Tricky Towers - #38 - I'll Never Financially Recover!

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everybody was some disaster dressing jasmine which blocks those are tricky ones let's recognize I'm gonna lose anyway might as well do it [Laughter] bolt predictions at the front well not anymore using them glitch blocks that's right look he handicapped himself played yourself it's a whole thing it's a clever ruse from ash she's going to win it all man I don't appreciate your ruse man are you trying to say rue am i making like some sort of cheese sauce [Music] [Music] yeah same same a Mayan dunkaccino is that we talking about say hello to my breakfast blend garbage that's garbage you guys what were you - ash came in here tired mad how he's gonna lose he's won first but I do believe he won first last time - no that was priced never mind that was that was I that was a pays off to a good start right ash bring it this has already been bharat in her Diaries bring back the dunker is this ready to bring back the dunkaroos stuff is coming back let's bring back their Cruz I was broad city and Abby goes down to like the oh crap this is gonna suck this is awesome yeah Bodega to research to go to reacts and she's like these are expired in the girl behind the registers like they ever made uh gurus since 1997 of course they're expired oh man yeah that sounds about right yeah there was an episode of good mythical more they do like weird versions of foods like if they were from an alternate dimension huh so they did wasn't dunkaroos it was like drown or ooze and it was a whole box of frosting that you had to look for the okay good I was like not big not big not baby slippy slippy frog slippy the Frog here Oh God my block over here is just going back and forth okay that's gonna cost me okay that's top make it this icy please win from having three hearts having no hearts in like ten seconds Oh God sucked that was my god yeah it took all of my hearts yeah I just lost two on a single no dude that ran sucked getting the ice like my goodness I used to make you know Thank You mr. freeze get out of here get out of here whoa look at this one puzzle normal its Jen or me yes well calm down there broom-hilda yeah it's good games fantastic I've considered busting out the old 164 recently I honestly could not play it anymore though because the controls are so bad that's the thing like we've gotten used to better games like there southpaw that's garbage it touch to the side and then so then it like added like call it all the gravity but like that sucks the controls are inverted nope on the n64 hard yeah it's but not only that like I mean just in general the controls were very we've come a long way as true it was how are you able to do that well that's when like 3d games were a new thing and they were figuring out how to map out controls you know because it was all you had jasmine and you liked it I hated it you liked it I hate it I think that's something for our younger viewers out there to recognize this guess what game developers had no idea what they were doing back then when it came to figured out how to handle 3d space we've got a long way you take for granted that the camera and fortnight works people know you can control it and move your character and it responds okay good my day back in our day the camera would have been fixed and it would have been looking directly down on ya and what we should get it's off screen and you liked it oh my god oh my goodness it's funny because it's true no I recently I mean not super recently but I attempted to play the homeworld remastered collection right yeah which home rent is one of my fondest memory games you know I've been loving the story and thinking that the 3d mists of it was so revolutionary for the time but God the controls are bad they're so bad yeah I picked up simply the knight costume items tonight on my playstation and was stoked to play and I played about 10 minutes and I was like this is terrible it's true like those games they're they're very difficult to play still like like I'm actually impressed with like how well megaman x still holds up because it's just a tight platforming game but beyond that most of the games from the youth that had any kind of action component to them are trash well like the like it's just slow and laggy and just like it's just like when you run it's like your characters running through molasses you know it's just everything is slow to respond back and look at like the original tomb raider and remember how huge that game was and now they try to play that a few years ago again like everything is like one color it's just like this muted color oh dear God whoever did that I hate you you were the chosen one like those two the floors those blocks were really good for me good god they were until they weren't anymore it's just the wind the wind is the worst right now really is meanest level the wind is just it's it's it's wind man lost everything in the scheme the slogan for 2020 oh man I read today that I mean there are some people who are doing really well financially target every day their sales have been better than cyber monday sales how every Thursday Z sales because everybody has to order their stuff online and they have a high it's true it's very true that was like the many places I can find toilet paper it yeah we registered there for our baby shower and we got so much crap from Target over the last day of that so much they have a really fast shipping like it's ridiculously fast no it's true order stuff for you we couldn't like almost in like three days two days later it was insane yeah yeah I've been trying to you because a lot of people I mean for obvious reasons are saying like oh don't order from Amazon if you can help it you know yeah that's I've been trying to like find the alternatives in yeah stores I mean