Tree Of Life with resin inlay, router project

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hello again and it's time for another project today we're gonna do some router work on this tree of life which is 12 inches by 12 inches and the idea is we're going to route out all the dark sections leaving these white sections to act as barriers or veins as I like to call them what's it their all routed out we'll get multicolored resin and when you places you go crazy and fill in each one of these a totally random color and we'll see what we've ended up with now as always for me we've got our template ready printed this one off stuck it down with painters tape and we pop our cabin paper underneath and literally draw around it with a pen so slow process and if you clever these other methods you could stick that straight on to the router over the top there's also different thinners and stuff you can put on soak it in finish off see when it's upside down and you can rub the back of a spoon peel your paper off and hopefully you've got a decent print I've tried things like that find out what works for you and stick with it and I'm quite happy with the cabin paper so you can see from that we've drawn around it all that's our image now on the ready to route out plus you have the benefit of you still got the printed image which you can use over and over again right as always for me I'm gonna use my CNC bits these come in different degrees these are Dremel size shaft on on a three-point 175 millimeter and they don't fit a dremel no problem you can see just about see familiar these are 10 to 15 s the 20s and 30s in the other box get a nice packet of mix of eBay or Amazon and you won't go far wrong because I do have a small shaft on them like I say 3.17 five millimeter you require an adapter collet this is a six point what a six point three five millimeter in little just slot year router bit in the that will now fit a quarter inch router no problem whatsoever and we make it well set the depth what we're comfortable with and rich is going to go around all the lines on the just to separate the Finn barrier in between the two sections what we've gone and all that makes sure we're nice and good to go we remove the cnc bit and we're popping one of these n million bits they come in a pack of ten from various sizes really small there is one smaller than that one that seems to break so you're putting in the wood so be prepared for that we'll get one that fits nicely not too small these ones who will take one of those slot it into that excuse me set it to the same depth and literally remove all this gray section take your time and drawing this out shady in the air he's going to remove because you'll go away come back and you might start moving this line bit what you've done that that project is over with and then we've cut the line around this circle here with this CNC bit and we might just lower this ring is slightly and then we'll get a scroll saw and cut the full piece out with a spiral blade we'll talk about that narrow towards the finishing line okay let's set up our CNC bit in order to adapter collet and we'll throw that into the router and we started routing this one out right before we start you can see from that we've got that inside our router there that's our CNC bit we've set a depth that that we're comfortable with this is our scrap wood around this so you can try a couple I've done two three there you don't go too deep that you just wasted resin you don't have to shallow that the resin won't set inside and you bet he's got a little crush and set of some kind of depth to it so I've gone I've gone for the one with a circle on not just a nice nice depth for me I mark it off then if I go away come back I can set my router to the same depth if I've used it on another project ok let's start going around these lines now with the CNC bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that's it Ralph CNC bit now this recycled pine this oxy come off the side of a wardrobe and just flick it over for you it's quite powdery big calves or routes really nice now most of that as you can see that was actually done with this CNC bit and I would be quite happy to leave the CNC bit on because popping off really nice no problem whatsoever but because I did say we're going to use will popping out n million bits remember they come in different sizes so we often want to fit one or find one should I say that's not too big and then one that will fit in between these veins is am calling them so we put one of these into a milling bit not actually that one that's a little bit too big so there's a CNC bit we've just removed we'll pop in our end milling bit like just little just slides it exactly the same and we'll pop that into the router we've got our depth set remember we can use any of these here or the one that we've circled up there so we set this to the same depth of that and we know when we come to clean these out gonna be same the height or depth should I say the one that we've previously took out with the CNC bit so we use these we're popping on now and we'll just clear out in between these veins [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay you can see from that that's all cleared out now without end million bits that's quite really nice no problem with that whatsoever I popped the CNC brick back on again just a patient with a full circle at the same depth of these here so what we do next is get our scroll saw if you cut this circle out my scroll saw it as three basic blades those fancy ones with different teams and different names and all sorts out there but your basic ones are your standard pin blade like so there's a pin up top peanut bottom mat listening to your scroll saw and aux onto your bracket like so they come on here older and cheaper models of scroll saw you also get pitiless blades these are very thin you have no blades on there I do deal if you do lot of you know cuts very small detailed ones where you