❇️ Text To Speech 🎄 ASMR Cake Storytime | @Brianna Guidryy | POVs Tiktok Compilations 2023 #159

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everyone here are your soulmate heart lockets only your soulmate will have the key to your heart only you will have the key to their heart Jake is going to be your soulmate for sure guys are made for each other you guys really think so Hey Brianna do you think I could see for soul mates you nerdy Nathan imagine your soulmate is nerdy Nathan no name there's no way you're my soul mate you're a nerd that was a little harsh here's your test back Brianna no way you got 100 you're smart no Brianna are you a nerd now you should quit cheerleading and join the chat club with nerdy Nathan thanks a lot Nathan Jake it's time to see if we have the key to each other's Hearts I really hope you're my soul mate you're the hottest girl in the school and what else that's it you're hot Nothing Else Matters babe I guess does it fit does it fit it doesn't you're not my soulmate Jake so what who cares about a soul mate that soulmate stuff is fake anyways we're still gonna beat it right we're both the hottest and most popular people in the school no of course so are you and Jake's soul mates we're not no way but you guys were made for each other but we're still gonna be together yay you two are the perfect couple Jake why don't you break up with Brianna and just be with me no way she's way harder than you you're just my side girlfriend why am I not even surprised you deserve so much better than him just mind your business dirty Nathan hey Nathan I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier I was just really hurt I'm used to it someone dropped her heart key it unlocks my heart and you know the words of this song sing along sing along oh no honey did you just get a sing along we'll give you a lyric and you have to continue singing don't give you or else and I'm bad and I'm bad like the Barbie still wanna party honey you got it you're safe oh no mom what's wrong I Just Gotta Sing Along I'm super shy I I don't know Mommy you have to sing along I'm super shy mommy please Mommy I love you Grandma I'll see you after school oh no Grandma did you just get a sing-along you have to sing along or else it's a it's a cruel summer with you you got it Grandma of course I'm a Swifty when you know the words to the song you know the words to the song sing along sing along you can't you can't love anyone if that would mean you had a heart you're safe I knew you would get it sweetheart grandma I'm heading to school now Stacy you're all I have left after mom died I can't lose you too don't worry sweetheart I'm not going anywhere class turn to chapter two in your books sing along oh no I just gotta sing along Got Away Got Away got a white T-shirt by the way Paul I guess math class is going to be canceled today bro that joke you made in math class was extremely incentive Derek go cry about it snowflake grandma grandma is everything everything I just brought a sing along I remember read the lyric to me now it is the song lyric is what it is what it is what it is sweetheart don't worry I know the answer you know it's not the same what it is no grandma does as it was by Harry Styles goodbye start I love you why are you crying your grandma was old anyways oh no sing-along karma is did you just get a sing-along I did the words are karma is come on give me a hint you must know something come on please help me karma is oh Brianna I was wrong my grandma just passed away when you know towards you the song sing along when did it what are these hearts on my bass for Mom the hardships and how many people must fall in love with you before you can meet your soul mate when they fall in love you lose heart what's the gold heart for I represent your soulmate you'll only lose the gold heart when your soul mate fall in love with you hi Jake what do you want I really like your left elbow what does that even mean get out of here oh no what's wrong I need five people to fall in love with me look at me it's never gonna happen you're not a loser you're beautiful you just need a makeover come with me who's the fine babe over there where he's talking about you oh thank you don't support I I think I'm in love with you Brianna you lost a heart you really do love me Anna you lost a heart you really do love me we should go on a date sometime I'm sorry Jake but I don't think I'm your type I'm Brianna who the weird girl there's no way that's you goodbye Jake you're doing great you already got someone to fall in love with you yeah isn't it great told you not to snort I only need three more people to fall in love with me and then I can meet my soul mate look there's a guy right there what do I do wink at him act cute play with your hair bit whoa is everything okay here little man yeah I'm okay I was actually trying to flirt with you oh you were I thought there was something wrong with you hey mine's Jason what's yours Brianna we should have changed numbers okay you lost another heart no way your makeover's working great hey Bree stop if you want it boys you can be friends with Kevin anymore your makeover's working great hey Bree stop you want to hit boys you can't be friends with Kevin anymore Brianna look at this insect I found clown let me see Brianna tell him Kevin