CRAZY Yeast Experiment | Smash ALE

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[Music] in this episode we're brewing a smash ale four-way split batch by separating a single batch of work into four different fermenters and then pitching four different yeasts we're then going to taste them side by side to see how much of impact just the yeast has on the finished beer like the first time i ever had the same work fermented with different yeast was here it kind of blew my mind because i was like it shows how much the yeast plays such a big role and we're joined here by very special guests to make sure we don't screw up this beer so i've been home brewing for about nine years i've been in the beer industry for eight years i am a certified beer judge i'm also a certified cicerone and you may have seen me around town doing uh some brewery tours here and there so as you know as you as joe's very smart joe's very smart i'm just wearing a lab coat and goggles to make myself look smart but i'm also beautiful white labs what do you guys do well white labs we grow the highest quality liquid yeast in the world for you know breweries for you know people making cider or wine or even spirits are you going to do the water cam now yeah basically gum time my son came in one time and i was measuring out my salt he's like what are you doing what are you doing i know you used to follow the dead mom where'd you learn how to do this son who taught you how to do this stuff you all right and uh we just did like a balanced yellow profile you look kind of scientific do i look as smart as uh farnsworth friends from futurama if there's if there was ever a mount rushmore of science i'm on it yeah you you got you got your farnsworth you got your duck tesla brown yeah oh how about breaking bad walter white you know what we should do too look probably take the east out right yeah we can take it out okay yeah so what would you bring us here all right so i brought you guys uh our good old wlp001 california ale yeast that's one i'm very familiar with i use that a lot totally yeah this is our you know white labs original strain so 1995 we started growing this yeast and it is definitely a workhorse it can be used to make a wide variety of styles of beer from ipas pale ales porters why did white labs wanted to do a collaboration with clawhammer um well we're just using all um mary's otter so we looked at your youtube channel it was like these guys are super fun they're super engaging kyle you got a good angle here um yeah you look you look beautiful thanks man it's not awkward at all no just get it in the cage you want me to help they have a really cool product like your equipment is just i think it's baller it's fantastic you know like one of my favorite smells same so it's just like you just seem kind of a natural fit like it'd be really fun to do something with you guys what are some of your other favorite smells mine uh do in the morning i really like that when you get up at like you know five or six to go on that morning run and after that the smell of chai tea before my yoga class what do you got me oh my favorite smell is a campfire with smoke that is nice i mean i probably started homebrewing in what two thousand two or three i'm guessing i mean there was definitely a yeast selection but it's not like it is today you just go to homebrew store and you know you'd pick one of the few yeasts that they had i also brought you guys wlp066 london fog ale yeast but now it's great you walk in and most local hungry shops have you know a ton of variety you walk in the asheville humber supply i mean they pretty much have every use you want from white labs in there which is really cool so this is definitely for that kind of you know the new england style hazy ipas that's that's what you want for this so it's a low flocculator it's going to leave a nice kind of hazy beer 60 minute match is done do you want to do a mash out because we did not do one you a fan of mash out sure okay we're gonna we're gonna do a match out we typically don't do a mash up we want to try and make ourselves look good first yep for jello and white labs joe's here i want to do it right oh yeah we got accountability today joe's very smart [Music] do you have any um professional credentials as far as you know like drinking and serving and whatnot goes um i think i bartended for half a night in my early 20s you think i i yeah i don't think i finished the shift are you good at drinking subjective not the best but uh bartenders would probably disagree so we don't brew a ton of 10 gallon batches and we haven't installed we have a pulley we had one install in our old office we just haven't installed it yet so we're just going to have to manhandle this out um and then can you tip your hat up just so you don't look like you're in um some sort of witness protection program yeah you look like what's that maybe like the invisible man yeah perfect nailed it cool and then yeah i might as well just do a little squeeze can you show me your squeeze technology it's a lid it's a lid can white labs tell us if we were squeezing tannins out yeah um i was just actually thinking about that i'm like i'm wondering if you're in fact doing that like maybe you're gonna get some astringents that's what uh that's what people claim but yeah so on the follow-up video i thought it'd be really fun to take uh our beer after it's been fermented out and send some samples to our analytical lab which is out in san diego and kind of get some data get some stats are you worried at all i don't think so so if we get a little bit more beer we get a little more beer which is good i probably should be a little nervous but uh you know i'm just gonna blame it on joe oh terrible oh god i'm sorry where it's going maybe it is heavy put it all over the floor and i was just dripping [Music] that's how i got hired originally kyle just did just set him up [Music] so we got four ounces of zula hops according to wikipedia they're from poland fruity citrusy and