SAVING A STUDENT FROM DEATH! | Yandere Simulator Myths

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hey I'm Jay from the Cub Scouts welcome back to another episode of yandere simulator myths a series where you guys ask me questions give me challenges or tell me myths that you guys have about the game and I try to answer them in this video we have a lot of good ones to go through today so let's get it started before we start today's video we have a very special debunking by one of the people who actually is involved with the yandere Simulator game it has to do with Oka saying not while she's here if you guys don't remember what the myth was I'll put it on the screen right now if you get the glowing skull in the occult Club join the occult club and join the activities just before 5:30 then the leader will say not well she's here then if you turn around the creepy girl from the computer will appear so I proceeded to try that I did the Easter egg and all that and I talked to Oka right before 5:30 and nothing worked I thought I was doing something wrong I thought that was actually in the game I said that the myth was debunked and it wasn't in there but it is officially debunked because the voice actress of Oka said this as oka's voice actress I'm glad to hear you're gaining more of a liking to her voice also I never recorded a line for not while she's here so it's definitely not real okay you can't debunk a myth any more than that the person who voiced Oka said that she never recorded a line that had anything to do with not while she's here so that is 100% debunked and yes I do like oka's voice now at first I didn't like it that much I didn't like bdo's voice and oka's voice oka's voice did grow on me but budo oh man that [ __ ] boy I don't think it grew on me yet I don't think it ever will but we'll see let's start the show this first question is actually a very popular one that I get hundreds of times if not thousands of times it is yandere simulator myths change the date to Friday then kill Senpai then burn his body at the end of the day will Osan Chan still share her feelings to him there we go it is now Friday and then I have to kill Senpai the only way I know how to do that and incinerate his body is by turning on the Sero Easter egg where's that at all right C there you go perfect now we just got a fast forward time and wait for [ __ ] boy to walk up the stairs and then we can glitch him out and carry his body to the furnace okay here's Senpai walk up those stairs oh my God he's sandag between these two losers whatever direct hits we're MLG snipers we got him right between these two [ __ ] tards that is so awesome I'm that dude I can't believe I got a direct hit on Senpai and there was two people that were sandwiching him but whatever we're going to dump his body in the furnace I don't think it's very funny there we go don't waste my time like this oh wait that's right you can't incinerate his body because it glitches out I totally forgot about that you can't even incinerate his body but a lot of people ask anyway what if you kill Senpai will oan Chan still confess her feelings so let's restart this I forgot that it glitches out when you throw him in the incinerator let's restart it kill him and just hide his body we don't even need to incinerate it and then we'll see what happens at the dead line all right wait for him to get up the stairs all right perfect he's the last one up boom no no no that is [ __ ] stairs were [ __ ] blocking me well it won't [ __ ] block me this time yeah all right grab that body oh [ __ ] grab it grab it grab it grab it go okay let's go we're going to go inside the bathroom over here go and then the teacher's going to think that it's a prank oh she's not the police are coming damn it whatever it's Friday we are going to open this up and then we're just going to keep Senpai in here was this just a prank yes it was just a prank very funny drop them right in the toilet waste my time like this damn that's a shitty way to go okay should we even clean up this Blood we're not going to get caught anyway so let's just fast forward time and then let's see if Osan Chan confesses her love and then we can debunk this killing Senpai myth once and for all the police arrive at School the police discover the corpse of senpai the police are unable to locate any murder weapons the police question yandar Chan but cannot Linker to any crime the police do not have enough evidence to perform an arrest the police investigation ends and students are free to leave and Aran stock Senpai until he returned home safely and then returns to her own home and it's Friday we're at home let's go to sleep and then see the ending result oh it just restarts of course it just restarts there is no ending message yandere Deb did not Implement that so all the hundreds and thousands of comments asking about Senpai and Osan Chan confessing her love to him it's not in the game yet that myth is debunked hopefully that cleans up a lot of the myths that are in the comment section on to the next one next myth is now I'm kind of curious about this what would happen if you tell a student to distract info Chan would something happen Okay that's an easy one all we need to do is talk to a student and tell them to distract info Chon so let's talk to saki cuz saki is so cool distract info Chan nope we can't even do it we can do it with Senpai though we can view as info and then you see right there there it says distract but if you hover over info Chon's name you can't do anything so no that was an easy debunk you cannot distract inochan on to the next one okay I think I got one kakona still takes her call about compensated dating right step one kill any student but don't kill kakona step two make sure someone gets the teacher step three pour blood on kakona will the teacher attack kakona after seeing the blood on her okay I think I have a good