesus Christ yeah the enemies can be bullies but you can be a bully back so no complaining now if you get dominated by big PC you know and that's what they're here to do protect their lands this is a Forward Operating Base of BC you know he see bases below us we're gonna use our all-seeing eye we're gonna use all of them if we really want to what you can see me fair enough I don't realize you can see me Gus right we need to resettle because I've fought as invisible er the problem with this area is really hard to maintain invisibility is that what I think it is it's an empty it's an empty flask it looks full that's a good ones that's rockets though I need to keep that one I might come back for this I could also trade out my shotgun one that's also a good one the seven shot with a triple on it one shot but it fires fast rockets we get rid of that digging one now we come back to this once we've done our thing on the left hand side avoiding enemies because why not I want to see how much damage I potentially take in the hidden area I say hidden it's not hidden it's just on the Left don't take that one please it's got a nuke on always got many good things they could take that ones you could pick it up in the news it against the enemy I might need to take it on general principle that this is safer in their hands I actually put down good I didn't get spotted I fought picking up a new wand might hurt me ah safety snowman mm-hmm these guys popping around he's leakin this could get me seen ah he leaks all over everywhere why we're already going at lunch they're attacking each other always a problem I could try and do them but this is a digging one that has n cycle eldritch portal that has a nuclear bomb which could have taken me out in one shot if it so desired if enemy picks up the one which they are fully entitled to do that could be in the view oh dear don't assume it that's fine maybe it's fine maybe it's not Thanks so we are at the little don't shoot sons of alright we need to get in here and invisibility you see how it was dark when you walk into here there is no real way apart from an all-seeing eye of seeing so the all-seeing I am carrying is the only real way to see inside unless you do the gamma trick so I'm gonna you know box my way through this oh you can see me any see invisible people and this is my I can't see him anymore well you can see me because I'm invisible always a problem where invisibility is a little bit not janky can you see me now you were able to see me cuz I'm sure I've come through here before while invisible what we'll do I'll keep in mind you see me so sir the problem is actually we need to run oh we got shipped but again the projectile resistance from my slime it's doing me a lot of service though and again I'm revealing myself with the all-seeing eye shot to keep that in mind whenever I use my all-seeing eye to reveal the place this is my best kind of strap though come across the bottom and then nothing can attack you from the bottom Hey you cannot see me so now we're gonna dig our way fruit sometimes you can dig your way through these walls in fact most of the time you can dig your way through this wall stone I'm sure there is some type of wall you can't shoot through but unless it's just a type of shot it didn't allow me to do it so yes see here in this dark area what would be dark area but I want to show you what it's like you know I'm invisible man invisible now so we take the extra and we take the tablet as well which we shall read when we get out of here safely can you see me I'm just gonna wait actually oh where you shooting up so many questions I could throw a tablet at them if I throw a tablet I don't actually reveal myself the great thing about this area in particular is you can have ones sentient ones floating about I believe it's sentient ones I don't think it's an invisible creature holding a wand it could be though so don't quote me on that but again this is normally all dark and you're slowly poking your way through that's a sentient one they got to show you nice and I sneak up on that I'm gonna have to they can't see me at the moment oh it got killed nice it didn't seem like the best wand anyway I want to check it so we'll little do combat this guy can't pick up a wand I don't think Galen I don't want bad people coming this way good I say oil the slime and blood on me what a combination this is a good wand oh we don't need an all-seeing eye anymore do we now we want to pick up better and better ones again we've seen the old singer we're not it does half the fun of this game in fact is having kind of an inability to see or stop or I'll do not want to be here the century down there could stagger me this is probably best er so inaccurate but if I can make that fire faster what I want to do I just want to get invisible these guys might try and fire into the dark are you gonna fire just randomly you might be I can just hover over them to be honest you see they're investigating they want to get back to where they work because they know what I'm doing really did it yeah these boo pursuers if I kick ice actually I can kill them are your sons we're gonna charge them by kick ice and I actually hit them and they can do incredible damage so we've got no wall sing anymore I want where did I drop my previous one that's gonna be the struggle of finding out now and I am charging into dangerous places you know our does HP that they don't want oh thank you shotgun dude shoot an exactly right placement Oh kick it squishing now much dig up here to be honest there we go get the high ground oh we again he knocked my levitation there's the what I won that one so bad because it's got my fire dude you see what I mean the kind of when you've got certain ones you don't really have that much recourse that's a favorable one for digging though any single shots on that wand will do fabulous work I kinda want to get rid of this one diamond I get rid of