Triggers That Should Be ILLEGAL [ASMR] 4K

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hey what are you doing here what am I doing I remember little smoke I take it you out here doing the same thing right what's up with this weather right it's cold and snowy perfect for people who want to be up to no good no doubt would you profess yourself to be someone who perhaps is I don't know up to no good interesting and what specific thing would you be looking for very interesting noo there you it is me yeah uh I am the person that you looking for and I understand that you are looking for some interesting tingles they're not illegal yet but I'm pretty sure very soon they're going to be made very illegal and for inexperience let's say uh tingle uh PRS these would be complete Knockouts knockout tingles instant sleep uh really strong powerful tingles which I believe that um people aren't really ready for and there's been slight Rumblings around tingle dealers and things like that and um we think this is all going to be made very illegal soon so I've managed to get my hands on a lot of things which I think would be well suited for you now I trust you want follow out here to excellent we don't want people snooping in on our little uh private Enterprise is hit now you were referred to me by uh someone who I've seen uh quite often let say a few times already we have a little bit of a policy I don't know if if if you've been taught of that I see so our little policy is if you fall asleep uh if you can't handle the tingle as we test and try and go through these new things then just be uh expect waking up me not being here if anything what I might do is just perhaps take you uh and move you out out of the sight of anyone that could be close by as we wouldn't want very suspicions or anything like that well I would suggest that it might be a little bit cold to have a little bit of a sleepy Slumber at the moment and uh I would highly recommend that if you do indeed want to acquire some of these tingles that you take extra care and this sort of time of year purely because people tend to be a little bit more merry uh than other people which means they look for relaxation and things to relax themselves even more so powerful triggers are things which you've got to look helpful okay so you get my drift okay I'm meeting here today between you and between me this isn't happening right now okay this conversation it's not happening right now the tingles which we're going to have they don't come out you have never seen them before in your life okay whatever you try and whatever takes your fancy whatever works on you whatever sounds perfect for you okay none of it actually happened you see did you catch my DFT excellent I think you and I are going to get on quite nicely so I have got a little bit of a name myself okay they'd only call me the tle dealer around here without uh being able to acquire some quite amazing tingles okay some call me the sadman whatever I don't know what you call me but I'm here to go through this little interaction together to make sure that um I can give you the very best that's currently out at the moment okay in terms of tingles between you and I we've got um I've got a good selection here for today especially selected for someone like you okay and in this sort of weather climate at the moment and time of year perfect time for some tingles and some really strong ones too okay times let loose let your hair down and relax a little bit right okay we have a little bit of coat as well if someone comes a little bit close may I suggest that prove to perhaps slightly different accents therefore I seem to just give a little bit of American accent you cann't follow suit if you canot do that then perhaps you might want to I don't know C up something a character or something something a little bit different that you can be recognized okay does that sound good excellent right this is what a powerful trigger here and we're going to use it correctly have f as well so we're going to test it together okay let me know what you think remember to keep good look so let me tell so silicon gloves textured silicon gloves are very much a for which at any moment now is can be made an illegal trick illegal tingle illegal sound for you to relax to it's going to happen soon because it's so powerful now you are new and I'm going to gauge how much I think is best for you if I see you closing your eyes a little bit too much then I'm going to move on to the next one if I see that you into the zone of getting tingles and triggers then we'll continue a little bit more a little bit stronger and give you the full experience and then you can decide whether it is something that's going to be correct for you [Applause] okay [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that's quite enough that there for you I saw your eyes just a little bit of moment there some go like this and that means that you any more of that trigger then you could see why okay it's going to be made illegal very soon okay go go to your voice go someone's comeing here so s there's snow out here terrible snow all over I don't know if you keep going down there there's a curtain store down there okay it sells all these amazing curtains down there all this fabulous curtain okay they've gone thank goodness okay so we don't know if that there's someone who's snooping around for some tingles and triggers so you've got to be really careful otherwise we have someone down here who is inexperienced with these sounds and they fall asleep straight away okay so I've got something which I think might be very good for you I think you've seen one of these before but this particular tingle and Trigger it is very particular it has a very mechanical sound and it's also very very trick looking to the very traditional triggers that you would get from normal computers and all computers this one is a very particular special one it's very legal it's very well sort after it's got all of these clicky buttons that everybody is after at the moment and of course there's the reason why everyone is after so why don't we have a little sound okay you let me know what you think is it something you would be interested him this certainly is something that's going like water for at the moment [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] let's say enough of that one okay your friend of mine um well your friend that I know said that you are well versed in this sort of thing are you quite sure that uh you indeed are very familiar with this because you seem to be feeling the effects a little bit more than your friend okay usually they can go through the whole session find out what they need every meeting so far I haven't needed to uh let's say pick them up from the floor and move them beside or or just walk away from them okay because they can handle their tingles so hopefully you don't struggle too much more with this however I say we move on to something which I think might be your com to okay this is very very very very cool okay so you got to be very careful when you listen to this one [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think that was quite enough there for you you really were starting to show the effects that I don't know if it's time here I don't know if it's you are