Trespassers Welcome: How the Law Protects Squatters

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it's 6 months you haven't paid it get out it's my house it is his house but the man inside who won't pay rent keeps him from using it likewise the owner of this house left town for 3 weeks only to return and find there were cars in the driveway and people inside when he confront of them they said no we're living here we have a lease the squatters didn't have a lease but today squatters often claim they do go to a house and take it over bizarr laws favor the squatter in New York state you cannot legally lock a squatter out of your home or turn off utilities and once a squatter is there for 30 days they are classified as a tenant is there anything a homeowner can do about it well flash Shelton came up with a clever idea this man is on a mission to take back his parents' house after he says squatters moved in I just felt like uh you know if they can take a house I can take a house this was his mom's house she left it briefly after his dad passed away when squatters took over the house Shelton did what I would have done I called law enforcement and there was nothing they could do why can't the cops evict somebody because the crazy laws don't allow them to so Shelton came up with this bizarre solution I realized I could go in as the squatter myself gain possession of the property because the laws so favors squatters he became a squatter when the home Invaders left for a few hours Shelton slipped at into the house and changed the locks I had them locked out before they even knew that somebody wanted them out the squatter comes back finds the door locked screams says I have a right to be there and you just don't let him in I don't let him in after that work Shelton started squatter a business that tries to help others get their houses back in Los Angeles he confronted the man who took over this house he answered an ad to rent a room and before he was accepted to rent the room he walked in with a backpack and he refused to leave I decide to go do a squatter intervention and I show up with cameras and surprise him in the driveway I understand you've been squatting at this residence no no no I have a lease you have a lease okay but he soon admitted and you have a lease no she didn't want to give me a lease this squatter is Adam fleshman he was rich once my good friend Adam fleshman momy how are you Adam here is being interviewed about starting the Umami Burger restaurant chain this was a successful guy who ran restaurant started restaurants yeah I've seen video clips of him on TV he was you know he was kind of a little famous on his own so it it made no sense we tried to reach Flashman without success what are you hoping to gain here I'm not trying to gain anything I'm a victim here how is he a victim the video shows him just so entitled and it just really couldn't make make any sense out of what he was saying the city still protects tenants whether they get a lease or not you didn't know that I'm I'm laughing because it's pull the city regulations it's so arrogant just the words and the arrogance the squatter even called the police this wasn't his house he has no legal right to be there so he felt that since he had possession of the house which is true that he had the right to call law enforcement and have me removed and where does he hear that he has this right to squat the city was telling him this the LA City Council approved a package of new policies Friday aimed at protecting tenants City politicians are so eager to favor tenants they protect squatters but now Shelton was a squatter too one who threatened to bring his friends we'll be here to help you leave more Mar only then did Adam fleschman get a mover and leave people think of these people as home homeless destitute they are not homeless people they're criminals they're people that are taking advantage of the system you're Haring me I have a harassing me I have a lease for this property this woman claimed to be a caretaker for the elderly owner of this house but the owner wanted the woman out she gave Shelton a lease I have a lease for this property I don't give a you haven't introduced yourself to me I don't even know you be sneaking up on me in the middle you ain't going to be sneaking up on me in the middle of the one day when she was out Shelton went into the house and changed the locks but the squatter is still there still there climbing through the window because she doesn't have access to the main house so she's still there for how many months she's been there for 2 years two years now someone started to GoFundMe page to help the elderly homeowner once she finds a new residence then you and maybe your six friends will move in and that works that will work how do you know because she'll have to leave and once I take possession then she'll have to fight in court to try to get back in and most likely she won't do that you ever worry about the squatter attacking you well I don't go in anymore by myself you're trespassing and you're harassing me how do the squatters manage to think of themselves as victims landlords are social parasites they provide no social value baby squatters listen to people like this new school Professor a self-described Marxist who calls landlords parasites they are so focused on extracting money that they perceive people's basic need for a shelter as an opportunity to generate substantial profits they can make a profit without having to do very much if any work this socialist on Tik Tok has more than a million followers she says landlords are granted and guaranteed forever incomes without actually having to put in any labor they don't put put in labor this house is sold who do they think buys the land pays lawyers to decipher the excessive regulations hires Architects Carpenters plumbers electricians pays the taxes and manages the property they should make an income because they're actually helping but City politicians now win elections trashing landlords and laws are so anti landlord that homeowners sometimes get arrested if they change locks to get a squatter out arrested for unlawful eviction this woman had come into the house she owned and confronted squatters you shouldn't be trying to steal my house yes you are she locked the squatter out but he broke back in you broke through the front door officer the squatter then called the police and the police told the owner to leave so why is it that I have to leave and he doesn't have to leave because technically he can't be kicked out he need to go to court then she got arrested because this squatter knew the magic words to say to a lease I have a lease but when this reporter said I would I would like to see it he didn't show him a lease this is a bill law enforcement can't even ask for the lease because they're not allowed to decipher if it's a real lease or not you should know how law works I do know how it works there's rules to the as you got to go to court and send me to civil court some homeowners just throw up their hands give up homeowners can't afford this so at some point they're making the decision if it's worth it to even fight or just walk away from their homes and then the squatter wins it is infuriating I'm glad people like flash Shelton fight back if you find this infuriating too please share this [Music] video
Channel: John Stossel
Views: 1,678,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John stossel, libertarian, free market
Id: IleN1NpiQLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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