Tricks of Satan Part 1 @Abdurraheem Green 2021

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okay so one of the things that every muslim has to believe is we believe in angels no they don't look like that and those aren't angels they're cherubs anyway according to uh whatever so okay so what are the summon what what are some of the common beliefs about angels that religious people hold generally in religions generally yeah what do people believe about angels does anyone know yes sister okay yeah any religion it says any anyone who believes in angels what do they believe in yeah they're creatures no i don't think anyone believes they're actual people right so yeah they're guardians you have guardian angels yeah on the day of judgement they speak for you yeah big feathered wings yeah they protect you every person yeah the guardian angel we're talking about a guardian angel here right yeah they're all good are they yeah they've got halos yeah maybe yeah um okay so i mean that's some iconography that you know is in people's minds they're not all good right like not according to christianity right in christianity who's the devil a fallen angel right so in christianity there is a battle but not only the devil by the way the devil has with him according to jewish and christian tradition right he has with him an army like there's an army of rebellious angels it's not just the devil right there's a whole army and they're having some like major battles right um so it's interesting you find in many different religions uh ancient religions there is a belief in angels a belief in winged creatures they perform certain tasks for the gods and so on and so forth um and you know they're they're not like us they're not like human beings right so you have in different religions different beliefs obviously in christianity there is the idea that angels can fall have you have you also heard the story of haru and maroot yeah the maruta mentioned in the quran but there's a story about them which is reported from the israeli art and the point being is that this contradicts what we believe in islam but again it's the uh it's the idea of the fallen angels these two angels are complaining about the immorality of people on earth so god sends them down as human beings and then they realize how difficult it is not to fall in love yeah and there's like made movies made about this right okay and uh you know they fall in love and like it's supposed to be god teaching the angels how difficult it is to be a human being right so this is an old story of but we don't believe this as muslims right and why because what we believe about muslims what we believe about angels as muslims is very specific so we have some real details for most other people it's just guesswork there's some idea that these beings exist but exactly what they are what they do alhamdulillah in islam is very clear so first of all just as we our origin is from clay like our you could say our essence our base you know um origin is clay and jin i think we'll talk about jin in it we'll talk about jin jin are made from smokeless fire angels are created from light okay light light not light bulbs light but from light yeah nor yeah which means light yeah um they exist and they're real they're not figments of our imagination the pagan arabs for example believed that the angels were the daughters of allah actually believe that they were god's daughters so they believed that the angels were female right but they're not the daughters of allah okay the angels have been created to worship allah and carry out his commands okay and allah mentions this in the quran the angels glorify his praises night and day and they never slacken so angels for angels glorifying allah glorifying god is like breathing for us like it's something they have to do and they can't stop doing it they constantly are glorifying and praising god and they are incapable of disobeying allah angels are incapable of disobeying allah so shaytan satan the devil is not a fallen angel because angels cannot disobey god because their existence is to obey god worship god and carry out god's commands they're incapable of disobeying god right and allah says in the quran the meaning of which is they do not disobey allah in what he commands them but they do what they are commanded okay they have wings and um allah mentions in the quran he made the angels messengers with wings two three or four pairs some angels like the angel gibril who is the greatest angel has 600 wings they're not necessarily feathered wings though right we shouldn't that's that again that's just like how people picture it and angels can appear in human form there are many many uh it's in the quran when the angels come to talk to uh ibrahim abraham and they come to visit prophet lutz um as a precursor for the destruction of sodom and gomorrah they they appear as humans um jibril as we know from the hadith of jibril this whole hadith is based upon that and you know the angels appear not only to prophets they can appear to people even the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said when someone comes seeking charity from you you know don't refuse to give someone charity because you don't know that allah sent you a messenger there's a whole action meaning it could be an angel that allah has sent just to test you right yeah i i don't know yeah maybe i don't it wouldn't necessarily be obvious anyway there's a whole there's a beautiful story a hadith uh about uh three men who have three types of disabilities i won't mention the whole thing and um an angel is sent to them to ask them what do you want and they each ask for different types