Trifold Bed for Van Project

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hey alsai here and this is faye my neighbor and she has this van here and she wants to make it into a living well it was already a living space yeah for somebody else but she wants to change it to make it her own yes and so um that's what we're gonna be doing yeah our goal was to make a bed a trifold bed specifically that could fold up into a seat so first we took out the bed that was in there already and the shelving that was part of it here are some pictures of what we were removing faye plans to do a lot more to the van but for now she was hoping to get the tri-fold bed done before some trips she has planned for the summer there are a few stripped screws so i used the dremel with a cut-off disc to make a groove in the screw then i was able to use a standard screwdriver to remove them sweet so it's a wind toss-blown day right now yes it is very windy okay welcome to central oregon blows wind all the time this flooring the previous owner had put in has these metal strips that things can be attached to it's nice flooring faye wanted to see what was underneath so we removed a few bolts and lifted it up we propped it up with a board and checked it out unfortunately there wasn't any hidden storage areas underneath all right we took the floor out cleaned it real well well swept it anyway and then put it back in place oh yeah i'm on the road if i ever have to pull things apart right so like this so if they ever have to access this yep half inch yup it's always important to have the right tools yeah you can buy all the tools you want but if they're not right exactly it's not gonna help you at all no it's not not one bitty all right sweet okay faye watched a youtube video from dual x i'll leave a link below to the video but he built a trifold bed she thought would be perfect for her setup so we watched the video a few times took some notes and tried our hand at making the bed we cut the four pieces that will make the folding part of the bed fae had a tri-fold mattress so we designed it to fit that mattress dual x says you want some airflow so we drilled some holes into the boards this also makes the whole thing a little bit lighter then we drew some lines and used the jigsaw to cut out the ventilation holes i did the first few sure there you go give it a try yeah girl yeah okay so just the yep so what what it is you pull this i gave faye a quick tutorial and she cut out the rest lickety-split just like a pro then we used that piece as a template for the other boards and we did the same process once we had those all ventilated face started adding the piano hinge to the first one while i sanded the remaining pieces [Music] then we flipped the first section over and attached another piano hinge then we flipped it over again and added the final section with another piano hinge then we checked it out all right all right yeah sweet i love it okay we got to try it out like this okay so it goes like and after a long day we're pretty excited about it so far [Applause] nice we successful we did it what do you think wieners come here oh he doesn't care you don't care you're just like i want to go down in the house that's so cool ah i love it the next day we started on the frame we had a rough idea of what we were going to do but did a lot of guesstimating along the way we used two by twos because that's what we thought duolex had used later we saw he made have used two by fours but we were able to make this work and it was sturdy in the end he pocket hold all of his so we did that too i used my craig pocket hole jig i hadn't used it for so long i had to refresh myself on how to do it once refreshed i put a few pocket holes in and then let they do a few yeah i'm shorter than you so let's see oh yeah yeah i do have a longer reach all right okay [Applause] looks good last one nice yay woohoo all right let's put them on together [Music] then we both worked on driving the screws into the pocket holes we also added some glue to the joints for extra help next was to figure out the base of the bed it was shaped like an h so we called it the h we measured out some things figured out the height and disassembled the original box that was storage and support for the previous bed [Music] that was awesome we removed the nails and ripped it down to the new size faye had to go but she said i could continue with the h if i wanted to part of this new h was making a storage area for the ladder that goes with the van so i attached one of the original boards back to one end and put the ladder in it then i used some l brackets and attached them to the piece that used to be on the bottom of this box and mounted it just above the ladder i used a small level to help and then did the same thing on the other side so now the box was shorter where it needed to be and was also now a storage for the ladder and a shelf i got a shorter board already with some l brackets but we'll put it in place when phase back so we make sure it is the right size then i flipped it around and measured out the boards that will make up the other side of the h i got those all cut and ready for assembly the next day and here is half of the h placed in the van where it is going to be with the ladder all tucked away before we can put the other half of the h in we need to put the sliders on the frame fae got some 500 pound strength heavy duty slides as recommended by dual x we attach them to the frame with a slide all the way out making sure it would slide in and not hit the screws then we flipped it over and attached the other slide to the other side doing it the same way pay took it out to the van and now was to assemble the other side of the h we put