Triple IPA Homebrew Challenge | PRO VS. SLACKERS

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what up dude how's it going good ready to brew some beer i'm ready are you ready i can do it bro let's get that beer mashed in uh hey kyle are you gonna wear that hat today yeah why not well last time you did the whole internet made fun of you people are like where's the alcohol but that's just how the spear is all right so i guess since we're doing the sun brew challenge with martin we do need to put on our professional brewers hats [Music] here's the thing i don't get what would a real pro brewer wear when they brew at home anyway a suit and a tie uh well have you had a chance to see martin's footage yet no [Music] i'm wearing sunglasses i think it looks kind of cool but also it's got a black eye got hit by a macbook charger so here's the thing what do we got this is calling for uh well let's just look at the base mall it's calling for two-row american kale i uh have a bunch of german pills there i mean that's a good base malt let's just [ __ ] go let's see what we have in our bag of goodies here this is like crystal crystal 40. yeah this is crystal i believe empty your sack out like santa claus on boxing day like that [Music] spam i don't know anybody in arizona i have i don't have a master card here's the thing so [Music] all right okay actually here you ready to stir yep this is a sick ass tarot reading that we're doing tea leaves yeah these are dregs yup yep uh what do you guys think martin's doing right about now what's martin doing yeah probably checking his ph and adjusting his ph [Music] do we even take a pa training [Music] you got it when i walked in like 10 minutes ago to uh check the kettle we are at boil attempt so we should probably go i mean we could probably go 10 to the brew day again if we were so inclined [Music] it's not white let's go [Applause] what's our bittering edition uh 1.5 ounces of magnum i'm not going to dry yeah i mean like anything that needs to be done it's just going to go in the kettle at the end i'm not trying to like mess with it well i'm not trying to mess with it after you put it in there fermenter this one's an ounce and this one's announced and we need one and a half ounces so if we put this one in and then half of this one in that's one and a half dude that's math scissors i got a blade full ounce of hops here looks like half to me i like to look at that boil right there what's our power supply we're at 50 let it ride i think we got it right play some more hacky sacks [Music] yes one ounce of citra [Music] this is going to come as a complete shock to most of you but i realized after i got home that ross and i forgot two pounds of corn sugar while we were having all that fun so i'm back at the office i'm going to add it now so my water's reached to boil [Music] this is not what you want to make a mess it's all dissolved so what i'm gonna do now is cover it and place it in the freezer all right we're about 70 degrees here [Music] we have 10 minutes left for our boil we just start eating let's eat a taco okay let's see where we're at get stoned [Music] mm-hmm timer is has gone off i think let's get a bag instead of trying to jam all the hops in these silos because we have so much we got a lot of hops to add it's a lot of hops right there look at that it seems a little excessive i mean it's a lot of hops but that bag what is that even for bro [Music] i can change it people often comment on this channel and they're like oh you're not professional you know you're doing this wrong [Music] it's like a jellyfish puppet you can play spongebob with this thing all right there it is that's it i'm not we're not going to use these for anything that's like the other half from bittering hop let's just use it dude it's good to the last drop it's good to the last top [Music] that's pretty good [Music] i'm gonna tuck it out i need some milk and cookies in the nap ross has been asleep for like 20 minutes martin help us [Music] one shortcut we do not take sanitation you like that technically based on the directions on the back of the package we should put three of those in we're gonna put one that would like be a severe under pitch in most cases but this yeast is supposedly does well when underpinched okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god you guys had so much more fun than me like getting outside having a nap you know i don't know if that was staged but i loved the idea i'm ready for a beer glasses i have beers i'm ready to go i'd have a beer you're not drinking out of kyle's crazy hat from the video then my professional hat not yet but get a couple of these and i said maybe we'll start drinking out of hats shoes lamp shades who knows man we we both brewed essentially the same beer more or less same recipe same recipe martin did it the correct way and we did it our version of the correct way which involved quite a bit more hacky sack and naps and tacos yeah than martin's way prop presumably zero taco zero happy stack and not even a nap no deprived you are martin seriously yeah we did take a final gravity so ours fermented down to 10 10. so my gravity's 10 24 so it's end up quite a bit sweeter but it was from a higher starting place because i didn't end up topping up with water so be interesting to see if we get a