Three milk cake - Tres leches cake

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hello hello beautiful people welcome to love for the oven thank you so much for stopping by i am rebecca and this time i'm sharing with you the recipe for a wonderful three milk cake a very delicious moist cake covered with whipped cream and filled and topped with peaches we begin by making the sponge for that we need to put in the bowl of our mixer 7 medium eggs at room temperature 1 teaspoon of vanilla lemon says this is optional 210 grams of sugar half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a quarter of a teaspoon of salt also preheat the oven to 170 degrees celsius or 338 degrees fahrenheit now we're gonna whisk all of these ingredients together at a high speed we start on a lower speed just so we can combine all of the ingredients and once they are all combined and all the eggs are broken up then we will increase the speed and whisk this at high speed for at least 10 to 15 minutes if you are using a stand mixer like i'm using here now is the time when we're going to sift our dry ingredients 140 grams of all-purpose flour together with 70 grams of corn starch if you are using a handheld mixer you can of course sift these ingredients before you start mixing the eggs and once we have sifted these two ingredients we take a hand whisk and mix it for a little bit and then put it aside after 15 minutes this is how our mixture should look like it needs to be very thick airy mixture as you can see it increased a lot in volume and also it's much lighter in color the next step now is to incorporate the sifted ingredients of flour and cornstarch and we're gonna do it in three additions and we are gonna sift them a second time while pouring them onto the mixture this is important because we do not want any lumps or crumbs in our mixture for this cake and next using circular motions we are going to incorporate the flowers into the cake mixture it is important that you take your time and you are delicate with it because we don't want to take out the air that we whisk into this mixture and also make sure to go to the bottom of the mixture in the center and come up mix from the bottom up because as you can see there is some flour that can be trapped in the bottom of the of the bowl and not really be incorporated so once you have introduced all of the flours into the mixture and it's well incorporated we can stop as you can see it reduced size but not too much it is still a very airy mixture next we are going to divide this mixture in three pans of 20 centimeters or 8 inches each please note that i am not greasing the pans i'm only putting baking paper in the bottom of each pan but there is no need to put oil or anything on the sides if you weigh the mixture like i did it around 245 to 150 grams of mixture per pan and now we are going to take it to our preheated oven and gonna bake them for 25 to 30 minutes until they are golden brown spongy to the touch and a stick inserted into the center comes out clean next we're going to mix our milks um it's going to be one cup of each of the milks 250 milliliters of evaporated milk heavy cream condensed milk and whole milk i know it is called a three milk cake or tres leches cake but um the addition of the whole milk helps to give a nicer texture to this milk concoction and then when our cakes are ready we are going to immediately take a spatula and separate the sides of the cake from the pan of course delicately and next we are going to stick it in multiple places with a stick because now we are going to pour the the mixture of milk that we made onto the sponges we have made one liter or 33 ounces of liquid and we are going to use around 300 milliliters per cake the remaining of the three milks we are gonna keep for the next day when we are going to assemble our cake in the meantime we are going to slowly pour the cakes if we see that the cake is not absorbing it we leave it for a second until it has completely eaten up the 300 milliliters of milk and this is the third layer of cake i'm doing the same thing and it is important to do it while it's warm so that the sponge can really absorb all of these liquids and we are gonna let them rest until they are fully cooled down to room temperature and when that has happened then we are going to cover them with plastic wrap and refrigerate them until the next day please also remember to refrigerate the leftover mixture of milks that we had and keep them very cold so this from this point on the temperature of the cakes is very very important on day two the first thing we are going to do is our frosting it is a whipped cream frosting with a little bit of cream cheese in it we start by whisking 340 grams over 12 ounces of room temperature cream cheese we whisk it when it's uh to make it even softer and then we are going to add to it little by little 150 grams of sugar and one teaspoon of vanilla extract we just have to whisk it on a medium speed until everything is incorporated and the cheese is completely soft after that we are going to make sure with a spatula that everything is well incorporated and there are not chunks of cheese in the bottom or something like that then we start our mixer again and a low speed and little by little we are going to add to it three cups or 750 milliliters of cold heavy whipping cream if it's possible keep the bowl and the whisk in the refrigerator at least half an hour before making this frosting and then you can add 4 tsp of whipped cream stabilizer into this mixture this is optional there are many countries that sell it with this name with cream stabilizer i can put in the description box the brand that i use and also a substitute for it then we whipped our cream until we have hard picks and then is ready to go to the next step just to