the OO bond I don't want the shotgun spells hmm like keep it at that because next when I get down now to the next area I can build myself about one with what I've got I don't necessarily need the previous ones if I make it down I should say which we are gonna hunt down now enemies everywhere there is a bit of an art to falling you see when I'm in constant battle I get more damage than if I'm just trying to avoid and it makes sense but we have survived the loop we are now safely at full HP again and every biome from here on in will have full HP and an energy shield can pop that on my best oneness that's a seven shot though if I could get a multitude of good stuff up and enemies here right we're gonna hide our elders Paul we gotta put the nuke off we don't need that one against you but you'll see Ashley that's potato why is it down would cast always oh I did not see that before I shouldn't whoops but it's fine we're all good don't worry about it arm yourself unless the energy shield slows down sir why is it rubbish my kind makes no sense maybe if I put a triple on no not really oh and always cast hmm that's really hit or miss yes kind of very slow firing have you seen the droopy nature of it I could work in certain circumstances but not this one unfortunately I'm just gonna hey that could work that's actually all hold on to what I'm doing there the death cross is a projectile but I'm putting it because it's a static projectile really it stays still with the trigger the trigger once it hits a target will drop the death cross instantly so that's not bad as soon as I hit a target because the death cross explodes after about half a second hmm we don't need any more reason for death crosses then and what I'm gonna do I could actually I figure out what my best option is either a digging wand or anything like that that's a bit too slow if you ask me digging more shooting this is probably my best one it's fires just a little bit quicker than everything else what I can do however it's make a very exploding one bit killed hold on there's lightning droop not really this is explosive damage it does however do lightning well electricity but this is nice this is an emergency one just in case of panic you can blow myself up that's final we do have an empty one we can drop that's a really nice one probably one for my eldritch Paul but we're gonna have explosion immunity hold on I could teach you the value of homing here and very very valuable did I show you this on the first video but either way it's a little bit more advanced than just a simple bubble spark wand you'll see why it's super good now the death cross which was static if it's close to any enemy or home in as long as it's not too far away it will readjust onto the enemy itself there's a toaster radiator here no me up so you see the kind of advanced kind of this not advanced book it's beyond basic shall we say because triggers take a while to understand because you can get confused from the difference between shuffle I'm not sure where's bomb inside there destroy powder if there's anybody through there as well the death cross will just whole min you know and I can just shoot down here you know vaguely and the Deaf Cross will just do its work around that see always destroyed anyone so on a one like this yeah I enjoyed enjoy these type of ones a little bit dangerous considering I did not take the explosion immunity but and the homing is something that you want to get you want to get working in your favor I can take multiple deaf crosses sometimes but you can't just power them out so you see things have turned in my favor against the EEC back in the alternative snow he cabins a Bubba's I was having a bit of trouble of these you mind throwing son of a I see it just commish whoa in nearly huh right one of main problems we're homing is you're gonna find it always be attracted to the enemy closest to you the problem is is a lot shroud in the game so an enemy may be close to you and you might not realize it so you might be shooting an enemy and the homing may bring up that projectile back towards you and you might regret your decision hmm I've got a problem here I stacked my ones wrong meaning I'm gonna have to get rid of the one we picked up well I could get rid of I could get rid of a little lightning and shield now we get rid of diggy diggy I don't really need it with a deaf cross Homan we are a very nice all set up here that should last quite a while still need to be careful because I've got no explosion I mean it is a lot and I drop some water and then let it mix in a little I'm not gonna explode these kind of things because I've got no fire immunity I'm just very open to damage apart for him projects our work got a bit of resistance under the wand never dare no Madeline black holes but it's not on a wand that's really favorable so we ignore it I don't mind the droopy wand whoa I've not seen the wires hold TNT before again the constant updating of this early access game is one of the most impressive things I want this a month at least giving it a holidays rock spirits on a favorable one that might just be worth giving up this and getting rid of the droop oh yeah we messed up we're gonna have to get rid of the shield it's not a big loss we shouldn't suffer too much hopefully deaf cross it's not something I use that often not that I find it dangerous or anything too much it's just that I don't like the static nature of it unless you go home in and then you need a trigger which you don't always have cause you can end up finding them the good thing is I can normally get a few death crosses on the target before it explodes as Leakey iserlohn yeah I haven't taken much damage here at all yes always a good way of assessing the effectiveness of your build in a certain place although you could just get looking not take much damage it's unlikely and it's more likely that you've just actually you know played well and got a good