I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore I'm trying to boys to fall in love with me so I can't be seen with the weird guy I really hope that getting boys and being popular is worth losing who you are so after class we'll go looking for the next guy Brianna don't wear your glasses I can't see anything why do I have to change everything about myself to get boys to like me why can't I just ran away this is Joe boys will fall in love with you so you can find your soul mate once you find your soulmate and go back to being yourself again and it's the same my soulmate's going to love me for who I am no one else does Brianna you lost another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new what's another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new Hey Brianna your grades have been doing phenomenal you're looking really good these days I like your new look I'll see you in class do you think it was Miss Stevens that fell in love with you or his wife and kids sake I hope it's not him okay that's Chad he's one of the hottest guys in the school go up to him and ask if he would like to attend Devon's party with you Kevin's walking this way so hi Kevin don't talk to me you're too cool for me remember Brianna Brianna what are you doing go talk to Dad right hi what's your name I'm not sure we've met before stop please don't like it when you cry okay more important than your soul mate he is go to him Kevin I Kevin I'm so glad we're finally boyfriend and girlfriend me too I love you Cynthia and I'm so glad we're finally boyfriend girlfriend me too I love you Cynthia how to cook Kevin did you tell him you like him like someone else Brianna you lost your last heart someone else fell in love with you Chad no it wasn't bad it was me oh not in a romantic way an important way I fell for you and I saw that you stay true to yourself and know what you want the only person left to fall in love with you is your soulmate that means I'm going to buy soul mate anytime now that's the girl I remember it's so great being myself again hey do you mind if I sit next to you okay does anyone know the answer to this equation 74122 girl who knows her mouth I like it it's you what nothing Congrats on finding your soulmate getting him to fall in love with you what's this it's a list of all the people who fell in love with you before your soulmate the third person on the list is Kevin hey Timmy what am I doing Jinx you owe me a soda poor Timmy he wasn't fast enough what happened when you see something at the same time as someone else the person to say jinx survives neither of you say it you both live but to be safe I would say it good morning Mom I'm not going to say it know that neither of us would ever say that word to each other yeah you're one of the only people I can trust I would never say that word to me I love you Mom have a good day morning girl Sophie look at my new ring who got it for you Jake I'm not jinx why would you do that I wasn't going to say the word I just I wasn't sure class with answer to number three 24 class what's the answer to number three 24 Jinx oh why would you did Brianna class I think it would be best if we all just go take a break for a few minutes what's wrong with you why would you use that word I was only going to say because he was going to say it first yeah sure he was you're the worst Brianna foreign hasn't been answering his phone all day are you looking extra handsome today Jakey not here my girlfriend be around he's not here I saw her she went back to class good Jake Brianna I I can explain wait it's not what it looks like Jinx that's what they all say you men are so predictable oh Jake what have you done Brianna I didn't mean to do that oh Jake what have you done Brianna I didn't mean to do that first Eugene now Jake who's next I didn't mean to jinx jinx jinx I said it first no I definitely did no jeez it's a tie it's a tie okay how about we agree that neither of us will say the word yeah Jinx another tie is this going to be a competition of who can say it first I guess it is drinks you're never gonna win Brianna Brianna Brittany you can go first after you jinx jinx jinx we'll get Brianna over there she said the J word to her own boyfriend no way I saw it with my own size it never would have happened Brittany if you didn't kiss my boyfriend oh honey we were seeing each other for months behind your back that's just the first time we got caught Jinx we were seeing each other for months behind your back that's just the first time we got caught Jinx no nobody my baby you were her boyfriend I was she was cheating on you by the way so was I I'm looking for Brianna she's right over there I'm gonna need you to come with me oh oh someone's in trouble did I do something wrong officer we received an anonymous call from a student they said you're making your Jinx count go up on purpose no I would never this is all just some terrible coincidence don't worry we just wanna ask you questions jinx I'm Jimmy Jimmy Timmy's brother I lost my brother when I was seven because of you Jimmy listen I didn't do it on purpose Jimmy listen I didn't do it on purpose Jimmy don't say it I'm not gonna say jinx either I feel bad about what happened to Timmy you literally just said it I'm so sorry Jimmy hey kid I know that you jinxed the other officer I saw