yummy i believe were the descriptors they weren't on wikipedia i don't know i was oh kyle's wikipedia okay now that was from their their manufacturer's website which okay i've never heard of them i'm excited i always like trying new hops so we're going to do four ounces at 60 minutes boom chocolatca and then i'm just going to set the timer for 60. that's the only hop addition until we do a whirlpool later on perfect we'll do a flame on a whirlpool then i also have a wlp518 which is our op shock vioik ale yeast which is super cool we got this from our friend uh lars lars garshall right lars blog we isolated this from a mixed culture that he got from a norwegian farmhouse brewer called harold opshogg so it was kind of used in the early 1990s to make these corndoll style beers which are like these really cool norwegian farmhouse style beers [Music] 60 minute boil is done so let's kill the heat so two ounces of zula yes and then uh i get our cooling water hooked up chill it down to like 170 and whirlpool there for a little bit sounds like a plan that you're just making up as you go totally that's all i do [Music] you mind screwing that in there if you want to turn on the cooling water let's start chilling her down just want you to know joe this is how it goes all the time we never make money i fully believe it never never spill a drop that means we don't do terrible it's messy it's just like in a living room you know yeah we're gonna whirlpool at 180.3 exactly four grams [Music] bucket scientists whoa and then finally our wlp 644 sac brux trois so this is kind of a wild but it has like this really awesome tropical note uh qualities to it so really like a lot of pineapple papaya and these kind of guava notes to it which people really really really like nice work nice work we're almost there almost there [Music] man not a bad day it's really not for january 19. so when i do a beer tasting the first thing i do is you know look at the beer just kind of take a look at it take a note of the color take a look at the foam quality um color of the bubbles even and density of the bubbles so then what we're going to do is kind of give it a nice smell so give it a i like to do it like a little drive-by first yeah a little drive-by just to kind of wake up the brain a little bit and kind of figure out what it is you're going to smell and then i like to really get on in there and cover it and inhale deeply and pick up all of the aromas and then of course go ahead and take a sip right after that if you can exhale as you are sipping so take a sip swallow and then exhale through your nose so swallow and then out the nose yeah your nasal passageways has all these receptors they're actually like flavor receptors aroma and flavors are all kind of tied in there i see what you're saying there as far as like the flavor of this first beer which uh we fermented with the wlp-001 our california ale yeast it's it's really balanced i think it's really nice it's got like this crispy kind of malt character to it it's definitely dry for sure yeah it's definitely dry i mean it's pretty crushable yeah i gotta say that's gonna be what i was gonna yeah so moving on to our second beer so i'm gonna do a drive-by to drive by i don't know about you but i'm picking up a like a lot of really nice tropical-y kind of almost some pear tart cherry or pear some kind of fruity yeah right it's so different yeah it's different it is crazy how different yeah and i mean i've done it before but still kind of like wasn't expecting that i wasn't expecting that either that was very unexpected the body on that seems a lot different i agree i agree so far this one is my favorite yeah so far but we still have two more to go yeah i want to see what you think of this one it's very similar to this tropical one i'm getting a lot of tropical notes like some papaya and guava this is nice it's great no it's great i would not be disappointed with this beer and then so last one [Music] this one is even fruitier i i want to maybe it's cause it's warming up that's kind of what i was thinking too maybe it was this one that was cherry-like this one definitely is getting some cherries yes yeah definitely i'm not good at words when i taste i'm like it tastes like beer but then someone says cherry i'm like oh yeah that's there they're all really delicious they're all a little different and that's all yeast driven right super cool wild you know they're all fermented same temperature same duration which one would you say is your overall favorite for any and all reasons let me do one last okay run through do a couple more drive-bys perfect this is my favorite which is that 644 is that the last one yep i think i'm going to stick with this but i think i enjoy just kind of that little bit of fruity quite a bit of fruitiness the abundant fogs bringing out bringing to the party in the mouth yeah well this was a great project one word four different e strains and amazingly different results there's going to be a few more videos you're going to want to check out white labs youtube channel they're going to get into the kind of nerdy scientific stuff on this beer and it's going to be really interesting and then we're probably going to flip back and do a little bit more on our channel go ahead and hit that subscribe button all right all right all right all right
Channel: Clawhammer Supply
Views: 44,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beer, brewing, homebrew, brew in a bag, biab, brewing setup, fermentation, diy, do it yourself, white labs, smash beer recipe, yeast, experiment, beer tasting, craft beer, home brewing beer, making beer, beer recipe, how to make beer, home brewing, how to brew beer, beer data, kitchen and tap, beer experiment, home brewing beer all grain, beer tasting review, 4 yeasts, split batch brewing, split batch brewing recipes, recipe, craft beer drinkers, beer tasting tips
Id: Y9busPgb_mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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