Trial Tube - The Brutally HONEST BETA EVO 2022 300 Review + Whats in my bag?

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bongiorno welcome to sheffield the home of the italian stallion that is a beta motorcycles from a sheffield this is trial tube [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i'm well aware that beta isn't made in sheffield if you've got that joke you're the coolest people i've ever met if you didn't get that joke well never mind now today before we get started on this beta review i'm going to be talking about things that you should be carrying with you for our trials day top tip when i say carrying with you what i mean is the things that you should have in your bum bag rucksack whatever you want to call it so i've just did the glasses because this is serious we're going to be looking at what's in your bag [Music] so i thought in this episode it might be a good idea to um talk about a few things that need to go in your bag the scotch trial is coming up and that means that a lot of people are gonna be fitting a lot of tools to a lot of bikes now in front of me as you can see i've got a wide array of goodies but i feel like trying to get these all into a bag of this big in this size isn't going to be easy so you've got to take the necessities and you've got to remember to fuel yourself as well so firstly let's talk about the bag there's loads of different bags there's bum bags and this little one here from hebo which is this one actually is people most people attach these to the bike now this one obviously a couple of pockets nice and big as you can see little fitting kits attached there obviously none of these bags have been uh given to us exactly i'm just over at cameo moto once again raiding rich's stock but nice little bag to try and get all this in so what do we need in the bag no so let's talk necessities or accessories that are necessary first things first a couple of chain links we've got a half link a little snap link so a lot of people's back in the day used to actually fit these to be sort of like on the crossbar the handlebars you always used to see riders have the uh the chain links sort of fit to the crossbar part and the handlebars but since rental bought out the fat bar it's not really a thing now and you do see people tucking them underneath the bar pad and trying to get them in there so these bad boys obviously if you're uh if your chain breaks you ain't getting forward very quickly so you're gonna need one one or two of these spark plug standard you should always carry one of these anyway [Music] levers clutch levers brake levers back brake levers whatever's going you need to carry levers so the first thing on the bike to snap as it hits the ground and in all fairness super important quick one they do come in a range of styles obviously we've got a pico 1 here a pico do an elite range as well i'm not sure if it's elite or not they look a lot prettier but what can i say it's a it's a gear lever little master cylinder seal kit are pretty useful you always find yourself losing the little rubbers and springs out of the top of your levers at the master cylinders so pretty useful to carry with you nice and easy to replace but uh if you lose these little plungers and springs if you come off and snap a lever then i can just imagine you fidgeting around in the mud trying to find one which could be a real pain in the rear end no throttle cable not sure if they snap that often but if they do snap you're absolutely screwed and it's nice and light and it's easy to get into the bag so why not carry it we'll come on to this one later little multi-tool so again this is a pico one because i've just literally raided rich's wall of apico and um yeah nice little multi-tool nice and light if you can get a tool with as many tools on as possible i'm not saying buy this one what i am saying is buy one that you think you can maximize the amount of things on multi-tool it's a surety though so carry one lanyard now some of the bikes do come with a stop button you'll find a lot of the adult riders still actually prefer the stop button but the lanyard is something that was created out of a safety aspect and i think out of an annoyance as you can see on the back of the packet it says the fim approved this lanyard because they're the guys that wanted to basically put them onto the bikes i don't know whether it was just for safety of the younger riders or basically to just annoy all the adult riders but lanyard get one because the little magnet inside often comes loose and it's a real pain in the ass if you lose your magnet but not necessarily lose all the plastic parts so here we go the tire game obviously punches are a thing you're gonna get one as you're blasting across the moors trying to get back in time especially at the scott trial so we have tire pressure gauge nice and bendy this one's from comas low tire pressure gauge i always type my child pressures before i actually start a ride anyway so um if you haven't got one pick one up and inside this little repair kit from jitsi we have we have some compressed air canisters obviously the uh little gun to fit that into no pop your little canister inside there and fit it attach it on get the tire reinflated and these very special little puncture repair um brown pieces of goo which in the industry they do have a name um i'm going to say dog turds that's what we're going to say on the channel obviously there's another four letter word that they they've very widely gone by here in the in great britain for a long