of wealth and they're given this type of wealth and then the angel comes back uh dressed as a poor person in a time of you know famine and these people are wealthy and he's asking them you know give me something of what allah has blessed you and they say i can't give to every person who's asked i'll have nothing left right and they say well they say well didn't allah weren't you like this and allah gave you that right may allah take it away and they just except one guy who was blind and he says take whatever you like you know right um so yeah so people so this these things can happen right to ordinary people the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is a famous narration uh of um hanzala uh one of the companions called hanzola he was really upset one day and he was going around saying hanzo has become a hypocrite hanzo has become a hypocrite and you know and then abu bakr heard him saying he said what are you talking about hanzo he said look you know when i'm with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam when we're listening to him giving his sermon on friday you know we we feel like the paradise is there the hellfire is there it's the day of judgment we remember allah so strongly then we go back to our families and we forget everything we forget all of these things and i i i'm a hypocrite how can i be like that and so abu bakr said wallahi the same thing happens to me he said let's go and ask the prophet so they went and asked the prophet and he said oh hanzo there's a time for this and a time for that and a time for this and a time for that he said wallahi if you are able to be in the states when you are listening to me when you're at home and the rest of the time the angels will come down and shake your hands on the street yeah so um angels these are the angels the other thing is the angels have intellect they have the capability to think about things and we can understand that from the story yeah i don't know if it's uh okay we can understand that from the story that i'm sure hopefully you know it in the quran about uh adam and how iblis disobeyed allah when allah he created adam and i'm cutting it all quickly you know and he told all the angels i'm going to create a khalifa successor for the earth and they said and then the angel said are you going to create something that is going to make blood you know that's going to shed blood and make mischief so they have the ability to question they have the ability to process information they have the ability to think right they didn't they're not they're not saying this in a rebellious way they're saying this in a way because they want to understand they want knowledge and they want more information right it means they have the ability they want to understand why allah is doing that because they think well we're we're glorifying you we're praising you right they know that allah has created everything right so that everything should praise him and glorify him so why would you create something that is gonna you know shed blood and make mischief on the earth and allah says i know what you don't know so they accept it you know or allah says they accept it and then allah then allah creates adam and then he teaches adam the names of all the things and then he says to the angels tell me their names meaning he's asking the angel angels to mention the names of the human beings and they don't know right and then he says to adam tell them tell me tell them names so he names all the angels because allah has taught adam the names of all things so and allah says didn't i tell you that i know what you don't know when the angel said the angels just praise and glorify allah and say allah you you know everything and you're the wise and you know they like i said they weren't questioning allah out of disobedience they're questioning out of curiosity wanting to know it shows and indicates they have like what you could call some type of intellect right then allah says bow down before adam he tells all the angels to bow down before adam right some people i'm going to pre-empt it say well isn't bowing down something you only do for allah yes absolutely is something that you only do for allah you should not bow down to any created thing to bow down or to prostrate before a created thing is shirk because it's an act of worship that should only be done for allah right so how about the angels bowing down can anyone answer that is that shook the god allah told the angels to bow down to adam yeah why is it not sure yeah because allah commanded it exactly it's that simple like it's only show that because allah commanded it or allah forbade it yeah that's it like it's because of allah's commands not necessarily because of some from his wisdom so yeah they so they all bow down except iblis and allah mentions in the quran and iblis was one of the jinn so what are the jinn the jinn are another creature they're the only other creature that we know about that that we know about that has free will angels do not have free will yes they have some level of intellect they have some ability to operate independently they have an ability to operate independently so for example there's a story another a thing the prophet mentioned about a man who killed 99 people and he wanted to repent uh and so he went trying to find out if he could repent and anyway i'm going to cut this a little bit short and basically a scholar said yeah you can repent but you just need to leave this land go to another land uh and you know away from these wicked people go to a good place and and that's that's all you need to do so the man left and he died halfway right so the angels of