it all on the security footage stop right there Jake where do you think you're going like call me you sit right there you're in big trouble young lady Jinx I knew you were going to say that hey Mom I'm coming home early sweetie what have you done the police are here looking for you mom everything's run out of hand I kept talking at the same time people and then I said the J word because I was afraid and the officers came and I said it on purpose because I was scared they were gonna take me away jinx good morning Mom I'm not going to say it I knew that neither of us would ever say that word to each other goodbye sweetie the lead for today everyone they're choosing the leader for today I hope it's me it's me that means you all have to follow what I do or you die Timmy you'll be a good leader right you won't make anyone do anything terrible begin your exam oh I don't want to write exam everyone take your exam paper crumple it up and throw it in the garbage no no I need straight A's I have to write this exam Eugene you have to follow whatever the leader does or you'll die no I have to get into Harvard I have to write everyone stop we're doing 100 jump attacks Jimmy why one two one hundred Timmy that was a lot of jumping jacks maybe we should all drink water no there's no time for that we're going to rob a bank they're changing the leader 100 Timmy that was like jumping jacks maybe we should all drink water no there's no time for that we're going to rob a bank they're changing the leader the no leader no way I'm the new leader everyone let's touch the top of the lockers you know you know I'm too short to reach the top of the locker exactly Timmy You're the Reason Eugene's dead he would love of my life now this is what you get villanue Everyone We cannot put our arms down now who am I going to get revenge on next I know you're hurt but another person dying isn't going to take away your pain looks like you're next Brianna everyone we're going to cut off a chunk of our hair what no I love my hair you must do as the leader does everyone we're going to cut off a junk of our hair what no I love my hair you must do as the leader does wait I'm going to choose a piece from the back hurry up okay I really didn't think you'd actually do it Brianna they're changing the leader the new leader no it's me so leader what are we doing now right I'm the leader okay everyone we're going to drink in Perrier water and then we're gonna have lunch everyone for lunch we are eating a peanut butter wrap Brianna no I'm deathly allergic to peanuts Kayla you have to do as Peter does or they'll kill you but I eat peanut butter I'll die you have to try if we ever broke up and never be sad sing it to me think about everything that we had and Jimmy if we ever broke up oh no they've caught the same disease get out of here before you catch it too singing is a very infectious disease if you hear someone singing you need to leave immediately or else you'll catch it do you understand I understand come on sis let's go to school you caught the singing disease have you stinking police over here why would you tell on me I'm sorry Emily once you're infected with the singing disease you're infected for life morning girl best friend there you are something horrible happened this morning my little sister whoa It's a cruise kind of catchy summer oh whoa It's a cruise summer stop don't sing thanks for getting me out of there Jake I almost started singing I know oh no we're the singing please notify I'm not sure probably I have to notify them or she's going to spread the singing disease throughout the entire school is that the girl with the singing disease yes cool Hey Brianna are you gonna be okay we were best friends in kindergarten or should I say we were best friends I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world no don't listen you saved me again Jake why is it always you that comes to save me I know I'm your hero you should thank me with a kiss I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world I'm your hero you should thank me with a kiss I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world you've caught the singing I'm sorry but I don't want the disease to spread singing please over here it's this guy right here you can brush my hair but over here I can't watch hey kid I have some bad news we lost him what do you mean you lost him when we were chased him he got away we can't find him anywhere that means he's still in the school spreading the singing disease to other students we'll continue to look for him if you see him anywhere please notify us good morning class it's me hi I'm the problem don't worry we've got her Brenna be quiet I don't have a singing disease I found out how to cure it mmm yummy chocolate mother may I have a bite of chocolate no you may not you may throw it on the floor mmm chocolate Timmy Timmy you forgot to ask Mother May I mother may I go home I'm scared you may mother may I please let me have a drink of water no you may not babe you may not disobey mother ever I can't believe it mother killed my boyfriend she's such a shh she's always listening mother may I comfort my friend well you may not you may kill her with the item in your back pocket no Brianna you wouldn't I'm your friend death I can't disobey mother Steph there's nowhere for you to run