time they've got this little little tool to basically you find a slice on the tire you shove the tool in you twist it and you pull it back out and then this goo expands and basically seals it up if you've got a really big hole in the tire you have to fill it with a few dog turds if you if you've got a small one they're really good i mean you can leave them sticking out they work really well but uh this little kit is basically everything you need to get you back moving if you've got a puncture um if the tire comes off the rim then the compressed air will help and you can get it sort of seal but it might end up being a two-man job but in all fairness charles riders are great people and they normally stop to help help you out welcome to a very special i'm going to say very special test a very special venue now chart tube's been game for about 10 months so we are coming up to the year mark and the channel actually started because i bought a brand new beta so welcome to trials tube and in this first video we're going to be talking about top things to do to your new beta to get it ride ready yep ride ready brand new bike a 20 21 300 standard so we've gone a little bit full circle obviously if you've seen series one you've known the journey that i've had but in series two well it's new bike time and isn't it so people are out there testing out bikes testing out new things and uh and today we're at a special venue because today we're at brackenrocks [Music] so [Music] now we're here at brackenrocks which was originally the home of mcandrews and then taken on by the guys over at mansfield morn as the venue um it's a very special venue you can only come here at certain times throughout the year you know for those who know and if you're in the know then you know but i know a better way the cool way guaranteed best time you can have with your clothes on although it's better with your clothes off so today we're testing out this the brand new 2022 beater evo two-stroke 300. she got he got vision he got he got visions now i am so little because in between the changes of the 21 and the 22 bike some may say some may say that there has been little difference made to this new bike but i'm a firm believer that if it isn't broke don't fix it and and i've just made sure that i've read all of the specifics on the website prior to doing this shot and according to peter functionally the bike is very similar to the 21 bike their words not mine but according to beta they've changed some suspension settings and i've had a little play on this and honestly she's become a lot more friendly i feel that the new 300 beater is a lot more rider friendly and you know what if that's the case then why not now i've always been a massive fan of the beta i felt that when they released the evo or the updated version of the evo in 2013 i felt like the bike just instantly looked futuristic timeless if you like so out of the bikes that are available today the beta has an advantage over everybody else's bike because it's still italian styled as in some dude with some fashion sense decided to draw a bike now it still has the same reliable engine and that's what the beta website is basically trying to say constantly or beat its own marketing spiel right now is the fact that they've still built a bomb proof engine and you know what i wrote this one this morning and so far it feels solid i can't deny that it still feels as good as solid as ever and as crisp as a beta should be but yes i do test brand new bikes all the time and as somebody mentioned in the comments i always seem to like the bikes i ride that's because i'm a trash rider and yeah there's no bad trial spikes there's just opinions on charles bikes now bits that i instantly like about this bike i've always liked the pointy mud guard i like the fact that they've made the radiator black don't know why i just like it um other little bits the graphics look good i like the new red black color scheme i always like the red frame in 2013 although they completely cut the stickers up in my personal opinion i didn't like them that year but um but these ones look a lot cooler now straight out the box this is a club trial winning monster i don't know why but they said they've messed around with the suspension settings and it does feel good and have they fixed the problem that all beaters have now you're probably wondering what the hell is he on about a problem that peter i've had for years and years i had 11 beaters in a row okay so call me crazy but i've had some experience with the bike now i know i don't ride better anymore but it doesn't mean that i don't like the brand i do like beta as a brand i think they're cool i think they look amazing and the people i met at the factory are some of the best people i think i've ever met in my life but beaters no matter what age they may be for some reason although the suspension linkage works fantastically i always find that they've got a little bit too much play in the linkage as then you come to the top of the stroke of the shocker and then there's like this little extra bit so i'm going to find out if that's still there even on this one i do know that jitsi have actually bought out some some dog bones that are now fixing that problem so if you want to spend a little bit of extra money you can fix it but it's a new bike so as we grab the bike obviously right now there's a little bit of sag and that's okay but usually on a bike that's had a little bit more use and even on my 2021 brand new bike there was like this almost like a gap or a