punishment and the angels of mercy were disputing which one is going to take him one of them was saying no he repented and look he made he look he walked towards this good land and the other said he didn't do a single good deed right it means that it shows that the angels have some ability to act independently right they've been given commands and they go and fulfill those commands and they're having a discussion about who should fulfill a command how right okay so it shows they have some intellectual ability right uh so the jinn the jinn is different in the sense that they are like us that they can choose to obey or disobey so we have intellect but we can disobey god angels can't right we can know what god is telling us to do and still do something different angels can't do that and the jinn are like that jin is similar in the sense and they're similar in many ways they have children they have communities they have different religions but they are not physical in the sense that we have is there what normally you call spirits yeah okay and anyway there's a whole lot of stuff around gin and a lot of it we just don't know like it's not a lot of the stuff that people talk about jin and the history of jinn is not something we know definitively from the quran or from what the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam taught us all we know is that this one jinn yeah this one jin iblees was amongst the angels in the heaven how he got there there's many stories there's some stories we can't say definitively are they true or not all we know is this one jinn it pleases with the angels and he disobeys allah when allah says prostrate all the angels prostrate but iblis refuses and then allah says why do you not prostrate when you know all that everyone is prostrating and he said well i'm better than him yeah you made me from my fire and you made him from earth i'm better than him and i'm not going to prostrate to something that you made from earth right so allah then allah expels you know shaytan from his presence he said there's no place for the arrogant here and my presence he and then iblee says give me respite leave me until the last day and i will misguide mankind from your straight path yeah except those your chosen servants your believing servants i will misguide all of them and take them with me to hell and allah says okay you have respite you've been given respite okay so that very briefly you know is the story of the fool i suppose well there's not the fool then allah puts adam and howard in paradise in jannah he says eat and drink from wherever you like except don't go near the street it's not mentioned what tree is it says don't go near this tree shaitaan iblis comes he whispers to hawa he whispers to adam he makes them promises you know and they listen to him and they eat from the tree and their nakedness appears to them and then allah expels them from paradise and puts human beings and shaytan on earth and that's where we are our testing for you know the descendants of adam is the place of test if we obey allah and we follow the messengers then we inshallah we will go back to paradise if we don't we'll go to hell with iblis so that's it that's the real history guys not that you evolved from a monkey the real history is why i just outlined for you there okay that's our true history that's the origins of human beings yeah okay so what are some of the benefits of believing in angels right well one of the things that it increases our awareness of the complexity the subtlety of the creation of allah how there are so many things even beyond what we can normally observe and it makes us understand the absolute strength and power of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala right the another thing that we can think about is that we never feel alone if you're a believer you always know that subhanallah the angels are with you and you mentioned that for him each person there are angels in succession before and behind him they guard him by the command of allah so it is something that we believe that we have guardian angels all right we have angels that guard us right angels that are there to help us angels that are advising us to do good just as i mentioned before everyone has a kareem or a jinn that is encouraging them to do evil right number three it helps us to remember allah subhanahu wa ta'ala amongst the angels there are angels one on our right one on our left the angel on the right writes all the good deeds the angel on the left writes all the evil deeds so all of these things when you understand and you think about the reality of these beings as well that constantly remember i mean just that thing this realization that there are these countless beings that constantly worship and remember allah it's a further reminder allah doesn't need you to be muslim you're not doing allah a favor by praying five times a day like what a joke you think you're gonna go to you know to mecca make hajin you've done something amazing there are angels right that are constantly there are so many angels that allah above the ka'ba there is another kaaba in the heavens and the angels they uh they make to work around it and they never return and it's constant there are so many angels they make tawaf and they never return that actually this is subhanallah that the universe is full of countless beings that are remembering allah constantly right i mean so we pray we make hajj we worship because it's good for us not because allah needs it yeah another beautiful thing is the angels they pray for the believers they make dua for the believers they seek forgiveness for the believers yeah they support