strategy to fix this one so let's grab this trusty NAU and this H lifeu there we go and I know that you can fill up the blood automatically by pressing one of the buttons on the keyboard but I happen to like mopping up this Blood all right okay there you go that should be the last of the blood so let's dip it one more time that should be enough blood for the bucket okay we got to go fast because kakona is going to take her call pretty soon so now we need to kill someone in front of a teacher's pet and then the teacher needs to run into the view of where kakona is taking her phone call that's actually harder than it sounds because how are we going to get a teacher's pet and a student that I need to kill in the vicinity of where kakona takes her call that's what I'm thinking right now like I don't think that's actually possible but you know what we're going to try we're going to see what's up let me pass these little ult Club Bucks how the hell can you see me man you only have one eye uh I think this redheaded dude is a teacher SP kill him oh [ __ ] I forgot about Senpai screw my life I won't get senpai's love I'm sorry I'll kill him right here boom Oh [ __ ] kakona saw God we got to pour blood pour blood fist pour blood pour it Pour it no kota's running away she's probably going to Shuda town to do her compensated dating right now you filthy [ __ ] oh my God we got to try that one more time it took me so long to do that too oh [ __ ] kota's phone's vibrating go go go go go come on come on come on come on come on come on we can make it we can make before kakona yes do it do it do it yes got it come on drag the body before kakona gets here do it okay we did it I said okay cool we did it teleport to the roof will the teacher do anything no where's the teacher at there's a teacher pour that blood yeah so this is just a prank come on teacher look at her is this Blood where did all this Blood come from oh come on do something like what really the teacher just ran back inside why get the hell out of here all right so that myth is debunk the teacher does not attack kakona after she sees her with blood port on her I had the teacher literally standing right under where we put the blood shower right on kakona so the teacher cannot do anything on to the next myth if you kidnap Oka will they shut down the club all right let's talk to Oka let's get her to follow us there we go man I always feel bad for doing doing something to Oka cuz she seems like the most innocent one maybe it's because she's always sad all the time like she looks so depressed and sad I feel bad doing all this stuff to her but whatever it's for the myths it's not because I hate her it's because we're trying to debunk these myths right Oka sorry I have to be somewhere right now no no no no you're not going to pull that [ __ ] on me you are following me and you are going to like it so get your ass in here so I can tranquilize you shut this door first and for bam there we go so let's drag her all the way to this magical box even though she cannot fit in there realistically and let's fast forward time let's go home y Chan stands at the school gting waits for Senpai to leave school yada yada yada y Chan Waits until the clock strikes midnight under the cover of Darkness yandere Chan travels back to school and sneaks inside the main School building yandere Chan returns to the instrument case that carries her unconscious victim she pushes the case back to her house pretending to be a Young musician returning home from a late night show yandere Chan drags the case down to her basement and ties up her victim exhausted yandere Chan goes to sleep okay so I guess we're not going to see the body until tomorrow but let us see what happens at the occult Club okay the ult club members are still here they're all reading their books they really don't give two shits about Oka I do feel bad so let's go back to the house and then see if Oka is down there doing anything or if it'll say that the ult club is disbanded no I'm reading it none of the text says that it disbanded the leader of the cult Club is dead the remaining members of the club decide to disband the club but is she really dead though no she's in the basement why would you say she's dead when you don't know for sure if she's not cuz I'm looking at her right here she's not dead but I mean we're torturing that ass obviously she's going to be dead in the future but hopefully that answers your question the club does disband they assume that she is dead on to the next one I've heard a rumor going around saying that if you kill Oka in the occult Club wait until the next day pull out your camera in the room and take a picture you'll see oka's ghost I don't know maybe you should test it out you guys know what that smells like smells like some more that [ __ ] but whatever let us get Oka and then we are going to kill that ass where is she there she is and we're going to talk to you follow me poris I'll be right here by the furnace so it'll be an easy kill easy cleanup just going to wait for everybody to go away actually you know what the students don't even know just look at this [ __ ] boom n students even care so let us drag that ass over there look an a coat Club member hey I got your leader right here you ain't going to do [ __ ] about it are you yeah you can't even see anything with your eye patch on dump that body and then I'm going to clean this up so I don't have any avons because I want to get away with this I want to make sure that we don't see any pictures in the ult club cuz what if there is a ghost picture what if there is a ghost picture of Oka and the thing I'm smelling isn't [ __ ] it's just me being a dumb dick there we go last order of business is dump in that I don't have any more weapons on me and activate the furnace and the myth said to wait for one more day so I'm going to fast forward time and we're going to go home