feel where you lifted the bike further and then there was like an extra notch of play in the suspension and right now we have sag that's all sag and this is tight hey they've got it right it oh it took him what is it 2022 2013 when this model came out hey it might not rush to get there but they got there in the end didn't they okay let's party [Music] first impressions as always i feel that back in the day beta but with the techno and stuff like that even the early evos built a bike that was ferocious that really pulled you along sometimes into good things sometimes into bad but i feel like the new evo is a super soft pussycat that will stroke your ego and your riding ability as you make your way around the club trial this bike is so soft so friendly even in the 300 variation for me personally i like them fiery but this this is this is almost luxurious she grips well but hmm i feel like if you're buying this as a clubman rider this is the bike for you it is the standard variation the factory comes later but for now she's smooth now black and rocks is uh it's not the easiest ride around there's always something to catch you out the ground itself is slippy and it takes some riding especially this first rock garden so i am reviewing the updated model of the bike and the suspension feels good you know it's planted if not a little bit a little bit too slow on the back shocker for me but settings can sort that out this is straight out of the box i do feel the engine still feels strong although it is super greasy in here [Music] [Music] now like i said it's very very greasy here at bracken so although the beta clutch feels really nice there is a little bit of a noise difference if you can hear that yes i know the slack gets taken up by the clutch but it's really noticeable on this one still a brilliant amount of torque though this bike really does know how to get grip but it's got that steep head angle that i've spoken about in the past peter are famous for that steep head angle which makes rolling down things something that takes a bit of extra or just a bit of extra really what the beta does benefit from is that steep head angle which means the turns are often made quite easy i feel like you can turn a beater on a knife edge and my beater oh she used to know how to take off [Music] what does this one [Music] [Music] you know i do still like a beater on that takeoff just then you'll notice they rev high and as you let go the clutch she starts to dig in almost like having that sort of override four-strokey feel but when it took off then i'd give it enough beans that i thought she was going to tear my arms off and it didn't it was smooth gentle allowing me to get lots of grip probably flattering my riding because it's absolutely lethally slippy today but i'm on new rubber i'm on a completely standard brand new bike and you know what it does still grip well but does that mean i like it well we won't hold that against you that's for each man to decide for himself so now it's time for three good on three bad parts of your beta revo 2022 300. actually no that's not right on the website it's like beta evo my 2022 300 super soft factory uh cares [Music] how's mia is there any safe [Music] see how well that self a sec i'll redo it [Music] so first up three good points now if you want to see a full review on a beta then watch mine from last season 2021 bike let's do it i am going to do three good points on the updated evo good point number one i still like the way they look i felt like the evo when it originally got created was super futuristic in comparison to every other bike which means it's still got some good points the engine is pretty solid they've used that engine for years and i always feel like last year's factory turns into this year's standard bike so if there are small improvements there well they're there and it still grips amazingly and let's be honest peter i've jumped forward in the standings in the world trial is that down to matteo greta roller or is it down to beta having experienced twinned with talent good point number one it's good looking is this a good stance is it some manly stance good point number two my manly stance sorry good point number two so they said they've got new suspension settings in the bike and i fully believe them um these are still a plush fork i know they're not the tech fork and people can moan until the cows come home but the pie only fork still feels springy it doesn't ride like it's a heavy fork and well the suspension settings if they've been updated it's worked because honestly it's planted and i always feel like because of the steep head angle it's easy to lose grip on the beater lots of room in the cockpit but yeah good point number two the suspension it's got better good point numero tres is that italian i ain't got a buddy clue but good point number three because they've changed the settings and you are getting more grip now on the back end i do feel like this is now for a clubman purchase well it's an abundance of grip if you want to ride a club trial at the weekend with no hassle and get grip then buy a beta you're not going to part with well all the money in the world but what you are going to get is a bike that is proven to get grip and now the factory have even thought to themselves you know what let's give them more grip and a bike that isn't going to tear their arms out good point number three by getting all of this right it's allowing this to do its job time for the bad ones then oh dear bad point number one how every year when a new