wouldn't get the blade there with the pins on and there's also what I use now is a spiral blade for my old wrapper saw I need adapter clumps and they literally go in there and they hook onto the framework like so they would hook on the top and bottom the good thing about the spiral blade is it cuts in any direction the teeth are actually spiraled the full length of the blade no if you can't see seen that so I like him you will either love or ate these spirals always get used to him I use them on all my projects now okay we'll pop on the spiral blade and we'll cut out this circle on our little project today [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay you can see from that we've gone around with our spiral blade peg it's number five for me we've cut out the shape we want don't move if he's not fantastic we'll straighten this out once we get the Sanders on it that's what Sunday's are for now the reason why I leave the frame on just so it gives me a bit more surface for the router to run on I've got quite a small router base on mine and as we round out this circle here we just can rest on this as well as we as if that wasn't there it might just get a bit tip topsy-turvy was gonna call it now I put the middle end bit on again and we're just gonna lower it to that level over there just show you that one quickly so that's the effect we're going for well if she's gonna low it down a little bit nothing too fancy just to say we've give it a go now those bigger bits if you want to do bigger pieces best thing is to find something that you're comfortable with a living is any set law on rule and what you've got to use and what you don't use when I have these straight flush bits if I can just show these quickly these are monster things I mean these have double blades on blades that bottom I'll struggle to fit that one in there but that will rip round there in seconds you get smaller pointed ones like so you get smaller double bladed ones like so I would probably ideal for that one straight flush bits they come nicholae packs of five really cheap they do have the year quarter inch shaft on them so they are fitting your router without any colleague so never shop about and see what you can find what you're happy with but I want to stick with my n million bits remember the ones we used before for the clear out I've got the biggest one set in the router now it's gonna router out this full circle and it doesn't matter if it got to the I refuse this is a buffer and this is just got the endless wood no problem it's all to be removed and hopefully we'll have a nice lowered out surround okay we're out the sound next [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that's it we've gone all the way around with our million bit there's our basic shape that we're going for today now we've a fair bit of tidying up to do a few guys to sanding just get these sides nice and smooth this little top section on here and we're going inside the actual tree itself and just tidy them up well I normally use is me a little dremel flexi cable like so maybe able to go inside general tide you'll even skim around there with this one they'll engraving bits these are just cheap things off eBay the coin pockets like that could be for glass metal I use them on wood all the time certainly had no issues with them and then we'll have a general skim over with a sander mouse sander - I say and even the belt sander just to round it off the best we can and then we'll get onto the resin side of things [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that's it as regards to me sanding down and cleaning up everything is nice and smooth now color wise the front of this we're going to leave just what obviously no paint on there too but the border I'm just gonna paint this black I wasn't doing nice red and stuff but there's gonna be so many colors going into this tree with the resin in my view it might just be a little bit too much and I was gonna leave it but I want a definite definite separation between the framework and the waterfront so basically it looks like that's been stuck on there afterwards and it's got a black background for the black who's gonna use simple satin black there nothing too fantastic so we'll give that a quick paint over any spillage is a little overflows it will simply just sand that down and then we'll put on our linseed oil just a dark and that would back down we can get inside it doesn't matter I'm gonna put resin in the remember and then we'll spray on our sealant first I use crystal clear just to get it nice shine on it as if it's the end of the project because if you put your resin in first and then decide to spread over afterwards or your shiny raising will go dull so we've basically got to finish this as it is now and then we'll get onto the resin side of things so I'll let you put the paint on the linseed oil the spray and hopefully we'll finally get on to the resin side of things [Music] [Applause] you you can see from that we put on our black paint we sanded it down we put on our linseed oil just to darken up put down a little bit we also sprayed on our clear Steven just get that shine there I'll do apologize to the lights and what you're doing this in my kitchen now so what you see is what you get okay so rest in time as always for me amazing player cast it comes in two parts a and B a being your resin side of things and B being your aDNA or your catalyst as they call it I believe and basically was amazing play castle you just mix it volume so an inch away and it should be 2 inch of a 2 inch of B mix the two together and you're good to go I basically it makes it 2 inch at a time and these plastic party cups so there's my a for the resin and there's my be for the aDNA so an inch in there inch in there and I basically just tip the B into 8 because that one's a bit quicker the red inside is bit more stickier the juice they put into a third cup I've never bothered give a good mixing around two or three minutes and then