there we go it is a brand new day and let's see if Oka is in the cult club and she wants to say hey I doubt it wait what the hold on I can't even open any of the doors it's because the club has disbanded huh wait I'm in here yes yeah you can't get in there but you can debug yourself in here so let's take a picture and see if Oka is right here nope not there not there not there not there not in the skull maybe if I activate the undertale Easter egg on the skull let's activate that and then go back in the ult club take one more picture nope no Oka there is no Oka inside this ult club it is now literally the next day I did Kill OA dispose of her body all that and she's not in here so that myth is debunked on to the next one can you successfully use telekinesis on the T-shirt right before she tries to tackle you that's a really cool challenge to do my friend so we are going to get our little guinea pig Midori gorino and show and tell the teacher because that's how you get her to come up on the rooftop so let's teleport real Qui surprise [ __ ] you how could you shut your ass up and come one V one me on this rooftop right now all right undertale Easter egg activate oh yeah I think telekinesis is e right press the E on the keyboard all right let me see if I can do it can I do it can I do it no damn that happened so fast there is just no way oh man I'm going to try that one more time but that happen so fast like the key you know it usually pops up above their head it was like a split second right before she got me that is going to be tough let's go baby come get me come get me oh I almost did it it you guys saw that right like I was halfway to using my telekinesis cuz she went behind me for some reason but then she got me again I'm going to try that again you know what maybe if I put this bucket in front of me she'll have to go around me and then I can use telekinesis real quick right before she gets me hopefully she goes around the bucket unless she says [ __ ] it and just tackles me come on I'm ready for you I'm ready for you get it no oh how am I going to do this okay maybe the roof isn't such a good idea I need to go somewhere else that I can have like an advantage to using the telekinesis right before she gets me all right here's what I'm going to do I'm going to turn into Sans real quick grab her body and then show it and then I'm going to be right here and use it come on come get me come get me use it use it use it oh I did it I grabbed that bitch's ass let's go you you wh ass teacher you like that dribbling you like a damn basketball yeah you can't get me grabbed her right before that happened that was so sweet oh man I want to do that one more time in a different area but that was so cool all right let me see if I can try to get her in the garden area okay come on run run run run oh [ __ ] okay we are going to try to avoid the teacher let me turn into the undertale mode real quick there we go and when she comes up here I'm going to teleport down the stairs let's go come on we got this go go go go go go go go to the Garden area my man please don't get me I can't handle the pressure I can't handle it oh [ __ ] no go we can make it we're not going to make it you I got her again yeah that is freaking epic so yes that myth is true you can use telekinesis right before the teacher gets you I got her twice in two different settings one where she was chasing me and one where there was a desk between us if you guys want to try it I dare you I challenge you to try it in different locations it is pretty tough but you can do it I believe in you guys on to the next one what happens if you push kakona off the rooftop into the dumpster use the bad time ability the one where you can move people around in midair throw some students into the dumpster with that ability fill the dumpster with trash what happens will the trash be able to cover all the dead bodies that is a very unique myth I have never got anything related to throwing off people you know and covering up the bodies I wonder that too like when the police come here I wonder if the you know the trash and the dumpster can like cover up the bodies and they won't search that or whatever but let's try to move it in the perfect location wait wait wait wait wait did I move it too far it usually tells you when you can uh stop moving it but it's not telling me anything that's weird oh there you go there you go there you go right there perfect okay let's open this bad girl up and order for kakona to go onto the rooftop we are going to have to listen in on one of the conversations on the roof that she has with madori so let's go to class real quick and then fast forward it to lunchtime damn I have like no stats here let me change that real quick there you go and I made a mistake she wasn't talking to madori she's talking to saki oh well it's nothing if you don't want to talk about it that's fine but remember I'm your friend and I'd never judge you for anything I guess guess there's one thing I want to talk about hey talk about sha town you ho ever since my mom died my dad's been drinking a lot sometimes when he's drunk he comes into my room and talk about compensated dating you ho forget I said anything I really really don't want to talk about it okay now that we learned that new info let us restart the day and then we can leave a note wait no before we leave the note let us push that dumpster one more time for the homie DJ Screw so let's grab that and push that to the edge I am very curious about this I hope that the police can't find the bodies cuz that would be awesome if they couldn't and let's open that up and we'll just keep the trash can there so let's go back inside the school and then leave the note to kakona uhoh we got to hurry she's going to go to her locker leave the notes I want to speak to you about domestic abuse please meet me at the Rooftop right now all right finish perfect