beta comes out we're all hoping and wishing that they do something more with the bike and not just stick stickers on it and update the suspension although it's worked very well please do something new oh my god this bike came into this generation in 2013 and beat it whenever the fastest to change their bikes up for instance the first techno actually came under mark calmer in 1992 if i'm correct then the bike came out in 93 in yellow and black the bike then didn't change to the rev until the year 2000 where i actually owned a rev with the upside down forks but what i'm saying is yes we understand there's a big gap not as big as gas gas is but pretty big please do something different bad point number one aesthetically pretty but if i was a teacher at school see me at the end must try harder bad point number two feature of still in their infinite wisdom decided to fit this bike with a one piece mud guard that goes all the way along to here that is extremely erect and brittle if you want to see a little bit of a upgrade go to our first video ever on the channel where i tell you how to get your beta race ready but if you leave these pins in and she goes a little bit well loop-de-loo you're going to be forking out for a new mud guard because that's what beaters do although it looks cool bad point number two has got to be she's so stiff not saying that's a bad point normally now bad point number three is something that um has personally annoyed me over a long time with beta now although the bike is super futuristic looking yes tick aesthetically good looking have i mentioned how good looking it is i don't want people to be like he's only hating on beta because he doesn't ride one but today i have to once again do something because of something that then would lead to your bike going absolutely potty that means crazy if you're for our american viewers but you'll notice that right now there's a bug in my right eye no so bad point number three we're gonna have to talk about the fact that i've had to remove something on this bike that if you don't remove it it can lead to a very dangerous situation where the bike over revs and basically can pull you into trouble and i had to remove something that would be classed as a safety item so i'm talking about the bar pad although this bike came to me today from cameo moto and it did have a rental bar pad on there which we all like to fit because betas are well known for catching the throttle cable on the bar pad now i know they come with like two little pads that go over the clamps which are more than enough this is trials it's not motocross but everybody wants to run that cool looking rental bar pad you know even if you do have to chop it out a little bit and gate to sit a little bit lower it would be nice for them to root the throttle cable in a slightly more sensible direction or make it longer or just do something so we can run a bar pad it's a safety item i shouldn't have to feel like i need to remove a bar pad to get the bike to you know not scream its head off and pull me into a tree bad point number three rip the throttle cable a bit better now in this test which has been a short test i feel not because i haven't got time to film it but just because i've already done a really long test on one of these now i know that right now everybody that might be watching this that loves a beta is thinking he's just hating on beta i'm not i really like beta and if they are going to stay with a similar bike why not make the best version of this bike fix all those little niggles but out and out this is the verdict everything else i've said this is the verdict it is one of the best club and bikes i have ever rode in my life if you want to buy this to ride trials and have a no-frills trials bike that does exactly what it says on the tin and get grip this is your man or woman whatever you might call them and once again thank you for watching trial tube please like share and subscribe i'm gonna have some more lessons and stuff and apologies for having two bite reviews back to back it's just the way it's fell what can i say if somebody's going to keep helping me get new bikes on the channel i'm going to keep videoing them and a big thank you to kamiyamoto for hooking us up once again i'm still going to ride it for the rest of the next well as long as the fuel tank will allow me so take that as you will beaters are good to ride i like beta have rode one for a long time prior to that other thing that i now own which we're going to be doing an extensive test on very soon and we also have coming the nitro i shouldn't have said that like share and subscribe cheers oh it's been a while left-handed kickstart it's just you me and the kicker hey this start-up mint though [Music] see in a minute [Music] if you ride with me you can slide with me if you feel like you
Channel: TrialTube
Views: 7,768
Rating: 4.8721461 out of 5
Keywords: trial, trialsbike, trials motorbike, motorcycle, prep, maintain, technique, trials rider, beta, gasgas, montesa, ssdt, scottish six days, bikes, bikelife, dougie lampkin, toni, bou, danny, macaskill, butler, james, dabill, jaime, busto, emotion, pure, electric, review, how to, to, how, michelin, trialgp, british, championship, scorpa, trialmag, honda, 300, 125, 200, 250, moto, motocross, dirt bike, supercross, bike reviews, new bike, biketrial’s, UCI, FIM, hard enduro, extreme enduro, billy bolt, graham jarvis, Sherco, Factory
Id: 1njYvldWnYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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