Get Packed - #3 - BANK ROBBERS!! (Co-op Stadia Gameplay)

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boop boop boop boop beep boop boop beep let's go okay there's always something there's always something cute blip fireworks and hands reach oh no oh no it's true the customer's never right no oh look at that little drill thing out front we're taking that with us okay keep it cool guys this place is just a test run no guards and it's Black Friday so the staff will be busy right and we're moving out the store while people are trying to buy stuff yeah this is gonna be a nightmare I'm gonna grab this little like stuff outside all right I'm going side I'm gonna grab this guy come here come here saying I'm taking a literally there we go Oh God jazzy jammie good with Jess all right can you can you he was the thing that were supposed to take oh nice okay use a triple Traverse Lina transfer back all right if you can get out I'll take this I'll push that it me yeah there we go all right oh my god I'll take this in I'm going okay go for it yeah yeah bring everything with us guys yeah inside need some potassium it's so hard to like daintily drop something these cans got in the way where's the fireworks did I miss them it's ash right here please oh those giant ol fireworks where is the gumball machine it's right all right there yeah yeah okay I'm gonna grab these things yep okay somehow it got that it oh you broke it oh I'd be careful yeah all right it's fine get your Baba let me grab some bananas I take this whole register what is that noise it's every visible it's the triple oh god it is it breaking things get the dark go go go the door it slammed on me it made the money go wild geez here we actually just pack the money would that actually give us more money well I was trying to pack the ATM machine and now I'm sending these things out because I'm like burn burn you monsters but but do you see the money on the ground we actually just throw the money in there and just have money maybe but that's why I'm bringing the ATA it makes sense now get your ass out yeah good stuff okay okay all right if I I'm bringing one one one sack of bills how much $50 it's $50 solar sighs where's the other TV oh this again no I don't know where the TV guys I got a forklift okay yeah yeah okay job all right for clips stay here stadia stadia get it state my stadia there yep and look I got Slurpees nice that hurt all right do you think poor clip first I think all this stuff will be enough alright get that for engineer I'm I'm maybe I consider it do it go we're good beautiful I think that's gonna have a time anyways go around here and look around don't break anything go for it why not how do you do just let it go and he just let it go no no I'm around I don't know I launched one at some point I just grabbed it we we did it those are also fireworks yes been Iike going yeah we did it [Music] the smallest Black Friday rush I've ever seen I know there's nothing and I have worked at Black Friday that was scary good guy hey ready for something bigger please no please no clock Friday yeah they did say this was just a test run jazz something yeah oh I worked I worked at Black Friday at Sears mm mm like for cheese's no thousand six or seven Black Friday yeah oh there's guards I'm so beat up the guards moving this isn't moving this is just robbery buzzer I'm taking that fountain and taking that to your ex yeah to you right there is one guard but he's not the brightest try to avoid him okay I just want him is the guy so he is been slow but serious the moment they open the doors imagine like a hundred people running directly at you yeah yeah it was terrifying I mean I works Black Friday but like yeah not not there oh yeah look at some time all right I'm just gonna keep them busy what's the cannon where's the cannon I'm keeping him busy good job - you got it oh you hit me I was I was the decoy grab it - you got Dan and Ken oh there's the cannons over there yeah can we get it I got it that's fine you got it go around go around was the bonus - hey cool yeah he's got the whole thing out which I got the whole thing yeah dude you wrecked that guy all right we should get this quickly because you broke the TV move - move wasn't it TV okay I'm just taking this out sitting at the bonus yeah yeah go for it sir knocking about with where's Thea I just won something at him and he got knocked out so he stayed down for a little bit with all those gems by the way yeah there's a lot of gems did you do oh my gosh oh my gosh the damages oh the damages don't break the nautilus shell no ladders would be so salty oh me to get those gems look that's the special you get the gems I make it than the the atlases world all right send it out yep we world what was it like every now oh if you go out inside of it you knock on it okay I was like why does it sound like someone's trying to break out of a thing you can do it ash I believe in you soared and hit him with the sword where's the sword look