the believers in different ways that allah was mentioned for example in battles sometimes angels come and they help the believers and this is in mention in the quran and there's many stories by the way i could tell you many stories uh from modern times where people have experienced extraordinary things yeah which inshallah almost definitely are the angels right so i told you the story of iblis right um i told you the story of the the fall of shaytan so what we mention is that shaitaan what is his objective his existence is dedicated to do one thing and what is that one thing that he wants to do yeah take us to hell he wants to take us with him to hell that is his objective and he doesn't give up he's you know that's he is just determined to do it right so one of the important things is you must have heard the adage know your enemy yeah so it's good to know your enemy because this shaytan iblis is your enemy he is your sworn enemy allah tells us shaytan is your enemy do not take him as your friend don't take him as your friend don't invite him in for dinner in your head yeah lay out a feast for him and have a long chat listening to everything all the lies that he has to tell you like a lot of people do right he's your enemy he is a liar he is a deceiver so the more you are connected with the quran the more you are connected with the book of allah the more you are connected with the practice of the prophet muhammad the easier is going to be for you to identify these you know these voices from shaytan and to know what is the right way from the wrong way because one of the things i i reckon possibly as a new muslim people may struggle with like are these like voices in your head right i certainly i know when i was when i first became muslim subhanallah some of the stuff that i struggled with it was just crazy really crazy and actually one of the things is shaytan when you when you first become muslim shaytan attacks you really hard because he knows you're vulnerable he knows your knowledge is less he knows in some ways you're weak in your knowledge so he's going to work really hard to put doubts in your mind he knows that you probably haven't learned to discipline your soul to discipline yourself that well yet right so he's gonna stir up your desires your passions yeah remind you of all those good old things that you used to do back in the days before you became muslim that you can't do anymore right it's going to remind you of all of that stuff and he knows that maybe you don't have the you haven't developed the skill set really to avoid it so number one thing that shaytan wants to do the top thing that he wants to do is to get you to commit shook because if he gets you to make sure he's got you if you die making sure he succeeded you're going to be in hell with him forever that's his number one goal right or to die making kuffar disbelief so kufur could be slightly different from shirk right so shirk as we know is making right with that you know we making associating partners making partners with allah making rivals with the laws we've got we've described and we taught you what shirk is yeah kuffar could be something different so kufur could be saying something that is a disbelief like for example or doing something desecrating the quran yeah it's disbelief there may not be shirk but it's disbelief yeah there are certain things that you can say which are statements of kuffar it may not be but it is no one who believes in allah and who believes in the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam or someone who insults the prophet insulting the prophet is not shirk but it could it could definitely be disbelief it could take you out of islam do you understand right so this is what shaytan will try and get you to do that's on the top of his list if you can get you to do any of those things that's it he knows he's got you so the next thing is if he can't get you to do shirk or kuffar to make partners with allah or to disbelieve in allah the next thing that shaitaan will try to get you to do are innovations now this is something that shaytan has really done a pretty good job because most muslims don't even know what innovations are they have no idea really and a lot of muslims are committing innovations which are major sins and here's the thing why shaytaan you know why shaitaan loves innovations because okay what is an innovation what is bidar what is it okay yeah okay it's an innovation right is to do something or to believe something to do something or believe something that looks like or seems to be like something that is from islam it looks like it's from islam it looks like a religious practice it looks like a religious belief right it sounds like it looks like it however it is not proven it's not proven by any verse of the quran or by a practice of the prophet or by an agreement of the companions right or a consensus of the muslims it's not you don't find that and this could be either the action itself or the way or the mannerism in which the action is done so it's not just the action it could be the way the action is done all right so simply means a new thing in bidder means a new thing a newly invented thing but obviously a mobile phone is a bidder from the time of the prophet muhammad but it's a technological bidder it's not a religious bidder it's a bidder which is fine get as as do as much bitter as you like when it comes to technology yeah when it comes to worldly things if you want to spend all of your energy inventing things do it in worldly things make inventions but when it comes to the religion don't touch it stick to the sunnah and the reason is brothers and sisters is