who she didn't even see me good open that bag girl up what's this you know what that is read it girl read it out loud maybe I should meet them yeah maybe you should okay I will meet you on the roof me lady let's go up there I keep pressing the other office I'm trying to get to the roof but my fat finger keeps pressing eight which teleports me into that room and nine teleports me me to the roof so let's wait for konei there you are at 728 I told you to meet me at the Rooftop at 7:15 damn late ass or whatever we can't judge we're just going to wait for her to get over there and there we go bye-bye perfect now let's get madori to come over here there she is I can see her from the background and then we're going to turn into Sands actually do we even need to I don't even think we need to we just need to cover up the bodies we don't need to turn on the undertale Easter egg so let's dump her in there too let's push your ass too yeah [Music] bye-bye okay now let's go cover up the dumpster with a trash bags there we go kakona and Midori are there I mean they were trashy but I didn't know they were this trashy you know what I'm saying dump that in there perfect there wasn't that much trash though that was kind of unbelievable but let's close this and and then let's fast forward to the end of the day and then we'll see what happens the school day is ended teachers must walk through the school until any lingering students to leave while walking around the school a teacher discovers a corpse where what corpse was somebody dumpster diving where one of the teachers look into the trash damn bums the teacher immediately calls the police the teacher informs the rest of the faculty about our Discovery The Faculty do not allow any students to leave the school until a police investigation has taken place the police arrive at School the police discover the corpse of kakona Haruka police are unable to locate any murder weapons police question yandere Chan but cannot Linker to any crimes the police do not have enough evidence to perform an arrest the police investigation ends and students are free to leave you know what I don't get how did the teacher find the bodies anyway and and how did they not find madori's body if that was the case if they could find konas then couldn't they find madori too but whatever hopefully that answers your question the reason I didn't turn on the undertale Easter egg mod is because there was already two bodies inside of the dumpster anyway so it wouldn't have made any difference if there was two bodies three bodies or four bodies but hopefully that answers it the trash does not cover up the dead bodies the teacher still finds it but the police cannot link you to any crime so you can get away with murder if you dump them in there on to the last myth of the day here's a glitch poison kakona and crouch in front of her before she falls to the ground she will still be alive there she is Showtime baby what you eating for lunch what is that okay got some sushi rolls got a little bit of rice I see you girl girl oh there he is oh Senpai when will you notice how I feel about you okay I've made up my mind I'll tell him how I feel this Friday I hope he accepts my feelings I almost don't want to crouch in front of her I don't want to save this hoe she's trying to steal my Senpai okay so we need to do this right before she falls to the ground so we need to be just right in front of her I guess or I don't know well we'll see how she is I'm just going to make sure I crouch right in front of her though yeah choke on that she choking on that like the D's too big yeah choke on that D choke on it girl that's a very good choking animation though there we go no what the hell what's going on I can't save her do I have to like Crouch right here where she falls over probably huh so I'm going to restart it and then Crouch right here okay so she fell right about here so I'm going to crouch right there okay cool and then it's showtime let's see if she does anything all right all right she choking she choking she choking come on fall fall fall fall oh what damn it I guess I'm not in the right spot okay I just reread the myth and it says Crouch it doesn't say go prone it doesn't say go into crawl mode so I think I've been doing it wrong this whole time let me let me try it out real quick so let's put it in cinematic and then I'm just going to crouch so that's just one time so Crouch and then hopefully I can save her this time just going to look at her I'm going to stare into her eyes my lovely Angelic eyes will save her life won itona don't die on me don't die on me girl come on no what it doesn't even matter come on kakona I can't get any closer than this oh there you go got it got him Coach she was choking and then she was like psych I ain't dying and then she left okay that's pretty cool gotcha [ __ ] all right guys that's going to do it for today's episode of yandere simulator myths if you guys have any more questions comments or challenges that you want potentially featur in the next video please leave a comment in this comment section below and I will try the most creative and unique ones but if you guys enjoyed this video please give it a like and tell a friend today that Jay from the Cub Scouts is that dude
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 6,631,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: save kokona from choking, saving student, save kokona choking, choking, choke, yandere simulator, yandere simulator myths, kubz scouts, kubz, scouts, yandere simulator myths kubz scouts, yandere dev, yan sim, yandere sim, myths, senpai, winning yandere simulator, how to, hide bodies in dumpster, yandere simulator ending, yandere simulator snap, summon a demon, summon demon, oka, occult club, oka ghost
Id: 1tmqBgm9raU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2016
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