TRICENTIS Tosca 16.0 - Lesson 01 | Download Tosca | Install Tosca 16.0 | Activate license|Automation

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[Music] foreign [Music] automation tutorial as you all know tricentis has released new version of Tasker 16 on 8th December 2022. Okay so I have got a lot of requests from my subscribers to start training sessions on Tasker 16. covering different concepts of automation so this is our first session where I'm gonna teach you how can we download and install the latest version of Tasker please do subscribe to the channel click on Bell icon you'll receive notifications whenever I publish more videos so after this session I'm gonna teach you step by step how can we automate the test cases by using tricentistoska I'm going to cover most of the basic concepts of present testoster by using latest version Tasker 16. okay okay so in this session I'm gonna teach you how to download and install latest version Tasker 16. okay so if you see on the screen there are four steps that you need to follow first you need to register with your organization email ID using the link that is displaying on the screen so I'm gonna paste these links in the description so that you can use the links from the description section okay and then you have to login to your support hyphen by using the registered email ID in the step one right and then you need to request for a license using the below link basically the link that is specified in the third step okay once you request for the license the license will be approved by the corresponding tracing disk manager so once it is approved you are going to receive an email to download and install the Tasker 16 version okay to download and install the task 16 version you need to use the link that is specified in the last step okay I'm gonna paste all these links in the description okay so now let's jump onto the system and see how can we perform all these actions and how can we download and install present test Tasker in Windows mission okay so what is our first step you have to register with your organization email ID using link right as I said earlier so this is the link let me go to the link uh it's support okay here you will find a register you'll find resistor link you need to click on register and then you have to provide all the fields here okay mister and what is your name first name last name and then your mobile number which is optional and then what is your country um Street City ZIP and then language what is your time zone right and you need to provide your business address okay so you need to provide your business address business email that means organization email so you cannot provide your personal email keep this in mind okay and then you need to confirm your organization email and provide your password and confirm the password right and then click on I agree to the private policy and then I'm not a robot right and then you need to click on submit so as soon as you register you are going to receive an email to your organization email ID okay and then you need to activate you need to confirm that the email has been received once that is done all you need to do is our next step is you need to log into support dot com using the credentials that you have provided while registering okay so for me so I've already logged in here okay if you see support data and then I am already logged into my user okay and then once you log into your support hyphen by using your organization credentials you need to request for license using below link okay let me show you that so this is the link I'm gonna paste this link in the description I'm gonna paste all the links in the description okay you can access all these links from the description okay so you need to click on request cloud training license as soon as you click on request crowd training license the request will be sent okay stating that deploying this status will be deploying I already sent this request earlier that's why it's got deployed and it's got approved once you are training license cloud training license been approved then the state will be changed to deployed okay so in my case I've already raised a request as soon as you raise a request you will receive an email stating that the request has been sent to our support team okay once approved the status will be changed to deployed and then you are going to receive an email stating that the try centers manager has been approved your license and then what you need to do you need to go to support Hub third party license let me show you where what I'm talking about so you need to go to this link okay I'm gonna paste this link in the description okay and then you have to select trisentis Tasker under Thai Streisand testoster you can see Tasker 16 version right you need to click on Tasker 16. as soon as you click on Tasker 16 it's gonna download a DOT exe file okay what I already downloaded okay let me show you what it's going to download okay so it will download this particular yeah so it's gonna download your present Tasker software okay so let me show you how it looks like okay okay so this is the zip file so it will be downloading in the form of zip file okay so this way price and is see tricent is Task are 16 okay and then you need to extract 60. okay you need to extract the zip file once you extract you just need to follow the instructions you need to click on double click on this LTS 16 lts.exe file and then see because I already installed it is asking me to see I mean either uninstalled repair or modify because I already installed in your case you will get a buttons I mean you will get a um agreement license agreement you need to check the check box and then you need to click on next and follow the instructions that displays on the screen it's very very simple self explanatory okay once you complete your installation once you complete your installation you should see a tasker Commander how it's going to show so this is the Tasker Commander that you should see on the menu okay and you need to click on Tasker Commander as soon as you click on Tasker Commander a commander will be opened if you see this is my Tasker Commander right and if You observe about Tasker so I I clicked on task or Commander one more time that's why it's showing CFC this is my latest Tri sentence Tasker 16 version okay very very latest which is released on 8th December I think 7th December or 8th December okay and if you go to about Tasker so it shows you the version as 16. once that is done how to get your license how to basically activate your license so the way is you have to click on Project right I opened the Tasker click on Project go to license and here because you are training license is close cloud-based license you need to click on connect and then you have to select connect to Cloud hosted license server because whenever you register and request for the cloud license for the training right a license related to Cloud will be issued for the user okay you need to select Cloud hosted license in case if you have a self-hosted license then you can select this okay in my case it's a cloud hosted license and then click on OK and then you need to provide the credentials that you have given while registering when you are registering to your support try centered support.hub right so the same email ID and the same password you have to provide here okay now so let me quickly provide the same email ID and password that I have registered with okay as soon as you click on OK what it will do it's gonna retrieve your Cloud license okay say retrieving your Cloud licenses and then yes you have successfully connected to the license server and can use Tasker Commander right away click on OK and then you can start creating your first project by using latest Tasker 16 version okay so in my next session I'm gonna teach you what are all the new features and what are all the different modifications that has been accommodated in the latest version of trisentis Tasker 16 version I'm gonna teach you the advantages what are the new features added what are all the features that are got modified right so all these Concepts I'm gonna explain you in my next session after that we are going to start automating our test cases I'm going to cover a lot of different concepts how to automate test cases by using Tasker latest version 16. stay tuned hope you all understand the concepts of downloading and installing Tasker latest version 16. please do subscribe to the channel click on Bell icon you'll receive notifications whenever I upload more videos thank you [Music]
Channel: Ravikanth FicusRoot - Tech Videos
Views: 70,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tosca, Tricentis, Tricentis Tosca, Automation Tool, Test Management Tool, Automation, Test Management, Tosca Automation Tool, Tosca Tool, Tricentis Tosca Automation Tool, X-Scan, Module, Creation of Modules, Control Groups, Verify, Buffer, WaitOn, Table Steering, ScratchBook, Run Test Scripts, TestStep Library, Reusable TestStepBlock, Reusable Scenarios, Reusable TestStepBlocks, TestStepBlocks, Rescan, Module Merge, ValueRange, Tosca 16.0, Install, Download, License, License Activation
Id: Cdmul1knpsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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