bill to protect you but we're gonna explore the he see base a home and he see they've got doors they've got bunk beds they've got everything you can other one we can use this to dig somewhat but it's not the most effective he's got a want he's dead though this one I want that one I want to see what is always intrigued to see what the enemy wanted oh it's the one we saw before that's very similar to the one we saw at all well that dude is this gonna shoot the door unfortunately for him I might trade that yeah that's actually a reasonable trade I just want magic as well you know you're just gonna shoot the door mate ain't got nothing on me I want to try and find more HP but I don't necessarily need it I don't really need the money got Diggy want oh really oh oh you see what I mean the explosions can cause me problems but it wasn't debilitated toaster radiator your armament so I'm at the right hand wall again there's no secret here on the right actually on the left or the right there is a shop sometimes head and shop in the wall in the heezy basically don't know if they've changed that recently but I remember there being one lots of explosions and we are pretty much away ready to do some more shopping I love the shopping in the holy mountain very handy and not even a third of my health gum we're not really using the invisibility anymore that's very nice an all-seeing eye perk again and a pure dick it's not triggered it's not timer the energy orb is one of the main regular projectiles you'll want to use for digging um just toxic immunity it's nice because it means I need water only for fire really or the purple poison yeah we can spend a bit money on this sort our our lives I suppose be a second I'm gonna go some mouse and keyboard so let's have a gander on bonds I mean a double-shot on each of these I could turn these into something quite nice black holes I don't particularly need I'm gonna get rid of the mist of spirits the prickly spoiler pod I'll show you what they do they shoot a little spore thing that goes up and you see a little mushroom and those spores hurt very interesting but we don't need in fact I'm gonna sorry Olympic torch is your time to say goodbye what can the triple art a triple on a yes double cast probably more apt on this is we can speed it up with the luminous drills are very nice we'll get into those at another time but what we're using it for now you see the recharge time - naught point 17 it acts like a chainsaw it acts like a drill why big money use but it's fine we're gonna put the energy orb on this possibly combined with the concentrated light also castellated right the bomb noir point seven three so it takes away and this should be relatively fast firing beautiful do I even need this it's more stable if I do this on its own you've got to remember and the manner problem where if I put the luminous drill on its taking ten minute every shot so it just runs out super quick so we keep it off and dedicate it this one this that this is another one we do not have explosion immunity and I would love to use the nuke so yeah we've got general just killing we've got our homing def cross we've got to remember these blue orbs will be homing as well getting some distance on the moment so we go into the jungle the fungal in jungle it's good times and death cross a few down here uh-ohhh what I want to show you is well if I can take it Lessman oh yes chew on the fungus chew on the fungus I'm trippin balls night oh not I'm poisoned ticking damage but it's fine hey I'm done dumb me again I got the combinations of enemies in this game they're really smart they can do really horrible things to you especially while tripping well you hear the sound especially got headphones on Oh HP you do find quiet about HP in this what I'm gonna do I'm gonna try and find a fungal in the jungle there's a little square box you know in the second area on the left-hand side there was that fungal in the jungle you just get out of here Mabel luckily for me the concentrated light can set the enemy on fire distracting me luckily for me they give me more money yeah I want to find the fungal in the jungle now we are because I want to trip properly me where it's a yeah a little bit spaced out babe the problem with tripping it's hard to tell what liquids are what you don't really only benefit apart for ants you're gonna die a million but you see that there's a time a hundred and forty-six seconds I am NOT for the bottles luckily the purple still looks purple so we're just gonna fire a little bit of Def Cross down but it's gonna get better as soon as I cook more more I don't want to go above 100 CC's at all look at that ass good trip and run up and I don't mind if I die as long as I can show you this today a deeper dive will have been oh hello I mean shot at from multiple angles eat the fungus eventually this happens it more fungus on your ass son of mine noise oh no son of mine or dozen whatever you definitely tripping balls and ass relatable maybe not income by itself but you know the need for a psychedelic experience I can respect that I want more fungus this angle in the jungle right here which I am going to risk I got it's a dangerous place because I want to trip for the rest of the game if I can't it's very dangerous worm are there's a noted ghost oh it has some I do not wish to get involved it it has sores they could poke me quite badly oh not has energy jobs dead that's worm pheromone oh it died it's got a lot of money and I want to see that wand so I can't tell if mmm you see and I can't tell anything apart from no it's a rubbish one that might be one of my previous ones we've got more fungal low we are a little bit poisoned but we are going to trip for a hundred oh if I can get above yeah just get above 300 seconds I've done it just gets more and more intense as it goes on any chance to eat their mushroom not the mushroom the fungus why would it I'm comfortable in my