Trippie Redd Answers Kids' Questions | Arts & Raps | All Def Music

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how dude ever gotten to Holy Ghost I got to cover every black person gets the Holy Ghost every day yeah it just runs in our community my name is Dylan my name is Linden and today you're watching arts and raps what trippy right what's the cat's name his name is his name is a Gore Gio and you ever gotten stressed in the music industry yes well speaking of getting stressed that's our birthday so we're making stress ball it's for the music industry because we know they you probably get stressed from it if you can squeeze this instead of doing other stuff that you'd be doing that's that's supposed to be me yeah what's up with the lingo hairdo that's what I see it do you go yeah you know I've been asked to ask me all your mess around with that satanic stuff when was the first time you got the tattoos on your face I got this 14 in the middle of my head and I thought that that was my first tattoo ever what is the 14 stood for it's like it's a spiritual number it's an angel behind the number I'm a very spiritual person so I like like that's why I believe in ghosts and spirits and I like I like that type of stuff do you think you're a good Christian sea perch is boring yeah everybody's I might get the Holy Ghost they start yeah I started out in this stuff they start talking in tongue see I was wondering what's wrong with them see I thought they was just weird but somebody has to tell me they weren't so i was like 'oh then i immediately repented and we're going to Holy Ghost I got you covered every black person gets the Holy Ghost every day yeah it just runs in our community why do you guys like st. bad word make you think bad word alive oh it's the way I express myself in the moment it feels good it feels like necessarily what I'm saying might not be right but it feels right it has a good feeling to it but in the other moment if your mama hears you she'll go off on you my mama right there [Laughter] if you pull all you jury on how much would your outfit be my outfit would be like just one point three men day so we got Kitty red here I made a new chain well you gotta get you have to make a chain for him cats don't like stuffing around their neck why oh no guys are so rebellious there's a lot more in there how come you make you grow up and some things you don't really live with what you're like curious to it and people tell you to stay away from and then it's like a reaction to this not stay away from it when you get order it wouldn't be that you know what's the most expensive clip you ever bought it girls I bought my girlfriend by ap watch and wait what's ring like the proposer II promised me I thought was a proposing ring and then a wedding ring if you can only have one money girls or flow what's wrong like mom use it or to be able to wrap to be able to wrap I'll take the money No the girl okay girl because it's rich the girls going gonna be a gold digger you get the girl then she knows you're not rich at that moment then she's not oh not every girl for those but some can't move her team I had a girlfriend my first or second grade Oh and then she turned out to be a gold digger she knew that was important no TV I was in art to rap and she wanted me to cap and get buying her stuff and buying me shelves her stuff like what extra milk no and then we were saying is she was so ugly I don't know my taste no offense but I don't know what my taste buds back then so I don't know anyone stays thank you guys for watching arts and raps share like comment and tell us who you want to intervene it [Laughter]
Channel: All Def Music
Views: 14,252,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arts & Raps, All Def Music, hip hop, pop out, kids, adm arts and raps, all def music, arts and raps, trippieredd, All Def, Trippie Redd, Trap, Emo Rap, Topanga, Trippie Hippie, trippie redd lyrics, Dark Knight Dummo, The Grinch, all def, alldef, all def digital, add, alldefdigital
Id: LP2OT_gpYLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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