we're popping our colors now the colors are gonna be totally random on this at one time I was gonna get some blue tech and just block off each separate leaf you can do that and then put your resin in and then once it's gone off remove the blue tack and you can do the stalk or the stem all the tweak that's a separate color I just think it might just be a little bit too much on this one this would also look ideal just one separate color or green or red or whatever so we're gonna use a lot of colors but maybe not as much as if we're gonna do every leaf individually just another little tip that we gas to the BlueTEC okay color wise let's just grab a bag full of colors and we just randomly start mixing them and just start filling in the leaves and you notice it will be the leaves and the stems at the same time so that one day be quite a lot of coloring that one see so we could maybe go green on that and then we go and maybe red then I mean and blue and green we're gonna go silly on this one and really go multicolored right down from the leaves right down the trunk right into the Roos okay I'll mix it these couple of Redding's off-camera and then we'll come back when they're ready to drop a bit of color in then we start filling this morning okay you can see from that we've mixed some up I actually mixed a larger proportion like so and I just took a bit into a separate cup just so we get a couple of colors out of this one and then we can add to the next one and next one therefore you're not mixing too much you want to get plenty of colors thrown in this one now I want to start with green unfortunately the only green I have is it's a luminous green and I just might be pushing our luck a bit too much with that one I want to try and drop a blue and a yellow together and you literally just one one drop of each that's just one drop of yellow gone in there like so same with the blue and own free will get some kind of green and if it's not dark enough we'll go through it all again and so on and we can add a bit of white to it to lighten it up afterwards a quick mix round like so still looks a little bit too light as this one that would be ideal if you're doing a stained-glass effect because we're not because it's on wood so we go through it all again it's easier to add two drops this time there we go and then two of the yellow it's easier to add than it is to try and take it out to again and we just even get a darker green this time what you'll see from that it's going a lot darker like so now one boy you fit in the full train will be here forever so I'll do a couple of branches what am I going to try today for the first time no now use a spoon they have a nice little lip on their knees just party spoons party cups really cheap purchase and I would like to just get a little scoopful like that and start filling in I'm somebody recommend to try these pop hettie's I believe I've got honor to the user next to nothing and they're basically just little thin tube like that and the idea is we're gonna pop one into our one of our pop hits into the resin and squeeze some out and we'll see if we can actually use it to fill this in now I've not done this before this is my first attempt this might be the first and last time you'll see one of these you guys you cut the ends down further if you feel the resin is not going in so I level it will play first see if it works if not we won't be seeing them again so now I do is pop that in there like so squeeze the end there you go that reading has gone into the nine feet so far see from that then the idea is and here we go is the first we'll put one that we're gonna fill in this will go every and the idea to gently squeeze that like so and we start filling this one now you also get yourself a little cocktail stick just to help it feed it along like so we see a bit more in there that seems to be working okay no problem enough don't get bit in this small area maybe in too much on the water okay like so so yeah they work now with this project I'm we're just gonna fill this all in and that will be as finished if you wanted more resin to go in you can slightly fill it to the max and then sand over it all so it's flush and then put clear resin over the lot but we're not doing that kind of project today so I'll continue and fill this tree like so and we'll come back hopefully when this little project is finished [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that's it now that was a slow Cruces now the good thing about raising you could do to a couple of colors one day and then leave it and then come back and do a couple of more just after all we don't even one however I've done this one today morning it's been very slow so I wanted to do now it gets a lighter like this and just skim over the top of the resin and the reason we do this the resin has little air bubbles in it so with the heat from the light literatures disperses all those bubbles that makes it nice and clear and shiny as you can see from that and that's it that's all we can do for now so we've just put this to one side we'll come back in 24 hours and hopefully all this its you'll be sent it's 24 hours later everything is nicely set or nice and solid remember we've already put our clear spray on here so we've nothing else to do to this project got a nice shine on it if you wanted to you could put clear resin over that and then it run over the sides give you a nice smooth finish I just prefer to be able to feel the actual routed out areas you can see from that everything's got on nicely no problem whatsoever with that one so that's it this little project is finished so that's 12 inch by 12 inch routed out Tree of Life inlaid with multicolored resin on recycled wood thank you very much for watching
Channel: fishtank5050
Views: 12,614
Rating: 4.977716 out of 5
Id: tk45nXfUCdc
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Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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