mention the full list of ingredients is down on the description box as well and if you are enjoying this video consider subscribing to the channel this is the texture that the cream should have so now we are ready to assemble our cake i'm gonna take the layers of cake out one by one from the refrigerator and so starting with the paste i'm going to slowly go with a spatula around to make sure it's not gonna stick flip it take the paper off and then place it into my cake board as you could see the cake the sponge should be very very filled with the milks that we put in on it yesterday now we are going to make a little barrier of cream on the outside of the cake layer if necessary if our cake is a little bit dry especially in the edges we add a little bit more of the milk next we put a little bit of cream on the bottom and add peaches i'm gonna use peaches one big kind of peaches half of them i cut into pieces for the filling and the rest i'm gonna put on the top but you could also use any other type of berry that you would like for example strawberries blackberries blueberries or a combination of them you can even use a fruit cocktail really the feeling is your own decision now i'm showing you again how juicy the cake has to be and this cake layer i flipped twice so that the smooth part of the cake is on the top so it's more level now we do again the same steps as before but maybe in an order that makes a bit more sense first we are going to brush it with milk if necessary especially on the edges next we make a small layer or a thin layer of frosting on it then a barrier of frosting on the sides so just so that the filling doesn't leave the cake and we're gonna put some of the fruit like i said i'm using canned peaches but you can use many other types of fruits then you put some cream to mix with the fruits inside and we are going to go ahead and take our third layer of cake out of the refrigerator and also we're going to put it so that the smoother side is looking up so that it's level and now we are going to make a thin crumb coat meaning we are going to cover the whole cake with a thin layer of frosting this is the crumb coat and then we are going to refrigerate it so that when we make the final coat the crumbs of the cake are not all over the final product even though i feel like i have to say that whipped cream doesn't react the same as buttercream for example so this is not gonna harden up to the touch this whipped cream frosting but it's just gonna be a bit more manageable and if it stays cold it's gonna keep its shape once we do the chrome coat we're gonna refrigerate it for 20 to 30 minutes if it is very hard where you leave you can even freeze them for 15 to 20 minutes i've been putting it in the freezer and once that time has gone by you're gonna bring your cake back out and now we're gonna cover it with a thicker layer of frosting first we use just a spatula to cover both the tops and the sides of the cake and then you can help yourself with a bench scraper to soften the sides or smooth the sides of the cake take your time with it if you feel like it is um getting a bit too much temperature especially the whipped cream you can just put everything back in the refrigerator and then whip the cream a little bit more if after smoothing the sides you see that there are some holes you add even more of the whipped cream and smooth it again with the bench scraper or if you prefer you can also use the same spatula that you are applying the cream with to soften the sides and the tops the idea is that you obtain at the end a cake that has you know nice sides and a flat top i am by no means an expert in decoration but the idea is just that it's a nice looking and delicious cake after you're happy with how your cake looks and how you have smoothed the tops we are going to bring it back to the refrigerator for another 20 to 30 minutes again if you have a freezer and you prefer to freeze it you can freeze it for 20 minutes while it is refrigerating you can go ahead and cut the peaches that you have left into slices and put the rest of the whipping cream in a pastry bag with open star edge i'm using the 1m from wilton and now you can just decorate the cake however you desire i'm just making this little round design you can also just make little stars of whipped cream and optionally you can at the bottom also make a little layer of whipped cream but it is completely optional and it's according to how you want your cake to look like and now we are almost done the only thing left to do is to put the pieces of peaches or whichever fruit you are using on the center of the cake i'm using slices of peach and putting them in circles around the top of the cake and now even though it is ready i highly recommend the fridge to refrigerate it for at least four hours if it's a bit more it's okay the idea is that it's a very cold cake and also that it has thyme so that all the flavors can come together and then finally the moment arrived and you can cut and enjoy your cake now i'm gonna show you what it looks on the inside the truth is this is one of our beloved cakes in latin america uh i am from venezuela and our version is without the filling but i discovered this version it is just so delicious tres leches cake is just an amazing amazing dessert i hope you give this recipe a try and then let me know what you thought thank you for watching this video subscribing to the channel liking it and sharing it with your loved ones have a great morning day evening night depending on where you are and see you in the next recipe
Channel: Love for the oven
Views: 11,050
Rating: 4.9287834 out of 5
Keywords: tres leches cake, sponge cake, recipe, cake recipe
Id: X415i16XQuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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