Lil Tjay Freestyles with Kids | Arts & Raps | All Def Music

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who's the king of New York me consider yourself that I don't know just because I guess it makes I'm a king I'm from New York like ah I really have no matter fact if you're the king who's the princess the princess in the you is baby mama hey what's up guys my name is aria and my name is Dylan and today you're watching arts and rocks with little teacher [Music] nice to meet you oh I like your backpack it's called the gym or whatever no offense today so in your latest song 2020 the girls in the background looked a little bit older than you so do you like older girls or girls your age I like older girls I like old the girls they date they ain't no a lovely morning goes my age isn't there a name for them like for people who like older girls oh no I thought to call the older girls prostitutes but I suppose no constitutes is when you paying for a girlfriend or you paying for life no oh why aren't you paying them to be in your video you say nothing about that I just like well that's gonna be on earth today so we're good enough okay we saw your video online 20/20 and so that inspired us to make our own 20/20 vision goggles so we can have a perfect vision yep so we have our our very own glasses right here and then we can decorate it with jewels and feathers and all of that and we have the example right here and so if you you made that one yes okay so yeah we can get started what's Cap'n Cap'n play do you know your hood sling you actually even though my hood sling yeah cabin cabin is like we've not cited to something we why mo something yeah while you cap it why you be having it do you know anybody caps a lot of people that weekend how do you get more girls on tinder or Instagram on the have to I know it is tender no I ain't even know if I should actually what is it for lonely people which I will not be on oh you got a girl yes yes yes what's she look like what's the name no you don't yes I do know I just know you don't what's her name I can't say this y'all need to know I do how do I actually girlfriend amigo I didn't so he asked me anxious do y'all need to help see the proof yes is that what no more seats you all got please I do have proof you didn't pull out chocolate his oh my phone okay fine is that you start to stop turns out it was like I was like do you wanna be my left no she said I had something to tell you say what he said do you want to do my wrongs but I don't mean she a girlfriend let's go for it and then she's like you're a me is it they came back within us dude oh yeah what is f n stand for this is a serious question stop okay no no no you tell yourself Jess you charge switch up the subject for you I slipped up the subject for you so you can you posted in pictures with a whole bunch of bands and stuff and a whole bunch of buddy so can we pose with some money and keep it to tell - you know it's so funny - I wasn't even gonna do it like I really can't hear with the bag on me I even I I that's 11 it's probably actually you really look at this like just this week no it's real I can see give me two dolls or like thank you it's funny don't I look okay it's okay [Laughter] I ain't even I didn't even I ain't even know I okay this I already I already coming it for that we're rich look one day I'm gonna be rich that's not rich I know that this is rich it's not rich it's rich it's not a nice French he's hiding it trying to run down a little walk upon oh it's only money there's many lots of bands like this huh you keep though you keep what's the most money you've ever spent on a girl firing expensive over like Ruby to be booty play the most I've spent than a girl man I heard that you might start doing acting is that true yeah yeah I could give you some tips about what what did you get let's be serious was you a high school dropout knew it he thought he was gonna say no no you see I grass is harder but anyhow hold on there might actually be true no no JIT man and I don't even know this is I got mine is gold and black trippy diamonds oh I can see better already okay look you can see I like the glasses thank you guys for watching arts raps tune in for the next time the post and share with your friends cuz you already know the friends are like wow a new show who that who that cool kid with the curly hair i'm i'm on instagram at official building thank you very much thank you guys bye
Channel: All Def Music
Views: 5,771,780
Rating: 4.9595008 out of 5
Keywords: Arts & Raps, All Def Music, hip hop, kids, adm arts and raps, all def music, arts and raps, All Def, LilTjay, Polo G, New York, true to myself, Bronx, Columbia, Kodak Black, all def, alldef, all def digital, add, alldefdigital
Id: JrAttrFClzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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