Tribute to Rusty Goodman I Believe He's Coming Back

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bill we're going to talk about an old friend of mine here and you may not have known this but rusty Goodman and I were pretty close at one time I I used to play records all night on WSM radio he must have been a big country music fan because he would just come up and sit in I didn't play any Goodman records I didn't play any gospel records except country gospel but he would just pull up a chair and chat with us and we became good friends I knew him before I knew any of the other good ones but I believe at one time or just before his life was over you had a tribute to him he he battled cancer for several years and and through that process the only insurance only pay so much and we found out that that he was suffering pretty much financially so a group of us got together I remember the first artist that I called was Amy Grant and they're called the office and in five minutes she called back said sure I'll help I suppose we had 25 of the who's who and not only southern gospel but just in Christian music in general come to Christ Church to do this benefit and rusty was very much loved and you couldn't even get in the parking lot the thing was jammed out two hours before and we and all the funds at night went to rusty and his wife to help them in this cause and we got more than enough because people just loved the man now this is the same Church where you later do the joy to the world Christmas videos but great church but the people came from all over in fact the three channels and Nashville said don't go out I sixty-five because there's a major traffic jam out there because of the rusty Goodman benefit and that night somebody had a home camera and was taping some of the festivities that went on and glory did a wonderful tribute and after the tribute they sang the last song they would ever sing together and you'll have the patient because the video and the sound is not the greatest but I think you'll catch the spirit of it it starts out with the interview Tania his his daughter in one of our tapings then it goes to Christchurch but this is a special moment on the video called old friends Tania I never saw your daddy that he didn't say bill let me sing your song to get out of your time and second to his sake be or her karate but why do you think of think of it I said pretty good recipe he probably said what he made pretty good a songwriter has to write nothing oh yeah the way they did it no to get it out listen oh yeah yeah Michael now we're just talking the other night you know what he always loved to laugh too I mean he would done he always found something you know laugh about even when we worked those dates they were like well how about no people yeah no people three uh you know and Michael now we're talking about something the other day and I said man I miss dad so much and Michael said sometimes I just get mad at him someone else believed it now we cuz I miss no Geneva saying Pam you know her laugh and join you weren't done with him yet right that's it we weren't done why do you remember most when you think about you did um especially today it was our days like this brought back so much because when all my on my childhood my family was traveling my father was traveling and I stayed at home with with my mom and my sister and just went to school and we didn't grow up on the road but the greatest treat for me was when I would have a holiday from school or your summer dad would say you wanna get on the bus this weekend oh I loved it I loved it and when I sat here today yeah that was a places in those songs and I can remember standing in the wings hold it on dad's head and just um enjoying that that feeling and that emotion the leave it my into such a world as this God sends his poets prophets troubadours who see what we have missed who warned us lest we self-destruct and who filled a song last night with music they surround our alienation with love's embrace they burned through the fog of our oblivion with the piercing light of truth and they sing the dream back into our hearts they tune our ears to the laughter of children they raise our sights to lofty aspirations they help us discriminate between the tinsel and the true poets are the contemplatives in the heart of the world without them we would settle into the fatal monotony of our comfort zones and accept the clouded vision of cataract perception rusty goodman is such a poet troubadour he sees and helps us to see what we might have missed he notices a grant in an elevator and puts value of an initiate he reminds the breaking heart that there is promise of the new dawn and points out to us battle weary soldiers that we're almost home but we've lost someone we love rusty you've told us of a greater love that we can never lose a love of our very own we found ourselves than once because of you singing at the top of our lungs if I could still I wouldn't take nothing for my journey now and even though we know that for a long time now you've had leave it on your mind we're asking you to stay because we need and the simple girl needs what you are to us a lover a visionary a dreamer a poet we need you here to walk with us and sing your pillars remember just just being a young kid in standing backstage and hearing him sing those beautiful songs I remember I remember something stirring in me when I was a kid you know that made me love Happy's made me want to sing you know who and her dad would sing one last song you Oh you
Channel: herecalico
Views: 274,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tribute, to, Rusty, Goodman, I, Believe, He's, Coming, Back
Id: vUW2_5ryO-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2012
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