loadout enjoy this the one the other and you know I mentioned the sound being one of my favorite things this tops it off you know this just makes it just the ps/2 resistance i want more fungus know i'm trippin another mine agonize fine we've got 200 HP as long as we don't fall in lava which to be honest i wouldn't know if we did anyway so i would like to get about 500 seconds if i can that's worm pheromone I think always ah there's more fungus growing over there fungus does grow oh that's a nice fungus little oh I'm throwing up yeah if you eat in a fungus you're throw up and a deal while we're getting so close to the 500 a lot it does anything special but I just want just want to hit landmarks you know I've tripping boss and go into new heights I'm throwing up because I mean too much fungus I'll keep on throwing up luckily I don't think I'm gonna explode seeing that wonderful but while it's hard to identify liquids oh it's a nice way to play the game it's a nice state to play the game in it's just you know imagine there you know you just ate some bad the day before all good you know yeah the fungus keeps on going I wish you good want to get to a thousand seconds I would be trippin the entire rest of the game it's one of the extra fun little illness you can just abuse one abuse but you know use so if we yeah I thought I'm gonna find more no even though it does kind of grow oh no I'm a sheep luckily I've killed most of the enemies around here I'm still tripping as a sheep which is interesting because normally when you change entity on Nigeria fine I'm invisible nice but we're gonna be tripping so hard right now hello I'm invisible oh so that dude want to see me so we're gonna explore a little bit hopefully we don't get anything on our Cape explorer have a look around go hello everywhere there is another fungal linen jungle on the Left far left and I get through that I can get the money that's amazing see I see now is just having a stable background like this really shows you the artwork and kind of how they pull off making it look quite realistic I've done a few about any psychedelic experiences yourself but us there's realistic about this never seen it in videogame it more drills I'll be thrown up a river now we're fine actually we're building tip-top fire resistance that means I don't really need water anymore I'm only gonna get hurt by the actual explosion itself the eyeballs they're beautiful I could add add elements to this one but I feel kind of stable in my environment and facts I might just make a black hole one tail just to potentially escape because actually why try and invisibility in my way actually I am throwing up you see this little black everyone okay you can see me physically throwing up the apples and you can eat your own sick by accident actually if I jot it yeah vomit flask in the bottom left them water invisibility and vomit flask so whenever a spray of my head hello toasters get a death cross working that's it I didn't take damage done it just kind of flashed for some reason I'm not sure why that's a crappy wand we all know it's a crappy one it sounds really really good well taken and we're gonna send ourself downward the eyeballs mind the eyeballs forever following me watching I wonder if there's any yeah Ashley I want to get down and finished again wonder if is anything different him finish the game while stripping since we have the time we have 500 seconds to finish the game you know four reasons for an experimentation I've never done it before I don't think I'm odd but I get a bit of a tricky want to pull off considering that's a really bad one I've got to get ready it's a black hole oh no a Robocop that's what I mean by Robocop don't shoot deaf cross deaf crossed deaf gross actually nice pie but everything we put in right we go about the other way oh no why call Sam go no I've got home and jittery luckily I've got this one which is actually working out quite well I say quite well no I don't wanna black all actually since they're all down low this guy fall down yes as long as in get away from this guy I could always try and get my invisibility active again I forgot about homing and black holes not a good way to go about your business forgetting things it's hoster radiator is down for the count I can oh I've been shot up run Bob just making it fruit nice we make it down down tough so he should be there it was but I can't afford to go hard to see you code there because I'm tripping balls but okay oh we make it free can I get Mele a minute you know Bobby beautiful Oh a damaged field I might want to come back up here all-seeing eye or HP that's a tricky one I kind of want both but I can't cuz all-seeing eye with firing a boss fight with four orbs we're gonna need the HP and I could use this to buy a want maybe I should actually don't afford it yeah but a see there's a good boss killer I've got the portals though so I think I've got my boss killer already even with for Rob's with for it's not even four times the amount health it's two times two times two times two it snacks like that you know it's ridiculous we take off the black holes because they're just gonna get me home I don't want to get hurt I could do what I did yesterday and dig down the side since we haven't angered Steve but we're still tripping we've only got four minutes I don't know four hundred and forty seven seconds to kill the boss with what we've got him no don't shoot that thing it retaliates oh this looks beautiful in this area just the colors on the vibram back at the wall you notice we're gonna go the other way we're gonna go left this time there isn't a way to easily get back up we need to kill us - there's no way about it kill I can't even I have a lot of HP here that's really in my favor artists too many people that can set up the def cross and hope you get away with ah these guys all just hopefully take now each other maybe hello I don't hit him he will teleport me