difference on that the estimated abv was 12 on this guy good lordy okay mine was 13 so pretty close can i pour your beer yeah let's pour some beers yeah [Music] oh yeah i'm really worried about this one oh boy [Music] yeah so do you see any difference in the color between the two yours might be a little darker what do you think yeah yeah i think so too a little darker hold her up to the schnoz cannon oh yeah i get piney hop aroma i get like pineapple hop aroma i mean it smells like a really good beer it smells like i'm gonna have a nice time so i'm getting sweet fruitiness for sure out of this one yeah pineapple pineapple something like that something tropical martin did you do like a proper dry hop on yours or did you do like hop stand whirlpool like we did no i did a dry hop as well i get like a a pleasant amount of sweet body and like no boozy tang not even in like the back of my throat this is yeah this is secret agent 13 that's delicious i mean that's amazing it's so it's great smooth yeah yeah it definitely i mean it is very sweet on the palette isn't it um and and the fruity aromas i think are coming through in the taste as well but yeah i wouldn't really suspect this was as alcoholic as it is it's probably worth pointing out um something extra i had to do with this beer that you guys didn't have to do because my final gravity finished up around 10 34 really really high and the yeast just kind of stopped at that point um i ended up having to put in a second batch of yeast so i used wlp 099 super high gravity ale and that brought the gravity down about another 10 points there's still a bit of sweetness there i think but it did help at least finish the beer off so i did need to do that which i think is just because i had a higher starting gravity to begin with far as the aroma goes there's not much to speak of compared to martin's beer compare yeah compared to martin's beer sort of classic like skunk but like hop you know what i'm saying like a little stanky like forest floor ours definitely has really dry it's very dry yeah our carbonation is higher i get a way more you know it's sharper yeah martens has a smoother mouth fuel carbonation level ours is like ooh bubbles hello and i get a true like bitterness on ours whereas with martin that is i think it leads with that sweetness and the aroma i do not get any booze heat on this either there's no way that you would think this is a super high gravity bit to me this is much more of a traditional ipa like you say it's the dankness a bit of hot bitterness into it as well but it's so easy drinking i can't believe how easy drinking a beer this gravity is if if you got two of these beers would you think that these were the same beer with the same recipe to me they are so different they're incredibly yeah they're night and day different yeah really kind of across the board all the different attributes uh visual sort of texture aroma and flavor yep absolutely and and they are so different but they are both enjoyable in their own way i really like the dryness and the easy drinking of this one and i really like the fruitiness of this one part of the i don't know the hypothesis has not held up which is you can kind of just wing it and it's gonna you're not gonna probably notice much of a difference i think we've kind of busted that myth if you could call it a myth they are qualitatively different yeah martin's doing it his way it's awesome dude we're doing it our way it's not like there's a right way to do something and a wrong way to do something there's just lots of different ways to doing things but sometimes like we've seen here they do make a difference but it's not one was good and one was bad it's just it makes different stuff and these are both fantastic yeah yeah i think at the end of the day brewing is i mean it's about having fun and different people have different ideas of what fun is you know what i mean yeah just like whatever's fun to you that's that's how you should be brewing beer so excellent uh challenge martin from from the homebrew challenge thanks for challenging us to this challenge it was a challenge worth taking this has been a very tasty result yeah absolutely and um again for the folks who are not familiar with martin's channel the homebrew challenge check it out it's awesome he's brewing 100 beer styles right you're brewing every beer every style of beer i'm brewing 99 of the bjcp guidelines beer style yes good god that's insane well i appreciate it and thanks so much for doing this challenge with me absolutely thank you cheers cheers [Music] play this game [Music] so [Music] there it is [Music] there it is
Channel: Clawhammer Supply
Views: 53,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beer, brewing, homebrew, brew in a bag, biab, brewing setup, fermentation, diy, do it yourself, tripel ipa, IPA, Challenge, competition, brew challenge, vs., pro vs. amateur, pro brewer, Martin Keen, Homebrew Challenge, beer challenge, high gravity, booze, home brewing equipment, high gravity beer, brew in a bag all grain, martin keen homebrew, home brewing beer, how to brew beer, brewing beer at home, home brewing setup, biab brewing, home brewing, all grain brewing for beginners
Id: efQv-EKgbwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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