because we can only know how to worship allah through revelation let me ask you a question how do you think people started worshiping idols okay that's very general but probably huh so how is that an innovation what's where's the innovation no one told us to make statues and pictures of prophets no one told god never told us to make statues and pictures of pious people right but that's what they did and why did they do it how might they imitate the religion right how would you make that religious because remember a bid ah is something that seems to be like it's from the religion you have to that's the element so where's the religious element why would why would you build a statue of your pious people yeah to remember them yeah so here i am thinking one day oh you know what if i make a statue of you know what i think you know of profit this or such and such person that when we see their statue or picture we'll see it and we'll remember them remember their good you know how good they were and how holy they were this is how this is what abdullah ibn abbas was a companion of the prophet he told us how idol worship started he told us he said amongst the people of noah the people of nua were upon the religion of adam for 10 generations so there was a time when everybody on earth was muslim right yes there were sins being committed yes there was cain and abel right and who killed i think cain killed abel right okay so there were sins there was disobedience there were things happening but no one was making sure no one was worshiping idols like this is for we don't know how long but the people of nur were on this for 10 generations they were only worshipping allah and they had amongst them four pious people really holy like really holy pious people and these four people they all died one after the other they died very quickly in succession so you can imagine that these people they were very attached to them they loved them right these pious people died right and they were left without their scholars without their pious people right and they were very distraught this is one shaytan can you this is how long shaytan's been really planning now now he realizes here's my chance right so he comes to these people and he says why don't like he's suggesting to them in their mind why don't you make statues and why don't you make images of these pious people and then put them in your places of gathering so that when you see them you will remember allah more do you hear that when you see them you will remember allah more so shaytan is doing something that is going to help people remember god more remember that when someone says oh how can you say such and such is an innovation we are just reading quran we are just doing we are making vikr we are remembering allah are you saying it's haram to make vikar no we're saying this is not the way the prophet did it why are you doing it in some way the prophet didn't do it because this is how it starts innovations look like something good they look like oh yeah this is a good thing and this is why shaytan loves them because they're they destroy religion and they lead to shook so shaytan comes he says put these statues and they build these statues and that's it he leaves them he leaves them for a bit another generation two generations some generations passed and what happens what do you think happens to people when their scholars and their pious people die and they're not yeah they okay but they also they start to commit sins right there's no one reminding them there's no one enjoying the right forbidding the wrong there's no one keeping them on the straight and narrow people start yeah you know getting bit more relaxed about everything yeah okay bit by bit people fall into sin and when they fall into sin right when you start to fall into sin then what begins to happen is your heart is not really connected to allah anymore and soon enough people and i've met many people like this most non-muslims who believe in god but they believe i've got so many sins and i've done so many bad things i can't talk to god i can't how's god going to listen to me why would god listen to me and this is the whole of catholicism is based on this false idea who do you think you are you think you're going to go and ask god i would say to the monks the priests why do i have to come you to you and ask god to forgive myself well you can ask god if you want but why would god listen to you you need to come to the holy people you need to come to the monk you need to come to one who's been purified like this whole thing is that no no you can't have you you're so bad right god is not going to look at you this is really this itself is kufar this is disbelief itself is disbelief allah says only the disbeliever despairs of the mercy of allah right but this is the trick of shaytaan when people are so prone to committing sins they feel that they can't and so this is what happened this is what happened they became like that and then shaytan said to them you see these statues that your ancestors built of your pious people the reason they did that is so that you could use them as intercessors and intermediaries between you and god so you call upon these pious people right and they will take your prayers they will be them you know they will be the intercessor between you and god and you know like people use this argument you say look if you want to see the king can you go straight up to the king and talk to him can you do that no you have to go to you know you have to write a letter you have to go through all the secretary it sounds logical doesn't it right so the same thing they say with god you sister just just