don't tend to call me thank you know wouldn't you Polly if I could shoot enemies down it's about mommy awesome they would turn oh no not freezing dudes I don't have Mellie immunity so if I get frozen and I get hit by a melee attack I take a lot of knowledge not shoot no it's not doable we're gonna try and go to the right hand side it's possibly one of the best ways I'll show you we're gonna try it yes he the little fly attacked me through that it's the best way of taking damage you know from the weakest enemy full of maxime I do not wish to get flummoxed no I do not wish to get we're gonna actually have the water out here and spray it around so I don't get pushed into those what the hell was all that doesn't matter we just push for it again a would stay and attack them but sometimes the best course of action is just a No we've got to fire up especially that dude yep and then this poly dude I can shoot his shot and if I get round him I can just do a pacify him by shooting his shot this dude turned me into a bad person luckily he's a poly dude and not a teleport dude that's nice so I don't teleport into his position onto my secondary def cross oh come on this will no better way there is yeah yeah what yes really quite hard to tell what the hell is going on I ball still is that showing middle way yeah I'm always annoyed with myself when I don't have Mele in this place bugger off you should be dead already we're almost done laboratory nice and this is an awesome looking one yes that'll be subject to change this little floaty bug some guy trying too long in the middle now we go down here see if we can or we can get through there and it's an exit nice sometimes this is blocked off but we have two minutes to 260 seconds to kill the boss while tripping to end the game Waltrip I do want to do that for whatever reason I don't even know why hopefully we get some sort of ah yes repulsion field that'll be superb for the boss fire especially while I'm tripping the eyeballs are still following me I know I need to bring up my game and drop this because I do want to use this one that's the best one we have maybe we should be able to kill the boss within a reasonable amount of time considering what we've got we can just put this turn on I want to tight yeah put it on a timer instead should do a lot better for itself can hear noises [Music] drop everything that's not relevant or the I box wish you could buy that damaged field our to come and hand it [Music] I've had more eyeballs in here or is it when you get closer to the end let me tell you don't know why does make a bodge one to essentially throw everything on a wand and hope it strips light timers like I think Oh since I've got death cross kepada yeah it's a shuffle wand as well so we put multiple death crosses on this it actually might lead to me in needings oh it's stripping a little bit different than now but we're gonna go fine I think with the tentacles we'll be fine I don't have Mele immunity myself so I'm looking - it looks so beautiful the puns again such beautiful work and mr. boss we're thought for you see them at health a little bit different this time we need to wait on no we don't we really want to get rid of those skulls luckily I have repulsion I can set up kind of oh ah the shield it didn't always died nicely it's happy it's got a tentacle inside easy yeah another tentacle on it oh I need to kind of slot in between there and hope a tentacle doesn't apartment it's gonna die just a matter of time now luckily I didn't need any other ones and we're gonna witness the end of the game while stripping with 100 seconds left get in there get in there while we still got 100 seconds worth for Hayase wonderful all done is that writing always visible on the back of that you see it I thought I'm gonna show it like I'm pretty sure it's writing on the back you can see anyway but see I'm just looking for the little secrets always looking you know but the trip in nature to this game continues to impress but I've been suffer a blessing for together if you liked the video always consider liking subscribing to the channel commenting ringing that bell see you notified about when we put out fresh content every day I really hope you enjoyed the run I enjoyed it myself it was a very nice and solid run that had a few problems near the end because of trippin balls again when you trippin balls you don't know the liquids you familiar with a few of them because they're in procedurally generated places that are always like lava pits and stuff like that Polly pits or you know you've got the little icon above your head they talk'st or got that purple toxic on you yeah a nice deer trippin balls only in the final bit took a journey across to some pyramids and healing the mini-boss okay if you like what we do here maybe like what we do over it which don't CV forward slash let's stuff together a playing nighter live you know interactive and wonderful way come on come over say hi enjoy the music enjoy the interactive on time we provide there and enjoy but until next time my friends whether it be on video or on stream you take it easy take care of yourselves all that should we you next time deal are you guys
Channel: Let's Suffer Together
Views: 1,236
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, stream, lst, letsuffertogether, Boss Fight, action-adventure roguelike, action-adventure, roguelike, Live, live-stream,, @LST_Suffer, Creative, Game Mechanics, letsplay, building, a lesson in building, jesus, gold, thiccest, pure salt, salt, noita, first win, wandcraft, livestream, wands, learning, beta branch, speedrun, world record, speedrun randomseed noita tips, noita meta, weird, EXCLUSIVE, Kauhuhirviö, Horror Monster, nohit, damageless, series, live, casual
Id: OAo62vSCy0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 37sec (5857 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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