Tres Leches Cake - Original Mexican Recipe

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hi everyone and welcome to my channel my name is Miriam if this is the first time you watch my videos I make really easy to follow sweet recipes so please make sure to subscribe and hit the little bell to be notified when I post another delicious video today we're making tres leches cake so let's get started I'm gonna start by separating my ice [Music] [Music] [Music] make sure they are at room temperature [Music] so we're gonna put the whites aside and start working on our yellow I'm gonna add sugar to my yolks and I'm gonna beat until the mixture becomes pale and yellow and it doubles in volume we're gonna add flour a little bit of salt and baking powder so you just want to fold it in [Music] and make sure you sift your flour to avoid any lumps vanilla extract and milk [Music] and just keep folding until all the ingredients are combined [Music] [Music] and we're good now so we're gonna set it aside and work on our whites and now I'm gonna beat the egg whites until they become firm make sure you rinse the the whisk from your your hand mixer if there are any residue from your batter your your egg whites are not gonna firm up I'm gonna add a pinch of salt and let's get them firm up [Music] so the eggs are now firm and we're gonna add them to the batter and now is a good time to pre-heat your oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit so I'm gonna gradually add the egg whites and just fold them in you do not want to mix here [Music] you don't want to over mix your batter it's okay to still have some some egg whites here and there and that's it our batter is ready so I have here a 9 by a I think 12 or 13 dish and I'm gonna butter it and flour it [Music] and my batter goes in and now it's going to the oven for 35 to 45 minutes my cake is out of the oven as you can see it has a beautiful golden color I'm just gonna let it cool for about 30 minutes to an hour top and then we'll move to the next step now I'm gonna get my breast leche mixture ready so it's basically three different milks I have here sweetened condensed milk evaporated milk and regular milk you can also use coconut milk if you want and it's ready so this will go on top of our cake so I have flipped my cake upside down and I'm gonna put it back into the pan the goal is basically to have a flat surface on the top I'm gonna poke my cake all over with a fork you can also use a toothpick [Music] [Music] and now I'm just pouring my three milk mixture on top make sure it goes on the sides as well I'm gonna cover it with plastic wrap and it's going to the fridge for about three to four hours and if you can leave it overnight it's even better I have here heavy whipping cream a little bit of vanilla extract and I'm gonna be it an angel sift Peaks work and while I'm getting a lot sugar [Applause] [Applause] my cake has spent an entire night in the fridge it has soaked all that super yummy milk and now we're gonna cover it with the cream [Music] [Music] just try it just move the top [Music] but it doesn't have to be perfect oh good enough [Music] and I just decorated on top with some cocoa powder you can serve it right away I usually wait for another 30 minutes for the cream to set on top of the cake and then I serve it thanks a lot for watching if you liked today's video please make sure to share it and don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you in the next one bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Miriam's Cuisine
Views: 82,258
Rating: 4.8715816 out of 5
Keywords: mexican cake, miriam cuisine, tres leches, tres leches cake, tres leches cake recipe, cinco de mayo, tres leches recipe, three milk cake, tres leche cake, tres leches receta, cake, dessert, tres leche
Id: XcHszpOMV8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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