think listen yeah i'll come back to you right they say it's the same thing you know you think you can't go straight to god god's more holy than a king you need to go through his special chosen people sounds very logical isn't it does it does sound quite logical yes or no yeah you see even idle worshipers have some logic however it's logical maybe but it's just it's based upon a completely it's actually based on disbelieving in god because this shows that people these people don't know who they're talking about they don't know who's god now why does a king have a secretary why does a king have uh you know people that like yeah he's because he's a human being he has limited time he wants to eat feasts he wants to go hunting yeah he wants to go dancing with kate you know and have an argument with harry yeah okay and pick a fight with megan you've got all that important stuff to do yeah okay yeah you know as a you've got all that important stuff to do you can't spend all of your time talking to the commoners right and and all that how can you imagine if every one of us had a problem yeah oh my sandal broke oh um queenie my sandal bro can you help me please seriously do you has she got time for that no right you wouldn't even think of asking the queen if you sand or broke would you would you anyone but you know what the prophet said if your strap of your sand or breaks ask allah even the strap of your sandal never be shy to ask allah even in the strap that's the difference because allah can hear every single one of us calling upon him if every human being the human of us the jinn of us the male of us the female of us the last of us and the first of us gathered together in one place and we all asked allah allah could give us all of us everything we asked for and it wouldn't reduce his kingdom and his authority in the slightest and if every one of us gather together the the first of us the last of us the male the female right the men the jinn we gathered together and we all rebelled against allah all of us rebelled against god it wouldn't reduce his kingdom in the slightest so do you see why people who say we need intercessors between us and allah they're actually making sure because what are they attributing to god is the limitations of the creation they're suggesting that allah is limited like a king it stuck for allah is allah like a human king a pathetic human king right who's only got 24 hours in a day and can only listen to a few people talking to him in a day is allah like that stuck for allah he's not right so brothers and sisters you see how shaytaan he wants us to make these innovations these innovations they look like religion they sound like religion they may seem like really good things and the problem is once you think you're doing something like that you think it's going to bring you closer to allah do you think you're going to stop it you don't think you're going to stop it you think no i you know this is a good thing this is why shaytan loves it but the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said the worst thing in the religion are the newly invented matters the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he would say this again and again and again he would mention it so many times he would warn against innovation so much what is enough for us is the sunnah we like that's it most people can't even fulfill the sunnahs let alone thinking of new ways to worship allah that have not been done by the prophet and his companions a little bit of sunnah is better than a lot of bada but an innovation brothers and says it's a sin it's a sin it's a crime i mean this is a whole subject i don't want to give any more time to it but this is shaytan's trip get you to do innovations if you can't get you to do that he'll make you do major sins right because major sins are destructive fornication stealing lying back bike biting slandering yeah breaking your oaths um anyway there's so many major sins right anything which allah has threatened us right with the hell fire or the curse of allah if allah has said the curse of allah is on a person who does this or that or allah has threatened the punishment of hell fire this is what scholars consider to be major sin some people say there are seven major sins some say there's 70 major sins right because there's some hadith where the prophet said the major sins are this and he'll mention maybe four or five or six seven things but there's other hadith where the prophet mentioned the major sins of this and he mentions some other things right so generally major sins are considered to be anything that has a threat for that sin of hell fire or the curse of allah again major sins lead to innovations and shirk because when a person is immersed in these major sins they can very easily begin to despair of the mercy of allah and you know this is this is the pathway this is what it does if you if shaytan can't get you to do major sins he will still trying to get you to do minor sins and what are minor sins minor sins are things that lead to major sins right so i don't know what 80 was saying to you for example before right but one of the things we have in islam right is that we avoid uh contact between the opposite sex right the prophet alaihi wasallam said it's better for you right to get a hot red hot poker and put it in your head than it is to touch someone who is not your it's not permissible for you to touch right so if they're your mahram like your like for the brothers it would be your mom or your aunt yeah or your sisters or your daughters yeah or your mother-in-law right you can hug them and kiss them and whatever no problem right okay but