in the glass to your left Oh in the glass give me the sword I was like wait wait wait wait wait do we crush this oh yeah everything I mean oh it sucks but you all right we know what's valuable we know what's valuable yeah t-rex's obviously maybe some damages sorry my bad nope ah I like that you got the you grab the velvet robe it come on come on come on grab the stupid hey guard yeah I just punched him in the face oh great tarus let's go jazzy look out cuz I already took the fountain I stole the fountain flower can take the flower take the tree take the rock but it wasn't work here Luke read that pot oh is that the shadow turret Vaz oh maybe maybe I'm still the sign yep take the trout dude blathers is getting so many donations today awesome now ready for the biggie some won't know what hit them oh we're straight up stealing alright well so I guess we're stealing from the corporation that evicted us yes there we go I'm cool with this I'm cool with you know exacting some vigilante vandalism justice against an evil corporation let's go let's go we're we stealing for red no because red will sell fakes and we only do the chips my god bank robbery y'all where's the bomb oh yeah have you guys seen I just got a call from stock Corporon to us we need to cancel nice travel this way for nothing it's a 10-minute Drive I said abort five I'm bouncing don't say I didn't warn you that's fine bouncing dress okay guys this is just like one of our very first stump videos it's payback we're gonna walk in hey excuse me alright grab that grab the explosives okay that wasn't it okay grab these atm there you go ash you gotta push it on in go maybe oh no oh no this was started this was started how did she look out how'd you start it I understand it was on the ground it just started with it no no just like press a with it or maybe like click grab it and let go of it real fast like like click it okay let me let me try it I don't know controls are not very clear all right I believe you guys can do it oh my gosh all right I jumped with it I think we're gonna get that money yeah look out boom [Music] bars I wonder if like now bad boys are gonna show up bad boys for like you move the truck well I had to do the bonus just get out here the gold bars as you can and the safes maybe we need to blow up to sit please alert it caution SWAT team coming you guys keep the job yep take a shot oh I got smacked oh my gosh okay grab the house can I take the police with Nick and I like knock them out and then take them with me yes is it these two of them hey guys come on you guys come with me no no no get back up okay I'm stuck inside of them I don't want that ever again ah goodness price jump jump with it hold in your hand and look just like I don't know I was just a spam day I ran around with it I really don't know if there's any logic to getting that golden seat jazzy yep [Applause] alright oh we missed it just keep grabbing stuff too right outside right here you can't just to get just no let me leave the gold and run away somewhere else stop taking it away my goodness [Music] stop it alright so if we do this level again which I think we're gonna have to maybe we don't blow it up right away if we take other stuff yeah this makes 400 each the cold bars are only worth two hundred each actually so yeah cuz if we made this excessively more difficult for us by doing that I mean if you want to we go started right now yeah just think happen okay alright so yeah let's get all the other stuff first and leave the TNT for the end hold on let me just see this real quick so it's like put it there how do you light it what is that noise is that your cat no it's just the guy whistling oh is in the game okay yeah I'd like to be able to check the controls to see if there's a button for like activate cuz it really didn't seem to have any logic to it whatsoever oh there's bonus objectives when you hit pause we're gonna vote with ten seconds PAC five please break the reception in wall pack all the gold gotcha well break the reception wall oh we could break the reception wall right well be really helpful I'd blow it up we got to take some of these columns yeah ow that's worth a lot so worth more than gold the ATMs are worth a lot worth like six hundred each oh I broke the reception wall you can literally just grab it oh okay oh sorry oh my god why I tripped over like a stupid pot in it like again this is ridiculous I can't get up oh my god I'll say for whatever reason - I'm not blue anymore I'm green alongside packet yeah oh that's only on your end man that's weird [Music] all right and I still do not understand fully how to do the TNT I took it over there maybe it's context sensitive just once it's close to something I don't maybe know the other one just started blowing up anyway maybe just shake it around grab it with both hands maybe maybe Oh grab Oh grab grab grab the thing right next you ash huh nope alright run where is the clock oh you got it okay yeah clocks in the truck we wanted