now mother may I kill Brianna you may no mother may I go home and cry no you may not you may face the consequences of your actions look what you did you killed Steph oh could you Brianna she was my best friend she was my friend too mother told me to do it I can't disobey what mother says mother may I avenge my friend and kill Brianna you may no wait mother may I ask for a truce you may try [Laughter] I don't want a truce you don't deserve it Steph was my best friend and now she's gone look I know what I did was wrong but you don't have to be like me you're better than that you're right I am better than that but don't think we're friends anymore you're dead to me oh School's Out mother may I was over no you may not you may stay at school why is mother doing this not letting anyone go home today I'm hungry I want dinner I'm starving mother may I eat my bagel you may but anyone has chance to steal your meal Korea stop mother may I eat this bagel and only I can eat this Bagel you may I'm so dizzy Emma I I she's too weak she needs to eat something mother may I share my bagel I guess you may here em you need to eat this you okay Em I'm feeling a little better mother may I have a drink of water no you may not mother may I drink this glass of water you may but you have 10 seconds to finish it or you'll die all right you may live mother may I go to sleep I'm so tired no you may not Jake Jake what do you want I was sleeping Jakey Jakey you forgot to ask mother may I oh no mother I wasn't really sleeping I was just pretending Jakey lying to mother you may die you may not cry yes mother I can't keep my eyes open I'm gonna fall asleep I can't do this anymore I'm going to sleep Emma you can't sleep you need to stay alive I can't stay awake much longer mother man go to sleep no you may not you may stay awake I'm exhausted only there was a way we could stop playing mother may I mother may I stop playing mother may I you may I'm free I'm free thank you mother mother may I stop playing mother may I no you may not you may play mother may I for all eternity no but that's not fair too tired I'm just gonna take a nap then go home to my family Emma it's not fair mother let you stop playing mother may I and not me what are you gonna do I'm gonna Ed you M Emma you forgot to ask mother may I gotta get out of here there's gonna be a Target on my back if people find out I beat the game doors locked who are you show yourself Mother's here you really thought I let you stopped playing mother may I that easy what in order to stop playing my eye you must defeat me mother please don't do this I don't want to go up against you I love you you you do yes has anyone ever told you that before no they did not I thought all my children were just ungrateful mother may I give you a hug you may congratulations you are now mother what who is this I thought I just killed mother there are multiple mothers mother may I drink water mother may I go home mother may I use the bathroom mother honey did you just use the bathroom no oh no you aged you were lying you can't ever lie because every time you lie you get older look I dyed my hair green it looks really good it doesn't look like I've aged Hey Eugene I didn't do the homework can you give me all the answers Brianna are you trying to cheat hey Sophie I've lied twice today and I haven't ate at all I think I'm immune no way you're so lucky hey Timmy you're handsome thanks Brianna that's so nice of you and Jimmy those are really nice shoes really you think so I've said so many lies today and I haven't aged at all look in the mirror honey did you just use the bathroom no oh no you aged you were lying you can't ever lie because every time you lie you get older look I dyed my hair green it looks really good it doesn't look like I've aged Hey Eugene I didn't do the homework can you give me all the answers Brianna are you trying to cheat hey Sophie I've lied twice today and I haven't aged at all I think I'm immune no way you're so lucky hey Timmy you're handsome it's Brianna that's so nice of you and Jimmy those are really nice shoes really you think so I've said so many lies today and I haven't aged at all look in the mirror getting today it's population control day thou mustn't speak unless in poem oh with me Hey Brianna how are you today Timmy thou mustn't speak unless in poem bro no one told me hit me they're the LIE status of doornail my love hey babe [Music] thou mustn't speak unless in poem or Ortho though babe love life I wanted to be thy wife the sun is shining the day is new bestie I must ask how are you thy lover breathed his last breath oh no are you okay [Music] thou mustn't speak unless in poem
Channel: Daveondafloor Storytime
Views: 193,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake Storytime, POVs Tiktok Compilations, Text To Speech, storytime, asmr, text to speech, cakestorytime, slime storytime, cake, tiktok mashup 2023, asmr cake, cake storytime tiktok, ASMR Cake Storytime, satisfying cakes, POVs Tiktok cake, cake compilation, perfect cake decorating, cake decorating idea, cake recipe, tiktok storytimes cake, how to make cake, colorful cake, fondant, chocolate cake, chocolate dessert, satisfying POVs tiktok cake
Id: GQK0l8iVOcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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