someone who's not mahram like your even your cousin right okay your sister-in-law um yeah your sister-in-law or anyone who you're not married to is not from your immediate family you're not supposed to touch them is it a major sin no it's not a major sin right it is not a major sin there's no threat of hellfire or the curse of allah right and it is something that if you do it it is wiped out by your good deeds right please don't think though however that you just make it into nothing right because why because these things are gateways the reason why the prophet has prohibited them is because it's a door to something that's really dangerous and shaytan doesn't give up and this is one of the things about islam is that islam tries to close the doors right it doesn't it doesn't just say don't fornicate it says don't create a situation where that's going to be easy for you to do that right so be careful how you dress be careful how you talk be careful how you interact yeah because there are doorways that lead to it and it's not are you you guys come on we know right we live in this society most of us come from jahiliyyah yeah the bad old days it didn't take much doesn't take much does it so close the doors guys this is what islam is saying take precautions right don't even come close to it when it comes to alcohol it doesn't say just don't drink it it says don't drink it don't even you know carry it don't sell it don't buy it don't transport it don't even buy the grapes that people use to make it like there's a lot of stuff surrounded by alcohol it's not just don't drink alcohol even you should try not to sit on a table where alcohol is being drunk even that right that's how you should keep away from it so shaytan these are some example of minor sins right you know sitting where alcohol is being drunk it's a minor sin why it's a sin because it leads it could it can lead to those bad things right look there may be times we can have a discussion there may be times and circumstances and like this is a big discussion especially as a reverse we probably have to have it right and i've asked scholars about this right we can maybe talk about it if you want in question and answers right but the point is be careful of these minor sins when we call a minor don't think of it as yeah it's nothing because that's what shaytan wants you to do because sometimes a whole bunch of minor sins can actually end up being just as bad as a major sin because what happens when you sin a black like a dark spot falls on your heart i'm talking spiritually here not a physical a dark spot because your heart is like it it's nor right it's light that light reflects the guidance of allah subhana wa to allah when your heart is full of light and your heart and the mind is what we mean the mind the heart the mind is the same right it is inclined to obey god it is soft it is ready to obey allah when the heart gets rusty and the heart gets harder what makes the heart rusty and hard are sins minor sins do that as well like if you keep looking at the opposite sex you keep looking at guys you keep looking at girls right you keep looking even when you keep looking at movies even you look at movies right you're still looking at stuff right you think you look at that stuff a lot these okay it's not big sins it's not and maybe you'll say oh there's some benefit in it and there probably is right some of it may be the but you don't forget that you're looking at something you shouldn't be looking at right and that and you know who like these days we don't even think about it right we don't even think about it we see this stuff is everywhere we don't even think but all of this like the prophet said i'm not i don't think it's a hadith but it's mentioned that's i think the scholars mentioned that the glances looking at the opposite sex right those look it's like the arrows of shaytan yeah not the cupid yeah the arrow of shaytan that's what shaytan uses to kill your heart bit by bit yeah these are the minor sins yeah so they they so what do you anyway so even if shaytan can't get you to do minor sins yeah you're that good mashallah he still doesn't give up right what he will try to do is distract you with permissible things but those good deeds have a less reward yeah so let's say for example oh i'm gonna go to the retreat yeah and i'm gonna learn the foundations of my deen alhamdulillah right here i am and you know we're sitting here and we're learning shaytan is going to come and he's going to what he's going to distract he knows you want to do something good but he'll try to find you something else to do it's still good but it won't be as good as important as the deed that you you know oh maybe like pray to hajid all night yeah pray to hajjit all night pray all night long in the depth of the night and the last third of the night and he will encourage you to do it why so you miss fajr he'll get you to do extra things but make you miss your obligations what do you think is better to pray all night or to pray fajr yeah fajr is but it's better you sleep all night and you pray fajr then you pray all night and you miss your fajr because the fajr is an obligation do you see that shaytan will fool you even with this stuff he doesn't give up do you see how he doesn't give up right this is shaytan okay we'll have a little bit more about shaitan after the break sorry i went over time a bit you
Channel: iERA
Views: 33,715
Rating: 4.9567566 out of 5
Keywords: iERA, new muslim, retreat, abdurraheem green, satan, tricks of satan, satan's tricks
Id: ALy6gOd9GOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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