a lot of places I'm shipping nearly as good as Amazon to targeted is definitely one oh the clothes yeah yeah both Target and Walmart have good distribution centers they should usually Creek campus dude this isn't a mess could y'all please hurry up and die mine is going really good until oh there I go I said hurry up and you guys die not me I think you're talking to your own blocks no no yeah well apparently they thought I was too so that's a gator this is this Oh God yeah that's gonna be the Enderman and and that I will say you know as just a little PSA to everybody out there watching you should be very suspicious of any actions of any company right now that is doing really well because they would love for this to last forever and that should say something about maybe you know where you might want to send your purchases and how you might want to move things forward because guess what no this is all I just slapped you just love you to just live inside and orders to talk to the rest you damn it all right good job jazzy my goodness one left you're gonna win no matter what how did I get third place that's for sure cuz I got fourth that's weird and you can't hang below try though I know if you touch this and it's gone if I remember correctly that's fine yeah yeah but you can't hang any lower than that like if you had like a tumor like you're as low as you can go okay and you go no lower than I just did oh that's low that's real low man that's real low will this stay fit this guy in there where the hell do I put this now oh you guys with your l-shape that was smart that was going nowhere for this block I am screwed dammit Oh No Oh God oh thank goodness I don't know what to do I don't know what to do and this is a tricky wiki one man it is super tricky I don't know it happened yeah yeah like I didn't see the the first couple steps this is like underpants gnomes territory where it's just like I saw stage one and that's on stage three and I won oh wow there's a lot going on there yeah thank you thank you for taking it for me boy okay fun here okay okay this is all normal [Music] what is normal anymore this is normal yeah you're having to convince yourself so because yesterday we recorded scrap mechanic all day yesterday I kept thinking man women gonna stream tomorrow cuz I thought it was thirst it's going to be first aid ah yes dude before I got back to work with you guys yeah I had no idea what a day was at any point you could have told me of a Saturday and it was actually Tuesday I would have believed you my days we've met nothing to me it didn't even matter look how big the spider is on that block that I have the spider that's a mega powder see it for me it's a punkin it's a giant pumpkin that's what I said really yeah that's interesting but I don't see the spider at all I was like what did you say you're talking about you see a big pumpkin on the night I see that's where blood belongs Louise yeah oh no thanks again that's a good classic insult I want to bring back blockhead blockhead yeah or is that insulting to people with walk shaved head I was like is that insulting to some group of people because I almost feel like it's like such a simple because I feel like it's just saying and every time we watch community they use that joke over and over again like season six is just Leon over and over again nope haven't watched any of that please stop please stop shaking good job price if you could have just gotten it like ten seconds [Music] still anybody's game okay oh my goodness ooh yeah if blockhead is insulting to you I apologize I assume it's literally just saying like your head is like it's sick it's you're not thinking I just think about that now ever since I learned that like every every week when we've been like trying to check our turn up prices and animal crossing what's your what's your nip presa how about them nips and we learned that nips is an insensitive phrase well you guys just don't watch enough World War two documentaries to still grandparents yeah well hat yeah they're they're gone now so they're not hearing this they're watching okay from hell or heaven Wow come on now I said or heaven because were races old people person goes to hell that's pretty full at this point [Music] seems at the door and he's saying I'll never find actually recover from this [Laughter] thank you all right anybody's game it's you and me oh I hate these ones yeah it's just so boring it anyway yes do you let me know if thou I'm curious now something like reading the comments let's find out like oh it's a horrible fray its lock it yeah hey I mean it wouldn't be that surprising it's true history of America is filled with very creative and colorful racism as of like 1979 so I don't know if it's gotta be then damn it Anakin let's try that I have no I've got nothing I'm done this is this is gonna cost me oh my god how even I love that tweet that's been making the rounds it's like this is not what America's about America's about opens history book Oh No just enough just enough good job Moo's you did it does keep track of your forced places and it's like the saddest little four it's like a reactor you failed one oh yeah that's when tricky towers there's no what you guys think of it down those cows below with that weave is something I'm a national member present jasmine look at y'all exam [Music] [Music]
Channel: Stumpt
Views: 24,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stumpt, Stumpt Gamers, Tricky Towers, Tricky Towers Gameplay, Tricky Towers 4 Player, Tricky Towers Multiplayer, Tricky Towers online, Tricky Towers Race, Tricky Towers Animals, Tricky Towers DLC, Tricky Towers Spirit, Tricky Towers Unlocks, Gameplay, 4 Player, Multiplayer, Tricky, Towers, Tetris, Funny
Id: X37Z9kg2bII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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