to attack the police how do we knock them out to do it maybe you have to get them all into the car with you well I know but how do you like that's what I was asking it's like how do you do that maybe maybe we all run into the truck and get them to follow us in there yeah runnin come on y'all and go there's still three here yeah yep here well yeah yeah go see if you can get some more stuff going if you can so I don't know if I can to the station bonk [Music] yeah let's shout on my screen there all right well guys that's the thing that's our secret item it's just right there scooting down the street probably gone forever he's probably gone forever come on come in we can't rid of the police when they oh no you come back hey come back come on guys hey what's up now whatever wasting time perhaps two gold bars these guys are such blood heads man right let me alone leave me alone let me alone chase me chase me chase me chase me come on the one that was in there woke up and knocked me out I can't get up awesome Tyrion absolutely for you one blood heads well we have 15 seconds all right I'm gonna grab some more gold we might just have to to stir this but I'm gonna get this in the truck and then give me a second quick quick and just send it wait said okay the cop inside there's no way yep we might get enough bonuses for three star we'll see no I don't know yeah nobody could have seen this coming okay so here's what I'm thinking when we blow up the vault maybe people stay if we want to do it again maybe some people you stay over inside the vault and I can't like run around down near where the police spawn I'm gonna come in and try and run them all into the truck and get it out of it maybe what do you want reduced wondering if the gold is even worth it like if I think I don't think there's enough stuff elsewise I mean I'm down to try one more time if we want to that's right okay oh my god alright and also by the way I just want to point out every time I have hit don't show this again it shows it again every time you know we know okay so yeah let's just like you said let's just clear out all this stuff you grab the columns grab everything we can let's go all right ATMs are worth a lot yes I can freaking rip them out see yeah we want a box from like what the alley or no it's a safe safe is the same we're not getting that anytime soon oh that's loaded well cause it got smashed by the door like I didn't see the door closed yeah yeah that's what they do that's frustrating I know right I might have to send it just put other stuff in here grab some of this cash oh my god just take it okay it's so infuriating like they'll be like too heavy for you to pick up and lift and it's like this whole struggle touch it with your toes when it's inside the truck and it just like kicks it like it's nothing be consistent please physics grab some of these computers you know what Chad had a good point the special item on this level is probably the safe door like one of the most special yeah but also chat don't backseat game huh how's that sound how's that about keep it to yourself I mean it's a good suggestion it's good suggestion but someone says there's been some demanding comments which I don't appreciate why is he alarm do enough maybe overtime with us but now you to blow it up for sure all right all right send it send this out I'm gonna blow this up but wake up first garnish let's see try cooking with both hands there you go that's fine you go I again I have no idea no rhyme or reason to it don't think there's any logic to it I think it just does alright you kinda grab that door yeah okay well I got all the cops so big right it's so big oh hey it's in 1500 was a good chunk of change okay I'm sorry I gotta get out of here that's fine take it get chased I don't really know how to like hurt them ouch it's not easy I think it's like ya pick up something like the column you can like swing it and hit them but it's difficult and yeah the gold bars just aren't worth that much and the safes just aren't worth that much like it's yeah takes too long oh god I'm gonna tell you right well I can do that [Music] there's a little trophy down here oh ouch oh damn it [Music] yeah we gotta find white good yeah ouch yeah we're not gonna get three stars it's fine that's fine that's fine I mean that giant door though is worth a lot of money so it was I think that the I think that just like the whole cop thing on this level makes it frustratingly difficult if we knew how to hurt them maybe but yeah we don't all right all right [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Stumpt
Views: 16,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stumpt, Stumpt Gamers, Get Packed, Get Packed Game, Get Packed Gameplay, Get Packed Stadia, Get Packed Co-op, Get Packed Multiplayer, Get Packed Online, Game, Gameplay, Stadia, Co-op, Multiplayer, Online, Funny
Id: N0lq2EENing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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