TRICENTIS Tosca 16.0 | Tutorial-1 | Download Tosca | Install Tosca| Activate Free Trial License|

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hi friends today we will see like how to install tosa 16 version and what are the steps we need to follow and what are the steps required to uh request Tri license and how to download the tosa commander so without wasting time let us start with the first steps as a first step we have to register our business email ID to the support H tric so let me open that now this is the page it looks like this and we have to enter the first name last name country and time zone and business email ID uh like our Gmail ID it didn't work so our organization email ID is required for regist registration this page and password and all the stuff let me do registration okay you can see the uh you can see this like first name and all the all the details I have enter with business email ID after entering the all the details it will show the submit button so we have to click this submit button okay so after uh hitting the submit button it will show send the verification email to your email ID so you have to verify so I did my verification you can see like here like software testing resarch name is coming so our first step is completed like registration is completed so second step is we have to request for a license so this is the URL I will provide all the URLs and steps in the description so you can copy and directly paste and open in the Chrome let me open this so you can see this page here it will show like request cloud training license okay so you have to for uh trial license you have to click here request cloud training license so this request is signed to the tri synx if you see the message like successfully request is completed so like our third step is also completed like request for license TR license we did and last step is we have to download the tosar so where we can download you can uh use this link or you can simply here in the request license URL you have simply click download trient TOA here you can see all the tosa versions this is the tosa new tric tosa 16 once your tosa license trial license is requested and it is approved then only you can see these Pages like tosa server 16 patch tosa 16 patch 7 so you can download any one of them oh not only this one sorry my bad to 16 p7 to okay I will give the link once you hit the uh and this hit this like I sent this to 16.0 it will directly download the TOA 161 once this Z file is downloaded then you have to extract that file whatever your specific location I did here after that this Commander it will show here look like this after installing the all the details what is like I I already in all the T and scan that's why it is doing this so after installing all the like all the like specification configuration it will show like PR testar 16.0 p7 it is checking the license because it is upload the My Lesson so you can see this and you can create your new workspace from here before that like uh after registration is done or after installing tosa is done so you have to go in the license session okay here you have to connect so here it will ask user ID and password so you have to give your organization or like a registered business email ID and password so it will detect the license and it allows you to create the new workspace and work on yeah this is the process like installing the tosa and all the stuff is any any question please uh uh write in comment so I will add that thanks see you in the next lecture Please Subscribe the channel share the video with your friends bye
Channel: Learn Software testing with Sachin
Views: 2,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tosca, Tricentis, Tricentis Tosca, Automation Tool, Test Management Tool, Automation, Test Management, Tosca Automation Tool, Tosca Tool, Tricentis Tosca Automation Tool, X-Scan, Module, Creation of Modules, Control Groups, Verify, Buffer, WaitOn, Table Steering, ScratchBook, Run Test Scripts, TestStep Library, Reusable TestStepBlock, Reusable Scenarios, Reusable TestStepBlocks, TestStepBlocks, Rescan, Module Merge, ValueRange, Tosca 16.0, Install, Download, License, License Activation
Id: WH1wF0xonnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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