inexperience or something along those lines but you don't seem to be lasting too long with these and you appear to be triggering and tingling all over the place there's probably a reason why these are very illegal or assume to be illegal triggers so let's uh get something else there for you even though I think this one would be uh really good for you uh but these glass bottles if not used correctly can have slightly adverse effects and be a complete knockout especially when it comes to angles that you want to make sure that you don't overdo it with that one okay because you can have some effects with will sort of give you this sort of past out feeling now I've got something here which I think could be pretty good for you this time here there's a lot of this about okay if you know where to look you find the right stuff I have somehow managed to AC the right s Stu and I do believe that I think you should listen to it okay let me know what you think think I do apologize this somewhat embarrassing I've had lot of this on my person for as I said I told you to be about it this is very powerful time of year trigger this especially this time of year is guaranteed to make you fall asleep to trigger give you those I know this is the word that we shouldn't use but ASMR I'm so sorry ASMR yeah I've said it again Sensations okay this is very powerful trigger and with that moment matter of time this is going to be very legal so just let me know how much you want and I'm sure I'll be able to require a lot for you before it's all gone yeah so I said to him if you don't give me that you'll have more to worry about the my Tomy they've gone yeah I don't know if that was the same person I don't know rather curious inquisitive person should we say so what do you think of that one it was strong wasn't it don't you worry I think I've got something it sort of really counterbalances it I think be pretty good forew okay let me know what think of this that's quite enough of that one there for you yeah you really I seem to be struggling a little bit here perhaps it triggers a too strong for you I don't know so because performance should we say uh with that last little one and I think that we should revert to something I think this is going to make you feel good and hopefully not make you feel even more tingle in Juice shall we say so it you should keep the change you f the animal another close one I don't know what all these people are doing here to see not quite sure should we continue I mean that's a highly popular trigger but you wait because that's going to be very legal very soon and everything we've had so far no doubt has already been made illegal as we speak because there are some powerful triggers and tingles everybody wants them this time here so that draws attention to these certain things so to speak I noticed that you get a little bit like you experienced yeah okay just remember that if you do full sleeps little bit cold there's not much I can do about that I will be forced to continue you walking okay is that quite okay excellent right I have one more thing here for you I think it's it's a little bit relevant but I think it's going to be right up your street help you feel good and relaxed okay this particular one if you don't mind me one second I've managed toire quite a lot of um Source today but this particular one let me know what you think has a very unique quality and sound to it very powerful trigger okay you watchh your show okay I familiar with this one right this one replicates walking in snow okay when it's not snowing this becomes exceptionally valuable for people who love snow so to get sound usually it's a complete knockout yeah I think that's enough that one there for you I think you'll get a little bit sleepy aren't you okay I see the sort of that motion I know with people who are somewhat in experience with tingles or the the right tingles they prefess themselves to be people who've seen a lot of tingles had a lot of tingles and triggers and things and uh think they can obviously you know act normally when they have it but uh you uh tend not to be acting too normally to perap my normal clients that I meet up with um let's say the drible and the drool is something uh which a little bit new a bit of a giveaway and that look where you're sort of looking off into space and that smile on your face as well it tends to give it away a little bit when you sort of close your eyes and start no him like that that too is a little bit of giveway there in that last one you appear to have the full package there so perhaps there might be one a little bit more here for you okay now you must promise me that you don't fall asleep okay if you must promise me that you don't fall down and if you do remember oural rules here as well remember we haven't seen each other at all we know not of each other's existence all right I am here on the holidays you are our on the holidays okay and in your friend and so should perhaps don't even mention a little me here as well it works even better that way okay we don't talk about each other these other RS we just tingle trigger we feel good and then we meet at particular moments okay [Music] there who there oh excuse me down there yeah completely knocked out and sleep oh de well okay the effects of that one should last too long that tingle uh if you're still listening to me then um maybe this will seem get a bit of a dream for you um don't tell anyone if I'm meeting okay these tingles triggers between you and I and of course if if you want any then you know what to do okay and I'll be up to Source whatever you need art from that it was really great so it's a good time to take a little sleep around here isn't it don't worry about them they just have a little sleep little sleep in the snow yeah you appear to be moving that's great so I recommend getting up okay and then just go for a little bit of walk get some fresh air and new okay enjoy the snow okay you will sleep well tonight ah back on your feet excellent you don't think I was going to leave you here lying on the floor in the snow did you no that's just a little bit of of risk potential risk uh to make sure that uh you don't fall asleep but you did and you weren't able to handle your triggers there uh which is of course sometimes can happen when you have a lot of tile tingles and triggers okay right a little thing for you here who am I perfect where do I come from good okay what did you do this evening did you that sounds like a fascinating meal excellent you've got the chest take care of yourself cheer remember do be careful for the triggers out this n here
Channel: FredsVoice ASMR
Views: 234,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: triggers that should be illegal, asmr triggers, asmr, asmr triggers that should be illegal, illegal asmr, asmr tingle dealer, tingle dealer asmr, tingle immunity, #asmr, hot chocolate asmr, luxury hot chocolate, fredsvoice, most realistic asmr, most relaxing asmr, mouth sounds, relaxing sounds, zeitgeist, ultra fast raw asmr, fastest asmr, fast asmr, spray sounds, eating asmr, milkshake asmr, shave asmr, #haircutasmr, triggers, gibi, asmr massage, sas asmr, old schoolasmr
Id: V8N4szGJzBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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