the frame with the slides where it was supposed to go and align the other parts of the h to it we checked out how far the bed would go with the slides out and saw it was going to be just right we attached the h boards to the floor using l brackets we had a lot of l brackets from the previous owners setup we also attached board to board with l brackets too then we started attaching the slides to the h we used bolts as recommended by dual x to provide extra support we added them along the length of the slide i drilled the holes and put in the bolts while fey extended it and we did the same thing on the other side first aligning the last of the h boards and attaching them to the floor and neighboring boards then attaching the slide with the bolts you want to try her out shall we try her house yes so knock it all the way so lock it unlock it nice nice ah sweet and it feels nice and sturdy it feels nice and sturdy then we'll just put the braces on and whatnot yeah yeah put her in sweet okay we discovered the bed was a little wide so we ripped it down on the table saw then put it on the frame and split it out again i love it i love it nice it was looking good so we attached it and while they came in they get some lovin you're gonna break in my bed for me you are huh come on get ready nice next was to drill a hole for a rope that would be used to pull the bed up there we go i'll pull it and push it just a little bit there we go oh yeah look at that yep oh it got sweet it's okay it worked it worked it worked oh wait notice the couch in the bed when trying to slide it back oh okay and that's okay hopefully that doesn't cause a problem okay you got to sit on it okay see how it fits wow look at that head room shorty like me it's perfect nice now i gotta put the mattress on yeah and we'll see if i have headroom yeah i'm excited about putting the mattress on put the mattress on nice so faye did end up replacing a few of the bolts that were catching with bolts that had thinner heads and that fixed the couch the mattress fit right in and seemed to be great for a bed and then folded up for a bench wow nice so thanks you still have headroom oh yeah so my feet just touched the floor oh wow nice yay look at that crazy wow that is a big seat that's a big seat so i can definitely have lounge room yeah okay look at that you have a couch yeah nice change the table so we need to see it down now and see how long of the bed it is i mean how long how you fit on it i mean yeah we'll be definitely tall enough come here wally has that secondary latch lock on this one oh okay nice okay so this here i'll take my shoes off yeah see i tend to lay this way towards the head oh okay oh wow look at that yeah you have plenty of room i have plenty of room that's the whole thing else i mean it's 75 inches so it's yeah over six foot person so that would be me yeah wally and gibbs had to check it out too well we finished the bed build and since then we've actually done quite a bit more yeah so we thought we would show you what we did all right we put this box in here and you want to flip it up and show us sure there's a few things in there now oh there there are okay yeah that's all right so it's just a little box and it's just for storage and it's mounted on the floor there and there's the bed and that bed now she's got storage under the bed and that shelf over there we actually cut off the the end of it so it's not so long so that it can can go down and not hit the shelving so it looks pretty similar to how it was before we started but just a little bit different to accommodate this bed and we put that shelf back up so the bed now it slides out and it goes right on top of this chest and that's mainly to give it uh some more support yeah yeah so even though it's a 500 pound drawer slides and it actually does pretty good on its own just figuring with the wear and tear over time it would be a good idea to just have something that is good for storage on its own but also can be an extra benefit for extra support right and an extra seat for somebody when they're visiting yep extra pillows just for that yay all right and here's the back so we have uh this looks similar too to your what it looked like before except for this shelf is taller and then we have this table with the little legs that comes down and that table was very handy while we were working yeah what we did is we took the original door the original door yep it was down below down here and so we just moved it up and put these so that it wouldn't fall so it actually makes a nice table yes it does and then she can put her ladder that goes that goes uh you know helps get on top of the van right underneath there yes especially for a shorty like me yes and then these shelves are made to the specifications that she needs for her things like power sources and stuff like that all right you don't storage yeah nice all right cool thanks so much for joining us during this build and faye is going to try it out this weekend actually so if we need to make changes we will and she plans on doing some more things so maybe we'll make more videos of those changes too those will be fun yeah all right we'll see you next time i wanted to mention that faye has an online shop for shirts and hats and other swag it's called have courage and it's very uplifting i put a link to her shop down in the description box so you can check it out [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] make sure it's going the right way [Laughter] you
Channel: Cy's Corner
Views: 53,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trifold bed, van living space
Id: JSxEaVkYC1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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